Disgusting Racism by Australian Youfoodz CEO and Actress Fiancée


Who knew the makers of pre-packaged, overpriced crap are actually closet racists.

YouFoodz needs to fire the CEO, even if he is the founder.

Lance Giles, CEO and founder of meal delivery business Youfoodz, and his fiancée Jordana Stott were caught on video mocking Asian people while in Singapore for the Global Restaurant Leadership summit.

The second clip, which is even more expletive-laden, captures a group of Asian guests posing for a picture in a swimming pool, as Stott mockingly comments, “Get it cts, fing get the photo, oh f**ing yeah she-shing.” A male voice, presumably belonging to Giles, can also be heard repeating Stott’s last words “she-shing,” attempting to mimic an Asian language.

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  • +35

    Epic fail…I assume she meant to post it to her private account? Least everyone knows now.

    • +58

      Is there some context that I'm missing?

      I'm not aware of an Asian stereotype that speaks in a nasal voice and says the F-word a lot along with mate and the C-word. I thought that was bogan.

      • +1


        The second clip

      • -2

        Is this considered racist? My boss and I do voices all the time of every race under the sun, it’s called comedy.

    • +31

      Oh well, best vote with action. Have cancelled my weekly order.
      Back to frozen meals it is.

      • -1

        I don't think the company can be branded as racist when most of their employees are Non-Caucasian. I work in the area around Virginia and can see that Youfoodz hire many people from India, Asia, Maori and many other nationalities.

        If you want to support racism then don't buy the products as not supporting a company that has a multi-racial hiring background is a sure way to ensure that their employees are out of a job and an income.

    • +1

      Interesting that someone who has their image photographed / recorded for a living would mock others for taking a photo!

  • +23

    Interesting seeing their social media management team actively delete and hide comments on the YF IG and FB while this is all going down

  • +23


    • +5

      The guy with the gab logo is a racist, what a surprise

      • +4

        It was meant to be Dissenter logo, but same same.

        Did I say something racist? Or I just didn't get so worked up about it?

      • -1

        Lol how the f**k is saying 'meh' racist? Far out, your logic is hilarious.

  • +55

    Bit of a Youfoolz moment

    • +20

      Yep, lost my business.. from now on I'll be eating at Destination Roll.. oh wait

    • +75

      You need to familiarise yourself with the definition of "free speech" and then reconsider the point you were trying to make.

    • I hate when this is always said as an excuse for someone else's behaviour. I'm sure Hitler would've said the same thing about his speeches too but there's obviously a line between where something is free speech and when something is hateful, discriminatory or mocking.

        • +19

          Then why are you defending them by saying "free speech"?

          • -4

            @greater mimic: I'm being sarcastic. Bit hard to convey that in text. There is no place for this mocking of people. If you can't say it face to face don't say it.

            • +17

              @Melb69: That was a shit gag

            • +1

              @Melb69: Sucks that it has been so misinterpreted then, the sarcasm was too subtle - I certainly wouldn't have picked up on it.

      • +8

        This ceo is literally Hitler! It's the [current year]!

        • -1

          How dare you attack someone desperately trying to introduce wholesome and nourishing foods to the people of Australia.

    • +4

      There is a big divide between “free speech” and “freedom of expression”

      Being a racist is more about the latter…

      • +3

        Nobody is blocking their right to speak freely, and express themselves.
        Just pointing out freedoms have costs, like ruining your business if you say things many of your customers would find objectionable.

      • Exactly - Free Speech is that the government cannot suppress speech. Nothing to do businesses, platforms, the general public. ONLY the government.

        And just because the government can't isn't supposed to stop you from speaking freely doesn't mean anyone else needs to put up with it or enable it.

        • +1

          Free Speech is that the government cannot suppress speech. Nothing to do businesses, platforms, the general public. ONLY the government.

          Australia does not have free speech laws.

