This was posted 5 years 5 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PRICE ERROR] Intel Compute Stick STK1A32SC 32GB with Windows 10 $49 (Was $199) (in Store Only, OOS Online) @ Centrecom


Was A Price Error, but CentreCom rep will try to honour all online orders, see comments

Intel Compute Stick STK1A32SC 32GB with Windows 10

Intel link

Intel® Compute Stick is a device the size of a pack of gum that turns any HDMI display into a fully functional computer: same operating system, same high quality graphics, and same wireless connectivity. All this in a PC on a stick that measures 4.5 inches from end to end, and is ready to compute right out of the box.

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closed Comments

  • magic

  • -1

    what can u do with this

    • +37

      Helps achieve your frustrations easier

    • +11

      you can compute on a stick

      • +3

        What can't you do with this?

        • +27

          Not compute on a stick

        • Run Crysis

        • This only has HDMI 1.4 so 4K@60Hz is unavailable.

    • +1

      Good price

    • like just browse or something

    • I wanted to build the ultimate all one in emulation stick with every console game and controlled via wireless keyboard and xbox controllers, for $#!ts n giggles.

      • sounds good but i have no idea how to do any of that so enjoy to the people who purchased

      • Goodluck with only 32gb of storage

        EDIT: Didn't realise storage was upgradeable, could be pretty sick

        • Nah, only retro emulators would work decent and you might as well get a rpi for those.

          • @ssquid: I mean this will still likely run stuff a decent bit better than a Pi (pi3 at least, don't have experience with a pi4), and at $50 it's comparably priced to a pi+case, with the pricing error anyway

            • @snep: Still far from being an "ultimate" emulator though, with only an iGPU and no 4K@60Hz.

    • Xbox!

  • +1

    Thanks but wont accept paypal, something about shipping method incorrect

    • Use their standard checkout, you can also pay with PayPal through that.

      • now instore only…

  • +9

    CPU from 2016, 32GB of non-upgradeable storage (although it does have a microSD slot), and 2GB of RAM. Windows 10 is going to run shockingly bad, but it could run a lightweight Linux distro fairly decently.

    • +2

      More information on Linux Install.

    • +4

      it's a 3 year old Atom chip, don't expect fireworks :)
      But ok for browsing internet and youtube. All about portability.
      I was running Plex server on it for a while.

      • +6

        Or do expect fireworks if you push it too hard.

    • +2

      It is a paaaaaain to get linux working on.

      Just don't bother honestly.

  • STK1A32SC has windows 10 pre installed?
    STK1AW32SC does, but I think this one doesn't…

  • No stock?

    • +4

      likely someone just purchased the lot to resell

      • Or pricing error? Seemed too good to be true

        • centrecomm got 21st anniversary sale going probably doesn't sell well at rrp & just clearing stock

  • Already Out of Stock online

  • No stock!

  • only 19 mins and it's Out of stock?

    but why the hack do i need this when i already have a desktop, phone, ipad, macbook pro and surface 6.

    • +7

      Don't underestimate the power of 19mins in ozbargain…

      • -1

        Goddamnit Broden. You've done it again!

  • Too slow for me.

    Just want to try to put Android on it.

    • plenty of cheap andriod sticks out there

      • Yeah I know just want to play around to put android on PC.

        BTW, any suggestion what Android TV box to buy? Better with 8.1 and remote.

        • Currently it still appears to be the Nvidia Shield, with the knowledge that a slightly updated one is expected to be released soon (so the current version might get discounted). Not cheap though. The Vodafone TV is $72 delivered direct from Vodafone, but there are mixed reports on reliability - some love it, some have issues. Same can be said for the Mi Box and the even cheaper android boxes out there.

          I wanted something now for the kids games room (to access Plex, HDHomerun, Prime, and Netflix), so rather than buy the current Shield I bought a Vodafone TV - should be delivered today so I guess I'll find out soon if I've wasted my money! If it's any good I might get one or two more (for the living room etc). If it's rubbish, I'll probably wait for the next Shield.

          • @PlasticSpaceman: VTV is fine unless you're the type of person who moans about not getting the latest updates (even though since Android TV 7 they have added nothing of value and caused more problems than they have solved).

        • Android emulation takes alot of processing power. UlV CPUs can barely run bluestacks let alone an atom.

        • Android for x86 is basically dead since Intel stopped supporting it.

