• expired

HP ProLiant MicroServer from HP $199 + Free Shipping

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The HP proliant microserver is back again. This time it can be ordered directly on the HP site for $199 with free shipping.

To get to the page:

  1. Go to http://h20386.www2.hp.com/AustraliaStore/
  2. Put in the coupon in the affiliate box. (not my affiliate if that is what it truely is)
  3. There should then be a "Tech at Work Server Promotion" on the left. Click on this and order away.

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closed Comments

        • +2

          Any computer company is worth its reputation and ability to deliver technology.
          Otherwise you might as well go with the cheapest. I seem to remember a few companies that promised a lot and undelivered. They are dead now.
          This is not tough: sell the gear, deliver.

          Sell the gear and don't deliver, well that gets around.

          Oh wait, I forgot, they sell that thing that everyone wants, the must have, the thing we can't get from anyone else. Well then we have to stay with them. Lucky, otherwise I would drop them like a hot potato. I hope they remind me what that important thing was as I seem to have forgotten.

          My last company used Dell as a corporate supplier. My current company uses HP. when contracts come up for renegotiation, who do you think I will vote for? Can you afford that?

        • +2

          Of course it wont greatly impact or inconvenience them…. I know how big they are. But this isn't a very positive exercise for HP, and considering how much money they spend on advertising trying to build goodwill every year, they would LOVE to avoid issues like this. At the end of the day I'll purchase their product if it remains good value. But every day they delay, that value drops but price stays the same. Like I said, I'm happy to wait…. for now.

        • +2

          I can't believe HP are at Shopping Square standards now, maybe worse and that is saying something!

  • August comes around. Looks at empty corner with no microservers

    • Aholes thats what I say. On another note, at least mine has finally hit production!

    • +1

      I love it when they change the Last Update date, but nothing's actually changed and you're still stuck in Admin/date will follow.

    • Mine also hit Production with Date to Follow on the 30th July. At least it is starting to move along!

      • Yes, at least 'production' is a start. So I just have to wait for the monkeys to build it now.

  • Just checked the HP website and mine says it's shipped. Estimated Delivery 9th August from Singapore.

    • This was delivered today.

  • mine still says admin with no shipping date :(

    though i guess its promising that some people are getting dates now which is always a good thing

    • And.. some people like us will need to wait for the next batch (September).

    • My thoughts exactly!
      My SCPO3142xx is in Admin.

  • Woohoo mine is in production!

  • -7

    I'm blown-away at all the complaints about this AMAZING piece of gear, that's cost them STUFF ALL… but not delivered "NOW!". Some people are just spoilt, and will NEVER be happy. You exploited an internal sale, they sold a ton more than expected, and they're taking a while to deliver… So?! You're lucky you're even in the queue.

    Our company purchased $40,000 of gear before EOFY. Took 1 week to get a solid ETA, and 2 weeks for complete delivery. Considering the LOW actual price for what we got, and the quality of the gear, it was well worth the wait.

    If you want off-the-shelf, pay retail.

    • +3

      Numbnuts by name…

      • -1

        Whingers be whinging.

  • +4

    mines in production state. but

    We regret to inform you that due to material constraints, there is an ongoing delay with the delivery of your purchase - HP Micro G7 N36L NHP 250GB AUS Svr

    Tentatively we are expecting for stocks to arrive by mid-September 2011 and delivery will be scheduled therein after. We can assure you, however, that if your order remains in force we will expedite the delivery to you as soon as we have received the item(s).

    screw you HP. just give us the damn order instead of giving everything to the resellers.

    • +1

      Just got this too… motherf***ers…

      • Me too. Pretty tempted to ask for a refund, but i wont be able to get one for this price again, decisions decision.

    • +1

      Do we have to re-affirm again? This is a joke. They just want us to cancel it.

      • Don't bother. I never reaffirmed my intentions the first time around, yet my order is still active. In fact, it hit "Production" status today, so I'm not sure what to make of this new e-mail.

