This was posted 5 years 6 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

35% off Car Care (20L Bucket and Grit Guard $7.85) @ Repco


Repco has 35% off all car care products…some good deals here.

But, this seems to be something somewhat awesome if you're after a very good sized wash bucket and grit guard. You can get both items (Repco Branded) for $7.85 as follows:

20L Bucket: $5.78

Grit Guard: $2.07

If all three items are in stock at your selected store, Click ADD COMBO to get Bucket, lid and Grit Guard for $7.52 thanks to @ronaldo0917

Alternatively you could get:

A Bowden's Own 2 Bucket Kit for $44.85

A Bowden's Own Three Bucket Kit for $64.35

This is part of Father's Day deals for 2019.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +5

    Oh wow, I paid like 30$ for my grit guard and it got stolen lol.

    Gonna grab a couple sets.

    • $30 for a grit guard!?

    • +118

      I paid zero for my grit guard, I stole one.

      • +2

        Hahaha brilliant!

        • +2

          Feeling lucky now. When I hit submit I actively thought 'oh well here come the tsunami of downvotes' After all these years still struggle to sometimes read the collective mood of the ozbargain room. <3 you all. Have an ozbargain day one and all.

          • @seamonkey: A lol is a lol. Play your natural game and sometimes it just all comes together ;)

    • What the hell is a grit guard please enlighten me lol

      • +4

        It protects your grit.

      • +5

        When you wash, use a two or three bucket method. The first bucket is with suds and water. Soak a mit in this bucket and wash a panel. When the mit is dirty, return it to the second bucket - filled with clean (at the start) water. Wring out the mit in bucket two with the grit guard and it will trap the dirt particles down the bottom, preventing them from being returned to the next panel (which would scratch the panel over time and cause swirl marks or worse), as the grit guard has fins that break up the flow of water around the bucket. Repeat for success. (Third bucket is usually reserved for the wheels)

        • +2

          TIL I've been washing cars wrong all my life…

          • +1

            @NigelTufnel: You'll see the effects of it even after a few washes on a new car if you do it wrong. That's where swirl marks come from.

            Even a lot of 'professional' car wash places do it wrong.

            • +1

              @skittlebrau: Never had anything close to a 'new' car, so I guess that's why I've never noticed.

        • How about the one bucket method;

          Just get 4-5 microfibre wash cloths, fold them in half and half again, put these in your single bucket with whatever car wash you desire.

          I generally dedicate cloths as follows - roof and all windows, front and bonnet, boot and rear, one for each side.

          Now as you wash each section of the car you can fold over the cloths to a clean side as they become dirty, before putting aside and moving onto a clean cloth, simple.

          **pro tip - regardless of method, before contacting the paint snow foam your car for maximum suds / lubrication.

          ***forgot to add - the method above or the 14 bucket method etc. won’t matter if you don’t dry your car properly.

          Source = I have a black Subaru (very soft paint).

          • @gr8mind: Do you dry using a blower?

            • @abc: Yes but first I sheet the water off with a hose on low pressure, this will get rid of most of the water, the blower finishes it off and gets in all the nooks and gaps etc.

              However, the above will not work if you do not have some form of sealant/wax/coating on your paint, as the panels will just hold the water.

              Always dry the car properly, going for a drive / leaving to air dry / washing in the sun = guaranteed water spots

          • @gr8mind: Yes, I use 10 mitts, 1 bucket. One mitt per panel and a wookie for the bonnet and roof. Mitts do not get put back into the bucket. Some people refer to this as the Garry Dean method.

            Unfortunately, I have not been drying the car and there are water marks all over it. I have a leaf blower but it isn't strong enough to blow off all the drops. I have a couple of drying towels. What is the best method for drying? I am not keen on rubbing the towels all over the car. Pat dry is boring and doesn't thoroughly dry anyway.

            • +1

              @skid: If the car is clean there should be no issues rubbing a microfiber drying towel on it to dry the car, even better if you use a quick detailer or drying aid to give extra protection. You could also look at bowdens own happy endings or wet dreams (similar products, different application) which is a hydrophobic sealant, then when you wash the car you sheet water off which removes most of it, and your blower may be good to do the rest.

            • +1

              @skid: I always have some sort of protection on the paint so when using my blower the water beads just roll off the paint.

              If I didn’t, I would be inclined to pat dry or use a quick detailer / drying aid with a good quality, clean microfibre cloth and the lightest pressure possible.

  • +2

    I wonder how the guard sits. I've got a few cheapies from Autobarn and they don't fit in any bucket properly, even the one they sell for use with it.
    The guard is too small and causes it to keep dancing around in the bucket with any decent agitation and not really do its job properly.

    • Have you tried pressing it down into the bottom so it sits tightly?

      I bought some buckets from supercheap and some grit guards off AliExpress and they fit nice and tight in the bottom. It’s just tight enough to reach the bottom so I can pull them out when needed but they don’t move even if I turn the bucket upside down.

      • I bought the aldi bucket/guard set and the grit guards are much smaller than the bucket, no way they're staying in there. Always forget when throwing the dirty water on the grass too, so have to go and collect the guard after. Have an old bucket/guard set that sits in nice and tight, would have to use a little bit of force to get them apart.

