• out of stock

[eBay Plus] $79 Samsung T5 1TB External SSD (100 Every Hour from 10am-4pm) @ Bing Lee eBay (Excludes Regional WA)


Just saw this banner on ebay. (thanks urbancartel)

100 SSD every hour from 10am.

Drops at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm.

Shipping terms updated @ 1PM AEST

Ships to all states except for Regional WA

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closed Comments

      • Oh good, because I barely use it, and had a free trial that went from Feb 8 until today, and I barely used Ebay.

        This would be a good send off if I can nab one for $70 odd.

  • Still cant see banner if im logged in, having to log out to see the banner. Does that mean ill have to log in after they post the next one, wasting precious time?

  • +2

    Very clever but dishonest tactic. Get people to sign up in the hope they get a drive at 1/4 of the price. Most get nothing, but they'll collect at least one monthly fee from suckers and some won't remember to cancel their sub!

    • Yea, you gotta cancel immediately so you don't forget haha

  • +1

    "Unfortunately, we're having a technical problem and can't process your registration for eBay Plus at this time. Please try again later."

    Can't even join eBay Plus for this deal..

    • Same wtf

      • Actually it did go through despite showing the error message .. strange.

    • I had the same, but my membership still shows as active from today.

  • Woah sold out in 3 seconds.

  • No luck again.

    • +5

      Was good playing dota with you <3

      • Oh my god hey!

  • wow that's quick..

  • +2

    BARELY 1 minutes and out of stock!!

  • +2

    They’re gone again! FML! :(

    Not even a minute.

    Try again at midday.

  • +4

    are you (profanity) kidding me.. gone in seconds.. hit paypal and go checkout, seller has none left. JOKE. And they did not put it up at 11am on the dot.

    • You need to be using a saved credit card. The payment processing time with a CC alone is 10 seconds. PP is even slower.

      • I’m going to try leaving it on the checkout page and hit confirm at 12:00:03

        • Same!

        • You should read up on the AirPods thread to see how most people were purchasing them with the button spam method after getting to payment page. Most AirPods were bought in 6-12s so that was the only reliable method for people buying after 12PM.

        • Might not work as they restocked a bit late, i'd say around 12:00:10

        • Hey iBuzz7S, I want to try this as well at 13:00:03

          Did this work for you? Any errors when you clicked "Go to checkout"?

          • @idonotknowwhy: Sorry for the late reply, but yes it did work. I was able to get in for the midday rush and I got the confirmation email(s) that the purchase was made.

      • I have credit card but you still need to put in CCV quickly. Maybe I will try that next.

        • If you've checked out with another item before using CC, your card should've been saved to eBay unless you unchecked it without having to re-enter any information.

  • Got one! Thanks OP

  • +1

    Haha sold out in about 50 seconds that time!

  • +1

    another round.. refreshed, hit buy, add copupon.. nope.. sorry… FUUUUUUUU

  • Got one? Thanks

  • +1


  • +5

    Looks like the scalpers and bots beat us again.

    • +2

      Scalpers and bots with multiple ebay plus accounts???

      • Easy to make multiple accounts and use the trial

  • +2

    Omg eBay logged me out of PayPal:(
    PayPal logged me out of eBay

  • +1

    wow got one, much easier than the airpods last time

  • +2

    Wow is it going to get even faster every time??

  • +3

    do people have some automated script running to purchase or something? This is ridiculous

  • +1

    That was literally gone in seconds, I shouldn't have added to cart and done buy it now instead.

    • Tried that. Selected Paypal on next screen (was already logged in), added code and bang…. 'Sorry Sir, seller only has a few left, and you aint getting one'

  • Tried it came up added one and then hit buy and it goes "The Seller doesnt have that many in stock" with 1 being the amount.

  • Wow first try and I got one. I used the below link & kepy refreshing from 10:59am on two screens until it popped up on one and quickly purchased!


    I managed to get the Airpods as well as consider me currently winning at life. Well the eBay life anyways.

  • Brodened? Can you buy in quantity of 100?

  • Wow actually managed to get one with no struggle

  • +1

    FAIL! Came up with BUY IT NOW at 11am, but no stock in the 5 seconds to check out.

  • 11am stock sold out in 41 seconds.

    • I was hitting refresh and it was 10:58am when buy it now showed up on mine.

      Still didn't get one though.

    • +2

      Less than that

      Between first to last: (History page shows last 100 txns)
      08-Aug-19 11:00:24 AEST
      08-Aug-19 11:00:41 AEST


  • Damn…I bought without Code applied. Now I need to cancel the order. :(((

    • +1 here. and binglee sent me invoice. haven't confirm cancellation

  • I managed to get one on my phone through the app, had to wait to add to cart and apply coupon code. A lot easier than the AirPods

  • Geez, if I was six seconds slower, I would've missed out.

