• expired

NBN 50/20 Unlim $59.95/Month, NBN 100/40 Unlim $79.95/Month ($20/Month off First 6 Months All Plans) @ Superloop (New Customers)


$20/month off for the first 6 months on all Superloop NBN plans for new customers only. No signup fee or contracts apply. Enter promo code SLC20FOR6 at signup under 'Referrals and Promotions' at the details page.

If you've missed out on the recent Aussie Broadband offer, Superloop is a solid nbn provider with an excellent network to rival or arguably surpass Aussie Broadband. Australian-based support in SA. Excellent latency around Australia and internationally to locations like USA, Europe + Singapore (both via Perth on Indigo cable) & Japan. CVC charts similarly to Aussie Broadband are made available in the members portal for your POI.

  • nbn 50/20 500GB ($54.95/month first 6 months, $69.95$74.95/month thereafter)
  • nbn 50/20 Unlimited ($59.95/month first 6 months, $74.95$79.95/month thereafter)
  • nbn 100/40 500GB ($69.95/month first 6 months, $79.95$89.95/month thereafter)
  • nbn 100/40 Unlimited ($79.95/month first 6 months, $89.95$99.95/month thereafter)

**Edit 27/11: Updated to new prices. More info*~~

Please note: for anyone planning to change from a 100/40 plan to a 50/20 plan after 6 months, be aware that your monthly charge may be $74.95 for the 50/20 500GB plan and $79.95 for the 50/20 Unlimited plan as the $5 special discount on the 50/20 tier is only applicable to new customers.

Full T&Cs available here

Plan changes & cancellations
If you change your Superloop NBN Plan, then the $20 discount will be removed from the monthly internet service charge. The price of the monthly internet service charge will return to the minimum monthly charge set out in our Critical Information Summary (CIS)

This Offer is open until 31 December 2019. Superloop may withdraw the Offer at any time without notice. By applying for the Offer, you agree you are bound by Superloop’s Standard Form of Agreement (SFOA) and these Terms and Conditions. Superloop may change these Terms and Conditions at any time in accordance with the SFOA.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1020)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

    • If you quit then come back after a few month, are you qualify as new customer?

      • +1

        I don't think so. You're just a returning customer.

    • -6


      Superloop does offer a great deal for existing customers. If you refer someone we add credit to your account. you can get the referral code and see the T&C from your member's page login.
      1st successful referral $30 Reward
      2nd successful referral $60 Reward
      3rd successful referral $70 Reward and
      $30 Reward for each successful referral thereafter

      • is there any credit for the referred new customer?

  • Super deal, will wait and see what fibremax offers next month before jumping ship

  • +1

    As an existing customer this really ticks me off. Second time these guys do a promo with no love for existing customers!!!

    • i was gonna upgrade from 50 to 100 by this week, then saw this and called them but was told for new joiners only! :(

      • +4

        Yeah they fobbed me off last time too. Think i might churn to Aussie and just be a promo hoe if thats the game.

        • +3

          Wait for ABB to react to this offer and churn to them

        • +1

          Been with Aussie for years. Think they're any better when dealing with existing customers?

      • I'm with SL as well. Didn't you threaten to leave?
        I want that discounted pricing, I'm going jump ship if I don't get it as an existing customer.

    • +1

      ABB are the same, but why should they? The purpose of these offers are to get more people in, if you not happy go somewhere else then come back.

      • Retention and advocacy. The telcos with high NPS know this well.

    • It never hurts to ask. Jump on whirlpool and message Michael Blake.

  • Newbie here: how does my adsl2+ compare to NBN 50/20? Is it an upgrade or downgrade. I believe NBN will be available in my area next month.

    • +2

      Depends on your tech (fibre, copper or cable), distance and line quality for copper. There are cases of NBN being downgrade in stability but you won't be able to stay on ADSL forever, will get cut off in 18months or whatever. Most cases an upgrade.

    • +2

      huge upgrade, i'm on 50/20 now but always been on 100/40, just didn't need that much download anymore, but 50/20 is still way better than adsl2+

    • +1

      ADSL2+'s maximum theoretical download speed is 24Mbps. My ADSL2 was 10 times slower. Now I am on the worst type of NBN - FTTN, am getting around 43Mbps on a 50/20 contract. My line's potential speed as measured by a Telstra tech is around 110Mbps.

      • Lucky you. I'm on FTTN and only get 10-12mbps on a 50 plan. Got told tough shit I'm too far from exchange.

        • That's what I had been told with my ADSL, but the same tech that rewired the copper for NBN commented that there was an issue with the way wires used to be terminated, so potentially if I had the balls to call them out while on ADSL they could have improved it heaps.

