• expired

Xbox One S 1TB + 2 Games for $129 on NBN100 $79 Unlimited Plan (New Customers) @ Mate


Mate NBN is offering an Xbox One S + The Division 2 & Crackdown 3 for $129 when you sign up to their nbn™ 100 plan for $79 per month.

T&C's: https://www.letsbemates.com.au/app/uploads/Important%20Stuff…

As someone who moved from ABB's NBN50 to Mate NBN100, service has been decent so far for me except for 5-10mbps slowdowns in the evening. YMMV.

Xbox package includes:
• 1x Xbox One S 1TB console;
• 1x Xbox Wireless controller;
• 1x Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 game [downloadable content (DLC)];
• 1x Crackdown 3 game [disc]

Referral Links

Referral: random (80)

Referrer receives $50 bill credit.

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Mate Communicate
Mate Communicate

closed Comments

  • +16

    *$99 network cancellation fee applies if the nbn™️ plan is cancelled, downgraded or customer moves address within the first six (6) months of the nbn™️ activation date


    Otherwise there's no contract on their plans

    I'd possibly jump on this (from ABB) if I didn't already have an XB1, and I had a 4K TV. Kinda pointless without having the 4K TV

    • +8

      And an S is only upscaling

      • +9

        Only for gaming. For streaming media it's proper 4K.

    • +5

      Why is it pointless without a 4K TV? The One S can't even play games at 4K.

      • +3

        But it can do 4K Netflix, so if I had a (non-smart) 4K TV I'd do the upgrade. Of course an XB1X is preferable but that comes at a higher cost ;)

        • +8

          It can also do 4K blu-ray and 4K video streaming from 4K video files from a hard drive through a USB port. Basically a 4K media player device.

          • -1

            @hollykryten: Yeah this is by far the most important bit.

            4K streaming isn't significantly better than old 1080p blu-ray (arguably-better-in-some-ways-worse-in-others visuals, definitely-worse sound). But 4K blu-ray and 4K downloaded movie files certainly are.

            • @ItsMeAgro: 4k streaming is a lot better than 1080p streaming, especially when you have HDR

              XB1S is perfectly fine with a non-4k TV

              Good 4k tvs have good inbuilt apps, like the LG OLEDs.

              XB1X without a 4k tv, now that's a sin

  • -7

    If the Xbox is free, I will switch without any thought

  • +2

    Looks like a great deal. The Xbox alone seems to be $300 so definitely a bargain.


  • I try to sign up, however NBN is only going to be ready until September in my area.

  • +26
    • Hahaha, yes!

  • +12

    ABB better up their promo game soon because they are not very competitive now

    • +3

      ur right but they now have reputation and customer base so they should be fine. Its kinda like telstra compared with others.

    • Agree. I'm paying $72 for 400gb on 50/20 with Abb. This looks pretty good to me

      • Upgrade your plan on ABB to the $79 unlimited. I was on the $76 600gb account when it started, so it was a no brainer to go for the unlimited for $3 more.

        • +1

          If you're consistently using well under that though, and happily use data without any thought for limits, there's no point. Otherwise yeah, I'd say an extra $7 is worth it just to not feel constrained by data limits.

          • @snoopydoop: Ehh, with my pirating days mostly behind me, 400gb is plenty for me and my partner.

            Speed upgrade I'd consider, but 50/20 is pretty fine for me, especially coming from country adsl networks.

    • +2

      Leaving ABB plan ($80 100/40 500GB) for this.
      ABB has been great - but so should Mate (This is for FTTP).

      • Exact same situation I'm in. Definitely thinking about it.

      • +1

        Was sent a text saying my service is active now.
        Logons were sent (NBN and Account Usernames and Passwords) via plain text in the same email.

        I can play around with OpenDNS / AdGuard DNS again which didn't work when I tried on ABB last year.

        Speed Test Results (Same phone, same Wifi Network):
        ABB: 9/3/2019 @ 11:56AM - 94.9/36.7
        MATE: 5/6/2019 @ 12:48PM - 92.0/34.6

        Happy so far

        • Keen to give Mate a shot. How have you found peak speeds over the last couple of days since transferring from ABB?

  • +1

    I've never heard of Mate… Any comparison with ABB? I don't care much for Xbox anyway, just getting fed up of seeing unlimited plans popping up at a cheaper rate than my ABB capped plan.

