Recently I've been buying cheap new tech and trying to resell on gumtree, but recently had difficulty trying to sell a new dslr camera. I've been ghosted by a number of buyers who were interested in the product but never end up accepting the offer or the negotiated price. I was wondering for experienced sellers here, which is the most profitable and desirable items (that are not collectables in nature) to sell? If so where can i find a website or place that shows what's the most popular items that people would buy? And how do you advertise and sell items on Gumtree or Facebook marketplace and have buyer's interested enough to be willing to make the purchase?
Any Tips on Reselling Items or Second Hand Selling?

Vintage video games and consoles used to be the go, until a few years ago, but there's too many people now who know what they're worth (resellers stalking garage sales before you can get there, and buyers not willing to pay as much).
Longer ago horse racing used to be easy money - but that time has long passed, as everyone has a computer now and there's less drunk yobbos betting on horses with their girlfriends' names whose money you can take.
The money is in the knowledge. If someone knows a good type of item that they're getting worthwhile profit from they're not going to share it.
If so where can i find a website or place that shows what's the most popular items that people would buy?
Trawl through completed listings on ebay.
And how do you advertise and sell items on Gumtree or Facebook marketplace and have buyer's interested enough to be willing to make the purchase?
You don't. The price, type of item and its popularity usually dictates if it actually sells.
Remember, no-one's going to openly tell their secrets openly on a place like OzBargain.
TV's, phones and consoles seem to sell best through Gumtree. If you can sell something close to it's lowest price on eBay you should be ok. Some people also just enjoy being able to collect straight away. Another tip for flipping new tech is just to say you can't get a refund for change of mind and don't need the product anymore, it seems to trigger people's bargain response.
Graphics cards were good for a while.
With new stuff sensible people would want to see a receipt which would mean exposing the cost of what you paid.
My Top tip is" buy low, sell high.
Glad you asked. I recently released an ebook that you might find very useful called "Handy tips on reselling items or second hand selling"
Only $5 on Amazon.
On one hand I guess the pro’s are glad amateurs like you exist.
You are buying items on sale and selling them under RRP, fumbling around on Gumtree, this is amateur level.
For those who do it full-time they buy items at RRP and sell at 10x-20x the original price.
Often times these items are superficial and fashion related, and are limited per person so you will have to pay people to wait in-line, or pay them to order online to their address for you.
On this level resellers most likely appear as legitimate eBay / Amazon sellers.
An example of a product (which has passed its peak profitability) is the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit.
If you need more information without doing the leg-work for yourself, you will most likely have to pay people to get the information.Buy Xiaomi phones from China an sell it here at double the price.
BrodenAmeJaieXD! Since you're asking us to share our secrets, can you recommend some of those cheap places to buy tech with us fellow ozbargainers?