Hi all,
We've been playing around with pricing and specs for our high end offerings and think we've hit some sweet spots with the following.
First, a $50 price drop and increase capacity to 480GB SSD in this system:
Spec: Ryzen 5 3600 | MSI RTX 2080 8GB (Regular) | 16GB 2400MHZ RAM | 480GB 2.5" SSD | B350 Mobo | 700W PSU | Leaper Pro White Case
Price: $1449 ($50 price drop from earlier in week)
Link: https://techfast.com.au/products/amd-ryzen-5-3600-rtx-2080-8…
(Out of Stock)
Second, an SSD capacity increase and 750W PSU for this system:
Spec: Ryzen 5 3600 | MSI RTX 2080 SUPER | 16GB 2400MHz RAM | 480GB 2.5" SSD | B350 Mobo | 750W PSU | Leaper Pro White Case
Price: $1599
Link: https://techfast.com.au/products/amd-ryzen-5-3600-rtx-2080-8…
PC Part Picker comparison: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/jzJjXv - $1948
Lastly, a first-time bundled 1TB 2.5" SSD for this system:
Spec: Ryzen 7 3700X | MSI RTX 2080 SUPER | 16GB 2400MHz RAM | 1TB 2.5" SSD | B350 Mobo | 750W 80+ Bronze PSU | Leaper Pro White Case
Price: $1899
Link: https://techfast.com.au/products/amd-ryzen-7-3700x-rtx-2080-…
PC Part Picker comparison: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/9pMBmg - $2257
All systems come with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare code and the R7-3700X CPU comes with AMD's RTG Promo code (R5-3600 does not qualify under AMD's terms soz!)
Let me know your thoughts and queries. If you jumped on an earlier deal that now has a higher spec and haven't shipped, I can match. I can't retrospectively match anything that has shipped though.
I'm working with a couple of customers whose new systems have issues. If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to contact me for a quick resolution. That's what I'm here for as many can attest to.
Hi Rep, I just bought one R5-3600/2080 last week, hasn't shipped yet. Is there any chance for a $50 refund and SSD upgrade ?