Slept Waaay Too Much Ever Done It ?

Yesterday i came home it was cold so thought i would just have a quick nap for a hour or so, just felt a bit tired

It was 230pm i woke up at 9pm !!!!

I was shocked actually, had something to eat then went back to bed because it was cold and woke up at 430am

Cant get to sleep now its morning i feel really good waking up

I feel ok but thinking i could have a health problem?

I remember not drinking my normal doses of caffeine yesterday , usually im a 20 plus cup a day coffee drinker but didnt have time yesterday, could that have done it ?

Im just pissed because i wasted last afternoon on sleep instead of being productive, maybe its the cold weather ?

Ever done this yourself ? I feel waaaay gulity i wasted all the time

Im so angry with myself i went out bought some vitamins this morning as well, my fault for not putting the alarm on my phone i guess


  • +129

    usually im a 20 plus cup a day coffee drinker

    20 cups a day ….. ? How unhealthy are you

  • -5

    Yes u may be right , maybe its my health, time for a blood test

    • +9

      Even at 1 shot a cup, you're way pass the safe caffeine dosage.

      I'm a tragic at 10 shots a day but you're taking it to a whole different game.

      • @tshow what happens when past safe dose?

        • +5

          I had heart palpitations. Had that during uni exam period. I've never had any illnesses so I was acutely aware that something wasn't quite right. Measured my pulse and checked for a stroke (FAST).

          I remember chuckling (only after ruling out a stroke) that I was studying for neuroanatomy and the practice paper was heavily written around strokes.

          • +5

            @[Deactivated]: Classic 20 year old otherwise well medical student

            • +2

              @Save Medicare: Webmd is a scary place, I simultaneously have several extremely serious diseases or I might just be lazy and not getting enough sleep so I overcompensate with caffeine like OP.

              • @sk3iron: I know … I search dr google only to find out I might have prostatitis then I asked a forum only to find out it was probably menopause

          • @[Deactivated]: I did have a stroke 2 months ago - let me tell you, FAST didnt apply to me. I didn't have droopy face, arms or speech - I just didnt feel 'right'. Still got up and had a shower and got dressed, just it felt like I had to "will" myself to do anything. It was later in the hospital the I developed aphasia and a numb right arm

            • @GaryQ: Scarily, there are a whole bunch of strokes types that FAST doesn't apply to. Usually occurs in oldies though.

        • You can also die from caffeine poisioning. It would take about 70 cups from memory (depending on bodyweight).

    • +1

      Op Any sideeffect from drinking 20 cups a day?

      • +2

        You can tell from the way he writes that he has a lot of nervous energy and is jittery.

        Side effects of too much coffee

      • +1

        A lighter wallet.

  • +22
    1. That's not how caffeine works.
    2. That's not how vitamins work.
    3. Start eating right, drinking 3 liters of water and exercising daily before you conclude that you have a health problem.
    • +14

      3 litres a day is a myth…

      "This advice appears to have come from a 1945 recommendation of the Food and Nutrition Board of the United States National Research Council, which stated: "A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances … most of this quantity is in prepared foods.""

      most of this quantity is in prepared foods

      • +1

        define prepared foods

        • +4

          Errrr, like toast as opposed to fruit?

      • +7

        I think 2.5-3 is generally the accepted consensus, so hardly a 'myth'.

        Human requirements for water are related to metabolic needs and are highly variable. They depend to some extent on individual metabolism.

        Solid foods contribute approximately 20% of total water intake or about 700-800 mL (NNS 1995). The remainder of the dietary intake comes from free water and/or other fluids ( NHMRC 2003). An additional 250 mL or so of water is also made available to the body from metabolism (water of oxidation). The body must retain a minimal amount to maintain a tolerable solute load for the kidneys. Excluding perspiration, the normal turnover of water is approximately 4% of total body weight in adults. In a 70 kg adult, this is equivalent to 2,500-3,000 mL/day.


        • +4

          Just drink when you feel thirsty. It's a simple as that.

          • +4

            @berry580: Or hungry,
            Quite often or body thinks we are hungry, when it just slight dehydration

          • +5

            @berry580: Usually by the time that happens you're already dehydrated, which isn't ideal.

          • @berry580: This is interesting. Before I was an avid water drinker, I wouldn't drink that often. I had to force my body and now have a sort of craving for it. If you are drinking a healthy amount (to me its pee that isn't too dark) then sure drink when you are thirsty. Unfortunately, some (maybe most) people don't feel the need to.

