• expired

$9.95 Each: Rule 1 Whey Protein 1.1kg / 24 Protein Chips / 6 Protein Pancakes / Box of Protein Bars / Scitec BCAA 700g @ Amino Z


We're clearing out all our shortdated/expired stock. All these products @ $9.95 each:

Scitec Nutrition BCAA Xpress 700g BEST BEFORE 18-09-19 TO 03-10-19
Grenade Carb Killa High Protein Bar 60g Cookies & Cream (Box of 12) Best Before 30 Sep 2019 - SOLD OUT
Sinister Labs Panic Pancakes 326g EXP 30 SEP 2019 (for a box of 6!) Add a quantity of 6 or more to your cart
Lenny & Larry's The Complete Crunchy Cookies 35g (Box of 12) EXP 25 SEP 2019 TO 01 OCT 2019
Rule 1 Proteins R1 Protein 38 Serves Plain EXP NOV 2019 Plain flavour only SOLD OUT

Some key notes:
  • These are all dated as specified above.
  • Delivery is free for orders of $120 or more
  • Limited stock available and cannot be backordered if sold out
To order:
  • Add the products into your cart
  • View your shopping cart
  • Apply coupon code OZBARGAIN-NNF in your shopping cart
  • Proceed to the checkout
Other ramblings:
  • We've reduced prices on these lines due to the shorter dates (and we need to clear our warehouse).
  • The EXP on the dates are because they are imported products.

Jay (Founder/Owner/The Deals Guy @ Amino Z)

Mod: Removed item with expiry (use by date) that had already passed.

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Referral: random (523)

Referees get $10 off their first order. Referrers get $10 worth of Z Points.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    Momentum Protein Chips 30g (Box of 24) EXP 16.09.2019

    This is not shortdated. This is expired

    • Majority of what's listed is expired or expiring within a week.

      • +1

        Yes, so the expired products - can't really call them shortdated can they?

        • +5

          100% agree with you - I was just highlighting it was more than just that product.

    • I wonder if i should buy these lol. I’m tempted but buying them already expired is a bit eh…

    • +2

      Correct yes, I'll modify above actually. Most of it is shortdated, but you are correct these are past the EXP date.

      • Jay
    • This is illegal, they can't sell EXPIRED products

      • +2

        true, they shouldn't be selling foods/product that are marked with an EXPIRY date. would be worthy of an investigation by the food authority.

        However, if the product states a BEST BEFORE date it can still be sold provided it's still safe for human consumption.

  • Is this stuff still eatable post expiry date?

    • +1

      Of course. Nutritional values don’t default to zero when an expiry date rolls by.

      • +1

        Sorry i guess my question was how quick is the quality/ flavour drop off post expiry date.

        • +4

          In my experience you’re fine for quite a while. I guess longer than six months past use-by you should start to consider how much you’re saving as against the risk of clumping/moisture absorption type issues.

    • Best before, yes.

      • After which nutritional values are zero?

  • What exactly is ‘plain’ as a flavour? Is this equivalent to BN raw so without flavouring?

    • Correct no flavouring. It's just a subtle milky flavour for plain whey, quite pleasant. But not your typical sweet flavour (eg. choc, vanilla, strawberry etc).

      • Jay
  • +1

    Copped some whey for this October gainz.

    • Nice one thanks for the order!

      • Jay
  • +1

    I really did not need any more protein…
    Oh well…

  • -3

    Foods should not be eaten after the use by date and can’t legally be sold after this date because they may pose a health or safety risk.

    • +1

      Protein powders don’t spoil the way meat or dairy does, because a dry environment makes it nearly impossible for microbes to grow.
      So unless you’re storing your canisters in a warm, humid place (like the bathroom or your gym locker), you’re fine on that front

      • -2

        It's still illegal to sell in Australia, best before is fine, expiry/ use by no beuno


        • +2

          it literally says on your own link its fine

          "You can still eat foods for a while after the best before date as they should be safe but they may have lost some quality. Foods that have a best before date can legally be sold after that date provided the food is fit for human consumption"

          • +1

            @TightTerry: There are a couple marked with expiry dates which are the ones I'm talking about not best before

  • +2

    any chance to offer free shipping for $30+ spend or something?

    • That would be great, I'm about to bite the (expired) bullet.

    • Sorry, we can't at these prices given they are well below standard cost. But it's still free at $120 or more. Or free if you're a Club Z member.

      • Jay
  • +2

    The Grenade bars are excellent.
    Purchased 13 boxes,like last time this deal was listed.

  • Most processed food is fine for months after its expiry date. Things like dairy, meats, veg etc is obviously terrible only a few days after.

  • Would you consider these Grenade bars high in calories compared to other protein bars. I know calories aren't as important as protein numbers for most.

    • These are fairly standard in terms of calories - about 200 calories per bar. Similar to Quest bars.

      • Jay
  • The protien bars became out of stock as i had it in the cart and was checking out.

    • Yep sold out, they went quickly. I'll update the post.

      • Jay
  • +2

    Love your deals and take you up on most but you can actually get the chips not short dated for $17 including shipping for a pack of 24 on Groupon right now.

    Use the common occurring 15% cash back and stack it with site wide 10% off and it works out to about $13 including delivery during their sales.

    Will keep my eye out for more of your posts though!

  • I've already received my order.

    Thanks Jay!

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