Budget USB DAC for Computer Question. (Question answered thanks)

Hi again,
I currently have a pair of powered speakers hooked up with AUX to PC’s 3.5mm port & use Foobar with wasapi plugin, and was thinking a good cheap upgrade to the sound would be a USB DAC.

I am looking at either:
- Schiit Modi 3 or
- Audioquest Dragonfly Black.
The difference being the Dragonfly has a small built-in amp.

I would like to continue control the volume in Foobar, and reviews/questions on Amazon say the Schiit Modi is capable of this. (Must be similar to an ‘external soundcard’ only with better DAC / internals)

So I’m thinking the Schiit Modi would be a more pure source (simpler circuitry), therefore it may perform better with the powered speakers.
The extra amplification of the Dragonfly I think may affect the signal & is probably more suited for headphone users, although the all in one aspect may be better for the signal (direct into USB with 3.5mm out on-board), while the Schiit Modi uses a USB cable in between the computer and DAC.

Which is more suitable for powered speakers?
If owners of either or both DACs could care to comment that would be appreciated.


  • What speakers? Depends on what you have

    • I’d prefer to keep it as ‘powered speakers’ as I may be changing them around.
      But essentially would you say you need the Dragonfly with built-in amp, if the speakers have an amplifier on-board already?
      (I know many headphones users use the Dragonfly to drive their ‘passive’ Headphones)
      I am quite happy with volume levels as they are currently from the computers sound-card.
      The price for Schiit Modi 3 and Dragonfly Black are quite similar, therefore I am curious if the simpler all-in-one design / connection of the Dragonfly will surpass the Schiit Modi 3 even though the Schiit is a pure DAC.

    • Or is the Dragonfly more a niche product (compact all-in-one) and the Schiit Modi a more reliable day to day product with very little compromises (size / weight) made to achieve the function of a DAC.
      (Part of me worries the little Dragonfly will fail sooner)

  • If you want to get even more confused have a look at Audio-gd. NFB-11 or the newer version would fit the bill.

    • -1

      I’m looking for a cheap (~$100) solution for an old PC that’s past it’s life expectancy (using it for audio only duties), just to get that extra little bit of detail when judging recordings / files. For listening I go to the other room.

      • things like audio and hobbies, you're going to regret it if you go half assed and buy cheap shit, IMO!

        • Yes but Made in China had come a long way and cheap good quality electronic components can be had these days. I am happy for it to cost ~$100-150 for a noticeable improvement to the PC soundcard, and if it lasts only 5 years I’ll buy it again if I need it.

      • You probably want to look at a schitt fulla 2 or whatever they're upto. The chips to look for would be ak4490 or es9018 or higher.

        • This is something I came across, thought I’d share:
          “I've listened to BB, CL, Wolfson, ESS and AKM and this is my personal findings:-

          1. Burr-Brown PCM1792A- thick mid, good bass and slightly rolled off highs. Somewhat full bodied sound.
          2. Cirrus Logic CS4398- lively sound; bass is less, mid is less thick and a bit neutral while highs is extended. Not so full bodied sound.
          3. Wolfson WM8740 - more bass, thick mid, a bit warmer sounding, highs a bit rolled off. Somewhat full bodied sound.
          4. Sabre ESS9018- clean sounding, a bit to the clinical side, light bass, almost neutral mid and high is very extended, some 'sweetness' - not so full bodied sound
          5. Verita AKM4490- good bass, thick mid and extended high, some sweetness. Overall full bodied sound - I would say, this one sound more musical then the rest.”
          • @thebadmachine: I got the Audio-gd NFB-11 with some edifer powered speakers and dt990, not bad at all, I liked my logitech z-2300 with a good soundcard better speakerwise. I probably should hook the logitech up instead to the nfb-11 as I prefer their sound signature and bass adjustment.

            • @frondono: Thanks for sharing. I do believe a DAC is where you should start when you are thinking about upgrading your audio (unless you have a decent one already inside your amplifier).
              Even cheap DAC models these days are very competitive (the only downside to cheap is maybe product longevity but I am yet to find out if this is actually the case), sound quality wise & internals of budget DAC’s are great.
              The thing about starting with a DAC is, as you upgrade your speakers the sound improvements become even more obvious.
              Great time at the moment to get into budget audio IMO.

  • You answered your own question.

    • Yes I think you are right. Thanks.

  • Heya Marge, I have a new forum post asking a not entirely dissimilar question and I'd appreciate your input, if you'd be so kind.

    All others commenting here are also very welcome to weigh in.

    All advice appreciated.


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