This was posted 5 years 4 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Unleaded 98+ $1.287/L @ 7-Eleven (Riverstone, 2765)


Hi All, just found out that Riverstone, 7 11 is U98 sold at U91 price
lock it in before it runs out.

-33.67°, 150.85° for Nox users ( thanks to user @ juicyfella)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Locking in as we speak! Champion! Done and dusted!

    • Anybody know if we're allowed to fill up TWO cars at the same pump, then use the barcode?

  • +18

    Son of a bitch I still have a $1.36 voucher locked in from Wednesday!

    • +4

      Make a second account, just need a different email address 😉

      • Well no, because you'll need to load another $x of money onto the second card that makes it not that worth it anymore…

        • +3

          Not really. Once the fuel lock expires (usually after a week), the money goes into your 711 account, and you can use it for your next lock

          • +2

            @shakir99: That's what I'm saying - you'll need to load up an extra amount of money for 7/11 to hold onto.

            • +5

              @diazepam: I feel it's worth it for the discount, I run two accounts constantly. I only fill up once a fortnight and want to make sure I have a good price locked in.

              • +4

                @Preet: Easily worth it. What does the highest saving acc offer? 2.25%? 7/11 investment kills that.

      • It asks me for Driver License this time wtf how do I skip that?

        • +2

          Load acc up with 7/11 gift card

          • +2

            @cwongtech: Cheers I'll go to fill 2L now and pick up a GC for next time I don't need to leave home lol

    • I just gave to a friend, and it got used in 20 mins. Easy. A lot of people wants those screenshots.

  • +1

    Thanks Opp. Used $2 of my $1.36 voucher and now locked in this.

    • Just did this too :D

  • +8

    -33.67°, 150.85° for Nox users.

  • -1

    Error code lima.boooo

  • How do you lock it in if you aren’t in the area? What’s Nox?

    • +12

      Please do some research. Check the previous deal or the main fuel watch forum topic.

      • +16

        Install Nox emulator on PC then launch multi drive nox from desktop and install new version of android (v7) Launch new instance you just created then download 7 eleven apk and install app manually. Find location then move yourself then launch 7/11 app and get locking.

        • Thanks for the quick steps. Managed to do all the steps. Unable to login the app using my login credentials. Any help?

        • yes, thanks for the helpful information.

        • Hello. So then do you take a picture of the screen or do a screen shot .. then show it to the attendant when you pay?


        • How do I go in a specific location ?

          • +1

            @Oxygenzero: Your box instance will have location icon on top right column. You can either use the location bar or longitude and lattitude if that suburb if the search bar doesn’t work.

    • +1

      You take the OzBargain helicopter duh

  • +1

    So for once I'm actually in the area (marsden park) but it won't reach in the app lol

  • Ahhh, i filled full tank E10 yesterday at Riverstone for $1.267

    • +20

      On behalf of everybody else,thank you for using up all the e10. You've done your pay it forward for the day

    • I felt these savings in my heart and soul even though I don't have an e10 car or car for that matter lol

      • but u have a big heart 👼

        • I want a smart heart :)

          I have a dumb brain :(

  • +2

    For those near the area the two servos in Riverstone are quite often the cheapest in Sydney.

  • still has 136c Locked in and still half way tank .. but very good price!

  • Boom, locked and loaded. Thanks OP!

  • Just locked. Cheers brudda

  • Damn, filled this morning for $1.49

  • Master131 sheet not updating since yesterday.
    Just sent him a PM.
    I guess you were in the area to see OP.

    • Don't need to be in the area to check prices, the normal app lets you check prices almost anywhere.

      • -6

        that's a bit misleading. You normally can't use the app the check fuel price anywhere, only your local area (5km radius) You can use a location spoofing app to circumvent this and make your "local" area wherever you want.

        • +3

          You normally can't use the app the check fuel price anywhere, only your local area (5km radius)

          Go to the app
          Store Finder
          Type a location
          Select the store
          Swipe up and it shows you current prices at that particular store, as well as the available products (useful if you need to check for 95 fuel because it's not at every 7/11)

        • It's the closest 5 servos not 5km radius.

  • How to get this offer on iPhone ..!

