This was posted 5 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Super Soco TS Electric Motorbike $3990 Rideaway (Originally $4990) @ Super Soco


The all new SUPER SOCO TS - a saving of $1000
Breathtaking. Inspiring. Revolutionary. Or just simply fantastic. The new Super SOCO TS is a state of the art electric vehicle when it comes to e-mobility. After many years of conceptual design and development, it has finally been created. It will thrill you – without compromises, because e-mobility has become so enjoyable.

Finance also available, Payment options as well

Max.Power 2400w
Motor Type Electric Hub
Motor Brand BOSCH
Power Management FOC Vector Controller 2.0
Max.Motor Torque 120N-m
Max.Climbing Angle 15°

Colours: RED, Black, Silver, White, Orange

Though not on sale there is also a Scooter version.

Related Stores

Super Soco
Super Soco

closed Comments

  • +1

    Wow.. Great price.. Now l just need some insurance and I'm set

    • +5

      Go with swann insurance. They are the cheapest and best for bike insurance.

      • +23

        You'd need it lol, a slow low hp bike that's silent. Asking to die riding it on our roads.

        Edit: might as well buy life insurance while you're at it.

        • +2

          Heard of a bike? Not the end of the world you know.

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: But the majority of cyclists don't travel faster than 40kph (unless you're competing in the Tour de France…), let alone travel at 100kph on a highway. There are also dedicated lanes for bicycles on certain roads.

            Not the end of the world

            I can tell you as a cyclist that there have been a few times where it was almost the end of my world!

        • i really think most motorbike accidents are caused by car drivers not seeing them rather than hearing them.

  • +1

    Top speed?

    • +6
      • +36

        Dealbreaker. :(

      • +2

        That's dangerous. I've gotten a postie up to 90kph on a downhill haha

    • Just watched a review, in that review it was capped at 30M/h, which I think is 50KM/h. That was England, not sure if it varies per country.

    • there vids on youtube on unlocking top speed?

    • Top speed is around 70km/h going by the review I linked below.

    • +27

      2400 W = 3.2 HP so it's worse than most of the scooters and about 10% of the power of any (real) motorcycle

      • +5

        Yes, good luck going up hill with 3.2hp.

        This machine is seriously underpowered. I'd recommend anyone considering it take it for a test-drive first.

        • +34

          This scooter is seriously underpowered.

          Especially when the average OzBargainer is onboard with all the crap he purchased. It'll have trouble getting over a speed bump.

        • Apparently it weighs 70kg all up, maybe this partially offsets that limitation enough to not be totally crap?

      • +2

        Like riding a vaccum cleaner or high power blender?
        I'd like to see that.

  • Range is up to 160km.. So fairly good for a commuter

    • +19

      Except if it can only go 70kph then you can't take it on many main roads or motorways in Victoria…

      • +35

        The key word is commuter aint many roads that go 70km/h during peak hour ;-)

        • +8

          and then one night you work late and you have to buzz down the fricken F3 with everyone smashing passed you at 110km/h

    • +3

      Specs on website say range is 60-80km per battery

      • yep single battery, you can get another for 1k to double the range, unclear if both fit on the bike at the same time but i suspect it might have 2 slots

        personally id get a new SWM scrambler 450cc fuel injected for the same price, chinese parts but designed and assembled in italy from properly equipped factory… very nice bike, if i didn't have a beautiful cruiser i'd get one…

        well it's not the cruiser thats stopping me.. its rego and insurance costs, no self respecting ozbargainer could do such a thing.. ctps in australia and esp nsw are the most ridiculous thing ever.. incredibly expensive yet completely unnecessary… apart from socialising costs of insurance for cagers or for purely making profit for insurance companies… utterly criminal

  • +47

    This is pretty cool, but I couldnt think of anything more dangerous than a near silent motorbike… I feel a lot of these will end up in the junkyard after altercations with car drivers simply not realizing that they're there.

    • +36

      Or altercations resulting in a motorbike doing 50kph in a world where 60-100 is the speed limit.

