This was posted 5 years 5 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bonus Borderlands 3 with Selected Samsung EVO, PRO, EVO Plus & QVO SSD's from Selected Aust. Retailers @ Samsung

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Available on the following drives:

Participating Product Model Number
SSD 970 PRO 1TB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7P1T0BW
SSD 970 PRO 512GB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7P512BW
SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7S2T0BW
SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7S1T0BW
SSD 860 PRO 4TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76P4T0BW
SSD 860 PRO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76P2T0BW
SSD 860 PRO 1TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76P1T0BW
SSD 860 EVO 4TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E4T0BW
SSD 860 EVO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E2T0BW
SSD 860 EVO 1TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E1T0BW
SSD 860 QVO 4TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76Q4T0BW
SSD 860 QVO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76Q2T0BW

Mod Note: Updated Description with a Table (Credits to hoju83)

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closed Comments

  • +111

    Just spent the last 10 minutes formatting a nice post only to be beaten to the punch by literally a minute :'(

    With the upcoming Computer Alliance eBay sale starting on Thursday ( this might be a worthwhile deal for those in the market for an SSD upgrade who also want to play BL3 (or you could probably try and flog the code on Gumtree ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

    • +6


    • +14

      sorry mate, have an upvote for your troubles

      • +2

        All good mate, gotta be quick when posting deals. Was doing this at work so kept getting interrupted by people.

        • +2

          Aren't we all!

    • +40

      Just going to comment this in for easier viewing of eligible drives.

      Participating Product Model Number
      SSD 970 PRO 1TB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7P1T0BW
      SSD 970 PRO 512GB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7P512BW
      SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7S2T0BW
      SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7S1T0BW
      SSD 860 PRO 4TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76P4T0BW
      SSD 860 PRO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76P2T0BW
      SSD 860 PRO 1TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76P1T0BW
      SSD 860 EVO 4TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E4T0BW
      SSD 860 EVO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E2T0BW
      SSD 860 EVO 1TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E1T0BW
      SSD 860 EVO 2TB (M.2 SATA) MZ-N6E2T0BW
      SSD 860 EVO 1TB (M.2 SATA) MZ-N6E1T0BW
      SSD 860 EVO 1TB (MSATA) MZ-M6E1T0BW
      SSD 860 QVO 4TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76Q4T0BW
      SSD 860 QVO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76Q2T0BW
    • that's always the risk you take, best idea is to post first then format

      • Yep now I know for next time!

    • +3

      At least your comment has more +1s than the deal

    • You are the hero that OZBargain deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

    • +1

      Post first, format later. Ozbargain rule works in this case.

  • press F to pay respect

  • +1

    Thought it was going to be free for Samsung Evo MicroSD cards!

  • +9

    What's the cheapest drive I can buy to get a free copy of BL3?

    • +1

      Also wanting to know this.

    • Possibly the SSD 970 PRO 512GB (M.2 NVMe)

      Edit: Possibly not. See above

      • Cheapest probably,
        SSD 860 EVO 1TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E1T0BW

  • SSD 860 EVO 1TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76E1T0BW

    $190 from MSY and CENTRECOM

    anyone find lower?

    • Wanna get that to upgrade my rig, but the price D:

      • +5

        If Computer Alliance doesn't jack the price on Thursday then it'll be $159.20 with 20% off.…

        If you take into account the cost of the game ($65?) might make it easier to swallow.

        • ooo sounds like a good deal,

          • $15 shipping thats $174.2 nice
          • +1

            @vince088: They send you a paper invoice with the package as if you bought it in store or online directly. They even put a note under the item "Eligible for [offer] via redemption" for these sorts of promotions.

            • @EchoEcho: cheers i edited my comment when i saw the promotion banner on ebay listing :D

          • @vince088: Have you already activated an eBay Plus trial previously? If not, you get free shipping with that.

