This was posted 5 years 7 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1/XB360] Games with Gold August 2019 - Gears of War 4, Forza 6 (XB1), Torchlight, Castlevania Lords of Shadow (XB360) @ Xbox


gears of war 4
forza motorsport 6
castlevania lords of shadow

decent month but i am sure many of you have gow4 by now from console deals or cheap cdkeys.
i think fm6 was in a few console deals a year or so ago.

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  • note plants vs zombies gw2 is only $4.99 US in the new sale on now.bit more in oz. might need gold though. deluxe ed looks to be same price.

  • Wasn't Forza 6 already free?

    • +2

      I just checked and I don't have it. If I had it then it would have been a Game with Gold as I would not have bought it. I think Horizon 2 was a Game with Gold.

    • It's had free play days, everyone always gets confused.

      • It's free for Windows 10, not on Xbox which is a weird thing.

        We’ve reached an important milestone in the development of Forza Motorsport 6: Apex – as of today, we’re lifting the “beta” tag and releasing Apex as a full-fledged (and still free!) product on the Windows 10 Store.…

        • +4

          Apex is not actual Forza 6. I know it has Forza 6 in its name but there is a massive difference in the amount of tracks and cars between the two.

          • @Zylam Marex: Yep they did actually release forza6 on PC but it was paid. I had a dual license so I could plaiy on both platforms PC and Xbox.

            • @beyondtool: Yeah I know, I didn't mean to apply that actual Forza 6 doesn't exist on PC, I was merely saying Apex is not Forza 6. Oh yeah absolutely love the play anywhere feature, I usually buy Forza games digital because of this! :D

  • +1

    Giold, tired typos.

    Gow4 good

      • +9

        You serious mate? I said tired typos, not nitpicking just poking fun it's 3 (profanity) am. Give me a break I said gow4 was good.

      • Are GwG really bargains anyway?

  • +1

    Gears 4 - Super cheap game, and it's on Game Pass already, and I haven't played the first 3 (+Judgment) despite owning for years. Oh well, now I can say I own the whole set and haven't played them, 'til 5 comes out that is.
    Forza 6 - Very cool, I've only played the Horizon games and the first Forza in the day, so I'm down to see the more DriveClub/straight up racing style. Happy with that one, and it's not on Game Pass.
    Torchlight - Never heard of it.
    Castlevania - Dope, I've been getting into the older ones lately and am yet to play one of the modern games in the series so starting off for free is fine for me.

    Eh, good, no idea, good enough.

    All in all, I'm just happy none of the OG games I bought in the sale the other day are included this month.

    • +1

      Torchlight is an RPG in the Diablo style. It was really good fun, in fact I bought the sequel too. Well worthwhile if you like that type of game.

  • Do you need to login and download to secure these games or do they become yours automatically if you have gold?

    • +2

      Login and download or at least hit buy and cancel the download. It should go to your Ready to Install list of games.

  • noooo my gold expires tomorrow and i really wanted gears. is there anyway i can get cheap gold access.

    • This might help if you haven't taken up the offer

      • no i havent, looks like this is the way to go for me.
        none of the games have been appealing for me and the one ive been hanging out for comes up.

        • +2

          Gears 4 & Torchlight are free to grab right now so grab them before your gold expires. ;D

    • check, maybe you have enough points for a month

      • i need to keep saving and surveying

  • Another Great month though most people would have played GOW4 by now. Torchlight and Castlevania, some quality 360 games.

  • I actually have never played GOW4 so might finally get around to it..

  • What's the point of Gold if the games stop working when Gold expires in XB1? Not exactly "owned" game..

    • That’s the standard gold games. Every month Xbox gold release 3-4 games that are free to download and to keep. The games listed here are the free to download and keep forever regardless if your subscription lapses.

      • Games with Gold stop working on Xbox One if your subscription lapses. You can even download ones you got when the subscription was active while being on a lapsed subscription but they won't work. I have tried this myself.

        It a different story on Xbox 360 where the game keeps working even when subscription lapses. So only Castlevania Lords of Shadow on XB360 will keep working with a lapsed subscription.

        • Actually after more investigation, you’re 100% right

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