    • I think i have the same one SKobb and agree its shit.

      I bought the Aldi ones they had recently once they were discounted enough and they were much better

  • Is the purpose of the grit guard to rub your sponge/wash mit on the guard to remove any debris it may have picked up of the surface of the car (which would then hopefully fall to the bottom of the bucket, where it won't be picked up again)? If so, I have always thought if you have pre-rinsed your car correctly you should have removed all the hard stuck on debris, thereby making the grit guard redundant.

    • +1

      It’s more to catch and contain the grit below the guard, so it doesn’t mix up in your mitt when you swish it in the water.

      You’re right though in the sense if you pre-rinse/snow-foam correctly before, you’ll drastically cut down any debris on the car, and therefore the mit. These are still useful though. It’s just another measure to make sure you don’t scratch your car accidentally.

      • Yes exactly this…..part of the reason why I wouldn't want to pay too much for something like this…but for $7.85 for a bucket and guard….why not?
        I've personally always been careful when washing my previous cars…just pre-rinse and then ensuring I don't scrape the bottom of the bucket….but well…new car = new found babying of car attitude.

    • "if you have pre-rinsed your car correctly you should have removed all the hard stuck on debris" - not all, just some.

      The fanatical car cleaners use snow foam, grit guard, then distilled water washing, then clay bars.
      Then the car is clean enough to do "real" cleaning work on, like polishing and surface treating!

      Cleaning is like eating a big pub meal. You hoe in to your parma and chips, even share the chips around your table, but there is always more there to finish.

  • +1

    Really good price on the grit guard. Usually see them go for upwards of $15.

  • Thanks OP, this is a really good price, I'll grab one to two tomorrow.

  • $6.64 with RACQ membership.

    • Not available with other offers, so likely excludes RACQ and the likes discounts.

      • I added my NRMA membership to Bowdens products and it's stacking

        • Weird glitches in prices

      • +1

        worked fine for me

        • Same.. RACQ works and brings down price abit more. :)

        • I take that back - it worked fine on my first order which was just the bucket and grit guard, but not with the lid added. So, bucket and grit guard with RACQ for $6.64, OR bucket, grit guard and lid without RACQ for $7.52. I'll return the bucket and grit guard, and go with the lid option.

          • @RangaWal: Seems to be detecting some things as on sale and others not - added my NRMA card and it showed an additional discount on the grit guard but not on the bowdens products…but when I went to check out, all grit guards within 40kms of me were sold out, so had to remove it.

            • @WazzaP: I bought a heap of Bowden's Own products and they all came to 45% off using either Automobile Club membership or Repco Club membership.

  • Grit guards are expensive!

    • Worth every cent if you care about your car

  • Bought bucket and grit guard. Need to replace my 6 yr old bucket 😁

  • Bowdens buckets and grit guards are the way to go.

  • Hope everyone buying this is using the 2 bucket method 😆

  • Can anyone confirm these are ACETONE PROOF? or material symbol eg. PP with triangle?

    it is for de greasing bone project.

  • +2

    Not in stock in 4 stores in SA.

    • +1

      I cant find anything but the lid in metro SA

    • +2

      Add it to the bucket and grit guard. The total become $7.52

      • YEs, I noticed. The MATRIX is broken

      • +3

        Nope. Doesn't work.

    • No that is cheap for a Gamma seal Lid.
      Genuine ones are impossible to find here or super expensive to ship from the USA. Eg. Amazon
      An AliExpress copy will set you back $19.47.

      Then you need to find a bucket it will fit. Australia standard bucket have slightly smaller diameters. Both genuine GG and the copies will not fit on almost all Australian buckets.

      • Mine is from Aliexpress and it did fit a bucket from Atubarn fine.

  • +4

    It's $7.52 if you buy the cover, bucket, and guard together

    • added to post

    • +2

      Not working for me, when I add all three to cart they are at full price. Ordered anyway via PayPal and hopefully I can sort out with customer support.

      • same for me - couldn't get all 3 to total 7.52 no matter how i added all 3 products together into the cart

        delivery is $7.95 for those that cant find local stock

      • No luck here either. Going through at over $15

        Gonna buy it anyway and see what they do as I'm getting charged over advertised price.

      • +1

        Update: they honoured the price after I sent a follow up email (refunded me the difference). Well played Repco!

        • I haven't been as successful yet.

        • Aaaannnddd. I have now been refunded a total of $2.42 to bring it to the $15 price. Looks like you've got lucky

        • awesome - did you guys try getting the $7.52 matched?

    • Not anymore… mines showing $17.14 when i add all 3 items. weird considering the catalogue shows $15.

  • +1

    Wow I was just browsing for an additional 5 minutes and Camperdown is already out of stock :/

  • Get the Gamma Lid if available. Not only great to store detailing gear in but gamma sealed buckets are used in the USA for food storage. Costco members may have seen pet food bins with these style lids. While they aren't going to be the actual Grit Guards made by Grit Guard, Inc they do offer fantastic value. I have used both proper Grit Guard and a Chinese copies. Proper Grit Guards are higher quality but the Chinese ones were good and offer great value. However, I have heard a few years ago Autobahn sold some which were horrible as they floated. So all cheap Grit Guards aren't created equal.

