What Do You Rate Yourself as a Driver?

I'll leave these definition up to interpretation.

I rated myself as average. Reason:

  • Never had an accident other than being reversed into in a car park.
  • Always stick to a speed limit.
  • Sort of courteous
  • Have never been fined. (or never got caught?)

I would rate myself as Godlike but in the last 2 months, I had 2 close calls. One time I almost got T-boned by a red light runner, second time I almost T-boned another car as she pulled out in front of me as I was joining the highway. Both time I definitely should have been able to see it happening. So just an average driver it is.

So what would you rate yourself and your reason ?

Poll Options

  • 20
  • 21
    Below Average
  • 90
  • 96
    Above Average
  • 54
  • 212


  • +33

    They call me Tokyo Thrift

    • +6

      Tokyo Thrift meet Bargain Burnout!

      • +3

        Bargain Burnout meet Deal Drifter

    • +1

      DK Deal King

  • +4

    I'll happily admit I'm a below average driver, mainly because I'm so inconsistent. I get easily stressed/pissed off.

    • +8

      Haha. I secretly swear at people and still let them in =))

      • +14


        I can't stand slow drivers, especially ones who hog the right hand lane. Usually I end up tailgating and flashing my lights to get them to move over (~50% are so oblivious they don't even notice!).

        I can't parallel park in tight spaces. Period. Not without 9000000 attempts.
        I find it almost impossible to slow down to 40km/h in roadworks, though if there are people standing right there next to the road I'll try my best. There's a section of motorway near me with an 80km/h roadworks limit and usually I don't see anyone working so I (like 90% of other drivers I might add) don't bother slowing.

        There are some really slow red lights near me, and late at night when there's no traffic I often stop, wait and go through the red if the lights are slow AND there's noone coming.

        I'll also admit to sporadic speeding, where necessary.

        Edit bring on the downvoters! At least I'm being honest.

        • +1

          I always have a chuckle at people being stuck behind slow drivers.

          • +4

            @Gotchas: Or those who speed like there's no tomorrow, only for you going at the legal speed limit to catch up at the next set of lights

            • +4

              @kerfuffle: Not if you run the lights ;)

            • +2

              @kerfuffle: but quite often they will catch the string of greens and the slow people will get all the reds.

              Nothing like watching all the slow people get the red light in the rear vision mirror. Makes my day.

            • @kerfuffle: Yeah but now I'm in front of the slow driver sooo

          • @Gotchas: I actively box in the really dumb dangerous drivers where possible. Have had many a finger thrown up at me and it's beyond joyful.

          • +1

            @Gotchas: Sometimes I'm stuck behind a slow driver and I get the adequate car spacing but some tailgater comes and sits on my ass. I happily move over, pass the tailgater on to the slow driver and watch them piss each other off. As an added benefit, both of them can deal with the safety risks associated with their behaviors further away from my car.

        • -2

          I gave you an up vote mainly because I'm almost the same. You sound like a very confident driver, almost cocky to some degree, which is actually what makes the best kind of driver. You keep traffic moving (even making sure others get the message to do the same) while generally being able to manoeuvre out of tricky or dangerous situations that come up. And you can recognise that speed limits and other road rules are arbitrarily set by someone with almost no practical experience on that road, which can often cause even more problems if followed (hence how we have so many rules yet our accident rate is still high).

          People who drive slow to avoid dangerous situations aren't good drivers, they're incompetent ones. As soon as the slightest change in traffic or or sudden hazard occurs the 'safe' drivers who never get fined all of a sudden shit themselves and cause havoc.

        • If I'm on the right lane going at speed limit, let's say 60, and a prick behind me tail gates and flashes my reaction is slowing down to 58/59. Prick then overtakes speeding on the left and sometime flicks the bird. But he's a prick I don't get offended, also I know sooner or later he will do it to the wrong man and pay the bill

          • @Laziofogna: I'm talking about on the highway where the limit is over 80.
            Nothing wrong with sitting in the right hand lane of a main road etc.

            • @Levathian: Wrong. Regular roads with a 60 speed limit are even more susceptible to slowdowns from people entering thru side streets, parked cars blocking one lane, etc etc. It's imperative to keep things moving. It only takes one slow truck or selfish bozo to slow it down even further.

              • @SlavOz: No, I'm talking about people sitting in the right hand lane of a freeway illegally.
                It's not illegal to sit in the right hand lane on a multi lane road etc.

