This was posted 5 years 4 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sushi 2 Pack $3 (Mon - Wed) | Traveller Pizza $2 | Amplify Kombucha $2 @ 7-Eleven via Fuel App


Some new deals have just been added to the fuel app.

2 sushi for $3 looks like a good lunch deal.

Limit of 5 sushi 2 pack per transaction.

7-Eleven's Sushi is delivered daily, and flavours include Chicken Teriyaki, and Cooked Tuna. This offer is only available while stocks last until 20 November 2019. The range and variety of sushi may vary by store.

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closed Comments

  • +19

    Do you trust 7-Eleven sushi?

    • +14

      It's safe, it's just not tasty.

    • +5

      Servo Sushi🍣 - I'll pass.
      Sushi place near local 7-11 has great fresh Sushi for a little more. Wouldn't waste my tastebuds on this.

      • +1

        How much more? I keep seeing places charging $2.60-3 each nowadays!

        • Those are $3.80 - made at your request, for about the same amount of quality Sushi as 2 stale ones from 7-11.
          Fresh sushi made in front of you is best, rather than prepared in factory hours before & delivered to store🍣

          • @INFIDEL: $3.80 for 2 or each? if it's for 2 then that is an amazing price, where is it? each and it's not "a little more" as it is more than double the price.

            • @Hintswen: As I said $3.80 for large tasty fresh prepared Sushi (or from display) - about equivalent in total amount to the $3 for 2 factory "Sushi" from 7-11.
              So just "a little more"😉

              No comparison in taste or quality for 80c more - not your misleading, misreading of "more than double the price"!

              Watching the old Japanese Sushi specialist at this independent store prepare it is worth the extra price🍣

              Reminds me of restaurants I've visited in Japan over many trips in the last 10+ years. I've sent photos to my rice farmer friend in Japan - he's impressed.

              You might find similar deals to this near you. If you do, you'll never buy Sushi at 7-11!

    • +6

      The worst ever sushi in the world !! Tried once never tried again . It taste like a DEAD sushi ..

    • +2

      I've tried it, absolutely nasty shit. I think even expired food tastes better.

  • +2

    Guess this time, a lot of people will have a free coffee voucher for locking in petrol⛽
    Got mine☕

  • +4

    Don't need the app for sushi deal, fyi.

  • +1

    paid $1.287/L for 98, grabbed a free coffee and $3 sushi. I feel a bit bad…

    • OOH I need to fill up soon I hope I can find some cheap fuel like that!

  • thats hell good. Thanks Dealbot

  • I didn't know bots ate

  • +9

    Had the sushi today, boy was it the worst sushi I've ever had in Australia. Rice grains were dry and undercooked. Tuna was minimal. So dry that it would explode out of the bottom because nothings holding.

    Whichever 7-11 exec who approved these sushi rolls should be fired.

    • I don't know what you're expecting in a service station …

      • +16

        Just because its a service station/convenience store doesn't mean it has to be terrible.

        • Exactly, they can sell anything else but a food that is usually served fresh. Frozen pasta with self serve microwave may do just fine.

      • Servos in the US: tequitos, burritos, hot dogs endless choice of pop, giant soft pretzel, whole pizzas, and more. I just made myself hungry

        • They also taste pretty bad. Servo American burritos are a disaster in more ways than one.

      • +7

        Japan also has amazing selection at their servos/7-11

        • +1

          Japan 7-11 has great sushi and meals, and cheap all the time. 7-11 here is a joke, only go there for fuel and free coffee.

    • Same. I've had it before and it was ok, but yesterday it was half cooked rice and dry as buggery.

  • +9

    Wish that the selection of sushi is like 7 Eleven Japan

    • +1

      "The sushi in Japan is better" seems like a redundant statement.

    • +6

      I wish the selection of food was like 7 eleven japan

    • And I wish Australian KFC has chicken rice and chicken soup like they have in Thailand.

  • +4

    Half frozen dry icy sushi

  • 7eleven is Americanised sushi. Not good.

    • Have you been to Japan? This sushi is onigiri. Quite tasty and relatively authentic. Unless they are selling two different kinds..

      • Ah it is different, nevermind then!

      • That's not Onigiri😉
        (I've eaten so many of those!)
        (rice balls, or the Nori wrapped triangles found in Japanese konbini)….

        These are "California Rolls" - a type of Sushi (Makizushi or Norimaki) popularised in the USA!

        • +1

          No no, I don't mean this one. They do sell a new onigiri range at 7/11. Just couldn't work out what this deal was referring to.

          • +1

            @fLaMePrO: Saw your correction after I replied😉
            Will check out their onigiri - a favorite of mine in Konbini in Japan

    • Most common Sushi here is "Americanised sushi", popularised in the USA.

      There are many other different types of tasty treats lumped under the term "Sushi".
      But these "California Rolls" are the main type called Sushi here.