            • @hoju83: no i havent, but i cbf deactivating it after also lol so thanks for info anyway

          • @vince088: Just found out MSY currently have 10% off sale so it will be $171 in store

        • Definitely need to look out for that. Thanks! Finger cross

  • +1

    I was thinking to get the SSD 970 PRO 512GB (M.2 NVMe) MZ-V7P512BW as a primary drive anyway.
    Would prefer cash back TBH

    • -2

      ill give you $20 for the code :)

    • As an owner of that SSD (970 Pro 512GB), I am disappointed with that drive. In terms of OS booting and app loading, there is no noticeable difference between that and 840 Pro (I know 840 Pro is old). Compared to NVMe SSDs, other than in benchmark apps, I really cannot feel its sequential speed advantage (compared to another much cheaper NVMe (TLC based) SSD).

      • I mean, if a race is 100m long and one runner is 1 second faster, there's not much to expect. For there to be huge differences with start up, there'll have to be a significantly different technology, right?

        • If one runner is 1 second faster than Usain Bolt in an 100m race, he would be immediately banned from racing and drug tested until his has no more urine to give.

      • +1

        I think the main advantage of the pro version is the endurance though right? It's got like double the TBW. The Evo plus actually has faster read/writes I think

        • +1

          You get 2X the endurance rating. Another advantage of Pro is its sustained performance, but that's something most people cannot take advantage of. In order to really write to Evo Plus fast enough, you need another m.2 SSD that's fast enough (sure you could use a RAM drive, but even with a 32GB RAM drive, you won't be able to saturate Evo Plus).

  • Nice!

    I was tossing up whether or not to get an nvme ssd for the x570 system I've ordered in and whether or not to buy BL3.

    With MSY's 10% off on the 1tb 970 plus and this promo, I'll just get both I supposed!

  • -2

    So any of these decent 1tb ssd going for a little over $100 ??

  • I was already tempted by possibly getting the 860 QVO 2TB (2.5” SATA) MZ-76Q2T0BW for $271.20 with the upcoming CA 20% off ebay sale
    This might be what i need to take the plunge

    • +3

      Knowing Samsung's cashback / promotion team, they will take close to 14 days to process this. So this is for people not eager to play the game right away.

      • +1

        I think 14 days would be way too quick for Samsung.
        Seems quite a few people waited 40 days (& thats after confirmation) for their previous cash back redemptions.
        I bought my SSD in early August & it still wont accept my Serial Number.
        It took 4 emails & 2 phone calls just to get a reply last week saying they will look into it.
        Either they are pretty incompetent or they are trying to run the clock out so they don't have to do any more redemptions.
        So be warned, you may end up having to work a lot harder than you expected to get the promised promotion.

        • +1

          As per T&C:

          The Eligible Claimant will receive an email to the Eligible Claimant’s nominated email address within 14 days from the date their claim is deemed valid by the Promoter.

          Samsung now use online system so the validation is done fairly quickly (2 business days or less). This is not cashback, I know cashback can drag on to 40 days. This is just sending you one code, which is easier for them - yet still 14 days.

  • For someone planning to build a new pc which drive would be ideal for good future proof?

    • +1

      2TB 970 Evo Plus would be great. Future proofing SSD's is more so to do with capacity rather than speed. You won't notice a huge difference between this and the 970 Pro unless for professional use.

    • +2

      Realistically, none (if you strictly want future proof and you go for a X570 board). We know m.2 NVMe PCIe x4 4.0 SSDs have started to appear and Samsung will release them as well. Then, there is intel's questionable claim of PCIe 5.0 support for their 2020 offerings.

      Don't buy into this future proof thing. It's merely we sugarcoat our decision to buy something we don't really need right now. NVMe - unless you really know how to max it, you are just buying it to brag.

      $600+ for Evo Plus 2TB is just not sensible. That money is much more useful on a decent graphics card.

      • When i say future proof. I mean no major upgrades for 10 years.