          The Government prosecutes journalists for merely reporting what it doesn't like eg illegal Government surveillance or SAS war crimes. Those journalists enjoy the same free speech rights that you do ie. none.

          Australia is a pretend free country where most of it's rube inhabitants claim to have free speech while not having it.

    • +18

      Let's put aside the fact we don't have free speech in Australia.

      Freedom of speech should not be confused with freedom from consequences. You can say what you want, but you need to face the aftermath.

      • Well said.

      • +1

        Yeah I was going to say the same thing. I guess the only caveat I'd add is that sometimes (not in this case), the court of public opinion can be manipulated by the media in a certain way and destroy someone's livelihood just over a difference of opinion being spun in a different way. That's definitely where just the public themselves can be unfair and damaging to someone unfairly. But if they are just genuinely a bad person with poor values and the people freely choose not to support their business, fair enough, if there's no misunderstanding, misrepresentation or politics etc involved.

    • +1

      Free speech is a USA thing, just saying.

      Edit: See for yourself, Australia doesn't have free speech in it's constitution: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2013Q00005

      • Exactly. We don't have a bill of rights. We do not have free speech or right to privacy, but we do have detailed anti discrimation legislation.

      • It shouldn't just be a USA thing. I don't understand the Australians who rush forward to proudly declare "Ack-shually we have no freedom of speech here."

        Like ok, I got it. You're congratulating yourself on living in a mind gulag, and looking down on people who don't.

        • -2

          @freakatronic Because they are lefties. Gulags and wrong-think and double speak are the standard tools of the trade.

          They see free speech as something to be fearful of.

    • +3

      free speech, not free from reprecussion

    • Australia doesn't have Free Speech

      Nevermind just saw Smatters pointed it out

    • Let pass comment on your Color of skin the let you decide Howe you feel?
      Freedom of speech by the way.

    • So insulting your family is OK?

  • +60

    free hong kong

    • +123

      Free? I’ll take two.

      • +6

        What will you store there?
        Eneloops, Mi Powerbanks, and loads of SSD's?

        • +6

          Have to now add drones from bunnings

      • +3

        Classic Ozbargain

      • +2

        Can i get cashback on this?

    • +5

      What does that have to do with singapore?

    • If you're getting that one, I'll try pricebeat at Officeworks…

    • +3

      She-shing Epstein did not kill himself

  • +8

    Why is it acceptable for Asians to be racist towards other Asians, but not for Caucasians to mock a group of Asians in the open?

    • +76

      It's probably a bit like how black people can use the 'n' word, I suppose.

    • +60

      Why is it acceptable to downplay this guy's actions with your unverified example of bigotry and belittlement?

      Why do you think it's acceptable for any group to do these things?

      I don't think you were asking that question in earnest, except to deflect this mans actions.

        • +49

          Anti-chinese sentiment in Hong Kong is not racism though (well, they're the same race). TLDR is really all political.

        • +19

          As a matter of fact, the world media isn't amplifying what's happening in Hong Kong enough. A corrupt totalitarian regime is wanting to take away the democratic rights and freedom of Hong Kong (this wouldn't be the first time), and the people of Hong Kong have been on the streets, protesting it for months on end now (has happened in the past as well).

          This also has absolutely nothing to do with racism, and I'm not sure how one could think otherwise.

            • +12


              The business elite in Hong Kong (including media moguls and real estate tycoons) have diverted attention away from themselves and are using organisations like the National Endowment For Democracy (basically the American CIA) to somehow blame China for Hong Kong's woes. The extradition law was just the catalyst they needed.

              Yeah, that's why China is sending in their thugs to attack and cripple pro-democracy protesters to instill fear. There are literally millions of people on the streets of Hong Kong, protesting against China's attempts to subvert democratic freedom, and this isn't the first time. I wonder where you get your news from.

              And if you think Hong Kong really cares so much about democracy, then why on Earth would they choose the USA, of all countries, for help?

              Umm, what? Are you saying that the USA isn't democratic? Besides, who is "they"? The HK government is seeking help from the thugs running the CCP.

