• expired
  • targeted

AmEx Statement Credits, PayPal Get 20% Back Each Time, up to $40


Just saw this deal in my AMEX account, couldn't find the manual link, maybe target offer. Offer can be registered only after 29th 31st after chatted with AMEX customer service.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers

closed Comments

  • Not targeted :(

  • +2

    Not showing on my explorer card, nor on the online offer page.

  • Showing up on my card offer. Unable to activate, showing error. Should be able to save offer after awhile.

    • I also can see the offer but gives an error when activating it.

      • online chat told me i will be able to activate it in 5 days.

  • +2

    It must be targeted. Not showing on my card.

    • Definitely targeted.

      I didn't get it on either of my two cards.

  • Showing on my card

  • No luck on mine either. Good deal for those who can get it.

  • +3

    Great offer. Didn't get it. So jealous. It's going to make some ripper deals.

    Times like this I regret not abusing the system and having 10+ amexs like easternculture does ;p

    • +3

      EC loves abusing systems šŸ˜‚.

    • Mathsnerd has 20+

      • I remember reading a comment on OzBargain from someone who had 30.

        • -1

          and a completely wrecked credit file…

          • @DealhunterMelbourne: Not necessary, probably just 2 or 3 primary and the rest are supplements. Someone even said they made under their dog's name.

  • +5

    No luck… I bet only non-paypal users will get it

  • none on mine, and not on a card that isnt linked to paypal either.

  • +3

    Ive got 7 cards with only one tied to paypal, none of them got the offer.

    • Wow…

      • What's the benefit of 7? Just sign up points?

        • Ability to access the statement credit offers multiple times.

          For example, I was able to sign up for the Transport for NSW offer 4 times on 2 main & 2 supplementary cards.

        • Also able to use more shop small offers (50% off) and Vogue night offers (40% off), which are limited to a certain number per card.

    • I have 3 cards attached to one account and did not get the offer. I am guessing, but maybe because I have used them with paypal before.

  • Is there a manual link for this offer?

  • got it chee hoo

  • would be nice, but not targeted…

  • Showed up in my platinum edge but not the Amex Platinum Charge or reserve. Tried to click to register but just get an error advising to contact customer care if it continues to happen.

  • shows up on mine but error on trying to register :/

    • which would make sense as its not active until the 29th, unless you know something better. šŸ˜€

      • +1

        Plenty of offers show up before the day they are valid for registration prior (eg shop small)

        • Agreed, you are also saying what I am saying

          The Op said its not registerable until the 29th (now 31st). So I wasn't talking about it showing up, like yours does, it cant be registered as you are complaining about.

          So like all details you have to read carefully.

  • "Sorry. We were unable to save this offer to your Card. Please try again later."

  • +2

    'Offer can be registered only after 29th after chatted with AMEX customer service.'
    Why are they showing the offer now then..creating workloads for their online reps

    • Load testing…

      • as customer service said, they want more people know the deal before the offer day.

        • The rep I talked to said he couldn't see the offer start day but i am just going to assume it'll be the 29th as OP has found out. Good offer.

  • each time?! - unlimited 20% off?

    • +1

      up to $40 credit.

      • +2

        Oh, I read it as 20% off up to $40, each time.

    • if this was unlimited, this would be the deal of the year for me

  • +1

    4 velocity platinums, 0 targeted. Win some, lose some.

  • First 20000, that will be gone in minutes when it goes live…

    I'm sure I won't get targetted, since my Amex is the default card I use in PayPal why would they, they already get all my transactions…

    • Same here šŸ˜” But good for those who got the offer…

  • Didn't get this in my account :/

  • Just checked my offer - it has disappeared (was in my account this morning, but I couldn't accept it like everyone else).

    • Same for me.
      Also, all existing offers have disappeared.

      • I called AMEX customer service about this one, they don't know what happened but they can see my offers in the backend. Seems some system issue with AMEX.