      • I agree, atleast 60 should be the norm!

      • Yep it's not Thailand!

      • +5

        Is that because when you drive 60-100, you need to crash into vehicles travelling less than that?

        This scooter is obviously designed for inner city driving, I don't think speeds of 60-100 need to be considered.

        • +3

          Carmageddon is a lifestyle for some yes

        • Not sure where you are, but pretty much every major road into the city within Zone 1 is 60km/hr or higher (80km/h) over here.

    • +40

      Riders are taught to ride defensively for this exact reason. You have to assume that no one knows you're there and not put yourself in unnecessarily dangerous situations - eg don't sit in a car's blind spot.

      Not saying you're wrong about the silent aspect making it worse, just that bikes are inherently dangerous already. Probably what makes them so much fun to ride 😄

      • +12

        I ride.. motorists are stupid and selfish and given that this bike is designed for commuting in the city, I expect that most owners will be lane filtering / approaching many cars quickly and without enough time to assess all potential dangers. This also includes mindless pedestrians running out to cross the road.
        As a rider I want to ensure that I am seen and heard, this bike removes one very important level of protection. When driving a car, I normally only know a rider is around when I hear them. Seems like an unnecessary risk.

        • +86

          motorists are stupid and selfish

          No, the stupid & selfish, who happen to drive.

          I realised long ago in the silly war of pedestrians vs cyclists vs motorcyclists va taxis vs trucks that the idiots are idiots and they'll always be idiots no matter if they walk, ride or drive.

          Next time you're out, count the total number of the group you hate, then keep a seperate tally of the idiots, you'll find it's about 10%, because you don't notice the 90% of normal decent people in the group.

          • +12

            @[Deactivated]: Supabrudda for PM!

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Confirmation bias

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: It's beyond absurd to think that by making noise you're making yourself safer.

            In any case, on a bike you're usually way out in front of the traffic. You need noise so that the cars, behind you, going slower than you, know that you're there? Ridiculous.

            When you're lane filtering, you do it slowly and carefully. The cars are not moving, they don't need to know about you. If they're moving you shouldn't be lane filtering if you want to stay safe.

            BTW; I've been a motorcyclist for 19 years. I'm looking forward to electric bikes becoming mainstream so that the noise pollution disappears.

        • +8

          I'm a car guy and I move right outta y'all's way the second I notice you in my rearview so my car doesn't get
          unnecessarily scratched… And and to keep our roads safe of course

          • +6

            @P3aker: I am a cager and also a motorcyclist and I like that you do that! I wish more people would be more like that.

        • +6

          I live on a main road and f'ing motorcycles are louder than the trucks.

          Assholes specifically altering their bikes to be louder than stock for this reason and there is no policing of how loud vehicles are - I guess because it is in the EPA code rather than the road rules or criminal legislation.

          Motorcyclists should be able to get from A to B safely, but not with the introduction of masses of noise pollution.


          • +2

            @tallmantim: Same - I'm a motorcyclist, I live on a main road and loud bikes drive me absolutely crazy. So idiotic, I wish it was policed as it is in most other civilised countries.

          • @tallmantim: I got pulled over once because they thought my exhaust was too loud. It wasn't, and I had not done any mods but they checked it out.

        • +5

          @SinBin if you are relying on being seen and heard you're doing it wrong. There is absolutely no way you can "ensure" someone else noticing you. People walk out in front of and crash their cars into emergency service vehicles with lights and sirens quite often. If your depending on that, you'll soon be dead. All motorcyclists should ride like they are silent and invisible and riding a silent back actually tend to help keep that in the front of your mind. It also helps with your awarenesses of other vehicles around you rather than drowning them under some noise chopped pipes.

          • -8

            @roller: That's the dumbest thing I've heard.. so I should also ride without any protective gear cause then I'll be really afraid to have an accident. My God, how do people come up with this stuff..

