• expired
  • targeted

nbn 50/20 Unlimited $59/Month First 6 Months ($79/Month Thereafter) @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


I've been on the Aussie Broadband mailing list for a while now waiting for the next $20 off deal so I could finally switch to NBN from ADSL. Unfortunately it's too late as I've recently signed up to Belong but I'm sure it will be popular nonetheless.

$20 off for the first 6 months using the code "SEPTEMBER 19" on the 50 or 100 plans.

The 50 plan is $59pm for the first 6 months then $79pm thereafter.
The 100 plan is $79pm for the first 6 months then $99 thereafter.

Expires 11:59 pm 30/09/2019

Referral Links

Referral: random (252)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    I cancelled a month ago will they consider me as a “new” customer?

    • I genuinely want to know this. I cancelled a couple of months back.

    • +9

      Didn't work for me and I left them in April.

    • +2

      Off memory, someone on previous threads mentioned that they classify you as new if you weren't with them for 12 months.

      • It use to only be a few months, but as I said in a comment further down I actually think this is either targeted to specific users or else it's like the last deal where it's only for areas which aren't RFS yet (although don't think it's that as the OP was sent the email with it).

    • +3

      Sign up under partner/someone else in household?

  • +2

    Good deal worth $59 was with then for six months and moved just before it went up to superloop for $75. Similar speed and $5 cheaper. If they would only allow this for all customers or match the $75 of superloop I wouldn't have churned away.

  • +1

    "The 100 plan is $79pm for the first 6 months then $99 thereafter."…

    Is this the best deal they've ever had for that plan? I'm on cable and have been delaying switching until a decent offer comes along.

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat, not paying more, for less, until I have too

      • +1

        To be honest, my 100/40 connection on NBN has been so much better than my Optus cable connection. Sure it is $20 more a month by my speeds are outstanding. Extra upload bandwidth has stopped crippling our internet when we come home with our devices and everything is uploading backups all over the shop.

        • +2

          i'm on telstra cable, constantly get around 113mps, I pay $90 for unlimited data and phone, I don't want nbn, as i'll be worse off!

          • @Trantor: What are your uploads?

            • @UnciasDream: around 8, but thats fine with me lol

              • +2

                @Trantor: I’m on 100/40 and would swap some download for higher upload in a heartbeat.

                Moving to the NBN you can get 100/40 with superloop for $89.

                Downloads would drop by 15%
                Uploads would increase by 350%

                • +1

                  @UnciasDream: but no phone :/ I don't mind but I care for my mother (early stages of Alzheimer’s) and she can't use mobiles (technodyslexic), so I need a phone, so will cost me more than i'm paying now :/

                  • @Trantor: Oh and get this BS, I had my hopes up wednesday, got this email from telstra, first part said;

                    "XXXX, we previously let you know about the high demand for nbn™ appointments in Ivanhoe. We’ve been working with nbn co to resolve the delays. We’re pleased to say your home is now ready to connect.

                    To keep your home phone and internet working as normal, you’ll eventually need to move to the nbn network.

                    The great news is, your plan is nbn ready if you choose to connect with us. There won’t be any change to your home phone number, monthly bill or contract period."

                    then the next part was the kicker;

                    "Important information about your nbn speeds.
                    As you’ll be upgrading to the nbn network, any existing speed upgrades on your current plan will be removed when you connect. To move with us and learn how a Speed Boost can help you make the most of nbn"

                    Wont be any changed? whats removing speed boost? And then making you pay more?

                    • @Trantor:

                      Wont be any changed? whats removing speed boost? And then making you pay more?

                      Wel in the letter they did specifically state "there won’t be any change to your home phone number, monthly bill or contract period." everything else is up for being changed!

                    • +1

                      @Trantor: I managed to negotiate a free speed boost with the first person I talked to when switching to the Nbn with Telstra so definitely give the online chat a go.

                      • @zoob: what does it involve? what do you mean free speed boost?getting 100plan at 50plan price for free?

                    • +1

                      @Trantor: Standard NBN with telstra is 50/20. Paying $20 per month on top nets you 100/40. As above you might be able to negotiate speed boost if you quote deals/cheaper plans from others.

                      In same boat as you, was getting 120/6 on Telstra cable, now with ABB and getting 95/38. Before if there was any significant uploads happening, downloads would also drop alot. ABB also lets you retain landline, but it'll be VoIP

    • It matches an order they had a while back. If you want to connect to a reputable provider like ABB, this is probably as good as it's going to get.