    • same here rofl

      they're well worth the $199 and i can do without that money for a while, so i'm happy to wait. but yeah agree they're hoping people will cancel

  • Got the e-mail… so it is official. Mine will not arrive before September. I hope this is the last of the delays.. coz. I got an e-mail saying mid August earlier (which turns out to be false)….

    Dear Valued Customer,

    This is with reference to purchase order no: SCPO313—-

    We regret to inform you that due to material constraints, there is an ongoing delay with the delivery of your purchase - HP Micro G7 N36L NHP 250GB AUS Svr

    Tentatively we are expecting for stocks to arrive by mid-September 2011 and delivery will be scheduled therein after. We can assure you, however, that if your order remains in force we will expedite the delivery to you as soon as we have received the item(s).

    We regret the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. We hope to hear from you with your decision based on the above.

    • Quick update - like a lot of people reported below… after getting the e-mail… a lot of people now noticed the status has changed to shipped.

      Now.. I am confused.

  • Anyone think they are actually going to get a box? Or are HP going to keep sending out emails until people give up and cancel?

  • -1

    What a f*ing disgrace. This is just getting worse and worse.

  • +1

    "Now y'all heard of a "Japanese Inspection?" Japanese Inpsection, you see, when the Japs get in a load of lettuce they're not sure they wanna let in the country, why they'll just let it sit there on the dock 'til they get good and ready to look at. But then of course, it's all gone rotten… ain't nothing left to inspect."

  • Yeah I came to this thread to make sure I wasn't the only one.

    Luckily mine was an impulse buy, and didn't need it right now.

    Although, very disappointing nevertheless.


  • -1

    n36l still available through US HP site… ~US$340
    this is bullshit. "material constraints" indeed.

    • -3

      The only people who should be squawking about the delays are the people who actually attended Tech@Work for which this offer was targetted … and they should be squawking at the rest of us (me included) for jumping on their bargain :)

      I say "Thanks HP for not cancelling my order".

      $199 is a great bargain. $250 is still a great bargain too - this is what my other second Microserver order cost and which should be delivered this week :}.

      edit: Oops … didn't mean this as a reply, grrr.

  • it looks like mine is on its way from Singapore. My order number is SCPO3134xx

    Tracking#- Carrier Location- Status- Reason- Date- Loaded
    OAAA343xxxx- EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL- SINGAPORE SG- Connecting Line Pickup- Normal Status- (local time)- 2011-08-02 12:18

  • +2

    Maybe all us upset customers should call the Department Of Fair Trading in each residing state and complaint about this crap

  • Mines just changed to "ProductionDone". Bit late really considering my very very early order number.

    • I think there is no corelation between when the order was placed as the production thing seems to be random as I am in 3132xx and there are people with 3134xx getting item shipped so its a guessing game!

  • my status is "Production" (changed today). also got the above email stating new delivery date "after mid september".

    come on competitors…. ofer us something better so we can cancel!!!

  • Turns out mine was shipped with a planned delivery of the 9th of August, my order number was SCPO3133xx

    Media centre here I come :)

    Good luck to fellow bargainers.

  • Mine was "Production" yesterday, I got that infuriating "mid-September" email yesterday as well. Today I check (order SCPO3132xx) and status has changed to "shipped". Shipping date 02 August, planned delivery date 09 August. Here's hoping that date is accurate.

    God bless you patient OzBargainers!

    • Well done, bit jealous though, got the September email….item in production….then this morning back to admin….go figure.

      • I got the september email as well. I am holding and will not give them the pleasure of a cancellation.

    • mine has just changed to ProductionDone, even though i got that email yesterday. No idea what that means, or if it will ever change to shipped.

      • Ok, now mine says shipped, expected delivery 10th august. hope that's accurate

        • sweet! mines also changed to production done just now…. come on shipping!!

        • update: shipped!!!! eta 10th August!

  • Got the same email about Sept delivery. HP, this is really beggar belief.

