What do you outsource in your life and how much does it cost?
As an example we can mow the lawn ourselves or we can outsource it. We make choices depending on price, time, convenience and other things.
What do you outsource in your life and how much does it cost?
As an example we can mow the lawn ourselves or we can outsource it. We make choices depending on price, time, convenience and other things.
I'm thinking of outsourcing the wife….
Aren't that just mail order brides?
A man with a van and a plan…
Better off just outsourcing the functions that you can't do yourself.
…But needs to be done
And you'd rather not do it yourself by hand.
So your going to pay the wife half to leave, then pay several other professionals (cook, cleaner, lawn mower) on an ongoing basis?
Scotty, old mate need's their ozbargin card revoked.
As an example we can mow the lawn ourselves or we can outsource it. We make choices depending on price, time, convenience and other things.
My suggestion is to review this with a long term perspective - decades. We need physical activity in our lives, especially now that we lead a very sedentary life. Outsourcing physical activity is very detrimental over the long term especially as you age.
…but I can replace this with gym work etc. You need a range of physical movements, not just repetitive ones.
A good observation.
In addition, imagine paying someone to mow your lawn, while you also pay to go to the gym to get some exercise.
Mowing the lawn is cardio brah. I don't need that kind of gainz goblins shit in my life!
Chuck some weights on those mowers and you got yourself a prowler.
How many times a month do you now the lawn for cardio? How many times a month do you go to the gym?
That's why I think it's worthwhile to work part time as labourers; you get paid to exercise.
I'm curious how you all mow your lawns. I walk up and down while pushing a relatively light lawn mower for 5/10 minutes - I can't say I've ever considered it to be a cardio workout.
Unless you have enormous lawns or are cutting it by hand, you'd have to be dangerously sedentary to feel like it's a workout!
Big lawns, now every couple of months. I'm referring to concept in my example.
who do you outsource to, and how much do you usually pay?
Local dry cleaner, I use it mostly for work clothes so max 10 pieces per week. Costs me between $25 and $30 weekly.
You're getting ripped off. My ironing lady will do a basket load for $20.
Non-iron is where it's at, you wash and hang up on a hanger and no ironing required
@greater mimic: My body runs so hot that whether my shirt's a wrinkly mess or not, it's always being ironed in corformity to my shape.
That's why I wear a sweater during the colder months
Just started this during winter. Even just wearing a jacket or something takes the creases out by the time I’m in the office. I haven’t ironed my shirts in a few months… summer is going to suck.
Most public transport and offices have AC. So you could get away with it.
@Caped Baldy: I’m a terrible sweater (no pun intended) so wearing anything other than a rolled up shirt isn’t possible in the middle of summer for me.
I have a decent walk to and from the train station on my commute too.
I iron all at once, 15 shirts 3 pairs of pants and what ever else needs it. Turn up the music and take the hour or two.
But that's three weeks of work clothes.
Since I discovered uniqlo non-iron shirts I've actually started wearing nice shirts to work again. I could wear tshirts or whatever I want, but would rather dress nicely if there's no extra work in it.
I know a company that does 50c to $1 per piece depending how large or small. 25 to 30 for up to 10 pieces is really expensive
This is OzBargain. If I can do it myself, I do. Youtube is a godsend for learning how to do stuff as well.
If I can do it myself, I do.
Depends. Some things cost too much for the equipment and it makes sense to outsource. Drycleaning for example.
My tax returns.
I outsource the lawn mowing to a 14 year old kid that lives in my street once every few months. $30 for front and back is pretty damn good
Nothing, I can't afford to. I just taught myself basic 3D modelling/sculpting with the help of youtube for a project I'm working on which involves 3D printing. The things I'm doing now I'm genuinely proud of and you can't put a price on that lol.
thats the best way to learn computing stuff.. when you have a genuine need to know it, you're more motivated.
Car servicing - approx $300 a year, saves about 2-3 hours of work a year
Rental property management- 3.5% of rent, not sure about time saved but a lot less stress
All the difficult house stuff that requires a plumber/electrician which is very rarely
I could do everything myself but sometimes your hands get tired and it's just better to get someone else to do it
3.5%!? What's the gross rent do you mind me asking.
I do the basic servicing myself.. for a variety of reasons. I enjoy it, cost me $70 instead of $300, and lastly, it would take me longer to drop off the car, go to work, leave work early to pick up car than it would for me to do it myself.
All up 70k pa, vic metro.
Yeah I could, does tempt me to do it myself off when they charge 70 for an air filter replacement. My drop of is 5 mins from work so it's easier.
Some people do the servicing themselves, but then have a weekly cleaner or pay for an accountant, you max out the things you can do yourself but usually you have to balance stuff you do yourself vs outsource vs rest time
House or apartment?
@arkie0: Is 3.5% typical for Melbourne or did you negotiate yours down? Or do they have a $ figure in mind and so with your high rental value, 3.5% gives a similar $ amount to someone with a lower rental value.
@ihbh: Melbourne is usually 5-10%, I think 3.5 is probably the lowest you'll get without going into no profit territory for the REA. I had an property manager friend working at a REA at the time and signed me onto that contract, he's since left but I'm still on mates rates with the REA.
