• expired
  • targeted

[Registrations Capped] AmEx Shop Small - Spend $20 and Get $10 Statement Credits (up to 5 Times) November 2019


AMEX is back November 2019 - 57 days before it starts! Save the date in your calendar
Received a merchant email to confirm the details of the AMEX Shop Small promotion this year

Enrollment link to come shortly (Enrollments start 1st November)

Terms and Conditions

Shop Small Offer.

• Offer is limited to five (5) credits per Card to which the offer is saved, with no more than one credit per participating Shop Small business.
• Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, in-store or online at a participating Shop Small Business. To view participating Shop Small businesses where the offer can be redeemed in-store, please visit shopsmallaustralia.com/map. Eligible businesses will be highlighted with a Shop Small logo.
• To view eligible online business where the offer can be redeemed online,
please visit americanexpress.com/au/shop-small/online-businesses/

• Excludes gift card purchases.
• Excludes transactions made through a third-party establishment or payment processor.
• Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
• Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend, but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
• Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
• Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.
• Full Offer Terms available here.

Shop Small Wiki/Guide
Shop Small Event Tag

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • Thanks mate. Any idea when can we register?

    • +1

      Normally towards the end of October - cardholders should receive an email about the promotion beforehand :)

    • Now

  • YAY!

  • Yay yay

  • I like you.

    • +11

      You're breathtaking!

  • I need to set a reminder to ensure I don't miss it this round !

    • +6

      I set the reminder a year ago but forgot the reminder was to enroll, not to start spending.

      So I went on a spending spree only to later realize I hadn't even enrolled, and all enrollments were closed. I shopped at places I wouldn't have shopped at otherwise.


      • I guess the Amex advertising crew did their job well. Lol

  • +6

    🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎵

  • YaY! Every Year!

  • Whats the best amex card deal going at the minute?

    • Qantas Ultimate.

    • +1

      The free one is better you can keep is forever.

      • +6

        keep is forever = no new card bonus point offers

      • Get the big bonus points then switch to its fee free little brother card after 11 months?

        • Yes and then wait for a bonus points offer to upgrade again…..who knows how long it might be, if at all.

          • +2

            @Poolprouk: But if you hold the fee free card, arent you ineligible for any future bonus points? I thought you need to not have held ANY Amex cards in the last 18 months?

            • +1

              @aragornelessar: You’re right in that you’d be ineligible for any new customer deals. However you might get a targeted offer to upgrade your card to the ultimate.

              This happened to me this year, I downgraded from ultimate to the fee free card in Sep ‘18 and got an offer to upgrade to the ultimate again in March ‘19. Was offered Approx 50 K points with 3k spend.

              I don’t know if that’s a regular thing though as the offer coincided with the devaluation that took place earlier this year so I might just have gotten lucky.

  • the highlight of the year! rejoice

  • +10

    Can't wait to make my dinner decisions based on whether a restaurant is Shop Small or not!

    • +3

      Time to add a few extras to the next Bar Luca order!

  • +2

    No let's see if I can find 5 bottlos again this year.

  • +1

    This should help offset the annual fees

  • +1

    This becomes the only worth AMEX offer now, should cancel AMEX or not.

    • +2

      Couldn't make use of the vogue offer that's active now? I managed to get $600 worth of gift cards from Myer AND DJs for 40% off. Reckon that's a nice bit of saving there

      • There’s no manual link, so have to go to city to register. Can’t be bother to get there as I live about 1 hour away.

        • +1

          Fair enough, ya I wouldn't bother either if it was that far. I'm lucky enough that it was just a short walk for me to go and register all my cards so went last thursday to register and went again yesterday to buy giftcards after all the queues have disappeared

          Happy enough with my haul of giftcards, now to wait for a Lego sale so I can stack my discounted giftcards on top. Doesn't hurt with all the big expensive sets on the way. Lego hobby getting really expensive now, gotta try and shave costs where I can

          Don't forget that Legoland at chaddy is part of shop small, at least it was last year. Good way to get some savings on exclusives.

          • @Kenb0: Is this for melb? Sydney rego opens tomorrow 4.30pm at kiosks I believe?

            • @dammit: Ya this is for Melb. Went active last week

            • -1

              @dammit: Umm…why would you need to register at kiosks? I thought that it's online as usual?

              • +3

                @tukanglistrik: It was a targeted offer online and a lot of people never got the offer. I didn't get it on a single one of my cards, primary or supplementary. So for those who didn't get it, which seem to be a majority of people, have to go there manually to sign up at the kiosk

                • @Kenb0: Cool, didn't know that you can still signup if not targeted

                • @Kenb0: Is the kiosk there at lunch time, or just from 5 pm when officially starts? Is it just tap the card to register or is it stuffing around?

                  • +1

                    @grasstown: I think in Melb it was there from early afternoon but not sure if it was actually active then, reports were inconclusive. It was definitely active from 4.30pm onwards(official start time) and there were also a couple of promoters with iPads who were guiding people and I think they also had a way to manually sign up through the iPad.

                    If I recall correctly, it was tap, wait a few seconds for it to register, then click on touchscreen "I agree" button and it was done for that card, Repeat for however many times you have cards.