  • +2

    Nbn is such a rip off and overpriced. I pay $89 for 100/40 unlimited FTTH

    • +6

      I'm not really pro NBN but it's pretty easy to be cheaper when you get to cherry pick your rollout areas.

    • you can get that price on NBN easy

      in 2016-18 i had unlimi 100/40 for $60pm FTTP. now im with ABB and wouldnt mind a small discount.

    • +5

      The problem is not NBN, it's the private sector. NBN only exists because the private sector was not upgrading Australia's internet while they ripped off Australians.

      ISP's are simply pointless middlemen attempting to rip off the customers as much as possible after buying capacity from NBN.

      For example Telstra's NBN customers are facing a download speed decrease from 100Mbps to 50Mbps … without a change in price. That's absurd. The private sector is simply out to rip people off.

      The correct model, as various other countries that are enjoying gigabit speeds up and down for half the cost of Telstra have shown, is for NBN to sell to residential and enterprise customers without the pointless middlemen with a long history of ripping people off.

      The CEO of Telstra, laughably, recently wrote an article in the mainstream media where he blamed NBN for Telstra's prices. Ever since it was privatised Telstra has consistently been the most expensive ISP in Australia long before NBN ever came along. I guess the readers are morons.

      • +5

        NBN only exists because the private sector was not upgrading Australia's internet while they ripped off Australians.

        No private company could upgrade infrastructure on the scale of NBN.
        That's why we went from dialup to ADSL 1.5 Mbit to ADSL 8mbit to ADSL2 and ADSL2+

        ISP's are simply pointless middlemen attempting to rip off the customers as much as possible after buying capacity from NBN.

        What about the things they provide you like an email address and customer support?

        For example Telstra's NBN customers are facing a download speed decrease from 100Mbps to 50Mbps … without a change in price

        That's driven by what the NBN charges for CVC.

        The CEO of Telstra, laughably, recently wrote an article in the mainstream media where he blamed NBN for Telstra's prices.

        Of course they are to blame. Telstra and all other providers need to buy CVC from NBN.
        NBN directly influences all ISP prices.

        Ever since it was privatised Telstra has consistently been the most expensive ISP in Australia.

        Now I am in the NBN my internet cost has increased and I get a slower speed than I did when I was with Telstra.

      • Good to see someone understands.

    • I had unlimited 0.256Mbit ADSL for $99. Was that bad, too?

    • -1

      $89 is expensive.

      Im paying for $60 Unlimited TPG FTTB

      • +3

        Which we all would if we all lived in a cherry picked, high density, small rollout area.

      • r u the 12/1 for $60? i only see $70 for 50/20

  • +1

    I'm with Kogan it's $65.89 over a year now and it's been perfectly fine for me good speed

    • +4

      Bit off topic, but our cousins in NZ are getting 10-20x the speeds for $19.10AUD more a month:

      "Experience Fibre Pro – 950/500Mbps
      6 Month Free Speedboost & Router Upgrade
      Pay $89.99/mth for the first 6 months"

      Well shit.

      • +2


        • +2

          I got it down to $59.95 for 1000/500

          How goods copper net!

          "950/500 Mbps Speed (Fibre)
          Unlimited Data
          Contract options 12 months
          Connection fee $0
          $0 /mo first 4 months then $89.95"

      • Much easier and cheaper to do in a tiny geographic area. One of our biggest problems holding nbn back is the stupid technology mix and also the focus on roll out rather than upgrades. Both political driven. Once rollout is done you'll find speed offerings will increase especially for fiber and hfc.

        • This argument is flawed and one that the Liberal party uses.

          Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane areas have a higher population density than NZ and still suffer from the worst NBN connections (except for satellite) with many homes in these cities rolled out with FTTN.

          • +1

            @cycleri3: You seem to be cherry picking. I firmly object to the liberals NBN strategy but you need to look at the full picture. Our cities are stupidly riddled with FTTC etc. Half the people i know in Sydney are FTTC (or street corner), i think i know 1 person with FTTN. Due to politics (get non-city votes) much of the cities were left last stages in the rollout and thus eventually got shafted en mass by the liberals changing the technology policy. And then there is all the dodgy contracts the government and NBN signed, alot of ppl have made big coin as part of the NBN courtesy of both sides of politics.

  • Is $300 connection fees standard? I just got a new house and there is a $300 new development charge

    Edit: by standard I mean that's a reasonable connection fee everywhere.

    • +1

      Yep if you don't have an existing lead in cable .