                Keep up please.

            • +1

              @Levathian: I agree with you then.

  • +10

    There is going to be so much Dunning Kruger Effect going on in this thread. I'm predicting 60~70% of the votes will be "Godlike" and 90+% will end up residing in the "above average to godlike".

    • +1

      Think I’ll have to agree with you 😂😂

    • +4

      I find that effect occurs most often in older drivers.

      'kids these days don't know how to drive!!!' proceeds to change lanes without indicating, sits in the right hand lane when not overtaking, cuts someone off etc.

    • +1

      Your comments are always godlike.

  • +1

    not as good as I use to be, in some regards, a lot better in others.

    I think i'm awesome although my wife thinks otherwise.. so i'm happy to be in the middle. average it is

  • +4

    Hard to say. I believe my car control is above average, possibly well above average. Can control slides, good spatial awareness. have had plenty of experience in slippery conditions and off road. in day to day driving I’m probably no better than average due to concentration - driving is easy, mind wanders. .

    • Yeah should have specified “how would you rate yourself as a driver in day to day driving!”

      • +3

        I've avoided dozens and dozens of accidents thanks to my spatial awareness. And I had bad habits of eating breakfast and working a GPS while driving with my thighs. I've been in two accidents, both rear ending me from people playing on their phones. I haven't raced in ages, and in fact, haven't driven a manual in a couple years. I've lost control before but managed to control the vehicle in time, thanks to countless hours of Gran Turismo.

        So yeah, I'd say I'm pretty average ; )

  • +13

    Where's the option : I am a god surrounded by idiots? I've been involved in several accidents, none of which were my fault.The worst part is when you have to go and rescue them AFTER they've crashed into you and they have a full-blown panic attack and you have to wrap your coat around them and awkwardly pat their hand while waiting for someone else to take over🙄

    • +2

      God like drivers would not even get into accidents in the first place.

      • +1

        I didn't neg you.

        To put in context, 1 was a hoon driver trying to race me and when I ignored him got a bit too cocky, lost control of his vehicle and hit a tree, somehow managing to gouge my car in the process. Another one was an elderly gentleman who was trying to reverse out of a car park and instead hit my car which was parked in front of his.

        Another time, I was rear-ended at the lights by someone who was under the influence. The most dramatic one was when I was t-boned by a bunny-boiler.

        • +3

          I had to look that up. For others like me:

          Inspired by a scene from the movie "Fatal Attraction" where the family pet was given an unfortunate introduction to a saucepan, the phrase "bunny boiler" is used to describe an unhinged, scarily obsessive and extremely jealous woman.

          • @kahn:

            unhinged, scarily obsessive and extremely jealous woman.

            Describes that person to a tee

          • @kahn: And usually very hot.

    • I feel you. One does what is correct.

    • Haha good point. I reckon being able to react with composure to an accident is part of the good driver criteria. I can't believe the hysteria some people get into when they're involved in a crash (tbh it's usually women). Surely if you were that afraid of cars and crashes you shouldn't have a license. I've actually seen situations where the someone has blood running from their face after a small collision and they're still the one patting the other driver on the back telling them it's gonna be OK. Even when the paramedics arrived they usually have to tend to the hysterical person for shock first haha

  • Never so much as scuffed a rim but have been T boned in stationary traffic from someone coming out of parking.

    Never hit an animal but had two rosellas (separate incidents) kamikaze into my side window.

    Never ran over a dead animal but had a rabbit run under my trailer after the car has crossed.

    Where do I stand?

    (All true stories. I also indicate and keep left unless overtaking.)

    • Above average ?

      • I guess godlike would be able to weave through the traffic to avoid the T bone, brake in anticipation of the rosellas and use the chant of the wild to stop the rabbits from scuttling under the moving trailer.

        I guess they call it Godlike for a reason.

        • +4

          It's not that hard what you just described. See how many people voted themselves in that category ?!

        • +1

          To achieve godlike you actually have to use the sidewall of the trailer tire to bump the rabbit into the perfect mate for him, and they live happily ever after.

    • +3

      In Soviet Russia….accidents come to you!

      • -2

        In Soviet Russia, I would be skinned as a dissenter and capitalist pig.

        So yeah… The Accident will find me.