        • +1

          Wow you must be a long way from the exchange. I was 1.2km and only getting 15/4 but after I got a cabler to disconnect all but one of the internal phone lines I jumped to 28/8.

          Still not enough so I did the TCP and now on fttp.

          • @jaypow: How much did you end up paying for the TCP to get FTTP?

    • When you go onto NBN, you will no longer be paying line rental to Telstra. This is an upgrade, for us with $49 line rental it covered the increased cost in going ADSL to NBN. And we had two lines being rented…
      I'm as happy as a pig in shit now.

  • I just signed up for their first month free offer two days ago. Wonder if they'll let me roll onto this after the first month.

    • nope. only for new signup!

      • Oh well, they'll just have to lose me then. No loss to me.

        • Who know which Superloop employee negged you, but you got a +1 from me.

          Way too much competition in this space; if they don't want to keep you as a customer - screw them!

    • Jump on whirlpool find the superloop thread and message Michael blake. while you can't have "two" deals he is happily moving people from one to the other.

  • -2

    Existing customers: speak to Superloop billing department on phone and threaten to quit if they don’t give you this price they will then price match it

    • +1

      “So did they price match it for you?”
      “Nah mate, so I had to quit the NBN. Can I please borrow your wify?”
      “Um, nah mate.”

      • uh, what?

        • +1

          Borrow your wife. He got bored with no internet and needed something to do.

    • I tried this a few months back, they didn't budge then.

  • +3

    Spent half my day at work trying to work out the best NBN deal for my new apartment and just about settled on Aussie Broadband. Good thing I checked Ozbargain first!

    • +2

      The first rule of OzBargain!

  • +1

    Been using superloop for a while, signed up when they did 1 month free.

    Pretty much similar experience as aussieBB with $10/m cheaper price.

    Customer portal is bit nicer and display CVC graph as well.

  • That's enough for me to switch from Aussie Broadband. Thanks OP

  • +5

    Been with these guys for roughly 7 months. FTTP (100/40) and getting full speed every hour/every day. Never had to call support for anything, the thing just works. If only I could get this discount :(

    • +1

      Almost 6 months here on HFC and exactly the same speed wise. Any time of day. Love em

    • +1

      Samesies for me on HFC. My ADSL2+ was horrible, but my HFC NBN is full speed with these guys. Every minute of every day. Tried Belong before hand and only got peak 89Mbps, but around 9pm averaged 72Mbps. No such issue with Superloop. Can’t recommend highly enough.

      I also was on ABB for a while, and were pretty much the same as Superloop, give or take a couple small things here and there

  • Dumped Skymesh as soon as I found out Michael Malone was on the board of directors for takeover company Superloop. No thanks.

    • Aw c'mon, he's a great guy (ha… ha)

    • +1

      So is he the one who creates the Terminator T-800?

  • Thanks OP I just signed up. Where on earth did you find this promo?

    • Commsday

  • +1

    I'm still really happy with my Belong 50/20 unlimited for $55pm

  • How long will it take for them to port my current ABB over to them?

    • +2

      Probably only a few minutes to a few hours at most

    • Also want to know this. Do I need to wait for my month to finish with ABB or can I port over now?

      • +3

        You should time it according to your invoice date, to maximise value. There is a pretty simple article explaining it - https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/help-centre/accounts-bill…

        • Thanks!

        • I just called and asked and they said the opposite. If I cancel before the due date, they'll add a credit so I only pay for what I use. If I cancel after, they'll put in a refunds request.

          • @jazattack: Wasn’t my experience when churning from ABB. I think their article outlines it pretty simply?

            • +1

              @NotAMoodle: I agree. Article seems simple. Was confused when accounts said the opposite.

        • So should be pretty simple to arrange cancellation on the last billing day and choose to have Superloop connected on the same day during sign up?

          • @chriise: Connect Superloop before calling and cancelling ABB mate.

            • @NotAMoodle: Just to clarify, to move from ABB I have to:
              1) Sign up to Superloop for a date before the ABB billing cycle ends
              2) Call up ABB and cancel the same date as above?

              I had assumed that it was like a mobile sim churn where it's done for you…

              • +3

                @baagainboy: You assumed right mate. On the day you decided to join Superloop, that should be the last day (or the day before to be safe) you wish to be with ABB (based on https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/help-centre/accounts-bill…)

                When you sign up to Superloop, they will port you across in most likely 1 hour, sometimes 10 minutes. As soon as you have confirmed Superloop is up and running (sometimes a power cycle of the modem is required) call ABB or live chat them and cancel your service. ABB don’t ask many questions. They know the game they’re in.