        • -1

          Is that realistic? Think about the statement: future proofing SSD's is more so to do with capacity rather than speed, let's just assume that's true for the moment, the guy then pick the second most expensive NVMe SSD model on the market.

          You only get 5 year warranty on 970 EVO Plus so 10 years without upgrade is 5 years without warranty. You do know flash memory cells have limited writes and the wear level degrades over time right? We know Samsung PCIe 4.0 offerings are coming. What exactly is the incentive to get these SSDs now, a game?

          My game drive is 4TB so 2TB being future proof? Nice try….

          • +2

            @netsurfer: While I may have picked a more expensive drive, I still believe future proofing is capacity over speed.

            We have two factors here
            1. Capacity- games, applications will increase in size as time goes on. This is 100% true
            2. Speed- 5 years down the track, a new SSD might come out that is, for arguments sake, 50% faster than current. So your PC boots now in 5 seconds rather than 7. So what? Additionally, with a NVME drive, you will be hard pressed finding a use that will max out its bandwidth.

            A third factor not yet discussed- reliability. Well the only thing more reliable is the pro series, which is even more expensive. It is not worth discussing at this point. The evo plus is rated up to 1200tb of write endurance. That is pretty good

            There is no such thing as future proof. Every time someone asks for something that is future proof, we have people like you come out of the woodwork spouting that line. Yes that is strictly true but that is unlikely what OP is asking. Most people when discussing future proof, means something they can use for a long period of time without needing a replacement.

            Therefore in the context of this discussion, choose capacity over features or speed. Reliability as a corollary to increased price is also something to consider, within reason.

            • +1

              @Tech5: The biggest issue is that too often people get tricked by all these marketing tricks. Sequential read/write is not that important.

              So your PC boots now in 5 seconds rather than 7

              This, unfortunately, is a common misconception. When compared on the SAME PC, Samsung 970 Pro (NVMe, current) failed shave 2 seconds on Samsung 840 Pro (SATA3, and 2-3 years old) in boot up. A lot of people compared SSDs on different PCs. That's incorrect. My test was done on Ryzen 3xxx series system. I repeated the test on intel 8th gen system - same thing. You really cannot notice it. Opening apps, same deal.

              On a CPU bound app, NVMe won't save you. I put a NVMe SSD on a dual core / quad threads system before. Launching a CPU bound app took 90 seconds. That's far worse than a SATA3 on a quad core system (which took 12 seconds). The reason is that app is CPU bound and SSD is idle most of the time during the load.

              Another important factor people don't realise is that 970 Evo Plus and 970 Pro (and last year's model 960 Evo and 960 Pro) enjoyed lack of competition for quite some time and Samsung charges people a premium. Now the competition has caught up, there are some compelling options which are not only cost effective, can really give 970 Evo / Pro real competition (esp. for general use).


              This is yet again another thing most people don't really realise. m.2 is not a good form factor. We know for years, Samsung thermal throttle their m.2 SSDs. 970 Evo+/Pro improved further on 960. There is just very little space available on m.2. Why do you think intel picked PCIe card for their higher end 3D XPoint and why so many enterprise grade NVMe SSDs are PCIe.

              The reality is NVMe is an overkill for most people (Buildzoid said so and he has zero NVMe SSD). If you really want to get 2TB SSDs, SATA will do, but if you must go m.2 NVMe, then pick one where the price is similar to SATA counterpart.

              Samsung NVMe SSDs are not that good for future proofing. My experience with 950 Pro is quite painful. It is unbootable on one of my 8th gen intel based system (whereas a dirt cheap NVMe has zero issue whatsoever). Not only that, the Samsung previous gen NVMe SSDs suffer deep dive in price as soon as the new gen arrives.

              Not saying don't get 2TB SSD now, but if you don't have the ability to max out NVMe SSD, going for a 2TB Samsung NVMe SSD now is just throwing money down the toilet.