                • @Kenb0: How do you find the kiosk

                  • @[Deactivated]: It's in Pitt Street Mall. If you're not in Sydney tonight, you miss out.

      • How did you manage that, I am new to Amex. Help figure

        • Have many multiple cards, like supplementary cards. He sounds like he has at least ten Amex cards

          • +2

            @kerfuffle: Correct, as usual :) two Amex cards of which I'm primary cardholder for, and supplementary cards for my wife, mum, two brothers and mother in law.

  • +1

    Hope they don't screw the registration for this too like they did with the VOGUE promotion :/

  • +1

    crappy selection of vendors last time

    • +1

      There's lots of Shop Small vendors - cafe's, restaurants and small retailers. Use the map to search for business near you :)


      • Looks like it's default to one postcode depending on where you're, Sydney, Melbourne, etc. e.g. 3000 for Melbourne. I'm sure there are businesses outside postcode 3000 that also participate.

        • +1
          • You use 1 finger to move the map around (two to zoom in/out),
          • tap on Blue box down the bottom which says redo search in this area

          I wonder when they update it, I know one shop on there which ditched Amex back in April.

          • @[Deactivated]: That works, but clunky. Amex should've just provided a list of participating businesses for each state. Much easier to browse.

  • I'm new to this offer and credit cards. How do I know if a store is Small Shop? Also, how do people top up Opal with Amex? Will that count as Cash-advance on AMEX? Thanks.

    • Use the map on the AMEX website to find a store that's part of the shop small promotion. https://maps.americanexpress.com/en-AU/maps?cat=Shop-Small&i…

      Ask to load $20 onto your Opal card at the retailer, pay with AMEX, receive your $10 credit within 90 days. It should not be charged as a cash advance

    • +3

      Be prepared for a $1 or $2 card surcharge fee by the convenience store operators. Which also will change on the day depending who serves you!!

      • -6

        what about woolworth? can woolworth recharge opal?

        • +1

          Woolworths is not a small retailer, so will not be part of this promotion

        • +2

          In what universe is Woolworths considered a small business?

          • +7

            @kerfuffle: Amazon’s?

        • +1

          I realise no one actually answered your question directly. The answer is, yes, you can absolutely top up your Opal Card at Woolworths.

          • @illumination: Thank you. My question was unrelated to whether Woolworths is a small business or not, I just never top up at Woolworths and didn't know.

            • +1

              @Nick K: Ok but the responses above are to be expected in the context of this deal. There's no reason you'd be wanting to top up at Woolies when Shop Small is on! :)

  • +1

    looks like you have to register towards the end of the month
    details from last year here

    • Sorry maxchange, just repeated what you already posted. found last years info and posted a few minutes ago.

  • +4

    time to make supplementary cards

    • Would you be using the names of family and friends or otherwise?

    • What do u write in the drivers licence # field of the form for supp cards ?

      • +2

        00090210 😎

      • The field is optional

    • Good idea!

  • +1

    Wow, time flies. Cheers OP.

  • +2
  • Yay!

  • +3

    Yay time to stock up groceries at the Asian shop.

  • +5

    Annual opal top up run

    • +1

      Annual go card run for Brisbane!

      • Oh cool

      • where do you top up?

        • +2

          Usually the newsagent nextra in garden city participates in the shop small, so I top up there.

          • +1

            @montorola: Thanks for that tip, the one in the city doesn't take AMEX anymore

        • See the list in the Shop Small wiki link in the OP

    • +8

      These annual threads are where I learn the name of each state's public transport payment system.

    • Annual complaints about shops that surcharge you $2 on a $20 top up!

  • Is ther a max number of enrollment?

    • +1

      Most likely, other years the enrollment exhausted quite quickly. Check your emails & check back for the official release date/time.

  • +3

    Recently, this is the only reason I've had to keep my amex card/s

    I'm ready again :)

  • +8

    Yes! my local barber is part of the shop small. That's why I cut my hair once a year…

    • +1

      Whether you need it or not.

  • +4

    Yay 50% off iTunes cards at my local newsagent (Nextra Ryde, if they're still participating). Half price Netflix for another year, LOL.

  • +2

    I don't suppose it is possible to have the guys from previous years put together their excel scrape of the shop small business together again?

    • yes please.

  • I hope they do not ruin it the way they ruined the Spend $50 Get $20 Back Vogue offer. Did not get it on any of my cards and could not attend the night in the city. $600 (3x$20x10 cards) gone.Last year had it on all my cards and used them all.

    • You should contact Amex and ask why you didn't get the offer on your cards

      • +1

        They just bluff you off with offer is based on your previous spending

      • +1

        I did ask them if there was anything I could do. Was told there is no manual way for them to give me the offer. Just hope I can save some money on the shop small offer.

  • It is hard to find the participating store even with the spreadsheet.

  • Last year got some good beef from Queen Vic Market. None of them are participating this year

    • I'd check closer to the event. If you zoom into VicMrkt there are some shops. Its harder finding shops that take amex there.

  • can someone please explain this? so i spend $20 and get $10 in what kind of credits? money on the credit card?

    • You will receive cashback money.. $10 per store (5 different stores max).. minimum $20 spend

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