    If this continue to be delay, most of us will get their presents from HP's Santa Claus to play with during the coming Xmas!!!

    • Mine went into production too yesterday, and I also got the "Sept delay" email, dunno what HP is playing at …
      Maybe "forcing" us to cancel orders, but I can wait … as long as it comes in August

      • Mine changed to shipped, ship date: 3rd Aug, Estimated delivery on 10th Aug- BUT I got the production delay till Sept today. My order# SCPO313XXX

  • Seems a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing…mine went admin->sept email->production->back to admin->now at production done???
    Wonder what status is next?

    • Similar to yours mine went three quarters the way and hope not see it go back to Admin
      admin-> (yesterday) Sept email -> (Today 1:30pm) production —> (Tomorrow) ??????

      • Mine went from admin->sept email->production->SHIPPED!!


        est delivery date 10Aug for a low 3132XX order number.

      • Forgot to mention mine was 3136xx

  • My 3134xx is showing shipped now. Hard to believe that even a boat would delay delivery until September?

    • +1

      "Hard to believe that even a boat would delay delivery until September?"

      Clearly an attempt to get us to cancel the orders.

      • hmm…. looks like it.

        if quoted ETA is 10th August (and lets give them benefit of the doubt and ETA quoted is to a remote warehouse in the middle of Australia), a courier on a pushbike will arive at my house before mid september as quoted in email. it does appear that all is not as it seems, but i'll reserve judgement until the courier is at my door ;).

  • Check this out:
    #SCPO313514 ordered 2 and status has been 'Shipped'
    While mine is still in Production (SCPO3135xx) :(

    • Mine just updated as "Shipped" (SCPO3135xx), I think yours will be shipped later today or tomorrow.

      • Same here .. Shipped with Planned Del of 10 Aug … (SCPO3136xx)

      • You're right.
        Mine is now "Shipped" :)

  • Mine still saying in Production.

  • Sweet, looks like HP Scare Tactics have failed. Mine is shipped ETA 10th Aug as well.

  • my multiple unit order is in 'shipped' state. yay !

  • SCPO31385* 13-Jul-2011 Admin date will follow

  • Interestingly…
    SCPO313844 - Shipped
    SCPO313847 - Admin
    SCPO313848 - Shipped

    Looking back at other orders, they seem all over the place.

    • Yep I think we've established that order number only really indicates when you placed the order. HP are pretty much doing whatever they want after that point.

      My pre-ozbargained order SCPO31311x only just went into shipped state today. Many people who ordered 3-4-500 orders later have already got theirs in hand last week.

      • I don't think anyone has received theirs yet? Some people purchased from another store which was about $40+, I think the first indication of shipping was on the 2nd.

  • Hey cool, they are coming in by air freight on Singapore Airlines.

    Pieces: 6 PCS
    Weight: 29.0 K
    Volume: .242 CR
    Mode: Air
    Flight #/Voyage: 7292

    They are are flying on better carriers than I can afford ;)

    • this is very interesting .. it says mines leaving from Sydney !! Nothing about Singapore… how did you get that info up ?

      Despatch depot: SYD Despatch date: 04-AUG-2011
      Delivery depot: MEL
      Quality Control Code: N/A POD on file date: Not on file

      Consignment scanning information for FSA0xxxx
      No Scanning date/time Scanning depot Status description

      04-AUG-2011 08:28 SYD TRUCK OUT

      Label scanning information >>
      Label number Last scan date/time Scan location Status description
      00393022xxxxx 04-AUG-2011 08:28 SYD SCANNED IN TRANSIT

      It says invoice date 3rd Aug (even though I was charged weeks ago) .. and delivery is on the 8th?

      If StarTrack scanned today .. even with standard road delivery, it should be here next day or close enough. fingers crossed for delivery tomorrow so I can play over the weekend

    • Yeah, weird, mine says 10 PCS coming out from Singapore but destination is Sydney but I am in Canberra!

      I am really hoping its not some random tracking number for a HP warehouse delivery instead of my order!