            • @Tech5: Quoting part of an article:

              The thing is, today’s TLC flash cannot sustain thousands of write cycles without significant degradation. In fact, a typical cell can sustain 20 to 50 write/erase cycles before it starts leaking charge. Low-quality NAND flash can be less robust, while SLC caching can improve the number of write cycles, yet the end result is the same: a NAND cell becomes less reliable in retaining electrons.

              Bottom line, don't just look at the figures (write endurance ratings) and think that's a sole factor on cell quality. Think about the actual tech behind it. Also, why do SSD makers now hide the wear level information on SMART data? That avoids storage checking software from rating the SSD quality lower. I have an SSD with quality rating of 60% (due to the maker did expose the wear level info on SMART), there is no sector re-allocation yet, but would you trust such an SSD? Mind you, that's an MLC SSD. As the cells degrade over time, TLC cells are harder to read out reliability.

        • +1

          Consumer grade ssds have a lifespan of about 5 years, so if you want 10 years, you will need to get the best rated ssds for life performance, which would be enterprise grade which is above pro grade.

  • anyone worked out the best bang for buck drive on these yet? just need a 512 nvme for a laptop

    • None of them, unless Borderlands 3 is a big deal to you.

      Kingston A2000 500GB - $99 @ MSY before the 10% discount (so $90). That's less than half price of 970 Pro (or $54 cheaper than 970 Evo Plus 500GB - not eligible for the promotion). From my brief test, A2000 gives my 960 Pro (note: 960 Pro, not 970 Pro) a run for its money in random read/write, especially low queue depth (but I bought the 1TB version of A2000).

      Honestly, if you really want to "pretend" you can take advantage of NVMe SSDs, you need two of them. Otherwise, with a laptop, what other device can you use to send that much data to the NVMe SSD? Thunderbolt 3 is a possibility, but you need a TB3 device with NVMe SSD inside.

  • +1

    Noooooo I literally bought one yesterday….

    • +2

      classic ozbargain moment.

    • Have you opened it yet? If not, return it (or just go to the store to see if they can issue a new invoice with a new date - ask them to do a refund, followed by a new purchase).

  • +5

    Would rather have cashback.

  • curious if they cross check invoices with retailers ?
    if someone bought one a couple of months ago but didn't redeem the cashback and they convincingly changed the date on the invoice would it fly i wonder


    • You can try, as the worst case would be Samsung reject the claim. However, your particular example doesn't apply. There was a cashback promotion recently (on a bigger range of Samsung SSDs). Honestly, that cashback promotion is better for most people.

      Good luck to Samsung calling MSY and getting hold of a staff to verify an invoice.

      If you really want to photoshop invoices, you could still go for the cashback one (which is still claimable). If this game is very important to you… you could try… BUT I am not responsible for your actions obviously.

      • the value of the cashback was only $22 so definitely would rather borderlands

        • Then, try it. You can only do this dodgy stuff if you actually purchased a Samsung SSD so I really don't see it being a big deal. Most OBers don't really buy Samsung SSD(s) unless there is a promotion.

    • Hypothetically I did this on a gpu purchase for destiny 2. There is no way the retailer is sending through invoices with perosnal details.

    • actually you need to get the code from your retailer which you bought it from. which you then fill it in the Samsung website to claim the free game.
      and the retailer should know which day you purchased the game XD

      • not sure about this as i have submitted the redemption and there was no code required, just proof of purchase and serial number

        • Did it work? Also did you have the EFTPOS receipt on there as well?

          • @Chaseau: Yes it worked, I didn't include the eftpos receipt

  • +1

    Don't forget 10% off in storewide at MSY untill 30th September. Makes these even cheaper.

  • Unfortunately only PC Borderlands?

    • its a pc ssd…..

      • Which can be installed in a PS4…..

  • Just got the 970pro 512 for $188 from MSY. They have a store wide 20% off - wall in customers only.