    • +2

      In your situation unfortunately it is

    • +2

      Yes, that is a standard NBN Co charge for all RSPs. The only way I've heard of the end user not paying is when the developer has paid it with the NBN, but it doesn't seem to occur to often.

      • Thanks for all your replies. Internet service is something I am not familiar with and been renting all my life.

        Thanks OP! Will jump on this deal

    • +1

      Telstra waived mine when I signed a contract for 24 months worked out good at the time

  • Damn, just signed up to 100 plan about 2 months ago..

  • Funny I got the email too, apparently I should come back for the service..which is the reason why i left. I hope no one else has issues like we did & have to deal with their internal complaints person.

  • This is a tough one, is the extra $10 a month for ABB for 100/40 worth it over Telstra? (currently $90 at telstra) a little off topic, I know.

    • +6

      ABB is 100% worth the extra $10 a month. Support good business practices :) Also you'll save hours if you need support…

      • +1

        I'll give it a whirl. It hurts going from 100/5 cable to HFC for 50/20 for the same price. But, I hear ABB is good, so I would rather them have my money.

        • I'm in the same boat. I'm just going with the cheapest 50/20. Can't justify the ABB premium. Plus I don't want to move company every few months to get the best deal

    • I was with ABB initially and it was great, but Telecube had a better deal so I switched to them. After < 6 months I switched back to ABB because I found it was way more reliable.

  • I am paying with them $75 per month. Can anyone advics better NBN service

    • +4

      Better service, or price?

      There's an interesting one based in Launceston, Tasmania. Not sure how widely available it is, but excellent support and good bandwidth. I was connected in 2 minutes! Very quick to respond to support enquiries.

      It's expensive, but might save you money if you go away or would like to hop around speeds as you pay per day for whichever speed you set it at that day. Only browsing? Set it on 25 Mbps. Family watching streaming, go onto 100 Mbps. Away for the weekend, a few months? - turn it off and don/t pay. I'm still tossing up wether it suits my usage pattern.


      • I like it.

        Which you could get a discount on a service that was 12 hours a day @ 100/40 while the other half at 25/10 etc.

        • No, you pay the price of the highest speed you have it on for the day. What I would do is set it on the lowest and only lift it if I needed faster.

          The other thing that will affect your speed choice is on the 25 speed you get 5Gb per day in your 'databank' (like a kitty for data). On the 50 & 100 speeds you get 25Gb. The databank can go up to 3Tb and stays there even if you turn the internet off for months.

          • @wfdTamar: Which = Wish up there.

              • +1


                Which you could get a discount on a service that was 12 hours a day @ 100/40 while the other half at 25/10 etc.

                I meant to start that with "Wish" instead of "Which"

                I guess you didn't grasp that with your initial reply.

      • They only service Tas and ACT as far as I know.

        • Some in Sydney too I think.

          • @wfdTamar: Basically it's hit and miss and a very small population area. I just tried 4 random addresses in Sydney and none of them were available (all on different POI's).

            So not really a valid comparison when the majority of RSP's sell nationwide.

            • @Nousernamehere: Its valid if you can get it. I don't hear that argument for all the offers only available in Mel & Syd, but not anywhere else. :-)

              • @wfdTamar:

                Its valid if you can get it. I don't hear that argument for all the offers only available in Mel & Syd, but not anywhere else. :-)

                Then why not post it as a deal if it’s that good?

                And of course it’s different, those deals will have the tag in the title that they’re only available to certain states. Completely different to Launtel who if you’re not in Tas/ACT, good luck with finding out if you’re covered as there’s no coverage map - only an address checker.

                The majority of the RSP deals on here are at least able to service nationwide, even like this deal if its targeted to certain people (whoever those people may be).

                • @Nousernamehere: Can’t post as it’s not a special price, just their standard one. I mentioned it is a type of pricing structure that is unlike others I’ve seen , and yes, IF you can get it.

    • Im happy with internode at 60 a month for first 6 atm

  • Do they also provide a free modem ?

    • No looks like $149 for a Netcomm NF18ACV

      • It was previously "free" as long as you stay with them for 12 months, with the cost of the modem payable if you left early.

        I can't find it mentioned in their FAQ anymore but Google still has it cached: "The plans all include a free modem (our Netcomm NF18ACV valued at $149)". Probably worth asking if you plan on signing up.

        • I asked ABB last week. They no longer offer a free Netcomm for 12 months. The Netcomm is $149 upfront with no contract or you can buy your own.

    • +3

      Pick up a Telstra “smart” modem from FB marketplace or similar.
      They auto authenticate with ABB VDSL.
      Set 3 relatives up with ABB this way, as a bonus the 4G Fall back has worked which was handy pre ABB connection.
      I’ve paid between $10 & $20 for used units.