      • status history:
        Tracking# Carrier Location Status Reason Date Loaded
        FSA05 STAR TRACK EXPRESS TULLAMARINE, VI AUS Delivery Appointment scheduled Customer requested future delivery (local time) 2011-08-04 00:38

        ^— wtf? customer requested future delivery date ???

        i think a call to StarTrack is in order .. lol

        • You're not the customer, HP is.

    • +1

      You can watch the flight coming in if you like:

  • Yay Mine is shipped due 10Aug

  • +1

    for anyone who is feeling guilty about not participating in the Tech@Work conference & ordering a server here's the link

    You can still register and attend in Brissy & Canberra :)

    • free lunch and a prize draw… but itinery looks like it couldnt be any more boring :).

  • Hmm…just checked my order and mine's shipped!
    Planned Delivery Date - 10-Aug-2011
    Actual Ship Date - 03-Aug-2011

    Mode: Air
    Carrier: Qantas Airways
    Looks like they are expediting orders…about time !!!

  • -1

    I'm probably the only guy here roootin for a sept delivery

  • Hmm, Just looking at mine it looks like it landed in Welshpool (Perth) and it's currently in the depo, the last update is "arrived at port of entry", but the tracker seems to think today was the latest update. Here's hoping I get it tomorrow :D

  • SCPO31390* still admin at this stage.

  • Woohoo, my scpo31397* is in production!

    They are moving down the list more rapidly now. High 900's.

  • Hey guys, can someone post the link where i can check the status of my order?

  • Im, like many other are going to create a media center from this beast. Im intrigued to know what setup other people are going to have.

    Here's my plan:

    Add 4GB ram
    Add ATI Radeon 6450 (silent) -
    USB Twin tuner
    USB Wireless adapter

    And run either Windows Media Center or Media Portal.

    Any suggestion on the above?

    • Just 2Gb extra for me, and I'll be running XBMC.

    • 2GB of ram
      5450 silent
      usb wireless
      usb remote (media centre remote)
      1.5TB hard drive (upgrade/add more later)

      • Hi Redmo0n,

        Why have you chosen the 5450 over the 6450? It purley because of price?

        • Yeh I got the 5450 for $39 on ebay, should be enough for 1080i

  • damn mine is still in admin status


  • I got the email regarding September postage. However, according to my order it has cleared customs! Hopefully won't be too long now.

    • mine went from "cleared customs" to "customs released" yesterday lunchtime from Banksmeadow (Sydney). I'm hoping maybe something coming for me monday! (fingers crossed they deliver it to Canberra over weekend)

  • omg my order status changed to shipped. Planned delivery date 12/08/2011. (received email about the Sept delay 3-4 days back).

  • I too received the delay email advising to expect stock mid-September, but on checking my order this morning - it went from Admin -> Production -> ProductionDone on 3/8 and yesterday it changed to shipped!

    Star Track tracking shows that it was scanned in transit this morning at the Sydney Depot and has an expected delivery date of 10/8.

    Order number for reference: SCPO3141XX ordered on 13/7

    • how do you check Star Track? I only have the Expeditors tracking number which doesn't show much!

      • I clicked on the Shipment# link, and from there under tracking information is a button labelled 'tracn and trace' - this opens a window to the Star Track Express tracking page.

        This is the URL (minus my consignment number): http://www2.startrackexpress.com.au/scripts/webtracktrace.dl…

        • Eh, that sucks I have Track and Trace but only for Expeditors

        • My story is exactly like yours almost word for word, even the order number, except mine all happened 4th/5th and delivery date has been changed to today on the status page.

        • Same here mashera.
          Delivery says it's today, but I haven't seen it. I think HP's system is reading track & trace wrong. Star track says my package left Sydney today, HP reckons it's already in Perth. That's one fast truck.

        • not if the truck has wings, 2 outboard engines and "737" written on the side of it :)

        • Received a sms from Star Track today - they'll be delivering to me tomorrow (I am working from home that day so worked out perfectly).

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