This was posted 5 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Michael Jackson - Thriller Picture Disc Vinyl. $19.99 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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The Greatest selling album of all time I believe on picture disc vinyl.

Thriller is the sixth studio album by American singer Michael Jackson, released on November 30, 1982, in the United States by Epic Records and internationally by CBS Records.[1][2] It explores genres similar to Jackson's previous album, Off the Wall (1979), including pop, post-disco, rock and funk. Recording took place from April to November 1982 at Westlake Recording Studios in Los Angeles, with a production budget of $750,000.

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  • +2


    • +1

      cha mo'

  • +3

    "Something evil's lurking from the dark"

  • +1

    Wanna see my Michael Jackson dance moves?

    • +5

      They make nice coffee…


    • +2

      cyrax is in a bad mood today

    • He was mixed up in the head bad by his crazy Dad, but he was no pedo.

      He wanted a childhood that was never allowed, never possible.
      He wanted to play with kids- but not in the way the media has portrayed.

      It's a damn shame his name/image has to be tarnished like it has been. Innocent until proven guilty. The guy had some serious issues going on upstairs, and he didn't want any of it played out in a court room for the world to see, so he paid off people to keep his private stuff private.

      But he was no pedo. It's unfair to label him like that.

      • -8

        In your opinion - I guess we'll never know one way or the other

        • +2

          That's all anyone has in this argument mate… an opinion.

          No facts, no court convictions, no credible testimony that doesn't involve media outlets paying big bucks for an 'exclusive interview'.

          Just opinions. And it's unfair to label someone a pedo based on an opinion.

          • @UFO: to be fair, there were big bucks flowing on both sides

      • +2

        RIP for all the Vaseline tubs they found around his castle.

      • -3

        But he was no pedo. It's unfair to label him like that.

        Ah, the experts have arrived.

        • +7

          That applies to both sides of the "argument".

          • @smartazz104: Exactly.

            But Mic knows all, obviously.

            Hey Mic, instead of taking cheap shots how about you explain your side of the argument?

            Condescending comment aside, I'd be very interested to hear how calling Michael Jackson a pedo is fair in your opinion?
            I've never claimed to be an expert, but you are giving the impression that you think you are. Let's hear from you then?
            (I won't hold my breath)

            • @UFO: You've seen all the information, same as everyone. If you can still manage to worship at his feet and deny everything after that, then "explanations" are utterly pointless. (Let the pedo-defender downvotes roll in.)

              • @mickeyjuiceman: Wow… is this how you conduct your relationships in real life?
                Over exaggerate another person's opinion to assist in ratifying your own argument?

                I'm now apparently worshipping at his feet and denying 'everything'? Man… you're grasping at straws. And reality.

                I'm almost afraid to ask what "everything" is when you refer to it in your argument?
                Do you mean all the entirely credible gossip mag stories?
                Or the hard hitting entertainment shows that are simply bristling with journalistic integrity?
                Or wait… the first hand accounts from the maids and butlers and limo drivers, who couldn't possibly be selling their stories for a quick buck?

                Please, enlighten us all on this proof you speak of?
                Are you basing it on his looks?
                His 'weird' habits?

                You seem pretty sure he's a pedo, so of course you must have proof of his guilt of actual paedophilia.
                I'd honestly like to know how much credible information it takes to get you believing something as horrendous as that.
                Or is just a gut feeling that he is 'wacko jacko' so must of course definitely mean he is a pedo?

                BTW, if you PM your account details to me I've got a guy in Nigeria that's trying to smuggle millions out of the country. It's legit… he's Price afterall!

                Believe what you like bud, I really don't give a crap.
                But be careful insulting people based on those beliefs. That's when you open yourself up to ridicule. Like right now.

                /end of life lesson.

      • I agree mate sad how his reputation was tarnished. Definitely an odd one but that is no crime and out of that came genius.

        Corey Feldman of all people, who indeed suffered at the hands of genuine pedo monsters, spent time with Jackson as a kid and said nothing remotely like that ever happened; in fact he said it was the opposite, with Jackson trying to protect him from that stuff.

        The kid/kid's parents who got paid out of court was a shakedown artist .

    • Lets not go there - same could be said for many other forms of societies areas - true some are..but then some aren't.

  • +1

    A1 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 6:02
    A2 Baby Be Mine 4:20
    A3 The Girl Is Mine 3:42
    A4 Thriller 5:57
    B1 Beat It 4:17
    B2 Billie Jean 4:57
    B3 Human Nature 4:05
    B4 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 3:58
    B5 The Lady In My Life 4:57

    • +1

      Hidden cover track: I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles 1:09

    • Holy hell what a strike-rate with the hits off that album.

  • $29.99?

  • +3

    Showing as $29.99 for me. I think stock must have run out for that seller. Appreciate the vinyl bargains though, thanks!