      • +4

        Yes. Just done this tonight and got a small speed boost from it - a Telstra Technicolor 799vac - $25.

      • +1

        Can you put any sim in it for 4g fail over? Or is it locked for telstra network

  • Invalid promo/referral code provided

    Showing as that, was last with them in April, so either this code doesn't even work, or else enough time hasn't gone since I left them haha. Can guarantee I'll get hounded by sales calls now I tried to sign up..

    Ah well, staying with Superloop then it seems :)

  • +1

    Some advantages to being a senior

  • Anyone else with Aussie Broadband have issues with a few sites images taking ages?

    AWS console
    Bunnings images
    Buggy Buddy's

    Most sites are ok, but it a few take ages? I've also opted out of CGNAT and slowness still exists…

    • +3

      I'm with ABB and have no probs with those sites

    • +1

      I'm at work on a TPG Ethernet Connection and AWS and Bunnings were especially slow. Maybe not a ABB issue.

  • Too late, they lost me already. Wouldn't offer me $20 off even though I've never been with em

  • +2

    I was with ABB on Fttn 50/20 then I switched to Exetel, save me $20/month. ABB has better support when you need help. I had to wait 2.5-3hrs over the phone just to talk with someone on Exetel

    • Exetel tbh tells you on their website how busy the hotline is, dunno why it takes them so long to get back to emails however

      • +7

        Because the one guy that answers the phones is the same guy that answers the emails.

      • They had an outage a week or so back. I called through at 0830 when support opened. The voice started I was 150th in the queue, estimated wait time 1 minute. Rofl.
        I do miss ABB support.
        Apart from that, can't really fault exetel.

        • +1

          Cant fault exetel neither. $55 a month for 500G download (that is hard to reach) for 50/20 service. Always been fast.
          Ok there support is suppost to be slow but I have only used it a few times being with Exetel over the last 10 years.
          Why should I pay extra $10 to $20 per month for faster support that I dont use 99.8% of the time???

          • @PerthectDeal: Agreed. I've been with Netspace/ABB for NBN and tbh, contacted Netspace twice in 3 or so years. (Issue was on the NBN side so nothing they could do due to maintenance works).
            Speed between the two were the same. Everyone talks up ABB and their service was fine, but how often do you actually need to contact an ISP??

            I'm moving to a new place in a few weeks and waiting for NBN confirmation, but I don't think I'd go back to ABB as their prices are too high in comparison to others now..

            • @Maz78: Agreed, was with Optus for many years on Cable contacted support 3-4 times over maybe 5-6 years. Everytime they sent their own tech replaced amplifiers and were generally quite good. Their internet service, lousy, deliberately shaped, congested etc.

    • I went internode. Ive never had a wait when i call their support yet, had to 3 times cos nbn had a line fault 😂

  • +2

    ABB for this price is insane. Great offer

  • +1

    Ok I'm actually thinking this is just a targeted code. Got a mate to try and sign up for it to a new place that's never had a ABB connection before in his partner's name and it comes up as invalid. So yeah, I think this is targeted unless someone else can say otherwise?

  • Damn. I just signed up last week using a mates referral code. This deal seems better :(

    • Not better for your mate

    • In past I've been able to do both.

      • You can't stack referral and discount codes anymore :(

        • I used the referral link to sign up, put the promo code, Didnt get the discount on the original account, put a support email in and got the credit manually. But you are probably correct with not being able to do it.

  • -1

    Use the code WHIRLPOOL for your first month free on ANY plan.
    Ie, save $99 on the $99pm offer.
    No contract
    Leave at any time

    • That's expired.

      Promo/referral code has expired

      It's different to this code which shows as invalid for me.

      • +1

        Try FACEBOOKFREE seems to work

  • A bit off topic, but does anyone know if the Telstra Gen 2 Modem can be used for NBN?

    Currently on Telstra 100/5 cable for $69 a month.

    • +1

      Yes it can. Do i recommend you use it over a router such as the nighthawk? Never.

      "What you can do with the Telstra Smart Modem™ Gen 2:

      Access our 4G service on the Telstra Mobile Network using the inbuilt SIM card,
      as well as your home internet connection via ADSL2+ or VDSL2"

      ADSL2+, VDSL2 (FTTN), FTTH, FTTC, FW, HFC. Have at it.

      • Thanks! Will use it while it lasts.

        • NW. Just like Telstra has done with it's copper network. Until it's DEAD!

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