• expired

FREE 28 Piece Multi-Tool $29 Value (Shipping $9.95 to Metro Cities, $4.95 to Sydney Metro)


Hi Guys! If anyone is in need of a multi-tool, have a look please. It's free, but shipping is $4.95, which is worth it if you buy something else.

Thanks for looking guys.

-Mark, CELL BIkes

FREE Tour de France Multi-Tool Special!
Online Exclusive ONLY!
Strictly Ends Sunday-Midnight-10-July-2011

The CELL 28 piece Multi-Tool features just about every tool and necessity you'll need while you're out on the road or trail.

Features & Functions:

Protective Carry Case
2/2.5/3/4/5/6mm Allen Keys
8/9/10 Socket Heads
14ga spoke key
+/- Screwdrivers
2 Metal Tyre Levers
15/10/8mm Spanners
Tube Scuffer
1 Large Patch
3 Medium Patches
3 Small Patches
Patch Adhesive

Mod: Fixed shipping price in title

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closed Comments

  • Shows as $9.96 shipping to Melbourne not $4.95? Thanks.

    • Hi Andri, let me look into that. Thx for your patience.

      • Any update for the shipping? Is $4.95 flat shipping? Looking for a floor pump as well… Thanks.

        • Hi Andri77,

          It's $9.96 shipping metro cities outside of Sydney.
          Thanks for looking.


        • I'll try and organise a floor pump deal next week as well. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, advice and observations.

          Ozbargain is a great place to get honest feedback and constructive criticism. You guys help us improve and always let me know how to better serve you with deals that you want.


  • Not $4.95 - "Outer Sydney Metro & Canberra – $9.96" Canberra IS metro…
    And why isn't there an option to check out as guest? I don't want to have to sign up to EVERY damn site.

    • Hi WilHoward,

      Yes, it's $9.96 for other metro cities. $4.95 for Metro Sydney. We are charged different rates by our courier, so what the shipping cost is, is what we are charged for shipping (we don't make a profit from shipping).

      Also yes, we have been looking into a guest checkout feature, but have other website functionality we're adding at the moment. This is on our shortlist. Thanks for your patience.


  • It's 4.95 to Sydney Metro.

    Just ordered

  • +2

    Bargain. Thanks mate, DX style pricing but AU service. You have my sale :)

  • Shipping to Perth is $9.96

  • So the $4.95 shipping is to SYD metro ONLY then…

  • Just ordered with a pair of MTB shorts. I'm in Sydney metro - hate to be a bother Cell but what are my chances of receiving my order for the weekend? :)

    • Hi mifo,

      You should have them tomorrow late morning or early afternoon.

      It may be better in the future to call our customer service for best response. Ashley is keen to answer any and all of your questions.


  • -2

    FREE is good… shame about the postage…

    • +2

      $10 delivered is pretty good, but youre right…. if the item truly is 'free' then $10 postage and handling is pretty expensive for such a small item.

      I guess people have to look at it from an 'overall price'. but technically the postage charge is pretty expensive. I live in canberra (just 'down the road')- why should I pay double the postage as someone living in sydney?.

  • The system automatically added
    Best Locks Combo Cable 110cm 4 Digit $2.95
    and 4x Thumbs Up Glueless Patch Kit 6pcs Pack $8.00

    +$5 delivery


    • Hi xception,

      Apologies for this happening to you. If our shopping cart or system is automatically adding this, this would be an error and not anything we are intentionally doing.

      Is this your first time to shop with us? Or have you had these items in your cart from before? If this is your first time to shop with is, then please let me know what happened, so I can get it fixed.

      Please feel free to contact me at mark(at)cellbikes.com.au


  • Nothing is free in life.they r running the company not charity.

  • That is not 28 piece

  • +1

    Great deal. Any deals on cycling jerseys coming any time soon?

    • +1

      Hi andykillz, feel free to have a look through the site and let me know what you'd like to see on discount, and I'll make it happen for you.


  • I'm after a short sleeve and long sleeve jersey.


    I'm not too fussy about designs. As long as the shirt does the job :D

    • Ok, we'll do something either tomorrow or on monday with jerseys.

      Thanks for your feedback.


  • Hi Mark,
    If I wanted to order one of the tools and the Topeak Modula Ex Adjustable Bottle Cage - would it be the one shipping fee? Also, any ladies Jerseys or knicks on sale?

    • Hi brisgirlsm, yes, shipping would cover that as well.

      Thanks for your question.


      • Thanks Mark.
        Any Ladies Jerseys? Could only find men's on the website. Is there any paypal payment option? Or can you call and do credit card over phone?

  • Good work rep. looking after your customers!

  • +1

    Hi rep.

    do you have anymore of these at all?

    • Im keen on that too, good spotting markis.

    • +1

      Hi markis,

      If we have enough of them, I'll make those FREE with $4.95/$9.95 shipping coming soon. Just stay tuned.


      • You know what ozbargainers love more than a rep who listens? A rep who listens and gives free stuff :) Loving it Mark, keep up the great work!

        • It's only 'technically' free, as you have to pay for shipping. I'd love to do 'true' FREE, but the Managing Director would have my hide.

          Thanks for your comment.


  • Received my order just then. Delivered in less than 24 hours. Very impresses. Will definitely be recommending this site to other cyclists

    • Hi andykillz, yeah, we've really focused on our order fulfillment and shipping speed. Many Australian customers have wondered aloud why they can get things from overseas faster than ordering from Australia.

      We have made this one of our #1 priorities, so if you live in a metro area in Australia, you shouldn't be waiting too long.

      Thanks for your feedback,

  • Adding tool and topeak water bottle cage goes to $10.86 not $9.95, it's adding on extra GST for bottle holder before going to shipping and payment. Can you please fix the GST problem? Wanted to order today and hopefully get it Mon/Tues.

    • Hi Brisgirlsm,

      What model Topeak cages are you ordering and how many?
      You may have triggered a threshold limit in our system.

      Let me know, and I'll adjust the weight of the item in the system.


      • Adding 1 x Topeak Modula Ex Adjustable Bottle Cage and 1 x Bike Rider 28 Function Multitool.
        Total = $9.05 (Amount)$1.81 (Tax) $10.86 (Gross Amount).
        Gross amount should be $9.95 prior to moving on to adding shipping of $9.95. Looks like it is adding 2 amounts of GST with the Tax being $1.81 on $9.95 item. Please see if you can fix it, as I'd really like to receive the water bottle cage asap.

        Also, can you please let me know about the Ladies Jersey's and Knicks.
        Thanks :o)

        • Hi brisgirlsm,

          I'll get this sorted when I'm back in the office on monday.

          Thx for your patience.


        • Thanks Mark, i'll check back tomorrow.

  • http://www.cellbikes.com.au/Beto-2-Stage-Pocket-Bike-Mini-Pu…
    so none of these in stock. when they do come back in stock. post up on ozbargain cause these are little gems. :)

    you are now my number 1 online cycling shop

    • Hi markis,

      we may be getting more in soon. As soon as we do, I'll make a special discount code on Ozbargain.


  • Very impressed with the customer service from Cell Bikes. Will do business with you again. Thanks Mark and David!! :o) One happy customer.

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