This was posted 5 years 8 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, PS4] Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition $21.58 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Update 24/06: Absolutely massive price drop of $0.04. Now brings it to $21.58

The Complete Edition of Horizon Zero Dawn was recently announced to be added to the PS Hits lineup, meaning a juicy permanent price drop.

At $21, this is great value for one of the best PS4 exclusives, as not only does it include the base game, but also the Frozen Wilds DLC which costs $30 to buy separately from the PS Store (it does get discounted once in a while, but even then, it only tends to drop as low as $15). As such, I'd argue there's almost no reason to buy the base game now considering the cheapest at the moment appears to be $17 WITHOUT the DLC.

Don't forget to use cashback to bring this down even further.

PS. It doesn't 'officially' get added to the PS Hits Collection until the 28th, hence why it's listed as a Pre-Order.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Sweet price for complete ed in a physical format

  • Yep. Better than the Big W deal

  • Good deal :)

  • Thanks OP

  • +2

    Damn dont need to buy more games but couldnt resist at this price.

  • +13

    Yeah, definitely ZERO chances of there being a better deal on the HORIZON.

    I'll see myself out.

    • +4

      I would have upvoted you if you hadn't put those in caps

      • I'm new to the game.

        • +3

          You could perhaps say it's the DAWN of your career in puns?

      • +5

        Sorry I mean GAME.

  • +2

    I believe this was $10usd on us psn for the digital version.

    • yes, I bought it last week, havent downloaded it yet.

  • +1

    Don't forget to redeem bonus content from in-game merchants.

  • +2

    Damn, I paid $40 for the digital version and still haven't started it :(

  • Good price but note it has come down with the release of the PlayStation Hits version - standard price is USD$19.99.

    At current conversion this is indeed a sharp price. I've got the standard release so need to decide if I purchase again with the DLC.

    • +1

      This is the PS Hits version.

      Also, try selling your standard edition on eBay, you'd be surprised at the things people buy. Then just buy the CE from Amazon to 'maximise' your savings.

      I don't know who the people are on eBay that buy used games for more than the price of buying it new, but thanks to them I've managed to actually have not 'lost' any money from every game I have ever bought on my PS4 (except RL, which I bought digitally as I play it all the time and it's not a story-based game.) For example, I bought HZD: CE brand new last year for $25 from Amazon around the time of Days of Play, and sold the game after I finished it for about $40…

      • Whats rl

        • Rocket League

          My bad, I'm too used to typing RL when referring to it amongst friends.

          But basically, I was happy to buy that digitally while it was on sale as I play it solely for the multiplayer aspect and as such it never really 'ends', unlike many story-based games where after completing it, they would just sit on my shelf till the end of time. Not to mention having it on the hard drive is much more convenient than having to swap discs considering it is my most played game.

    • +1

      OP already covered that in the description.

  • It is a great game and a good price and you are here on ozbargain for good deals that provide value so why are you still wondering if you should get this it is a no brainier just do it

  • Is it normal to pre-order it but my bank acct is not yet charged? Just worried I wasn't able to order properly

    • +4

      Yes, IMO Amazon is quite good this way in that they only take your money once your order has actually been sent.

      • Nice. Thanks mate!

  • Don’t worry about the normal edition. Get this.

  • As from the 28th June HZD Complete edition will be part of Playstation Hits and will be cheaper than $21. Will be $17.00 on Amazon. I would hold off for a week if you can wait.

    • +2

      Amazon will automatically adjust the lowest price from your order date until release so no problem at all.

      • What if it gets shipped before that deal? Will they adjust the difference or would you have to return the item and repurchase it? Thanks

        • +1

          Having dealt with Amazon's customer service, they'd most likely be happy to refund you the difference if the price does actually go down within a couple of weeks of buying it.

          • @Shekster: Yep. Amazon's CS is one of the best out there.

  • Does anyone have this game or this edition of the game and if so, any good? Fun?