            And yes, I do rely on being seen and heard.. but so does every other motorist (car drivers included). The fundamentals of defensive riding is to ensure you are seen and heard by being visible, pausing before overtaking and making a conscious effort to make eye contact with drivers through their wing mirrors

            • +1

              @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: @SinBin, nice Trumpian redirection. Who mentioned riding without protective gear? Certainly not me! Noise and visibility is not ever, by definition, protective. You are perhaps hoping they are preventative. As you cannot mind read your premise is useless. Plenty of riders have looked a driver right in the eye before and as they drive right over them … completely oblivious to their flourescent yellow vest, always on headlight and illegally loud pipes. I have had the good fortune of participating in defensive driving for riders in 3 countries. The fundamental rule has always been, you are not seen, plan and position accordingly and never make any presumption you have been seen. Helmets have proven to save lives. Bright colours and noise have BEEN SHOWN to have little impact on accidents. I used to see a motorcyclist in a yellow vest and a noisy bike lying on a London road almost every single day.

              • @roller: And who said that I dont plan and position myself defensively when riding.. you incorrectly made those assumptions of my riding style because you assume that my only defense is a loud exhaust.. puhhhlease… I've mentioned over and over that it's one of many levels of precautions to minimize risk. I guess those 3 defensive riding lessons got to your head lol

                Also, I find your suggestion that riders should 'choose a silent bike as it will make them a better rider' (paraphrasing) is just dangerous.. I sincerely hope no prospective riders read your advice and end up in a situation that could have been avoided had they simply been heard.

              • @roller: Here you go.. this is exactly why a louder exhaust is valuable…

                (Copy and paste of a response to another comment) one last point on this loud vs silent exhust debate. Yesterday I was passenger in my wife's car waiting to turn right at an intersection. I had my head down playing on my phone and could hear a (not so loud) exhaust approaching from my left. I then felt my wife begin to turn onto the road, I looked up, told her to stop and watched as a R32 GTR rolled past. She couldnt see it approaching due to an obstruction but it was clear to me just by hearing it that it was not safe to pull out.

                This is my point regarding loud(er) exhausts. This could have been a bike and there is every chance my wife could have been in an accident. We would have been fine but the rider would have been injured. Even if it doesnt help 99.9% of the time, it's well worth it for that .1% when something goes wrong.

        • +1

          I don't think it's supposed to refer to an area that can't be seen, just that most people are lax to check it as you say.

          Honestly it just becomes a subconscious part of your riding. You only need to assess the 2-3 cars that are in the next lane and forwards of your position (or next to you) so not a big hassle. Of course there are times when you can't avoid moving through a cars blind spot, but the idea is that when you have a choice, don't just sit there hiding in it.

          • +1

            @3: I've just started riding again after a few years off. Lane filtering is awesome, except when you get to the front and there's a fullysikbro in his stock VY commodore that decides he's going to floor it and sit up your ass to make out like you've held him up.

            • @anzacpaul: Years ago I would hold back and let these guys try to keep up with me and guide them to a speed camera getting them to go as fast as I could, was handy not having a number plate on the front. :)

      • Agreed. Pedestrains are probably at even bigger risk, crossing the road when traffic is banked up and get wiped out by a silent bike zipping down a bike lane/filtering.

    • +30

      Do you reckon motors actually hear bikes?
      Between modern cars noise dampening & radio/Spotify, I only hear sirens & Harley's. Everyone else on the road is visual.

      • -1

        Install an aftermarket exhaust.. exhaust note is a major deciding factor when I buy a bike, hence my comments. Take precaution to minimize risk, that includes assuming that every motorist (including other riders) are oblivious to what's going on around them.
        Regarding your other comment, every motorist makes mistakes. You have to assume as a rider that every motorist you encounter is about to make a mistake that could cost you your life. So again.. take precautions to minimize your risk.

        • Drivers ignore giant bright red fire trucks with lights, sirens and air horns.

          What makes you think they'll take any notice of your puny exhaust?

          • -3

            @ajd4096: Another typical silly OzB comment… so in your experience because a few motorists are oblivious, that means all motorists are oblivious?