      • +4

        Theres water in beer right?

      • I drink two litres just sitting at my desk at work. So yeah probably congratulate me for that.

    • +1

      There is no reason to drink three litres of water every day. Drinking more water is often a good idea though.

  • +20

    20 coffees sounds extreme! Some people don’t drink coffee at all so its definitely not needed.

    • +5

      and here i am feeling bad for having any more than 3.

    • I saw an article recently that says 25 cups per day is safe for the heart.
      My day is askew if I have 1!

  • +7

    I once went to bed at 5 pm-ish for a quick nap and woke up , groggy and disoriented, at 7 the next morning. My wife and I had recently separated at the time and wasn't coping all that well.

    • But think of all the money you saved!

      • Saved by?

        • Not having a wife…

          • +4

            @smartazz104: We got back together and made another baby. So whatever meager savings I made while we were apart went pouf after she moved back in.

            To be fair though, she did use the time that we were seperated and her maternity leave to complete her Phd and in 3 years time , she'll be earning enough so that I may retire and become a stay-at-home dad at the grand old age of 40! :)

        • +4

          Skipping dinner

          • +1

            @idonotknowwhy: I'm one of those people that brings out the maternal instinct in women of a certain age. My fridge was packed full with home-cooked meals that mate's wives and mothers had kindly sent over for me . So basically I skipped a free meal.

  • perhaps talk to a GP?

  • +27

    Sleep debt

    • +2


      OP, be thankful your body didn't decide to take control and settle the sleep debt while your were driving or something.

  • +73

    You felt tired, so you had a sleep. You were hungry, so you woke up and ate food. It was dark, so you went to sleep. You woke up feeling refreshed, the desired outcome from sleep. I dunno, sounds like pretty normal biological functioning to me lol.

    • +1

      Exactly this. Not drinking 20 cups of coffee let's you sleep. Vitimin pills (unless recommend by a doctor) are pointless. And no, Dr. Phill doesn't count..

      • +3

        ok, you need to understand, that you may be reading this in dr phils voice.

    • Exactly, plus in Winter I think the body has a greater urge to sleep and catch up on any "sleep debt" (probably incurred by drinking 20 cups of coffee per day).

    • @loopholio understands what its like to be a human, OP is just upset he can't operate as a super-human.

    • +1

      But OP wasn't able to be efficient and get things done! The meaning of existence!
      I bet OP isn't a natural born Australian.

    • This exactly.
      The post sounds like a bit of an over-reaction really.

  • +1

    maybe you are just catching up on some sleep. Sometimes this is normal but if you start doing this often because you are too tired or getting bored often then maybe check with your GP on the sudden change of mood and excessive sleeping.

  • -2

    Waiting for the person who chimes in on health topics with, "it can be solved with fresh fruit and stay off meat".

    • +7

      It can be solved with eating more meat, and staying off the fresh fruit

      • +4

        True that, just look at a Tiger compared to an Elephant

        • +1

          A tiger in captivity lives on average 16 years whereas an african elephant can live up to 70 years.

  • +17

    As a parent of young kids, I am jealous. What's this sleep thing you speak of?

    • +4

      Yeah. If I slept from 2-7pm the house would have burned down and the kids would be missing their hair (and probably ears)

    • +2

      I know, I read this and thought are you freaking kidding me, they had a 4 and a half hour nap and are mad about it! Can you imagine how productive we'd be if we had that kind of sleep! I get a 2 hour stretch these days and I feel like I can conquer the world. I live for the day when my kids sleep and I can engage in this kind of luxury.

      • +3

        Sometimes I wonder why people even have kids. I'm sure there's a reward somewhere.

        • +1

          Endless supply of cuddles, re-experiencing Christmas, kids toys, getting to show them all your favourite movies etc. But mainly the hugs.

          • @MessyG: There appears to be a bias towards hugs here.

        • They are cute more often than annoying. Otherwise they would've been sold on the black market by now…

        • Not everyone's kids only sleep for 2hrs at a time..

        • Tonight I went for a nap after dinner whilst my children cleaned up - it pays off eventually.

          • @YTW: Lol probably the mess they made in the first place

  • If I feel tired or want to survive the next day with less sleep that night I take one 2000mg propolis tablet. It does miracles ;)

    And on the side note, if I have more than 3 cups of coffee a day I'm sure I'd suffer a cardiac arrest :P

  • +2

    I envy you. I wake up at 6am no matter what time I go to bed.