    • +3

      It's really great! As open world games go I'm not really a fan of GTA or Ubisoft type stuff, as it can tend to feel repetitive. However, in Horizon there aren't as many side activities (mostly quests), and each has their own plot and the combat system is really fun. Highly recommended.

      • Oh damn so it is open world. Haven't read too much on it but I have seen some gameplay. I might have to give it a shot! Thanks :)

    • +2

      Just started after finishing RDR2, which was one of the best games I've played. Very different, but the game play is well made and the plot is interesting. It doesn't feel like a very difficult game though.

      • That's just my kind of game then! I've put an order down. Keen to check it out for this price.

        • Great game, excellent story. I liked it a lot more than RDR2 personally, just a lot more fun to play (controls are much more responsive)

  • Wohhoo.. I m gonna buy some now..Any PS4 pro deal ?

  • I have the standard game, so will this version load my save games?

  • Lol who reported this? Genuinely interested as to why since I don't post deals too often, and want to improve my posts in the future.

    • +7

      Don't lose sleep over it. Every village has an idiot

      • Fair enough, no worries then.

  • +1

    Talk about the power of OzBargain, this was just listed today and is now the #1 best-seller in the Games category. I hope they have enough stock……

    • Yep, was just thinking this earlier today. This charger was just existing, unnoticed, until this post. Within a few hours and over 1000 clicks, it became the #1 Best Seller in Electronics. Then Amazon made it a Lightning Deal and took $5 off. And now it's OOS, just as I was about to buy it! (Still #1 in Electronics though, and now has just under 2000 clicks!)

      Would love someone to do a case study on the power of Ozbargain and how it affects retailers lol. Especially in regards to other not so positive things, like when members abuse things and take advantage of unwitting retailers. And then retailers take legal action. I think that'd be pretty interesting to read.

  • I'm currently playing this through again with the DLC this time. Just realised for the first time that her hair is the same colour as the long grass which makes the camouflage even better.

  • -2

    Any Love for PC?

    • +4

      This game isn’t on PC LOL

  • -1

    I tried to get into this game but the framerate killed it for me. 30fps (and lower!) games really annoy me these days. I just started playing God of War PS4 recently and that's pissing me off too. I've gone from being a PC gamer to a console gamer and since I built my last PC 30fps games are really annoying me. I think I've become a PC snob when it comes to low framerates.

    • Do you have a high refresh monitor? After that even 60fps will make you sick to the stomach

      • Nah, I haven't dived into that expensive rabbit hole yet. I'm sure it's great though. Maybe one day, when I feel like blowing a stupid amount of cash on a PC.

  • Sorry random question, but what is PS Hits lineup? Is PS Hits a special category of games?

    • +3

      If you recall the PS3-era, there used to be games which would go 'Platinum' and have a distinct yellow border on the box art. This was reserved for the best-selling titles for the console and a game would usually go platinum over a year after its release and be followed by a decent price drop.

      This is the exact same concept, so think of the PS Hits Lineup as a collection of some of the best games available on PS4 (albeit over a year old, but that shouldn't make any difference to you if you haven't played it), at a lower, fixed RRP.

      Here is a list of the current PS Hits Titles for your perusal:…

      The majority of these games I would highly recommend (Last of Us and Uncharted in particular). Also note that this list does not include the new additions which will occur next week, such as HZD and God of War.

      • Thanks for the explanation. I never got to play the PS3, but I did play the PS2 and there were platinum games for that too.
        I just bought HZD+DLC last week for $35 which is a shame.

        Would you recommend Until Dawn? I looks like walking-dead style game

        • Any Day that game is awesome but it is all choice related and like interactive movie. But is among one of the best horror games out there.If you like such games this is a must buy.

  • Any deals on the expansion alone? I already have the original but haven't played it yet

    • I was in the same boat. Got tired of waiting for DLC deal and got the complete edition.

    • Surely you could have looked it up in the store to see that it's currently on sale. Here is the price history if that helps.

      If your original is a disc copy, it might work out cheaper to sell that and buy this complete edition instead.

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