    Bowdens use Grit Guard, Inc and that is why there is such a big price disparity.

  • Thanks OP picked up two!

  • +1

    Seems to be broken in some places, showing up as $17.14 here:

    • Same here… shame.

  • Did anyone not get an order confirmation email ?

    • Yep. As soon as I ordered just then. Was showing in stock at my store though.

      • Yes. I also received a text and email this morning that my order is ready for collection

  • adding the lid makes the price $17+

  • Comes up as $17 for me too, i'll pass i can get big white buckets and lids for $2 at the local butcher or bakery.

  • Anyone in WA manage to get all 3?

  • specifically states next to combo deal - $15.
    so i guess this was some kind of pricing error.
    still doesnt even get down to $15 for me stuck at $17 so i think they are having some problms with their website.

  • +1

    3000 plus clicks for a bucket… The thirst in ozbargain is strong

  • +1

    2 new buckets and grit guards for $15.70 excellent! , just put in an order.
    Thanks bluedez_man.

  • +2

    Guess who's driving to Wonthaggi on the weekend.

  • Seems the gritguard is in massive demand and can't find any close to Sydney?

    I'm not driving to Katoomba for $3 items :-/

  • Anyone else get a refund? 😑

  • +1

    For those who find this expensive, take a vegetable drainer, turn it upside down and put it in a free bucket that restaurants usually throw away. Works a treat.

  • -2

    This is a good deal, but we can do better OzBargain…
    Grit guards on ebay are $3.00 delivered + plastic buckets from Bunnings start at $2.00 = $5.00
    + optional snag with onion $2.50 = $7.50
    So you can save $0.35 and get a snag :)

    • -1

      What's your point? The grit guard here is $2.07. That's cheaper than ebay $3.00 you've quoted.
      Buckets etc can be purchased elsewhere if you so please (also the cheap Bunnings ones are 9L, not 20L like these - Bunnings 20L buckets are $13.89).
      Freedom of choice since this is not a situation where you must buy the bucket and grit guard together.

      • My point is that you can get a delicious snag

    • Grit guards cost $5 delivered, factoring in GST since most are shipped from outside Aus.
      Bunnings 20L pail cost $13.89, 5L one cost $6.49

      All up, you can't beat $7.85 for a 20L bucket and grit guard, period.

      • That price is no longer showing…

  • Buckets showing as $8 for me now

  • +1

    seems like too much work…..buck it

    • Grande Sale.. Grand sale 🎶🎶🎶🎶😆

  • Apparently WA has 160 buckets in warehouse but price has gone up to $8.89 now. I ordered grit guards but no point getting the buckets at that price with no lid.

  • I bought a set last weekend on the 30% for RAC members deal.

    Compared to most Premium bucket sets that can be up to 100 dollars this is a steal. The grit guard is a little bit loose fitting but I think this can be addressed easily. I really like the lid system which is two parts (a red ring that goes on the bucket and a lid that screws into the right.)

    I'd recommend especially at this price.

  • +5

    These buckets are handy.

    As a health freak, I use one of these to fit 96 pieces of KFC (original recipe), in order to drain the excess oil from the chicken (the lid comes in handy as you can screw it down like a press).

    Being a resourceful kind of guy, I use the excess oil by dousing it on a roll of shade cloth (20% is ideal) and use it as a 'slip n slide' for the neighbours kids.

    It works well, probably a little too well, as most times they skid off the plastic and on to the concrete path and hit my shed. To alleviate this, I now mow the lawn beforehand, so I can use the excess clippings and dog treasures and mound it up at the end of the slide for a safer outcome.

    The seventh time I did this, my dog found the bucket (I'm not sure how, as it was right next to me when I was picking up the dog treasures) and decided to help himself.

    Not all was lost though, as I was able to rinse the chicken under our garden tap and didn't have to throw any away.

    Anyway, just my experience with this type of bucket.

    • Why are you buying 96 pieces of chicken? How long does it take to eat it?

      • +1

        I freeze the chicken. When required, I then heat it up in boiling water.

        This sorts my breakfast out for a week or so.

    • I just lol'd at this - nice work mate

    • Great story, nine point five out of ten. Half a point deducted for not using the bucket to rinse the chicken post its dog encounter (wiping it down with a plush mf cloth would have got you back the deficit because as "everyone knows", if you rinse you must wipe). Looking forward to the next installment

      • I tried drying the chicken with the Ryobi blower I bought from the deal the other day.

        Being ever so cautious, I got my wife to peg two wings and two drumsticks to the clothes line.

        What happened next was a little unexpected, as the power of the blower sent chicken hurtling towards my wife.

        Let's just say, my wifes reaction to four skins on her face is still not well received.

        • my wifes reaction to four skins on her face is still not well received.


        • This guy KFC's

  • Just picked up my two. Seems quite solid. Grit guard is a little loose as others have said but lid is solid. Great at this price!

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