  • -8

    Half* the value of vinyl is being able to display it, and it's become a bit taboo to display (or play) Michael Jackson albums now.

    *The other half is the feeling of self righteousness you get from owning an inferior form of media.

    • +2

      Some would argue it is in fact superior.

      • -1

        And they would be demonstrably wrong.

        • +1

          There is a reason all the high end speaker companies use turn tables for their demo setups. Vinyl is analog and digital is not.

          Vinyl is an analog recording so a digital form is not capturing the complete sound wave.

          Some say this makes all the difference.

    • +12

      you giving me FLAC?

    • +5

      I think that lasted for about 3 weeks after the release of Neverland. This ain’t the first time the allegations have gone public, people ain’t giving up MJ for their morals. “Rock With You” still gonna play at every wedding reception.

    • +1

      thriller transcends MJ

      • +1

        Especially when the lions share of the credit for the album should go to Quincy Jones

  • Looks to be back to original prices around $30 with Prime.

  • +1

    Keep on with the force don't stop
    Don't stop 'til you get enough
    Keep on with the force don't stop
    Don't stop 'til you get enough
    Keep on with the force don't stop
    Don't stop 'til you get enough
    Keep on with the force don't stop
    Don't stop 'til you get enough

  • The documentary that doesn’t even deserved to be named has been found to be biased, and made by disgusting producers, only interested in Money. Anyone still believing this unconvincing documentary has mental issues. He was innocent.

    • +2

      Don't even need to use the word "documentary"; nothing more than a cash grab by washed-up performers who were happy to ride MJ's coattails when he was alive but once their cash cow died they were left with nothing.

      • Yeah, because Operation Yewtree taught us nothing about the issues of making accusations against the rich and famous whilst they are alive /sarcasm

  • -4

    Why do all the most talented people do the most f'd up things?

    • +3

      genius is complex, and you're talking about how BAD-ASS his music is right?

    • I would differentiate between talent and popularity. as for the f'd up things it might come down to the 'entitlement' and 'genius status' that power and popularity brings with it.

      • agree and disagree stone roses guy, he was probably abused as a child as well

        • good point

    • +2

      Comment has nothing to do with the bargain but let's not forget the dude was found not guilty in court. A film featuring interviews from 2 accusers who benefited from it and who claimed the exact opposite for decades doesn't change that.

      • +2

        Can't say if they're telling the truth or not. We will never truly know what happened. But what we do know is MJ's music was amazing, and he was a fantastic entertainer.

  • -1

    I heard it was all bubbles idea

  • -2

    The most pathetic thing on this thread is the apoligists for a paedophile won't even admit there is a problem and are abusing downvotes.

    There's a huge difference between admitting someone had a problem based on substancial evidence of numerous witnesses, and trying to shut down those who don't agree with your opinions that he had a problem because you enjoy someone's art.

    You can enjoy someone's art if you like; objectively, this deal is good if you want his art on vinyl. I don't like his art, but there are other artists of whom I enjoy their art, but that artist is also in disgrace due to their criminal behaviour.

    The difference between me and the apolgists is I acknowledge that the artist I enjoy has a problem.

    Also, maybe this is cheap now because there is a sizable number of people who, unlike the apoligists, have acknowledged this artist had a problem and don't want to buy his music.

    • +2

      Absolute bulldust.

    • +2

      What problem. If you’re talking about that dumb doco, why did they edit it so deceitfully, show that creepy picture of michael whenever there was an allegation, the whole thing was pathetic one sided rubbish and you want to call us apologists. I haven’t yet watched the second part.

    • +2

      You lost me at substantial evidence of numerous witnesses.

      What witnesses?
      The maid who sold her story to the trash mags?
      The driver who sold his story to the trash mags?
      The 'documentary' writers who sold their tv show to the networks?

      All of them came out after he died, because they knew they couldn't be sued for defaming a dead man. Too afraid to speak up when he was alive. Pathetic grubs.

      Cory Feldman and Cory Haim… both well known for having been victims of actual child sexual assault (fact), and both having spent time with Michael Jackson, NEVER… NOT ONCE described inappropriate behaviour. But gave horrific details of others who had. Funnily enough, neither of the two had any motive to make any money off such rubbish… because what they were saying was the truth about Michael.

      It's pathetic. It's disgusting.
      The real rock spiders are these terrible people out there looking to make a quick buck off of a dead famous man.
      There is no proof.
      There is no evidence.
      There is no criminal behaviour.
      Just greedy tasteless pathetic excuses of human beings who make up this crap for money… and con the feeble minded into believing it.
      He may have quite possibly had mental issues… but I have serious doubts whether any of this pedo crap is even remotely true.
      Bending half truths and unusual behaviour into something as sadistic as paedophilia. It's not fair. It's not right.

      And shame on the people who continue to propagate such crap.
      Dumb people.
      Dumb people everywhere.

  • Damn I missed it

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