$3000+ to Spend - Which Credit Card Should I Get?


I need to get my teeth done and it will cost me overall around $3000.

I am currently a holder of an Amex Platinum Edge card with a good credit rating, but was thinking that because I need to spend this money one way or the other, I might as well make the most of it with an introductory offer and another bank.

Being new to churning and these things, I am wondering if someone could give me their opinion on best spending this money to get e.g. the most FF points etc.?

Was looking at this so far: -

90K-120K Qantas Points @ NAB Qantas Rewards VISA Signature Credit Card, $3K Spend in 60 Days; $295 First Year ($100 off)

Thanks in advance.


  • I would probably get gift cards. Woolies e gift card at 5% off or better would be my choice since you can use on petrol.

    • Do you mean CC offers that give you gift cards? I dont drive anymore. Have to admit my dream would be to fly Business or First long haul, so sort of focused on that more.

      Thank you, though.

      • +1

        He means buy wish gift cards from cash rewards/shopback at 5% off. Then you can use them whenever you want.

        • ..and use them to pay the dentist with?

          • @outlander: Exactly, it will need to be a card so I can pay the dentist. Sorry, I should have phrased better.

            • +1

              @KoalamanX: You phrased it fine. People around here just skim read, get bored by what they read but then still feel the need to reply out of some sense of self-importance.

  • I am wondering if someone could give me their opinion on best spending this money

    OP might be asking the wrong question. What OP actually (I think) is asking, what is the best card they can get to spend $3000.00 at the dentist?

    • +1

      Thank you Baysew, yes this is what I meant to say.

  • Best value since you're already with Amex is the Westpac Altitude Black Mastercard + Amex - 120,000 points (80k + 40k), first year fee waived (not sure if the promo is on atm) and min spend is $4k + $3k

    Also ANZ Frequent Flyer Black 100,000 points, fee $200 first year min spend 4k

    I'd go for the ANZ over NAB for the lower fees

    Also look into St George/Bank of Melbourne/BankSA Amplify Signature

    • Thank you, much appreciated!

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