  • Disgraceful. Got in, signed in immediately, hit up buy now, got the "seller doesn't have any left" message on the purchase screen.

    So long Ebay, glad to not deal with this anymore.
    Hopefully Amazon or someone else does this deal, then I don't have to deal with signing in, being told theres stock available, going through the purchase details only to get an error.

  • Got one!

  • …had my po box set, rip

  • Got one. For those of you who didn't get one but have the payment page open. Leave it open and go through with the payment with one click when it is time.

    • that's what I've got set for 12pm restock :)

    • Already clicked it off :(

    • Didn't realise I could do that, cracking advice.

    • Does it apply to discount code?

      • I applied the discount code at 10am and went through with the payment at 11am

        • So the fact I got the discount code in last time… but when I hit BUY it failed. means it should be applied already.

          • +1

            @daven1985: If you have the payment page open but it says no stock and code applied then yeah

            • @jeremy0000: Cheers I had it open but it keep failing so I closed it. Cheers.

  • -3

    Waste of time. Non stop refresh and never came back into stock. Not a deal if you can't get one.

  • -1

    Smells like BS to me. I've been hitting the refresh button every couple of seconds since 10.58 and didn't even see more stock come online, the only thing that changed was the amount sold. What bs…..

  • Got 1 at last

  • Got one. Thanks!

  • +2

    Managed to get one in my cart under Buy It Now?

    Whats the next best step - wait until 12pm, and then spam "Confirm and Pay"?

  • +1

    Got one. Thanks!
    Just spammed F5 beforehand, clicked buy now, hesitated for a moment and nearly confirmed without coupon, added coupon, confirmed purchase

  • Thanks OP!

  • Wow - I have got to learn how to script/code. Could not have clicked buy now and pay any faster!!

    • Yeah i think i need to write a bot for this… I was refreshing every few seconds from 10:57, it only appeared after 11am and sold out in 5 seconds.

  • +2

    lol pressing F5 every second the sold number changed from 103 to 203 between refreshes. never showed as in stock.

  • See you at midday!

  • Thanks OP, got one in the 11am wave. Seems not as competitive as last time (Airpods 2).

    • +2

      You can’t wear an SSD to show others how cool you are.

      Disclosure: I have Gen 2 AirPods.

  • +2

    Positive update.

    I managed to add one to my cart, but got the out of stock error after adding code and selecting Paypal.

    I didn't close the window, and tried selecting buy now again (at 11.07am) and the order just got confirmed!

    EDIT: Email Confirmation

    Order total:
    Price AU $269.00
    Postage AU $5.00
    Gift cards, vouchers -AU $190.00
    Total charged to Paypal AU $79.00

    • +1

      o***p (196) AU $269.00 08-Aug-19 11:05:18 AEST

      Is that you?

      • Nope. I paid $79.
        Actually, you're correct. I see the 11:05 timestamp.

        • I suspect someone forgot to apply the coupon code and canceled the order, then, you got through at the second time.

      • Some above mentioned they forgot to add code so prob them.

        • https://offer.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&ite… it is you, everyone shows up as paying $269

          • @brandogs: As you'll see from my post above, email conf reads 'Total charged to Paypal AU $79.00'.

          • @brandogs: Actually, you're correct. I see the 11:05 timestamp.

            • @GaelicAU: Can you be more specific about this loophole you found so for those of us that missed out but are still on the order screen may be able to get through on the next wave? (I'm currently on the confirm & pay page after confirming my payment option)

              • @brandogs: I got a red error thingy saying the seller had very little stock. I hit the button a few more times only to keep getting the same error. It was by pure chance that I tried again at 11.05 and the order was confirmed.

                • @GaelicAU: Ok i think i'm on the exact same page you were on, as soon as it goes 12, ill hit "confirm & pay" and hopefully it goes through with the click of a single button

        • +1

          Nah it shows up as $269 for every purchase.

          You can see it for yourself by clicking the 203 sold link.

      • +1

        I was wondering that too when he said "11:07", I looked and saw one at 11:05

        • Yep, on closer inspection, that was indeed me.

  • Thanks OP got one!

  • Can you buy multiple when you are in different batches ?

    • No, it is limited to 1 voucher per account

  • oh so this will be every hour? and we can buy only one total or 1 every hour?

    • 1 voucher per account

      • ok thanks. hopefully i get one.

  • +1

    They didn't put it up at exactly 11, first refresh with stock was 15 seconds past the hour.

    From the 203 sold link, first was sold at 11:00:24, last was sold at 11:00:41. 17 seconds difference.

    Managed to get one, transaction stamped 11:00:35. Manually refreshing, clicked buy it now, pasted code, clicked buy. Make sure you have a credit card or paypal and desired address set up as defaults. Maybe my fast work internet helped, who knows.

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