    • +1

      You mean 10% off?

      • Sorry yes. 10% Phat thumbs on mobile.

        • Let us know how long it takes for Samsung to send you that code. We are guessing Samsung will take as much of those 14 business days the T&C specified.

          • @netsurfer: Last time I recall them taking longer than stated. But either way I saw someone mentioned they transitioned to a semi-automated process so should be faster now.

          • @netsurfer: Got my confirmation today, now I wait for the second email with the code

  • I'm assuming this key is for the epic platform ?

    • Borderlands 3 has 6 months exclusivity with Epic, so I would assume so

  • Want the game.. but don't need an SSD atm…

    • Happy to sell you the game for cheap, all i need is the ssd. let me know :)

  • Can you Borderlands on PS4 with this deal?

    • It says chosen platform on the entry but on the confirmation email it says redemption at epic

  • What do you guys reckon about this game?

    • much the same as earlier games, hasn't changed a massive amount, new story line, and a few new things which is cool, in my view they have stuck to a decent formula, so if your ready to jump into the borderlands world again, go for it… its good that its not the full 90 dollars of other games though.

  • Bit the bullet and purchased 860 EVO 1TB MZ-76E1T0BW for $171 @ MSY

    ps. the box sticker S/N number is short 1 digit for claim submission, you must open the box and there is a extra letter on the SSD itself.
    i guess this is to stop people claiming then doing refunds on the SSD lol

    • I found that too, but when i get to the end of the redemption page it only lists $22 cash back as an option?

      Edit: My bad, there's a choice of 3 - Cashback - Game - ??, i selected the wrong option to start with

  • +1

    looking at buying the SSD, but don't care for the game
    Is the game transferrable/saleable to someone else?

    • It's digital download, should be a redeem code.

  • let us know how long you took to get the key,

    submitted my claim 4pm, claim approved by 5:30pm, now waiting for my cd key

  • +1

    wonder how long it takes for the cd key . submitted and approved on 24th and still no key

    • my hopes of playing this for the weekend is down the drain :(

  • anyone got key yet… tomorrow will be 1 week since i got validated

    • I submitted for a Steam Gift card off of ASUS back in July and still yet to receive it lol

      • +1

        Took 9 months for me to get the steam gift card, you need to contact them constantly.

        • great…

    • im still waiting….. and with Asus took me over an year to get a $50 voucher

      • i emailed them and i got a reply same as the validation email… hopeless

        Dear Customer,
        Claim Reference Number:xxxxxxxxxxx
        Thank you for registering for the Borderlands 3.
        Your Claim was validated on 25th of September 2019.
        Your claim has been reviewed and approved!
        Please note as per the Terms and Conditions, the eligible claimant will receive an email to their nominated email address within 14 days from the date their claim is deemed valid, which provides a code which the eligible claimant is required to redeem.
        The code must be redeemed by 11:59 PM AEDT on Friday, 31 January 2020.

        basically implying that i wait the full 14 days >=(

        • i miss the days when the code came in the box

        • T&C says 28 days

          the Eligible Claimant will receive an email to the Eligible Claimant’s nominated email address within 28 days from the date their claim is deemed valid by the Promoter, which provides a code which the Eligible Claimant is required to redeem.

  • any one got the code yet?
    i got email saying Validation Completed

    To redeem:

    1. Open the Epic Games Launcher - If you have not downloaded and installed the Epic Games Launcher, you can do so from

    2. Create an Epic Games Account or sign in to your account and click on your Display Name at the bottom left corner - this will open your account settings menu

    3. Click “Redeem Code”

    4. Enter your 20-digit code provided in the email from Samsung

    5. Confirm the code you are redeeming is for the correct product and click “Redeem”

    6. Navigate to your Library by clicking the “Library” button on the left side of the screen

    7. Confirm that you received the product in your Library.

    but no key =\

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