            You need to get out more and realise the world isn't limited to just your experience.. if you're a bad and inconsiderate driver, fair enough.. you're the reason riders have to take extra precautions. Most motorists arent that distracted by their phone/radio/a passing butterfly..

      • +17

        I used to have a very, very quiet bike. Now I have a much larger bike with a straight-through muffler which is much louder. And it really makes no difference to how other people see or treat me on the road. I have no doubt that they can hear me better, but they still have no idea where I am unless they look.

        There's a noticeable difference with wildlife, but not people.

        • -5

          But they can hear you.. for all you know your exhaust has already saved your life.

          I used to ride a Vtwin sportsbike and I can tell you without a doubt that I had less incidents on that bike. Probably cause I blipped the throttle when approaching vehicles. Didnt have the same effect with a 4cyclinder.

          Again, I'm talking about taking every precaution to minimize risk. Protective gear, loud bike, bright coloured bike and clothing, defensive riding, blipping throttle, staying out of the left lane, checking mirrors etc etc… it's the difference between a good rider and a dead rider.

          • +1

            @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: Every rider should be wearing bright fluoro vest then I suppose =/ I'm pretty sure that's gonna be better than a loud pipe when cars have very good sound insulation and their radios going.

            • +2

              @Squ1shy: Lol that's where I draw the line, but yes that would be safer.

              Avoid riding at night in black leathers and you should be fine.

              Typical OzBargain responses… you guys pick the one example to suit your argument and apply it to all scenarios. Yes, SOME people may not hear you but that might be like 25%.. not everyone has a well insulated car, people drive with windows down, sunroofs open, convertible tops down etc etc… using your logic we better remove sirens from emergency vehicles cause no one would hear them..

          • +4

            @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: In your head, you're going to believe what you want to believe…. but honestly, I'm in the same boat as supabrudda - I only hear sirens and Harleys.

            It's no consequence to me as I try to form a picture of my surroundings by periodically glancing at my mirrors to avoid any surprises.

            Everything you've described (load exhaust, blipping throttle as you approach) are all the things that give bikes a bad name and actually distract other road users.

            The best way to improve safety isn't by getting louder and louder exhausts, it's by assuming everyone on the road is a complete idiot.

            Avoid them, keep a distance away, drive predictably and be quick and decisive with your decisions to minimise any confusion for the idiots.

            • +2

              @Deviner: Yep, now this may come as a surprise to you, but you can do both :D defensive riding (as I've mentioned before) and being heard/seen/protected etc. Theres no harm in having an extra level of protection. Take a holiday if you're so upset by an exhaust passing you or maybe open your car window and get some fresh air…

              Blipping the throttle whilst downshifting is completely normal. Some cars have this feature. If motorists are distracted by a motorcycle exhaust, then I dare say they're probably the people I want to be aware of the fact I'm around.

              Having a legal db, louder than stock exhaust doesnt give riders a bad name ya old fuddy duddy lol..

              • @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: Fuddy duddy! I'm 33 for god sake. :) And wouldn't opening my window make you more annoying when you blip going passed me? :)

                I drive a quick car and I like going for a "spirited" drive as much as the next person, and I regularly blip the throttle, but only when it's actually warranted (quick overtake etc). I just don't buy into the idea of blipping the throttle "to be heard".

                I'm not too fussed about the actual exhausts - I'm specifically talking about using the tactic of blipping the throttle to alert road users.

                I drive very much conscious of bikes and move to hug the far side of the lane if I see one coming through the traffic behind me to make it safer, so I'm not against bikes by any means.

                • @Deviner: Dude.. come on! You go for spirited drives in a fast car and you're getting upset about riders blipping? You have like another 20yrs before these things should bother you…

                  Quick downshifts without throttle blip can cause compression lock up. Its actually good practice to blip to match revs otherwise you could end up with a rear wheel lock up and have the bike slide from underneath you.

                  Car drivers just get annoyed because they think riders are doing things to show off but in reality, they're just riding with safety in mind.