        • Who would take offence at this tongue-in-cheek comment? A Russian? A dissenter? A pig? 🤨

          • @[Deactivated]: Soviet loyalists. KGB.

            • @[Deactivated]: Ah! Well, it was nice knowing you.

              • @[Deactivated]: I'm not going to Russia anytime soon.

                Maybe when I run for prime ministership. Allegedly.

    • I have no man nor animal's blood on my hands.How's that for a humble brag? :)

      • +1

        I have human blood on me on a daily basis, then I go home and scoff down a steak.


    • +1

      Weird flex but okay

      • Title invites weird flexes.

        I obliged.

  • Ambidextrous and patient is the key I drive and ride Vietnam Cambodia other Asian countries never had a stack here or over there they have a completely different driving style over there.
    People make mistakes all the time having some foresight around you can save inconvenience and lives.

  • +1

    What you described is not an average driver, an average driver is worse than that. I had to drive somewhere at 5:30am the other morning and literally everyone else was speeding apart from me, do they think the law or cops only apply or operate during business hours?

    • +1

      Lol is that your definition of a 'good' driver?

    • +3

      Maybe stay out of the fast lane slow poke

      • +1

        No fast lane at 60kph

        • -6

          Yes there is. The right lane is always the fast lane. Keep left unless overtaking, whether you're on a 120kmh motorway or 50kmh side street.

    • +1

      This mentality falls under under average bordering terrible.

    • You'd hate life and want to die in a fiery wreck from exceeding the speed limit by 10km/h too if you had to be on the way to work at 5:30 every day.

  • I was a courier driver in a former life which built up my confidence on the road quite a bit. I think I'm pretty good on the road, although I hate people who think it's a great idea to have a drag race just so can they get in front of me to get in my lane, instead of just going behind me. Also, I can't back a trailer for s##t.

  • -1

    Driving Miss Daisy.

  • +1

    I've been pulled over by cops before for allegedly speeding. In a bog standard Corolla. Red goes faster ;)

    My friends and family say my driving is scary. No one says no when I offer a lift though

    I would definitely rate myself terrible based on my driving style

  • +6
    • 1 parking ticket so far
    • Always looking for new ways to stay safe on the road
    • Happy to let those who would like to speed overtake me
    • I try to remember as many cars, usually by colour, for extra awareness and safety
    • I stick to the speed limit and the left lane as much as possible
    • -3

      This. No bullshit oh I never speed therefore I’m good.

      You sir/madam have won the prizes “I’m not a douche” badge!

      It really is that simple!

      • +2

        okay sure m8.

        Merely stated what I do on the road. You are free to conclude what you want of it.

        • How many cars and how many colours have you remembered? I once saw a fuschia VW combi. That was unforgettable. I forget the number plate though. I think it started with an N.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: I remember them in the current situation. If there is a red car behind me and then suddenly I dont see it, then it's probably in my blind spot.

            I do remember some of those weird looking cars which are kinda square(ish).

            • @yk300: Like the Nissan "Cube"?

              • @WhyAmICommenting: haha. yes. What's up with that?! Who buys that?!!! I thought it was accepted that curvy is sexy.
                There is another with the lights a bit more to the top and on the sides.

        • Mate, it was actually a compliment. If that upsets you, ok I guess.

          People that do not do as you say are indeed the douches.

  • I think the average driver sits behind the wheel and sings or listens to the radio and does their thing. Which is fine. Average.

    Bad drivers, well, all sorts of bad habits. My friend cant drive a car just quietly, he has to be on the phone and constantly calling friends etc. 80% of the chats on the phone I have with him is when his driver and calls me. IMHO that's bad driver ( he would think he is above average no doubt.)

    I like to imagine all sorts of situations where an accident could happen, playing the what if situations. I think good drivers would tend to do this more, and experience certainly helps.

    Example: 70km rd, but going to reach the top of a crest, what if there was an accident and a pile up occurred just meters over the peak, if im at 70km, by the time I see it when my car is close enough I'd have no time to stop. How can I help myself, maybe I'd lift off throttle and hover my foot above brakes until I have clear vision, I might not be slow enough to stop a bump, but definitely save it from being a big one.

    • +2

      Let’s remember that the average Australian has an iq bordering on retarded. So average is not something to be content with or strive for. Yay ciggy butt brains!!!

  • Done a few advanced/stunt driving courses so I hope not too bad.