            • +1

              @NotAMoodle: Sorry if it's a dumb questions, but why? I've not churned NBN before. I'm concerned with signing up to this deal and then finding out I'm on the hook for 2 services until the end of my billing date with ABB (or 30 days according to their T&Cs). Should I only be signing up 1-2 days prior to my billing cycle ends? Do you even need to call ABB if the service is disconnected automatically by Superloop?

        • I am on a monthly no contact, do I have a to call them for 30 days notice? A bit confusing.
          Thank you.

    • It took them 5 minutes to drop ABB off my port and activate their service. I’m on FTTP.

    • I just moved from Aussiebroad FTTC 100 and the switch over was painless for myself.
      It was done in less than 5 minutes! I didn't need to turn off my router as well.

  • Anyone has used this provider before in wa for HFC connection? I am currently with ausbb , very tempting to jump ship with this promotion

    • +2

      Yep. See mine and another chaps comments up above.

  • +2

    is it painless to do a fttn churn? currently with Kogan monthly, do I need to wait till end of billing period? do I need to cancel or does RSP(superloop) look after all of that and Kogan refund or only charge the difference from the changeover date

    • Looks like Kogan changes your billing date to the 1st after the first bill, so best to cancel on or near the last day of the month. But also a refund should come otherwise -
      "If your cancel your service, your final bill will include a prorated amount based on the date of NBN Service disconnection and the end date of your current bill period.Depending on your billing period and the date of disconnection, this may include a pro-rated refund of your Product fee"

      So I imagine, churn first and hopefully that happens quickly and then call kogan to cancel

  • +1

    What's the best way to time it in a monthly cycle if you are churning from ABB to avoid fees and get most of the paid month?

  • +1

    What about the link to China? Any low latency?

    • +1

      We (superloop) own our own submarine cables, latency is very good. Just ask on Whirlpool

    • +1

      If you provide some endpoints maybe users could traceroute for you.

      Or you can trace using https://lg.superloop.com/lg/lg.cgi

      Connectivity into mainland Chinese networks is trickier compared to most parts of the Internet.

  • Argh…literally just paid for a new month of ABB. Will put in an order anyway to churn in a few weeks.

  • Currently on Optus paying $120 with their fetch entertainment plan which I dont use.
    So can I just use the Optus modem/router that Optus provided on this?

    • What kind of NBN service do you have?

      • Not sure, but I think it's FTTP 100/40 NBN

        • You should be fine then. One of the best things about NBN is that the installers (regardless of who you connect with) use same type of modems, with no “login details” stored as with conventional internet of the past.

  • +2

    Does it cost anything to have home phone connected (keep the same phone number)?
    Currently with TPG, will the router from TPG works with superloop(I think is TP-Link VR1600v modem)?

  • +1

    Perfect timing - Aussie BB offer ends tomorrow. Thanks OP.
    I signed up and was connected within about 5 minutes, with Aussie BB kicked off the port. I called Aussie BB and had my account closed in another 5 minutes. All in all a great experience.

  • Does this come with static IP? I am currently with ABB and my plan comes free with static ip

    • $5 a month extra I think

    • What Aussie gives you for free ip wise at no cost to you is sticky if you're not on CGNAT.

      Sticky as its name implies, sticks to your connection but there's no guarantee that it won't change.

      The static bolt on for Aussie is $10 a month extra.

  • +2

    When is NBN price going down as wholesale prices for 1/12mbps reduced by NBN..☹️😣😣

  • +2

    Put in an order 10 minutes ago and I was just transferred across now (From ABB), very smooth process (NBN - FTTN)

    • Are you able to cancel your ABB plan as at today? I thought they charge you up to the end of the billing cycle (don't do pro rata).

      • That's correct, you forfeit the remaining amount.

        • Yeh so depending on your billing date it would be worth waiting then. Thanks.

        • That's not what ABB told me 5 minutes ago when I called to cancel. Apparently I will receive a pro-rata refund for the unused days.

          edit: confirmed in the cancellation email: "A refund request will be processed by our finance team for you to receive a refund for the unused days of this billing cycle."

          • @mick01: If that's the case, good to hear they've changed things.

          • @mick01: That wasn’t my experience when I churned from them, and is outlined here - https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/help-centre/accounts-bill… - awesome if they have changed things. Could be a nice little win for everyone taking up this offer.

          • @mick01: Unfortunately that's not what they told me. They even insisted that I should have given them 30 day notice before transferring and because I didn't there's nothing they could do.

            Oh well, at least there's only one week left until the end of my billing cycle so not a big loss.

            • +5

              @xers: inconsistent policies are worse than bad policies.

  • Can a static IP be added to these plans?

  • How is superloop vs Telstra? I'm currently 100 speed for $90

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