              As for your claim that it hasn't nothing to do with racism, have you not seen the pro-Chinese people and businesses being physically attacked by rioters?

              Rioters?! LOL. You're talking like a mouthpiece of the CCP thugs. Those 'rioters' are the people of Hong Kong protesting out on the streets. You really think that there will be millions of rioters?! Like, a sizeable chunk of the entire HK population is out on the streets protesting.

              Most importantly, people of the same race fighting between themselves is not racism! May be you should understand what racism means to begin with before starting an argument around that.

                • +4

                  @kahn: Errmm… the eroding autonomy & self-governance that was promised to them post handover. Wanting to halt the incremental domination of Beijing's Orwellian, omniscient police state. Don't see any evidence that such protest leaders are trying to damage economic progress, that's just a laughable attempt discredit genuine protestors, and to buttress the 'powerful victim' complex the PRC loves to push (just like Trump in that regard).

                  Yeah, doubtless there are a bunch of parties and individuals seeking to use circumstances to their own ends. In the same vein, other 'elites' are under the sway of, or are hitched to the mainland per their own interests.

                  And yes, the US is certainly a democracy, albeit you can argue about the extent of, and system of democracy as it differs among nations. As far of oligarchic qualities go Russia/China beat the US hands down, and have always done so. The influence of money, companies, lobby groups on politics is pervasive but there is less corruption, and the average punter has more rights and democratic freedoms than most elsewhere (including Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela etc). You're going to disagree but there is clearly ideology involved here.

                  As for US involvement, yep they've been involved (to varying extents) in toppling leaders. This tends to be a game powerful counties play as they all want to want to maximise and maintain their power and interests in the world of geopolitics. Again, it comes down to value judgements and how you see things relatively (the least worst option). It's arguable as to the extent, but a lot of US malfeasance here was borne of the Cold War struggle with the Soviet Union and genuine fear of communist domination. Not always that simple. At any rate the Soviets weren't afraid of a little interference and more besides (see 'satellite' states), and the same goes for Russia today. Pretty clear that China, under domination by the CCP and with a revanchist Chinese 'middle kingdom' self-image, isn't, and won't, be any less squeamish about hegemony. Plenty of evidence already of PRC increasing influence efforts here in Australia (including during the last election), to say nothing of their pernicious involvement in Taiwanese democracy for example.

                  Thanks for your comments but I'll take US 'hegemony', with all its flaws, over the other options. Those domineering Americans even let you sit here (or take to the streets) and criticise them. I'll take a system we can work with, vote within, and criticise freely - without fear of being kidnapped and sent off to a reeducation camp - than otherwise.

                  way off topic…have a good day :)

                  • -5

                    @simonp86: Yeah, I suppose we can agree on most things but disagree mostly on the issue of America. Given we've gone off-topic, I'll just say that you can compare the treatment of protesters/rioters in Hong Kong to the treatment of similar groups in America.

                    Peaceful protesters like those in Occupy Wall Street, Dakota Access Pipeline, Venezuela embassy, etc. were certainly not treated as well as those in Hong Kong. I think there's even an effort to introduce a law where even announcing a protest is going to be illegal, something along the lines of encouraging unrest or whatever. If you saw what happened with the Venezuelan embassy and the contrasting treatment of the pro-Maduro and anti-Maduro protesters, then you'd see just how little justice there is in the US. Witnessing the Hong Kong protesters looking towards the US as a beacon of hope is just laughable.

                  • -3

                    @Jaytsukasa: Aww, you have private messages turned off (we've gone off-topic). Hong Kong protesters are against an extradition treaty with China and yet they ironically align themselves with the country that is currently extraditing Julian Assange from the UK for political reasons. If you want to see a stronger example of US meddling in a foreign country, look at the events in Venezuela for starters. If you read independent media coverage (I can provide examples) then you'll see just how unwise it is for ordinary citizens to rely on the US as their saviour. You can also look at the current protests in Iraq, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, France etc. to see how the populations of countries are fed up with neo-liberalism and the kind of governance that entities like the IMF, European Union & Central Bank, and USA seek to impose.

