Own an XBox One? Sad that the PSN Store have this pass for free? Well rejoice! Microsoft has decided to up the ante and make this free for Xbox One…. Yup free. Dunno when this ends.. the PS4 post says 2 July 2019 so I guess this will be the same?
Samurai Shodown's season pass adds four additional fighters to the playable roster. We'll be seeing Rimururu, Basara, Kazuki Kazama, and Wan-Fu join the fight between now and early 2020.
Rimoruru will be the first to see a release in August. From there, we'll see Basara launched in October, Kazuki in December, and Wan-Fu in February next year.
A freebie that has got -ve votes more than +ve lol
Welcome OP to Ozbargain where every word you say/express without careful thought process can affect your status of a lifetime.
You have been nosedive!
Forgot to thank you for the freebie 🖖
PS: Great that you changed it especially when it's your first post.