                  You're generally slowing down to lane filter etc so naturally riders will blip. In most cases, it's not a rider blipping to show off… like I said, the noise of a motorbike is gone in a few seconds, I dont know why you find a person's safety to be such a burden for that brief moment.

                  • +1

                    @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: I know the reasons why I blip the throttle and what will happen if I don't, but I'm only debating the notion of doing it to alert road users of your presence.

                    I got the impression from your previous post that you were keen on doing it to alert people, which is the only thing I take issue with.

                    I've been in 20-30kmh traffic and moved to the side to let a bike go down the centre of the lane passed me and they've blipped the throttle coasting passed me, which to me just seems like some people being a twat.

                    Anyways, you may not be in that boat of riders at all, but that was just the impression I got initially.

                    • @Deviner: I generally wouldn't, but I can understand why there might be exceptions to blip whilst lane splitting… look at it from the riders perspective, they may have seen the driver in front of you playing with their phone and blipped to let them know they're approaching, or seen them looking in their side mirrors/over their shoulder which could suggest they're about to change lanes.

                      Sitting next to a truck is 10 times more noisy and annoying and you probably pass a dozen during your commute compared to the 1 noisy motorbike that zipped past you briefly.

      • +1

        You are spot on supabrudda.

      • I've always swapped the exhausts back to stock on my bikes, have a black bike and riding gear, and never seem to have any issue with drivers not seeing me. I think the people complaining about not being seen are just those with an expectation everyone should get out of their way.

    • +1

      Insurance ? Im happy to pick it up for a bargain price after that.

    • -1

      that the one thing I keep thinking about these bikes… no way would I ride one….death wish…

    • +2

      I guess same could be said about cyclists on the roads. Silent on roads.

    • +10

      If you're relying on noise to keep you safe, then you need to get off the road.

      Most new vehicles are very sound proof; add in music and other traffic noise and you aren't going to hear a motorcycle until it's too late. Most motorcycles on the road are already reasonably quiet, and they are no more likely to be involved in a not at fault accident. Motorcycle exhausts point backwards, so you're going to piss off the people behind you much more than you're going to notify the people in front of you. Finally, you, as a rider, should be putting yourself in a visible position, or having a way out when you're not visible. Unfortunately, you can't really rely on others for safety.

      Loud pipes piss people off, they don't save lives.

      • +2

        I'd rather have 'noise' than not. Theres a legal db level and as long as an owner has stuck to that, it is perfectly legal to do what they are doing. You're acting like there isn't a wide choice of other motorbike options out there which make noise.. I'm purely stating I would prefer a 'noisey' to a silent bike. If I'm travelling down the road at 70km/h completely unprotected whilst surrounded by solid steel cars and trucks, I'd prefer to have every available safety option. You're welcome to do whatever you like, but I value my life and would prefer to have any safety options at my disposal. I only need my loud exhaust to save my life once to make it worthwhile.. dont care if it didnt make a difference 99.9% of the time.

        Motorists getting upset over the 2 secs they hear an exhaust is a bit selfish.. I assume they're the pricks that like to get too close to cyclists and swerve towards bikes which are legally lane filtering.. if these things are so upsetting, I suggest they take a holiday and relax.

        Also, sound doesnt just travel backwards ya know…

        • The actual noise limit for a motorcycle is really not that loud (87db or something IIRC). Basically, if you notice a bike over the noise of other traffic when you're not specifically listening for it then it's probably got an illegally loud aftermarket muffler fitted.

          • @macrocephalic: 94db in NSW or basically the same db as a lawn mower…. you must have industrial deafness if you think a lawn mower is silent. You should probably not drive with the radio on.. and maybe open a window.. and stick your head out..

            • @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: You're correct, 94db or the rating listed on the motorcycle at manufacture time - whichever is lower (for bikes produced after 2006). Most of my bikes have had a stamped db rating in the 80's, so I'd forgotten that the maximum was higher.