                • +4

                  @kahn: Wow, I think I have just subjected myself to what is quite possibly the most historically and politically uninformed opinion on the matter. Kahn, you have absolutely taken the cake. If I could give you a medal I would.

                  This is so uninformed I bet you couldn't even tell me the significance of 'SAR' without googling it in a cold ignorant sweat.

                  • @OG Puppy Banana: Given that we've gone off-topic, feel free to continue via private message to tell me where you think I'm wrong.

              • +1

                @CocaKoala: Haha yeah it's pretty clear whose wagon he's hitched to. I've been bemused this year seeing how nearly every article I read reHong Kong gets defensive PRC supporters reflexively clamoring about the evil USA, 'biased' western media and how the CIA is behind everything. Ironically, you usually then hear how it's the West with a 'paranoid' cold war mentality.

                We're hearing more of these arguments because, along with anti-US sentiment, PRC state media (freely available in Aus of course) has been pushing the line that it's all about inequality and housing etc (as if the mainland doesn't have the same problem with a huge dose of corruption), and not political freedom. They would say they wouldn't they? I've got a friend in HK whose been involved with some of protests and that certainly doesn't gel with her sentiments. Seems the HK Public Opinion Research Institute found otherwise as well (https://www.pori.hk/pori_release20190924_eng).

                I think most of us have also probably noticed that cries of anti-Chinese 'racism' is a favoured CCP tactic re attacking basically any policy vis-a-vis the PRC they don't like. They know how powerful this accusation is in the West, and all too often we play right into their hands and fail to call them out for it (https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/media-s-sloppy-langu…).

                As for the US, they've certainly been guilty of plenty of dirty tricks of the years, and obviously want to remain top dog (just where others want to be), but falling well short of espoused ideals and oft acting hypocritically does not mean they're not still far more beneficent than other powers who've risen to even halfway as comparable heights, i.e. European colonial powers and 20/21st cent challengers. The global order the US has underwritten has allowed levels of wealth and freedom to develop elsewhere to a far greater extent than otherwise. Amusing to see the comments re the US trying to halt economic progress elsewhere! I mean, forgive me, but Venezuela's problems are of their own making. As for China, The PRC has actually benefited enormously - as did western consumers/businesses in return (in the short-term at least). They've done especially well economically since being midwifed into the WTO (by the US); but having also played something of a double-game in a number of ways when it suits, the can was only going to be kicked down the road for so long. Especially with their economy approaching the US and political situation more authoritarian than ever.

                • +2

                  @simonp86: I'm glad that we can at least agree somewhat that the US falls short of its "espoused ideals". However, to think that the US has any interest in raising the living standards of the poor anywhere in the world is extremely naive. Everything they do on an international level is aimed at increasing their own power, maintaining control over natural resources, maintaining the strength of the US dollar, etc. Do we really need to cite examples? I don't understand why you're trying to turn a blind eye to the atrocities they are responsible for worldwide. Bringing up Venezuela is a pretty low tactic, especially if you knew anything about the USA's involvement there.

                  It's entirely possible to be both against Chinese authoritarianism and US foreign affairs meddling and illegal military adventurism. They are not mutually exclusive. This needn't be an exercise of picking sides. It's not a sport where you have to pick a team. When you see greed and evil, you call it out, you don't pretend it doesn't exist because it's being exercised by 'the good guy'.

                • @simonp86: Strongly agree with everything you wrote on your 2 posts except for Venezuela.

              • -2


                Yeah, that's why China is sending in their thugs to attack and cripple pro-democracy protesters to instill fear.

                There is literally no proof of this and it is just speculation. There are plenty of HK people that have lost their livelihood that are pissed at the protesters. There are plenty of videos showing the peaceful protesters bashing people with poles and hammers just because they have opposing views. Neither party is innocent by any means despite your efforts to portray it so.

