We have the best price for bad company 2 on the internet only 16.99$. We are quite sure noone else has this price.The keys as usual straight from retail box and you will get the scan/photo of the cd key
Bad Company 2 EADM/Origin Cd Key for lowest price on the internet for 16.99$

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Its summer deal after that price will become high as usual
Thats just a summer deal my friend while we have permanent price reductions.Both are different things
Fair enough, but I think it's pretty silly to post this as a bargain when there is clearly a much cheaper offering available.
This isn't a bargain post, this is just advertising.
Please understand we have no intentions of advertising.In comparison to steam sale we cannot compete with them on their price but once their 24 hour deal is over then this will become a good bargain
you shouldnt of posted while the steam deal is active then
probably should've just waited until the steam sale was over..you look silly now.
LOL we are the cheapest, except on Steam
ROFL I'd trust a direct purchase from Steam more too…
Yeah, it's just by chance that the discount for this on Steam is today. $5.00 USD until 3am AEST.