This was posted 5 years 6 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Anova Precision Cooker 2nd Gen Bluetooth + Wi-Fi $159 Delivered (Usually $219) @ Anova Culinary


The Anova Precision® Cooker is the world’s top-selling sous vide machine. It’s amazingly easy to set up with outstanding results. If you have a pot, a ziplock bag, and a pan, you’ll cook the best food of your life.

New model announced yesterday also with a 35% discount for preorders ($209), shipping late September 2019

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  • +3

    After comparing the V2/current model, and the new pre-order model, it seems to me the differences are basically this:
    - 100watts additional power (in a sous vide device, I don't think this really makes a difference since the temps are low, and time, not speed of water temp is key)
    - 2 inches shorter (perhaps would help to fit it in a drawer)
    - fully submersible in water (this only matters if you're washing the entire thing, but since it only ever touches water, I don't think it matters)

    Both move the same amount of water per minute, both use the same app and have the same connectivity, so I just bought the V2/current model.

    • +1

      The current Nano is able to heat water faster than the V2 model, while only being 750 watts. Lots of posts on the anova facebook hangout confirm this. I would expect the newer model to heat much faster than the V2.

      Current model has wifi issues - a not so great chip/implementation can cause connectivity issues. Things as simple as having a space in your SSID. I would expect that to be fixed in this version. I do not have this problem, but have experienced general wifi connectivity issues with a few routers (until I installed a UniFi AP).

      Also, the current model has issues with waterproofing, and I often see this when the display goes funky. Ended up buying a tub with silicone lid, and this has rarely happened since. Not ideal, but clean!

      I've also had the clamp break twice (using only 'fingertip-tight' grip to tighten it). They're great about replacing them though, even out of warranty.

      Absolutely GREAT device and can take your cooking to the next level, but my advice after ~2 years with this V2 is to go the new one for the quality of life improvements for $60 extra.

      • +2

        I'd agree with this. I've got an Orbi with up to 19 connected devices, and the ONLY thing that has issues is the Anova.

        They are putting out a new app at some point, but that's unlikely to fix the crap issues with the current device (it's much needed, though, the current app is dreadful).

        I'd be waiting as well, if I was buying soonish.

        • +1

          Try setting your 2.4Ghz wifi to 20Mhz channel and not 20/40Mhz as this can cause issues with most "cheap" wifi chips in IoT devices like the Anova - My V2 Anova always connects to my Asus Router with 20Mhz channel

    • I have an esky which is just, marginally, too short for the current one. The new one would be better. Also, I think, having full waterproof would be better. However, I won't be buying the new one just for those two things.

      • Mine touches the bottom of my esky - no problem as the water comes out the side not the bottom

        • No, the problem is I can’t shut the lid properly. However, thanks for the reply as I am nervous about sitting it on the bottom and the fully waterproof would help if not clamping it.

  • +3

    I would say try to avoid this model and get the newer ones instead.

    I have mine for less than year and one day when I had to cooked up for a party the temperature readings went crazy this second it's -80c and the next it's 300c etc and it wont heat up causing me a headache for preparing the food.

    The support needed me to take pictures showing the temperature reading and sent me a replacement. Told me to keep the broken unit oh thank you very much.

    The Apps which I whinged about a year ago was a joke and like being written by a bunch of IT interns and yes after a year it still is.

    • I guess the upside to this is that, if they are discontinuing the old line they will have to replace it with the newer model should something go wrong. Fingers crossed the old ones hold up but may not be all bad!

    • The new one uses teh same app as the old one, but I saw they are releasing a "new" app soon that also works with the old and new. I have a constant problem with the app - it never remembers the time for any recipes I create - it remembers the temps and displays the times but as soon as it starts the time resets to zero and I have to reset it.

  • +1

    Just ordered. Thanks guys.

  • Thanks for the tip on the new one just ordered it. Love my Gen 1 WiFi/BT and to be honest never had any issues but the smaller size will be nicer.

  • Can anyone recommend bags please?
    Absolute beginner and just bought the new gen model

    • +1

      As long as they are BPA free it won't matter too much. Kmart sell large rolls of bags for about $15 if you have a vacuum sealer. Otherwise you can use zip lock freezer bags and submerge them in water to take the air out of them before cooking.

    • If you want to reuse them then sites I’ve read recommend the Ziploc ones as they are OK to 90 degrees. You can get them from Costco. I also have the silicon stasher bags which aren’t bad but you do tend to get air pockets. If you are going to use the ziploc bags I would try to submerge the food but keep the bag opening above the water line.

    • Ikea's got different Size bags.

  • Is it better to buy a in-built machine with a tub?

    • Depends what you're cooking, really. I've got both, I use both.

      • Planning to do steaks, chicken and fish. Usually 4 - 6 servings

        • Either would be fine. The tub type lives on my bench and is what I use for large amounts, but with the right container, the wand would cope fine, and is more versatile (use a smaller container for small things like eggs, and so on). If I was forced to only have one, I'd have the wand with a couple of containers (I bought the tub before the wand-type was really available, years and years ago).

          • @mickeyjuiceman: Thanj you for replying and your advice.

            Based on what I have read, it seems best using vacuum bags and a sealer. Do you recommend a type? What do you use?
            They range from $50 to a few hundred dollars and can't work out the difference.

            • @Suspect420: I'd love one of those commercial cryo-vac jobs, but can't afford one. last time around I just bought a bunch of bags off eBay (came to the same price as the rolls and is a heap easier to use) and a sealer I bought for about $100 or so, also eBay. They tend to change all the time and are a bit of a roll of the dice, I've had a few.

              • +1

                @mickeyjuiceman: Thanks for your help mate. Received the new unit last week and made my first steak over the weekend.

                Best steak I have ever eaten, New York Strip Wagyu Grade 5+ and it was hands down amazing.

  • anyone use kogan version?

  • Anyone one used the Westinghouse sous vide? Currently $128. Tempted.

    • +1

      I currently use it as my Anova broke down after my second cook with it. Pretty happy with it overall. Heats up to 95 degrees which is hot enough for anything you would need to cook sous vide. It is a little bit louder than the Anova was, particularly at higher temperatures (over 85 or 90 degrees) but overall has held up quite well. It doesn't have any mobile connectivity so has to be controlled at the unit only but for the cheaper price it's a decent product. In theory it should also heat up the water faster due to the 900v compared to 1200v. Having said that, given that the Anova is only an extra $30 at the moment you may be better off with that. Their support is great, their warranty is fantastic and other than my unit breaking down I was pretty happy with what was offered.

      Hopefully that is enough info for you to make a call!

      • Thanks a lot! :)

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