    • +9

      Download 7-11 app ..!
      Drive/Fly/Teleport to Riverstone NSW ..!
      Lock price in on iPhone ..!

    • +1

      Hey I’m trying to put something together to help ppl with iPhone and Mac. Please give it a go if you have the chance. The first time setup can be a hassle but later on is super easy. Let me know how you go

      • With this method, you will have to sign up the developer program with Apple which cost around $150 in order to get xcode to work right?

        • +1

          Nope. Apple change that a while ago. I don’t have a personal developer account and made it work. Please follow the instructions in the first link of the read me that says how to run apps in your device.

          Xcode is free for a long time. Anyone can download and start developing 😁

          • @Vitorll: It works like a charm.

            Thank you very much! :)

            • @arimadono: That's great to hear!! Did you get it right at first or you had to google something around? Let me add it to the readme instructions what was not clear so it'll be even easier for others.

              • @Vitorll: There were a few things that I need to google and looking around in github.
                There was no 'clone or download' green button when I opened this link
                I think it was my mistake since I didnt see your original post which was this link
                After step 5 I think it worth mentioning that you have click on the 'sign & capabilities' tab, change the team to your personal team. Otherwise you will encounter 2 errors
                1. Code Signing Error: No account for team "59xxxxxxxx". Add a new account in the Accounts preference pane or verify that your accounts have valid credentials.
                Code Signing Error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "59xxxxxxxx" with a private key was found.
                2. No profiles for 'com.ozbargain78514829326.GPSFuelApp' were found
                After I fixed that errors then voila. It worked

                Hope that help!

                • @arimadono: That’s really detailed!! Thanks a lot, will update it later with this info

  • Thanks OP. Just saved around 1/3 the cost when filling up.

  • Damnit, just when project zero three is lagging a bit on the prices. Ah well, Nox it is.

    • Can also manually lock it in.

    • +1

      i am willing to sell my info for $$

      • +1

        Agreed. For once we get some thing out of our data being taken. Its not like most of us used our real data anyway.

        • +1

          Google knows that I'm a 78 y/o single mom living in Kalgoorlie WA with my 14 children and a border collie (to take care of 'em kids).

    • -1

      I'd be tempted to walk out with a box of mars bars if CCTV footage didn't exist… :)

  • +18

    Saved $28 new high score for me

    • +6

      Just saved $43 myself based on a 72L fill up. Prices are abit terrible in Brisbane at the moment got to love the brief moments of happiness when we get these discounts

      • +3

        Show my friends. Friends proceed to blow up and then go back to their usual life and paying high prices. 😂😂

        • +1

          People look at me and my friends weirdly when out. We all have a wallet measuring competition where we discuss what we've earnt for the week, what we've bought and our latest deal. Of course usually at a restaurant at 70% off regular price while we use a Groupon discount with a cashback bought using a coupon etc etc etc

          • @kronicmacstigator: This is next level tightness. 😂😂

            • @ph81: Nope… that's when we buy a marked down steak at woolworths, grab a lettuce, tomatoes etc and make it at home. Only when we can't eat out for $10pp

  • +1

    Weird, why didn't Proj03 capture it?

    • +1

      u tell miii doge

    • Because it hasn't updated since 25th 2:11am

  • Still got 95% of my tank and a 136 lock :(

    • Same

    • +1

      In the same boat, but a true ozbargainer will go pump minimum to use up the voucher and re lock lower price!

      • +4

        It's an 8cpl saving compared to the 136.9cpl fuel lock.
        Assuming you need only 15L that's $1.20

        My time to drive out of my way (for 15 mins) is worth more than $1.20..
        If you fill up 60L, then it'll be worth $4.80 for your time to burn the fuel lock

      • Just did this with the help of a Jerry can

        • I saved $69 today. I filled up my 70 litre tank and 60 litres of jerry cans and locked price again.

  • +8

    Thanks op. Was looking for a reason to take the helicopter out today.

    • +1

      My heli is being serviced as it needs a blinker fluid top-up. I just took the Shinkansen instead.

      • Teleportation is faster

  • Thanks but same as many, locked 136 and still 90% tank full
    Will pass this time

    • Refill with 1l and lock again

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