                See below where the source explicitly says it "legally couldn’t be proven the men in white shirts were [even] triads".


                Rioters?! LOL. You're talking like a mouthpiece of the CCP thugs.

                Would you consider the burning and destruction of property owned by innocent Chinese people in Hong Kong or the destruction of millions of dollars of public property rioting? Their actions fit the literal definition of a rioter. Calling them rioters is just using proper English.

                "A riot (/ˈraɪət/) is a form of civil disorder commonly characterized by a group lashing out in a violent public disturbance against authority, property or people. Riots typically involve theft, vandalism, and destruction of property, public or private."

                In any case, see what the cops in Melbourne did to the unarmed, peaceful climate activists? If you really think the HKPD has been heavy-handed, imagined if those climate activists were armed with hammers attacking Myki systems and throwing Molotov at cops. I'm sure the cops would've just stood by and did nothing…

                The HKPD are just using standard rioting tactics for the riots that occur on a daily basis.

                All you snowflakes want to believe that China is infinitely worse than the West but in actuality, China's no better or worse in terms of their crimes against humanity.

            • +2

              @kahn: And the fact that China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela are totalitarian regimes is just coincidence? That`s a rhetorical question.

              • @someone else: Is it nice when opinion is labelled as fact? Rhetorical question :-)

                • @kahn: Are you really going that way? I really cannot argue if you think that's not a fact… Like I cannot argue with the guys that believe that the Earth is flat… But I guess that's just an opinion…

                  • @someone else: Please don't include Venezuela in that list. I also don't know what point you were making.

            • @kahn: A lot of negs from fools that don't understand how the world works on this comment.

              Presumably they watch the mainstream media, think Iraq was legitimate and that the USA is a force for good spreading democracy and economic development like fools do.

      • +12

        Having grown up in and lived in a lot of countries, i find it hilarious when extremely racist cultures and countries accuse other cultures / countries of racism. I grew up and lived in Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, England, Sri Lanka, India, Nigeria and Australia, as well as spent majority of all my holidays in the Asian continent and occasionally west and eastern europe. I moved to Australia in my teens and have been here ever since. I am sorry to say but australians and white people in Australia may be somewhat racist at times but on the whole are by far the least racist people compared to all the other races / cultures i lived in. Being dark skinned, I got far more racism from non whites around the world than white people. Especially from people and countries who are always very quick to call Australians racist.

    • +3

      I think you will one day find that racism is not acceptable.

    • +16

      As an Asian, this is spot on. Asians are far more racist towards other Asians than white people could ever hope to be lol.

      I personally don't care about this. Were the people taking the photo harmed at all? No.

      • Do you make these kinds of jokes?

        • +3

          Just because I don't myself share a certain sense of humour doesn't mean others can't.

          But seriously, I'm saying this as an Asian person with Asian friends and Asian relatives - this is nothing compared to the racial/ethnic/regional/provincial jokes and insults that get thrown around all the time.

          In Asia, there are a lot of different groups. Being different is commonplace, not something we put up on a pedestal or tiptoe around.

          • +2

            @HighAndDry: 100% agree with you ,that was my experience as well after living in quite a few countries in Asia.

          • -3

            @HighAndDry: Oh, so you and your racist relatives do it, so I guess racism is ok now.

            Thank's highanddry, I'll inform the KKK that because your asian relatives are racist, they're now allowed to be racist towards asians.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: If by "me and my racist relatives" you mean basically the entire Chinese population, then yes, if the great majority of a group that you're being outraged on behalf of is actually ok with something, you might want to ask if your outrage is misplaced.

              • -1

                @HighAndDry: Being half chinese, I think I'm the appropriate amount of outraged. My Chinese relatives aren't really racist, only the ignorant redneck mainlanders are considered uneducated enough to be racist.