      • Me too. All offers gone.

  • +1

    Iā€™ll be checking on this offer early 29 OCT. At the moment all my offers, available and saved ones, mysteriously disappeared from my account. They were there this morning. This is the second time itā€™s happened to me.

    • +1

      they are back now, but the PayPal offer has been removed/hidden, for now.

      • +1

        Just logged in. Yes, it's gone from my account

  • 20% Back Each Time, up to $40

    The more i read it, the more i interpret that to be 20% for as many transactions but once you hit $40, it stops

    • That's what it says.

      • i read it as up to $40 in total across the card,

        so if your first trans is $200, then subsequent trans is not eligible

        • +1

          Ok I'm confused now, and perhaps you were saying something different in your first post.

          It will surely be 20% back on as many transactions as you like, up to a total credit of $40. The maximum statement credit per eligible card will be $40. So your example is correct - if you do one $200 transaction, you will get a $40 statement credit. Any further transactions will not receive a statement credit.

          • @Plutonus: yep, thats how I interpret it too,
            so you cant get $40 per transaction,

            very happy to be wrong though :)

            • +1

              @Samsungnote10: Offer is limited to a maximum of $40 credit per Card to which the offer is saved

  • Bummer not on my card

  • nobody has said where they see the offer. Do you log into PayPal or AMEX? On mobile or PC?

    • It's now gone, will appear again on the 29th, if you are targeted.

  • Log into amex at bottom

    • Website or app?

      • +1

        It's now gone, will appear again on the 29th, if you are targeted.

  • Anyone get this successfully?

  • Nope x2

  • -1

    Nope x7

  • Nope x2

  • +1

    I got the original offer that ā€œdisappearedā€ and havenā€™t seen it come back yet.

    • Nope x 5

  • +1

    I got it before but couldn't register now it's gone….

  • +1

    Deal no more

  • +2

    this deal from targetted deal become invisible deal

  • +9

    I just talked to AMEX chat and they said the Paypal offer enrollment date is from 31st Oct 2019.

    • +1

      thanks for the information.

  • +1

    31st now, nothing on my app

  • Showing up on my card again. Saved it.

  • Got it too

    Offer is limited to a maximum of $40 credit per Card to which the offer is saved.

  • The deal is on!

  • Bugger not me x2. Already have the welcome PayPal offer of $5 back with $20 spend

  • Only showed up on my primary card

  • none of my 3 card get it

  • My primary Amex gold card got it.

  • 0 targeted

  • checked all my cards and their supps, not one !

    im feeling left out

  • only my primary platinum reserve had the offer… none of my supplementary cards…

  • One out of 5!

  • Nothing here, Westpac Altitude Black

    • Same boat :(. None on Discovery neither, but thatā€™s rather expected

  • None of my cards…..

  • +1

    I just got an email from Amex with the offer, maybe check your accounts again. I never had the Amex linked to PayPal so that could be part of the reason I got it.

  • 0/4 for me (2 primary, 2 supp) :(

  • get in one card —- so I can by woolwroth gift card for $200 by using paypal?

  • So potentially I could combine this with a ebay 20% offer?

  • question: i linked my amex to my paypal and paid a bill.
    but i just realised my amex is in credit (due to some refunds days ago).
    will i still get 20% back?

  • +1

    Total $40 back, that's up to $200 spend… what's the best way to save it up?

    I know you can get gift cards on ebay (ebay, woolies, etc) and you can load credit onto Hey You.

    Any other ideas?

    • +2

      In Victoria you can pay certain council/water by PayPal. I prepay my belong NBN bill. Only can do 1 month in advance I think, so yeah, small amount

    • +1

      Sydney Waters accept PayPal. You can pay more than your bill (even if nil amount due), it just add credits to your account.

  • Has anyone offer popped up at all the ones who were not targeted the first place

  • Not on mine - either Plat Charge or Plat Reserve, but also a frequent Paypal user.

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