• expired

Free 10pc McDonald's Chicken McNuggets Medium Meal Deal (up to $15.10) - 10PM-2AM (Delivery Fee Applies) @ Uber Eats


Similar to the last deal but it's a medium meal this time.

Delivery fee applies. Participating restaurants and first 15000 orders only.


Mod edit: Start time appears to be 10pm not 8pm as per the promo image (may have been in WA time).

Referral Links

Referral: random (1439)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • No hat trick???? Robbedddddd

  • 8pm WA TIME?!?!

  • -1

    Misinformed us all!

  • Can I place a complaint on PC?

  • Is it WA time?

  • -1

    Bait and switch? Or 8pm AWST?

    • Bait and switch what?

  • +46

    I work at maccas and we have been told that all of these offers are from 10pm-2am on the days of Wednesday 12th, Saturday 15th, Thursday 20th, Tuesday 25th, Saturday 29th and Sunday 7th i.e whenever Aus is playing in the cricket

    • Wow that's a huge campaign… But I still don't know what's the motivation behind this.

      • +5

        To make me fat.

      • Obviously some sort of promotion for those sitting around watching the Aussies play in the cricket World Cup, but without the addition of advertising from Maccas or Uber Eats to further promote their brands is odd

        • Watching Cricket. Uber Eats on the field

      • +2

        Cricket World Cup. These games can go till 4am.

      • +3

        Both McDonalds and Uber are sponsors of the cricket World Cup

    • Have they also told you that the machine is going to be switched off and not to worry about it?

      • +4

        Hopefully won't be likely lmao. Noone from my store (and most other stores) knew about the first free $20 off offer and got smashed. Pretty sure most stores know about the promotion now and have staffed accordingly. The offer is also easier to fulfill too being nuggets instead of any $20+ worth of food

    • +1

      Any word on a deal for tonight?

  • My heart is borken.

    • My heart is bonut.

    • Can I deep fry it?

  • -2

    Deal isn't valid; as someone else commented it could be midnight to 8am

    • +1

      Read above. 10pm - 2am

      • Check when I commented. They edited the post. It originally said 8pm to 12am. So what I said was correct at the time of posting or, at least, based on info that was said in the original post

        • +1

          I was referring to the comment a few above yours from staycheesy who verified the times.

          I didn’t downvote you btw.

  • +6

    Starts at 10pm - 2am. A text message was sent to all Uber Eats delivery drivers about 5pm today to advise that a Promo was running tonight and expect it to be busier than usual between 10pm - 2am. Text was from 0488863446. If you google the number, it appears that the number is genuine and from Uber HQ.

    • -3

      Let's all spam that number

      Every one send a series of texts at 9pm sharp

      Ozb DoS attack

      • HAHAHAHA imagine it actually happens and Uber freaks out

      • +2

        Doubt that corporate mobile number receives call - just sends out messages via computer (not sent by a phone).

  • +7

    This is ridiculous. My kids are hungry.

    • +8

      How many nuggets do they each get?

      • None. They fell asleep and I'm eating them all now.

    • +4

      Nothing like handing the responsible care of your children to a mega corporation lol

    • +1

      10 nuggets isn't much for some hungry kids

      • 1 each is all they need

      • It’s 20 if you assume both mum and dad have an Ubereats account each.

  • +2

    Who would have thought a company worth 100 billion can't get things right


  • +2

    Welp guess I have to throw one of the dr oetker frozen pizzas in the oven

    As a famous Ozb veteran once said, always have a backup frozen pizza ready to go in case the Maccas voucher code fails

    • Pepperoni?

      • +4

        Surely you mean funghi

    • It’s only some nuggets anyway, have both!

  • I am sure I will have my Mac nuggets tonight =P

  • +1

    Damn my area has $6.95 delivery fee…

    • +1

      Mine is 6.99! Two Mcdonalds within a 8minute radius as well!

      • +1

        Mine is 900m away :(

        • My girlfriends delivery fee is 2 dollars less….for the same address lol. Is it because she has never ordered on ubereats yet?

      • $7.99 delivery fee do r me. $5.90 for a medium 10 nuggets meal… not sure if it’s worth it

    • +1

      I live about 100 meters away and its $5.99 on my app and $3.99 on the missus'… Wtf uber. Should probably just sign up as a driver… 😂

    • Mcdonald's 800m away.
    • Mcdonald's 20-35 minutes delivery time.

    Can I just pick up my food so I can have fresh nugs? :(

    • +1

      Park across the road & give that as delivery address.

  • anyone else holding out until 10 hoping it’ll work haha

    • No, couldnt hold out.. had to eat.

      • -1


    • Did a Cost Benefit Analysis - had snack & early night.
      Lesson learnt: cheaper & more convenient not to rely on UberEats.

    • Yep, but my store is currently unavailable 😔

  • Hoping can order for tomorrow. A little late for nuggets

    • Come on, it's a weekend!

  • Is it happening ? Lol

  • +2

    5 min. Lets get these nuggets

  • +4

    So my last 2 mcdonalds meals had missing items from the order so I complained to Uber and they gave me a refund then I got automatically suspended yesterday as they have a formula that gets applied if someone has refunds done multiple times… what a joke. Basically it’s a way to put people off from complaining about orders with missing items…

    • Last two times I ordered from maccas the same thing happened too. Got an email saying that they're sorry it keeps happening but also sternly warning me that exploiting this future would result in a ban. I just think McDonald's can get away with it being such a big corporation.

  • Cheers for the ez nugs

  • It's on!

  • Order placed. Lets bring this home!!!!

  • Works $15.10 for me


  • $1.75 for 10 nugget meal… Even better than last time.

  • Ordered! $1.69 delivered.

  • Finally

  • 3/3 with these maccas ubereats deals - god bless ozbargain

  • Ordered!

    • Credit seems to cover delivery fee!!!

  • -5

    Sweet got 8x meals coming!!

  • Done. Ordered in WA. $4.40 total.

    $13.55 for medium mug meal, $5.95 delivery. $15.10 discount.

    • Damn. I ordered from the most expensive of the 4 stores around me. I could have had it for $3.30. And I forgot Shopback.

  • Working now! Placed two orders for $4.15 each :).

  • Order went through, hurray!!!

  • +8

    That was the longest 2 hours in the history of hours, ever.

    • -1

      Got 3 x coming. $3.20 each. Win!

  • Orderdd. Took $15.10 off so delivery was a bit cheaper

  • Ordered

  • +1

    $7.99 delivery fee

  • order placed! thanks OP

  • Ordered! $4 only.

    My gf got excited and didnt notice the coupon didnt apply for her 😑have to send a support ticket.

  • Order placed. $3.50 after applying the coupon code.

  • Thanks OP got it for $3.9 (Robina)

  • Ordered!!
    10 nuggets
    and upgraded to a mccafe hot chocolate
    All for $4.85 delivered

  • Making me fat. 5.99 delivery fee is a bit steep though. Although there were three to choose from only one had the meal.

  • +3

    and maccas is closed


  • +2

    Lol applied coupon and ofc my maccas is now not open for uber but it was 10 mins ago…

  • Anyone able to order something other than the nuggets meal? Any trick too it?

  • Nuggets on the way! It looks like it also works in conjunction with Shopback for another $1 off based on the previous promo

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