    • 7-11 is a Japanese company. Don't know why their sushi in Australia is so bad.

      • Sort of…
        7-11 is US company is based in USA, under parent company 7-11 Holdings in Japan.

        But food is locally sourced, to local tastes😉
        And Japan has 20700 7-11 stores (about 700 here), with regular deliveries of fresh stock.

        • Yep, Japanese company. I don't think Australian enjoy undercooked & overhydradted sushi rice. Makes no sense that the sushi is so bad. Hopefully they fix it soon.

          • @Arigato: It's cultural,
            Can't imagine anyone here associates good tasty food with convenience stores. So, little demand here. Very different to behaviour in Japan.

            As there is little demand here, not worth setting up good frequent supply of better food. We're used to quick crap at servos & convenience stores.

            Similarly coffee in Japan has been reported as poor in the past, with few choices. Australians have taken Aussie coffee culture to Japan☕

            If we're not aware how good things can be, we don't demand or expect it.

            • @INFIDEL: They've definitely tried to improve their range and quality of food over the past 10 years, and it's working, they just need to put in a bit more effort. There's no reason they can't be as good as Japanese stores, and as popular, especially in city centres. Maybe they should sell their fuel business and start selling half loaves 🙃

              • @Arigato: They've had to heavily promote their coffee & food. As long as it's cheap…

                The 2010 expansion into fuel was an important & expensive commitment (took over most Mobil servos).

                Most Australians live outside the CBD, & want a quick snack while driving. I'd say they've done their local market research.

                Konbini in Japan have a very different, established role, with lots of tasty choices & services. They are integrated into the primarily urban community.
                That could happen here. Noticed parcel collection is now available at my local. But servos here are small & offer few good choices compared with Japanese Konbini.

                Probably more sushi sold at sushi shops inside Woolworths than 7-11!
                We love our big supermarkets here, rather than "expensive" convenience stores 🏪

                We just don't have a convenience store culture here. I'd love Japanese style Konbini around the corner👍

                • @INFIDEL: Won't be long

                  • @Arigato: Can't see it happening soon with our cultural mindset that convenience stores are "expensive"🏪

                    Competition is up against local Goliaths like Woolies (with fresh Sushi made in store), Coles etc. They've been moving to smaller CBD stores with food ready to go - the market of the convenience store.

                    Fresh sushi is quick to prepare, and tastes so much better. I'd rather not eat prepared Sushi from a factory, anywhere🍣

                    But as you say, 7-11 food is improving. In servos, the development is going down the better convenience food path. BP are planning to introduce David Jones food (with reputation for upmarket quality, & cost) to selected outlets.

                    If it happens, I'll miss my first joy of any visit to Japan - the wonderful difference of the Konbini.

  • Worst sushi I ever ate.
    Should not be called sushi.

  • +2

    the rice in the sushi is mushy and can't classify as rice.

    Save yourself $3

  • +1

    well they're pretty generous with the limit of 5 packs per transaction, for someone who is brave

  • I used to reserve 7/11 food for those days/nights when I was drunk, and there was nothing else open.

    I don't drink much now, but back in the day they had pretty decent self-serve hotdogs with sauce and cheese, great for a drunk meal.

    • I remember when Mobil servos (I think) had dollar hot dogs with similar sides. When I lived in the country and young and drunk, we use to walk a few kilometers to go get them at 3am. Was also a good place to meet others for the after party cause everyone else there at that time were also drunk!

  • +2

    Looks like I’m the only one who likes the sushi! I’m wrapped with this deal. The kids and I are getting sushi for lunch 3 days a week till the offer is over. Thanks OP

    • I picked a fresh batch at 1:30 AM as I was heading home, my daughter loves it

  • 2 sushi for $3 looks like a good lunch deal.

    their sushi is like eating cardboard … dry as

  • +1

    Worst sushi going around, absolutely trash.

    Bring back the sandwich deal

  • I tried the Tuna one and liked it! Thanks OP! ☺

    I do prefer the sandwich deal though…

  • +1

    Like many of the other commentrs, I've had 7-Eleven sushi which was probably the worst sushi I've ever had in my life. That was two years ago. This morning I took a gamble and tried the tuna one and I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't amazing but it was palatable. I would rate it 5/10 compared to the 1/10 that I had two years ago.

  • I just tried the veggie sushi, the words to describe it are moist,juicy, wet, cold, and mayo too much? haha probably the last time for me…
    while eating this sushi, I am thinking maybe I could just break them out, microwave the rice, and add a soft boiled egg and serve on a bowl…

  • Tried the sushi for two days. It's seriously bad, I won't be buying again. My issue is more with the rice - it's slightly undercooked and overall doesn't taste nice.


  • Sushi Slurpee here I come

  • I eat the sushi from 7/11 on the odd day. My friend from Japan enjoyed it and so did I. People must really be picky. I didn't see much wrong with it

  • Anyone knows where is the best Sushi place in Brisbane?

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