Please note these headphones are listed as seconds.
Please note these headphones are listed as seconds.
Oops… missed the Seconds bit…
same price as the new ones in previous deal lol
Why are they refurbishing so many?
Are they being returned (faulty) in droves?
Seems like there is a constant supply. Work colleagues who bought them returned them due to the sound quality. They are cheaply made though with cheap materials, so creaking/cracking is expected right?
I have XM2's and love them - XM3's shouldn't be too different build wise but there will always be some faulty products out of the lot, especially when they make so many of them.
My pair of XM3's started creaking after only a few weeks. There is only so much you can do with plastic build quality right?
@onlinepred: When you say creaking (I saw a lot of reviews where they stress test the XM3 and it always makes a creaking sound) I think it is just a natural characteristic of the type of plastic they use.
If it’s only when you put them on / adjust them then it should be only a minor issue.
@thebadmachine: My set creaked a lot when adjusting, but also when just taking off to put on my neck. It's just something I wouldn't expect on headphones at the rrp they ask.
What were your work mates comparing them to? I've never had a chance to compare them side by side.
We have loads of cans at work, I've tried most that area on the market. These and the Bose are great, but not of you really listen to music if you know what I mean. These are fine to drown out sounds, pop on at the office etc, but if you really want to appreciate some music, these really don't do anything for me at all.
@onlinepred: Thanks. It's what everyone's saying and what I thought. I have PM3s and have been forever wondering what the fuss is all about the Bose and Sonys. Listening in noisy stores is hardly a good testing ground.
@onlinepred: What would you recommend for comfort and best sound and soundstage? I have Sennheiser HD558 and they've been great - but looking for something new
@Jonobo: How much you want to spend, and what music do you listen to, and what sources do you listen to?
@onlinepred: Max $700. Mainly listen to rock / prog rock. Not into super bass heavy headphones, but like some oomph to the listening experience. I currently have Bose 35, Sennheiser momentum 2, HD280, and HD 558. I especially like the comfort and wise soundstage of the 558. Listen on either my iMac or plug them into my Yamaha receiver as part of my surround sound system and will listen to CD or watch a blurry on PS4.
@Jonobo: Okay, I can't help you too much, I'm mostly into live indie/pop music. I would highly recommend trying out the Master and Dynamic MH60, it is the closest headset I have come to matching a home stereo setup in feel and sound. If I had not recently bought the Beoplay H9i, I would jump all over them via amazon. I wasn't a big fan of B&W PX, but it's worth trying also, along with the new P7. I've heard good things of the Beyerdynamic traveller sets, although haven't tried them.
@thebadmachine: yea MW60. I prefer the brown haha :…
@onlinepred: Yeah Camo looks a bit weird, would prefer black myself. But $277 discount Camo is for ozbargainers.
@onlinepred: International product though.. and since you linked the black and assuming it was a directed at myself.
Way over my budget even at $600 & I prefer wired all-the-way. Priced closer to $300-$350 (B&W P7 / B&O H7 ) sounds about right.
@onlinepred: Looks like price dropped a bit on the black MW60’s you linked via Amazon AU.
Read the reviews though, a few are stating the MH40’s sound better, and are better in other areas (stronger magnets holding on pads etc).
Currently $328 Delivered (Navy Blue/Silver), for local stock and sold by Amazon.
As always try in-store when you can.
@thebadmachine: Yea the whole wired vs wireless though. That's a great price.
Yep tried in store and someone at work lent a pair to me for a day. Haven't tried mh40, but don't need to replace my dt770 Pro wired.
@onlinepred: My mistake, thought the MH40 was a lower model wireless.
I think the MW60 is $100 cheaper than when you posted the think in this thread.
(Going by my ‘way over my budget even at $600 comment)
Also it seems like those who prefer the MH40 to the MW60 are comparing them both wired, one of the reviews mentions to get the best sound out of MW60 you should use them wireless.
@thebadmachine: Sounds really good from the specs. Will be interested to see how it sounds. Didn't like the PX at all.
@onlinepred: Just in-case you missed it, it does say “Available from early NOVEMBER 2019”. So to be fair it is still 2 weeks out.
@onlinepred: Just came across these reviews on YouTube.
- B&W PX7 vs Sony XM3
- B&W PX7 vs Sennheiser Momentum Wireless 3
Bit long so here is a summary.
B&W PX7: Great sound (with ANC off) imaging / soundstage better than MW3, great ANC, but with ANC on & near max-volume software limits the dynamic range of certain frequencies & sounds becomes processed / compressed. Also listening passively wired with 3.5mm requires battery-power. Great battery-life. Wired USB Audio.
Sennheiser MW3: Great sound, almost perfect with some EQ correction in app (Mids more forward apparently than V-shaped predecessor). ANC is weak, battery-life is on the short side. Wired USB Audio.
Sony XM3: Everything you expect. Cheapest of the 3, best ANC. Creaking seems normal.
@thebadmachine: Didn't like mw3 at all, and yea xm3 is a waste of money for audio quality, only good for anc. Would be interested to know how the px7 compare to PX or H9i or beyer lagoon etc.
@onlinepred: This is what I am interested in when it’s discounted.
Metal571 just released a video on it. Glad I have been so fussy with my preferences (Custom Studio was out of reach) and now this new Audeze comes out.
LCD-1 is priced the same as the Mobius, so RRP AU$599.
@onlinepred: RRP $599 price hurts for wired headphones.
It could be considered cheap for Audeze, but seriously hurts.
Hope they offer something like a $399 Pre-order promotion (could be possible since they are marketed as ‘portable’ @ 16 ohms & the market is moving over to Bluetooth).
Otherwise looks like I will be waiting for awhile for them to come down in price.
@onlinepred: $649 for pre-order at A2A & MiniDisc.
AU$599 (US$399) + GST I assume.
Looks like I’ll be waiting a few years, or fingers crossed some kind of Black Friday miracle in the next month (A2A do site-wide codes if I remember correctly).
@Jonobo: If you can swing by the Minidisc Store & deal with closed-back design try out the Planar-Magnetic Oppo PM-3’s currently on sale.
Are they being returned (faulty) in droves?
It could be possible. Going by the hype I guess a lot of people just buy, and then later on discover they actually have little use for them. Or they discover they are more for particular use case (travelling etc).
Fair enough, but I don't think those are legitimate reasons for returning…
Depends on the store. Amazon for example has a ‘change of mind’ return policy.
Also there has been a wide-spread issue with the microphones on the XM3 (when making calls), as far as I know it was only a certain ‘batch’ of stock but this gives anyone who thinks the microphones are bad a reason to have them returned (whether the issue is real is another matter).
Bonus ear wax
brand new ones are even cheaper, $3 more for the ear wax?
Not worth for that price as refurbished…