              That said, the maximum emission is at max throttle at 50% of maximum engine rotation speed. For something like a litre sports bike, that means max throttle doing nearly 90km/h in first gear. In more normal operation they are much quieter.

              In the EU, the same bikes [are tested differently but] have noise restrictions of 80db.

              • +1

                @macrocephalic: Where are you getting that info? This is straight from EPA NSW;

                "For motorcycles built on or after 1 March 1984, and designed or manufactured for use on a road, the level is 94 decibels. The noise level for other motorcycles is 100 decibels".

                Nothing about it being the lower value..


                • @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: I was going off this information:…

                  I was a bit wrong though, apparently bikes no longer have to be under the 94db limit, but they do have to be within (or within a margin of) the noise signature level when the model was complianced. A list of the vehicles and their noise signatures can be found at

                  I filtered the data and it shows that the average (mean) db test level of a motorcycle is 89db (excluding electrics and those with no noise level listed).

                  It does make you wonder, if the Panigale R has been tested at 110db when new, but NSW EPA sets a limit of 94db, how can you legally ride a factory spec Panigale R NSW? 110db is 16 times as loud as 94db - so it's not like it's a small difference.

                  Also, how do these same vehicles pass EU tests which are much more stringent?

                  I'm getting the distinct feeling that no jurisdiction actually measures or enforces these properly - which means that you're basically at the mercy of the police at any time as they can (mis)interpret the laws however they want.

                  • @macrocephalic: Maybe they baffle the exhaust? Not sure..

                    one last point on this loud vs silent exhust debate. Yesterday I was passenger in my wife's car waiting to turn right at an intersection. I had my head down playing on my phone and could hear a (not so loud) exhaust approaching from my left. I then felt my wife begin to turn onto the road, I looked up, told her to stop and watched as a R32 GTR rolled past. She couldnt see it approaching due to an obstruction but it was clear to me just by hearing it that it was not safe to pull out.

                    This is my point regarding loud(er) exhausts. This could have been a bike and there is every chance my wife could have been in an accident. We would have been fine but the rider would have been injured. Even if it doesnt help 99.9% of the time, it's well worth it for that .1% when something goes wrong.

      • +1

        thats like saying IM a really safe rider… I don't need leather…you shouldn't be relying on clothing to keep you safe…just ride safe..
        know one is saying we rely on noise 100% as our safety process. Its just another thing to add to the list (like head lights on all the time, brightly coloured safety gear ect), sound has saved me on a hand full times in slower speeds 100%.

    • +2

      Have to agree - like to blip the throttle on motorbike to let ppl know you're there (but not always guaranteed)

    • Huh, not a problem, just stick a couple of speakers on it playing F1 race and Bobs your Uncle. Actually while at it stick a tablet on there and watch the race at the same time :-)

  • +13

    15 degrees max climb ?
    if it can’t do at least 60k to keep up with traffic it would scary as cars try to over take …worse on highway if limit is 70km.

    or are these ok to ride in the bike lane ?

    • +5

      In Australia it is illegal to ride an electric bicycle on road or bike paths with a stated power output of more than 200w without a pedal assist system, or 250w with a pedal assist system. The latter is also required to only have a pedal assist, and limited to do 6km/h via a throttle or cruise control mechanism. In both cases the motor must be speed limited to 25km/h. If you are riding off road however, there are no limits.…

      It's a good point you make. Max power of this bike is 2400w, so it wouldn't be legal to ride on the bike paths, unfortunately. If they can't survive on the roads and they aren't allowed on the roads, where does this product belong?

      • +4

        This would have to be road registered.

      • +1

        I can see a place for it if you lived and worked in a CBD somewhere and just needed something to run around the place there. You're unlikely to reach 50kph in most CBDs anyway. I guess if your city is particularly hilly then the max 15 degree climbing angle could be a deal breaker, but otherwise it's probably a similar target market to a scooter. Although looking at the photo of this, I think most scooters would probably have a little more space for carrying small amounts of cargo, if that's an issue.

        You're certainly not going to be taking too many road trips out on the open highway in it, that's for sure.

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