          • @ssquid: They still have 8.1 r2


            • @superforever: I don't mean the actual android-x86 project, I mean general support for Android on the x86 architecture. There were never any retail 64-bit x86 devices, there were a handful of 32-bit but they were all abandoned (including the Nexus Player) and soon won't be able to run new apps.

  • +1

    Got one when there were no comments on this post, might put it inside my 4 bay SATA USB3 HDD enclosure, do a bit of wiring inside and turn it into a stand alone NAS with USB ethernet.

  • Bugger, missed this one

  • +14

    I got one, hopefully it can play Crysis.

  • Online changed to out of stock but Still showing stock available in-store would try calling if you need one

  • +4

    Just when u think u have everything u need in life

  • Should work well as an IPTV player on older TVs.

  • Bought one of these back in 2016 and after about 6 warranty claims due to the unreliable booting of them repeatedly I got my money back.

    I loved the concept and when it worked it was great but honestly every week I'd have a device that would power up but refuse to boot or display anything. Maybe the BIOS or drivers have updated but even at $49 I don't want to waste anymore of my time.

    • +1

      sounds like gen1 , not this with z8300 cpu

      • This is a gen1 model. Gen2 models start with STK2.

        • +1

          STCK1 with atom z3735f , is the 1st variant released in 2015

          STK1 with z8300 , is the refreshed model released in 2016 + 2xUSBs

          STK2 is the core-M model which often costs double

      • This is the model I bought a straight copy and paste from invoice in my back and forth case with PCCASEGEAR: Intel Compute Stick STK1AW32SC

        Mine has the W acronym for the Wireless version but the one above lists wireless so 99% they are 1 in the same. At the time I did the claim PCCASEGEAR admitted I was not the only one having so many issues with it. I also had the STCK1 version with the older Atom and that was actually more reliable.

        • The intel site seems to indicate that the W version has Win10 pre-installed.

  • +1

    Install linux and open office for your message board needs. That's the only use for this one.

  • -1

    If I call store will they ship it to NSW?

  • -3

    Is this good for Photoshop and video editing and production?

    • +2

      No, it's an Atom CPU.

  • can this be used for pihole?

    • +2

      Why not just get a raspberry pi zero w?

    • +2

      You can just get a much cheaper Raspberry Pi Zero W (~$20) for PiHole.

  • can this be plugged into a LG smart Oled and install and use Philips Hue Sync to sync the philips lights behind my tv? any other easy suggestion? I currently plug my laptop hdmi into the tv and use the Philips Hue Sync, but my laptop struggles to play any 4k content on the tv.

    • This is no good for 4K, it's only HDMI 1.4 (can't do 4K@60Hz).

  • Can this play Crysis?

    • -1

      If I get one, I’ll install it and report back.

    • -1
    • +1

      Yep, RTX ON - 8k @ 240fps.

  • +2

    Would this be able to run n64 emulator and roms? I have hundreds of old games that would be fun on a big screen with cheap PC controllers. Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Mario Party, Goldeneye…

  • +6

    Don't need it. Now sold out…. I must have one..

  • -1

    Will it run Crysis? :D

  • That was fast.

  • -4

    Went in store and was told price error. mark as expired.

    • makes me feel better on missing out

    • +4

      Is a neg vote valid for a price error. Just report and move on.

      • especially when its been honoured

        • Try is not the same as will

  • Dang back to $189, I could have actually used one of these. It has to be better than my 2005 ThinkPad.

  • +15

    I've got one of these sitting unused, in brisbane. If anyone wants - let me know and send me a pm.

    What I will request in exchange, is you showing me a proof of you donating $50 to a charity of your choice and I'll just give it to you :)

      • You know what they say about people who can't take a joke, right?

        • I don't think I've heard this one, what do they say about people who can't take a joke?

    • -3

      Does it have to be registered charity with ACNC? Does it have to be DGR?

      I consider myself a charitable cause so…

    • -3

      I’m a charity case
      Please see attached bank transfer from my bank account to my other bank account

    • +4

      I'll grab the receipt for my donation to The Human Fund.

      • +2

        Lol, I had to look up that reference to realise it was a joke charity.

    • -3

      I'm Brisbane, I can offer a hug (as long as you have no communicable diseases)

    • +1

      I'll take it! PM me and I can sort out the charity donation.

    • +2

      @Tech and cars followed through with their promise - absolute champion. I'll get some good use out of this thing!

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