    But in general driving, always look both ways when turning right, always indicate (into and out of roundabouts), always leave enough room when changing lanes in front of a truck, can parallel park 95% of the time on the first go, stay in the left lane if I feel like being slow, let people in front of me, make room for mergers by changing lanes.

    So technically average, according to the P plate test we all passed lol

  • I think I'm average to slightly above average. I'm a courteous driver but I do have my rare mishaps.

  • So many godlike driver. =)

  • It's easy to get carried away out there in the moment, best to give people the benefit of the doubt. If they do something like stop at a round about in a 100 km/h road, then, no, you need to get off the road and go back to driving school, but if its just an awkward merge, let it go it won't cost you much time. God is kind, be Godlike.

  • I. Sorry, but what in God’s green earth has not being fined or not speeding have to do with quality of driving?

    Some sheep drinking the look aid I see… awareness and adaptability are actually far far far more relevant skills to driving than follow arbitrary rules and velocity limitations.

    It’s like saying I am a great Cook because I wipe my bum. Relevance?!?!?!

    • +3

      Agreed - being a good cook is more about whether you wash your hands after wiping :p

    • +1

      Look aid, LOL. Jim Jones gave 'kool-aid' to the Peoples Temple cult. You are getting confused with Lucozade whilst calling people sheep and talking about awareness.

      • Meh. Autocorrect and lick my balls. :)

    • Being able to spot speed cameras a mile away because you have awesome situational awareness and observation skills…. i speed all the time driving to the conditions and I too have never had a single fine for anything in all my time driving. I spot danger before it happens, I can anticipate people’s stupidity

  • FIGJAM of course

  • Saw the title, straightaway thought there better be a Godlike option there. Thankfully there is.

    • +1

      did you vote yourself into it ? (=

  • 80% of drivers rate themselves as above average…

    • +1

      Above median would make no sense. Above average is possible, it just takes a few really, really bad drivers.

      • What I'm saying is that most drivers rate themselves as better than what they really are.

        My FIL ran up the back of 3 cars in 2 years and still claimed he was a good driver.

        If I use the OPs criteria then apparently I'm a not-so-good driver because I got a speeding fine in 2017 and I know that I drive above the speed limit. Personally, I'd say I'm a good driver because I take the responsibility seriously and concentrate on what I'm doing but I'm probably wrong because I just admitted I break rules and this forum doesn't like rule breakers ;-p

  • +3

    Arrogance plays a big part here…

    And please stop judging how good a driver you are, by the number of accidents/tickets you have tallied up.

  • I’ve been driving (manual) for 10 years and never had an accident. Also have completed a defensive driving course and a driving emergency vehicles course. So I went with godlike. :)

  • Below average I'd say, because I rarely drive. However, my perception and prediction skills are pretty good, so that's kept me safe so far. I can usually spot the idiots, and then make sure I'm out of their way when they do the idiot thing I know they're going to do.

  • I am an Awesome finder of carspaces in Shopping Centres, CBD's, and free parking at major sporting events.

    I have driven about 1.5Mil kms… and still have all my limbs and hair.

    Caused about 3 accidents, near misses.. too many to count.. Not at fault collisions i.e. rear enders / failed to merge, 10.

    I'm not sure about my risk profile.. Any actuaries here?

  • Country driving I'd rate myself well. Can easily drive for 10+ hours in a day, carry speed through corners and am good at spotting wildlife at night and taking precautions accordingly.

    City driving I tolerate, but hate. Basically I don't respond well to driving where there is urgency and pressure from other road users. I'm not generally in a rush but it always seems like everyone else is. Pet peeve is parallel parking when it's busy. People always seem to crack the shits when they're forced to wait for 15 seconds while you execute the manoeuvre.

    Only had 1 demerit point in my driving history, and that was for speeding in my own school zone. Badass.

  • +1

    I treat every driver as in idiot and im usually proved correct

  • I'm above average at use of horn on idiot drivers - particularly those bouncing off the lane markings while using their mobile phone.

    I don't hit other cars, and don't let them hit me - got to spot the dangers early. However, I have been done by a kangaroo at dawn - that injured belief in driving ability & has led me to greater care on the risks you can't see early.

    Off the road I'm god-like. Free parking thank you very much. It pays to know the rules better than the parking inspectors - however that does require the occasional court visit to prove it.

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