    • +18

      What if you went to bed at 6:01am

      Would you sleep for 24h59m

      • +37

        Nah, only 23h59m unfortunately

  • Congratulations

  • +3

    time for an allnighter to balance it out

  • +4

    sually im a 20 plus cup a day coffee drinker

    Here I am thinking my usual 6 cups a day is super unhealthy. Wowzers.

  • +3

    usually im a 20 plus cup a day coffee drinker

    Im just pissed because i wasted last afternoon on sleep instead of being productive, maybe its the cold weather ?
    Ever done this yourself ? I feel waaaay gulity i wasted all the time
    Im so angry with myself i went out bought some vitamins this morning as well, my fault for not putting the alarm on my phone i guess.

    How does your workaholism affect your relationships?

    • Maybe he is not referring to his paid vocation.

      I consider my hobbies as productive.

      Work hard, play hard.

      • +2

        Would you ever "feel waaaay guilty (that you) wasted all the time" and be "so angry with" yourself because your body needed restorative sleep?

        Hobbies are meant to make you happier, not more stressed.

        • Well, I'm rained in and can't do much so I am feeling pretty guilty that I'm not in my woodshop doing something useful.

          … and it's cold. :(

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: My toddler used the exact same excuse tonight😂 He said he wouldn't sleep as a sign of protest because it was cold, it was raining and we didn't get to make any progress on his treehouse today.

            And yet, the moment he got under his doona, he was out like a light.

            Op, try to be kinder to yourself, if you can:)

            • @[Deactivated]: OP should compare himself to upset toddler over treehouse, got it. OP might have more important things to do, like build a treehouse network.

  • +7

    I try not to sleep too much. It makes me too calm and level headed.

    • +5

      I know that trick.

      If you are too calm and level headed, people start talking and wanting to interact with you. Need to keep a certain level of crazy up.

      • You don't like people talking to you?

        • +2

          Not really from people I don't know. Or when I just feel like some quiet time.

          • +1

            @AdosHouse: I like talking to people. Everyone has a different piece of the puzzle

            It's the stopping the conversation when I've grown weary of it.. Thats the part I find hard.

  • +2

    That's waaay too much coffee…

  • +1

    Wow you are really not reacting well to getting some rest and waking up naturally and feeling great
    Maybe you just aren't feeling crap for once and don't know what it's like
    I know what you mean about feeling like you wasted a day, but you were tired yesterday and feel alert from 4.30am today. Not a bad tradeoff

    Also 1 hour is not a good time for a nap. Try 20mins or 90mins, so you aren't forcing yourself awake in the middle of REM sleep and making yourself feel even less rested.

  • +3

    Back in uni I started a new semester with 8am lectures, and that first week was rough. On Wednesday I went home and fell asleep at 7.30pm and woke up the next day feeling amazing.

    It's been probably more than 10 years and I still remember that amazing sleep.

    • +1

      Back in uni I started a new semester with 8am lectures, and that first week was rough

      Trying having unplanned twins first and then tell me about having a rough week :b

      • +1

        omg I am with my newborn. Can't imagine twins

  • +1

    How often do you go to the pisser???

    • +1

      Lol, your right usually im up a few times a night but last night only once !!

  • how can you afford that much coffee??
    they charge $4.50 per cup here, and thats not even a large. I get one once a month as a treat.
    I would try to wean off caffeine down to a more healthy 10 cups per day if i were you.

    • Try Aldi

      • -1

        20 pods is about 10 shots of barista made coffee. Seems perfectly normal level of coffee consumption. Costs less than $6 too.

  • When I was younger (ie early high school) I'd play competition tennis on Saturday mornings. Three solid sets, then went home to sleep from about 1pm to 6pm. I did feel like it was a waste of time but I just felt like it. Not to mention my upside down days at uni… but really if your body didn't need that much sleep you would have woken up earlier. So you needed it!

  • +3

    Your body needed sleep, that is all. When it is so cold, sometimes the only way I cope to be in bed/sleep and hide from the cold (like bears hibernate).

    I would not be worried, I would say your body needed it and maybe you should make time for more sleep in your life.

  • +6

    I slept for a long time yesterday

    I didn't have my normal caffeine intake of 20 cups of coffee

    You don't say.

  • +1

    You're probably sleep deprived. Not getting enough sleep is really bad for you. Take the time to watch this, you won't regret it:

    Matt Walker has also written a book, highly recommended.

  • +1

    Must be a slow goddamn day. Ozbargain does not disappoint with the useless threads

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