@arkie0: Makes sense why it's so cheap.
I guess I outsource to an accountant… and also cooking. We eat out a lot.
Many clothes cleaning places where you just drop off your laundry . They do they washing and ironing and it really cost peanuts . No way I would do it myself with those costs unless I value my time at like $2-$3 ph .
Better if they do pickup and drop off - e.g. my shirts used to cost $2 per shirt to iron many years ago.
How much do you pay and how many peoples laundry?
It takes me about 20 minutes to wash, hang up and then fold a full load of clothes. I can't imagine what you're doing if you'd only save the equivalent of $2 per hour!
I outsource deal hunting to ozbargain
Do you want to get overthrown by the peasants?
This is how you get overthrown by the peasants
bare all cleaning..
Are the blokes buff?
sleeping, i can never get enough so i have two teenage sons, who do it for me.
I outsource my farming, harvesting and butchering.
I pay for it in my groceries.
I pay different people to do the following for me:
How can you afford all that? You must earn 300k+?
I do all my shopping through OzBargain.
Where do you find the manpower?
I incentivize the local natives with cheap baubles and trinkets.
Was the username Christopher Columbus taken when you signed up?
You need someone to clean your bins every fortnight? Most people just spray it out for 5 seconds a couple of times a year, whenever they've accidentally inhaled while opening the lid.
Why does this need to be done so often, and thoroughly enough to need a hired hand?
What else are you putting in these bins that can't get dirty?
my feelings.
Free online thankfully
I outsource cleaning cooking laundry childcare … to my wife. This generally costs me my wage, so Im not sure on how good a bargain I got because I still have to mow the lawn, put the bins out and clean the toilet after the financial outlay.
You’re getting a good bargain, I have to be the house handyman & mechanic and need to do all weekly grocery on top of that.
If you think about it - cleaning, cooking, laundry and childcare are all things that are done daily, if not multiple times a day. Mowing the lawn and bins are weekly, and the toilet is a single daily job. The stuff your wife does is well above more than once a day and if you were to outsource to a full time daily cleaner, cook, a domestic housekeeper, and a nanny, it would cost a lot more than your wage! I'd say that's a bargain!
Damn I wish I had a wife!!!
it would cost a lot more than your wage!
I disagree, I do not earn less than the wage of a live in nanny.
2 hours a fortnight of cleaning for $80. $80 to avoid having to wash my floor, scrub the kitchen, shower and toilets? Totally worth it. Also helps to force us to keep it tidy for the day the cleaners come.
So you spend 2k a year just to have soneone finish off cleaning your tidy house. Wish i had disposable income like that lol
That's how much I spend on tolls I think. xD
Depends on what you think is disposable or not. This saves time, effort and arguing so… priceless and not disposable for me.
Wish i had disposable income like that lol
For the fools, thats how it goes.
For the wise, the first part leads to the second.
I'm OCD, and theres no way in hell I'll ever let someone clean my bathrooms or dunny
whats the point in keeping it tidy if a cleaner is coming.
thats like washing ur hair before going to stefan for a shampoo and wash
Tidy = stuff away so the cleaner can access surfaces. Still means I don't have to scrub the grout, toilet, floors etc. Drudge work I'm happy to outsource. Moving my personal stuff… I will do that thanks.
ok, i guess my cleaner just moves sh*t if its in the road, ie that sort of falls under cleaning imho.
anyone use a VA? Super interested in exploring
As am I, I'm only just looking into virtual assistants myself.
being a (profanity).
I get that for free, I have a twin brother.
'scuse me
Cleaner. All your hard earnt spare time is worth the $70 a week
As little as possible, do my own:
Car servicing
Tax (mine's not complicated).
Home brew
I like doing things myself if I can as you learn valuable skills and save money in the long run.
Next DIY is hopefully a owner/build in a year or so..
All the best. You've got a very positive attitude. Project home or you project manage the various trades?
Manage the various trades and DIY bits like plastering/painting, floors, cabinets (flat pack custom), maybe tiling, air con.
Dad has owner built a couple major extensions, brother is a project manager (commercial), I am an engineer. Should be able to figure most of it out between ourselves
Car wash & dog groomer are the main ones for me. I can easily do it but bloody hate it!
Anything I can't legally do myself eg. Electric work, renovations, murder
that escalated quickly
I out source all my modern technology fabrication to factories all over the world. My biggest savings are on CPU's, which would cost me billions of dollars in machinery and chemicals to produce myself. I have spent less than $30 on a CPU… That's at least a 333,333% savings!!!
As someone else said in the thread only stuff I can't do leagly myself I.e electrical work
YouTube has saved me a crapload of cash
what abut spelling
Cleaning. My partner and I tidy the house regularly, but before inspections or when there's lots of annoying stuff to do (oven, bathrooms etc) we just get a couple of cleaners. 2h and $150 later the house is cleaner than if we'd spent two days on it.
logbook servicing to maintain car warranty, my other car i fix myself
Tax, only because of some complex structures.
I do everything else myself. This is Oz bargain after all. Every dollar counts.
anything that I can't legally do by my self & tax return.
Anything I cannot do but needs to be done.