              • +1

                @HighAndDry: I'm Australian. My family and friends are all racist. When I travelled around Australia, racism was commonplace. Therefore the entire Australian population is racist, and everyone's okay with it.


          • +5

            @HighAndDry: My experience travelling was racism is commonplace and broadly acceptable most places, except in the West where things are more complicated. Everyone seems to hate the people on the other side of the border.

            I didn't really feel that it being common made it acceptable to me though, and I'm surprised to find you aligned with cultural relativism - really doesn't align with my general perception of your political and moral stance at all!

            • +3

              @ely: I very much take a "things should be allowed unless it's actually harmful" stance. I guess most people would call that libertarian which I think is a good (albeit rough) summary of a lot of my views.

              • +1

                @HighAndDry: Interesting to see that it plays out into a very left wing position in this case (ironically one that I'm not keen on, cultural relativisim seems useful for deciding whether the person doing something considers it wrong, not whether it actually is wrong).

                I think many would disagree with your assertion that racism is not harmful though.

                • @ely: Right and wrong themselves are perceptions, if they dont consider it wrong it isnt really. Its your perception that makes it wrong.

                  • @Seedy seed:

                    if they dont consider it wrong it isnt really

                    That's a pretty extreme assertion and one reason I'm not sold on cultural relativism. There are probably things that we can generally agree are wrong regardless of whether the person doing them thinks that it's wrong (e.g. generally murder, rape).

                    • @ely: Cultural wrongs. Look at animals, do they feel wrong when they do either? Its our perception that makes it wrong, even if we share similar perceptions.

      • +1

        @HighAndDry I have a feeling that basically all people are (kinda) racist. For some reason it's mainly whities that feel they are somehow uniquely equipt to be racist in a way that nobody else is. Would you agree with that?

        • Oh yeah definitely. Xenophobia is a natural response from birth - we're born being wary of everything and everyone that's different.

      • I wonder if it just seems that way because they have a better understanding of who they are being racist against. It's pretty hard to take bogan racism seriously if they're trying to talk shit about Japanese and Koreans for being all "ching-chong sweet and sour pork"

        Like, it'd probably feel less harmful to be called an "kangaroo f-ker" by a European than the less creative but more pointed "north shore prick" by someone from a different part of Sydney.

        • +1

          Honestly (and I hate to admit this) but context probably matters too.

          It's probably more hurtful (scary?) to encounter racism from a white person in a white majority country as a non-white foreigner, than to encounter it as an Asian person in an Asian country.

          • +2


            Honestly (and I hate to admit this) but context probably matters too.

            Why would you hate to admit that? Seems like a good foundation for any valid argument.

            But yea coming from the dominant group, even small stuff can come off much worse.

            I've occasionally encountered racism toward me as a foreigner in Asia (working in Japan). Easy enough to brush off if it was only the occasional (profanity) in isolation. But over time, there'll be a few more situations that raise an eyebrow, some common complaints from people who have been here a while, and some scary stories through the grapevine.

            After a while, even a small thing like bad service at a restaurant can be a reminder of the worse stuff. Like how the first step of a property search for any foreigner is to remove the 70% of apartments that simply won't allow them. Or how I've personally been stopped a few too many times by cops for "random" checks. And met someone who was jailed for 3 weeks and paid $10k in compensation for pushing back someone who attacked him, because "foreigners shouldn't touch locals".

            The common thread being helplessness rather than hurt feelings, I guess. Not really fun at any level, but not something the dominant group would consider at all.

            • @crentist: Mostly because in admitting nuance, it tends to give ammunition to those on the 'other side' who won't return the same favour and will take an extreme view that it's all bad. This immediate case for example, happened in Singapore and so there exists none of the context we're discussing that would make it a larger or more potentially harmful issue, and yet the will be some (already are, in this thread) who'll take the valid arguments that you're making here (small acts are emblematic and contributory towards larger issues in a majority-vs-minority situation), and use slippery-slope fallacy to try and generalise an issue to all possible permutations without regard to context.

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