US link. Usually US$19.99.
Pуthоn iѕ a high-level ѕсriрting lаnguаgе. It iѕ еаѕу tо lеаrn аnd powerful thаn оthеr lаnguаgеѕ because оf its dуnаmiс nаturе and simple ѕуntаx whiсh аllоw ѕmаll lines оf соdе.
US link. Usually US$19.99.
Pуthоn iѕ a high-level ѕсriрting lаnguаgе. It iѕ еаѕу tо lеаrn аnd powerful thаn оthеr lаnguаgеѕ because оf its dуnаmiс nаturе and simple ѕуntаx whiсh аllоw ѕmаll lines оf соdе.
116 pages to go from beginner to expert?
They're really big pages in size 8 font.
The last 3 chapters are also recursive
It says not available for purchase right now. Is there something in missing?
How to download and read on PC?
Write a python script
Thanks OP. Just started reading about Python this week
Anyone read this book before? Does it talk about things like OO in python, pip, virtualenv, etc etc?
IMO for a high level language OO might seems a bit like multiple PY files or extra lines, like when you can pop all in 1 PY file, it seems less useful to have OO.
e.g. Like to create an excel file, you only need 3 lines, to OO that you carry parameters to make it like 5 lines…
Import pandas as pd
lol training the python
Noob question: am I able to print out the pages from a Kindle ebook?
You actually own a printer?
He wants to print it to PDF
4 cents a photo at Harvey Norman.
My wife loves my Python.
Damn auto correct. I meant my wife loves python.
Is this free only under kindleunlimited? Seems only to come up free to me under this option.
Amazon page should have:
Read for free with KindleUnlimited
Buy Now for Free ?
Is that is the AU or US store, neither provide that option for me.
I only get buy option on US link, but got both in AU.
Check you don't already own it in us or au?
I don't have the "Buy Now for Free". Instead, it says "Kindle Price: $4.32. Am I missing something?
Expired. It'll come around again.
Thanks OP. Were you written in Python?
No, I'm programmed in Coolgen.
Is pdf version of the book available anywhere? Basically to read on any device/ laptop and not just in Kindle environment.
got it, cheers op!
Once purchased, How do I download to my PC to use with other software such as Calibre or print as PDF?
if you missed this deal check out this one -…
Seems you need to signup for kindle unlimited to get this book for free. Is there a way around that?
Thanks op. Love anything python