• expired

NSW Public Transport iPhone App 'Link' Promo Code Giveaway


Hey, back again with more promo codes for my app for those who missed out last time.

I write an app for iPhone called ‘Link’ which provides an interface for 131500. Recently, Apple has lifted the restriction on promo codes, and they are now available worldwide instead of just in the US iTunes store. As a result, I have a few codes to give away to you.

Anyway, check the link for more information. The direct link to the app on the iTunes store is http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/link/id383833328?mt=8

The first 49 eligible posts in this thread asking for a promo code will be sent one via OzBargain (sorry, I gave one away to a friend already). There are just a few conditions:

• As suggested by moderators, this competition is open to existing members of OzBargain only. Only users with an account created before today (20 June 2011) are eligible.
• Please post a new comment as opposed to replying to someone else’s comment.
• After you make a post here requesting a code, please contact me through OzBargain's contact form (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/32369/contact). Please put your username in the subject.
• As this app is only relevant to NSW, please do not ask for a promo code if you do not need it.
• If you got a promo code last time, please consider letting other people have a go. Thanks

I’ll send out the codes via e-mail as soon as I get the chance. If you've waiting for yours for a while, please bear with me. I'll post a list of winners once I've sent out all the codes. +1 also appreciated :) Thanks and good luck!

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closed Comments

  • Me too.

  • love to try it out. thanks

  • Would love a code if there are any left (looks like a long queue!). Thanks!

  • code please, thanks!

  • yes please!

  • love a code please

  • me too, if there's any left!

  • Code, please

  • Yes Please


  • -6

    I wonder how many people gonna try sell it or wont even use it, ridiculous.

    • You cannot easily "sell it" - it's linked to the (iTunes) user

        • +4

          It's an App worth $2.49… so I'm sure there's going to be heaps of reselling happening.

    • I don't know if anyone would be bothered to find a buyer for the sake of up to a couple of dollars haha. If they did, then they probably deserve the money :)

  • yes please

  • Please include me

  • code please….thanks

  • code please. Thanks

  • anymore code left? please….

  • anymore for me? please? :)

  • love to hve it thx

  • I have the old code but how do I use the code ?

    • http://tr.im/redeem but it's probably expired by now.

      • Can I please get another one ?

        • Sorry, cannot. Wouldn't be fair for everyone who posted.

  • +1


  • 49 codes isn't much seeing how there are over 2.1k active users atm

  • one for me please~

  • thanks

  • Can I get one please? Thanks a lot!

  • one code please. thankyou!

  • NSW Public Transport iPhone App 'Link' Promo Code Giveaway

  • yes please

  • send me a code please thanks!!!

  • Yes Please I would love one!

  • Hi there,

    Can I have a code please?


  • yes please would love to try this :)

  • I'd like one,please!!~

  • Can you please send me code.

  • Yes PLZ PLZ PLZ :)

  • Am I too late. Code please.

  • me too

  • OMG Is this the 5th time I missed it?

  • I'd love a promo code please!

  • Me too pls

  • thanks,me 2

  • I would love one too.. thanks

  • one please!

  • Would love one, cheers!

  • One for me please. Thank you very much!

  • i want one too….plzplzplz

  • Could i get a code? thnx

  • Hi, any left? It'd be great to give this app a go!

  • me please?

  • Love a code!

  • I want one!

  • yes please!

  • I want one, please :)

  • This is an amazing app. I would certainly have paid money for it. Any way I can donate the $2.49 directly to you?

    • Thanks for the offer. I'm glad you're finding it useful, but there's no need to send any money :)

      • Awesome. I have used this App so many times. I bought TripView a while ago, but it doesn't compare.

  • This is an amazing app. I would certainly have paid money for it. Any way I can donate the $2.49 directly to you?

  • Yes please!!!!!!!

  • can I have one plz!

  • Can I have one too please!

  • one for me please please

  • can i ask for one now?? pls

  • code please

  • Hope I won't miss out this time;) thanks

  • Any more left for me?

  • Can i get the code too please! =D

  • Requesting a code if they havn't run out again yet :P

    Thanks :)

  • Could I please have a code please if I'm not too late? Ta

  • how are you earning money from this app.. you are giving it away after every 3-4 months..
    and love the description for the app ;-)

  • Code Please. Thanks

  • code please thank u .( hope i 'm not too late)

  • If any left, could I have one too please?

  • Could I please have the code!!

  • I'm still waiting for a few people to contact me via the contact form so I can send the codes. If they don't contact me by later tonight, i'll send the codes off to the next few people who have e-mailed.

    On a slightly related note, I have a few spare codes for a game I made (http://keywordsgame.com.au).
    If you reply to this comment and send me a message with 'keywords' as the subject, I'll send you a code for that. I only have 6 though :(

    • I'll grab one please

    • I'll have one, thanks.

    • Whoops, don't even know the URL to my own site. http://keywordsgame.com

    • yes plz

      • I'd like to have a code plz

    • I'd like to have a code plz

    • i would like a code please !

  • Hi mate, is the code still available? Thank you!!!

  • code for me too please =D

  • I would like to have one please..Thanks

  • Code Please!! Thanks =)

  • One code please? Thanks again!!

  • DO you have a VIC app code as well?

      • The Metlink app sucks.

        Got any plans to make one for Vic?

        • I've been considering doing other states for a while but I'm still at Uni so I won't be able to put any real time into anything until the end of the year unfortunately.

  • Hi, please send me the code, thanks.

  • I would love to have a code considering I catch the bus frequently (poor University student).

  • Could I have a code please?

  • code plz thanks

  • yes please! one for me too if you have one left! thanks! :)

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