    • mate is really good infact they just had a segment on channel 7 recently and they are isp of the year for number of years now https://www.comparebroadband.com.au/broadband-articles/lates…

      • I can say the best NBN I tried, extremely reliable and fast, you've get almost exactly the speed of your package probably 5% less. I have 50Mbps down speed and I normally get 45Mbps all the time. Call centre is Ausi based and very responsive.
        Check the product reviews 4.4 out of 1533 reviews is not an easy thing

        • +2

          But 45 on a 50 plan is 10% less not 5?

        • Have been in MATE for 3 years. Speed is cool, sometimes beyond the 50 Mbps (when weekday daytime and quiet night often reached 7MBps even 7.2MBps)
          But this depends on other factors like the NBN main line at your street and area.

  • Be advised that the console is like $250 from costco so this is a $250 saving IF you were getting the console anyway….

    The games are shit and worth nothing.

  • Tempted to get this over my current $72 400gb 50/20 abb connection.

    Wonder how much I could sell the Xbox for with the games…

    • Saw one on Gumtree for $220

  • Damn just moved from abb to mate on this deal 6 weeks ago. Prob don't need the Xbox though. Service has been decent. There were a couple times the throughput was dogshit but it's generally been fine and better than 50mbit most the time so for unlimited as long as it's over 50mb I don't care.

    • What speed are you getting right now?

      • Just did a speed test and getting 70/36 and 19ms ping. But I'm also downloading something so that prob effecting the DL rate.

        Also our area only went live in January and NBN are still doing lots of infill work in our suburbs so work on the exchange may have accounted for the slow day we had.

        • How do you find the peak speeds with Mate?

    • What did you move away from ABB? Was your 6 month discount price ending?

      • It was only $4 extra a month for unlimited on a faster plan. I was paying $75pm for 50/20 with abb and 500gb/m. Service was always good with them but I wanted no data cap and a faster plan. Peak speeds didn't really bother me as long as I could stream Netflix and have multiple devices in our house still browse the net ok.

        I didn't have 6 months discount pricing with abb.

  • Don't know if I should do this, I am looking for a new ISP but I own a pro and Xbox 1x and ill buy the new PlayStation and Xbox when released sooooo….but this is so cheap!

    • -1

      I’ve now been with Mint Telecom for over a year with no worries whatsoever. I couldn’t say the same with the two other NBN providers I had been with.

    • +2

      You can find Xbox One S' for around $200. After E3 in a week, I'm sure there'll be some hardware news which drives down the best sale prices even more.

  • Does this include first month?

    • The $79 is for the first month.

  • +2

    The price for the console and 2 games are dirt cheap. I can vouch for Mate. Been with them for a year now and NEVER had a single problem. Excellent speeds and no limits. I do around 2tb a month. I would highly recommend them

    • +3

      How about throughput via VPN? Or to overseas servers?

    • +1

      Telstra, Optus, Vodafone? Good Luck

  • Is there any connection between Mate and Barefoot? Their websites look practically the same…

    • +2

      In the t&c's link it says that barefoot is a subsidiary of Mate

    • +5

      1d. This offer is not applicable for nbn™️ Location IDs (LOCID’s) that have previously connected with MATE and its subsidiary brand Barefoot Telecom in 2019;

      Looks like you're correct

  • +1

    Is the hard disk in Xbox shuckable? Don't need the Xbox only need the 1tb hard disk

    • +1

      sure is

      you'll end up with a 1TB Seagate Laptop HDD/Momentus Thin 2.5" drive

      edit: actually some come with Toshiba Drives too!

    • Happy to take the Xbox off your hands with drive removed will pay postage :P

  • Existing customer :(

  • service has been decent so far for me except for 5-10mbps slowdowns in the evening. YMMV.

    How does 5-10mbps slowdowns compares to NBN100 from other companies?

    • +4

      I've never experienced slowdowns with ABB in the evening. Their peak hour speeds have always been excellent.

  • +4

    If only they have PS4 as an option as well, I would leave ABB for it.

  • I can see the appeal of an Xbox for $129 but is $79/month their standard price for 100/40 Unlimited?

    • +1

      Yeah it is. Usually, it's no contracts with them but looks like for this deal they're asking for a minimum of 6 months otherwise you have to pay a cancellation fee.

      • I think I might give them a go for a couple of months then. Just wont be signing up until August some time so I’ll wait. Thanks.

  • Been with Mate for over a year, and I got my parents to sign up with them. Wonderful customer service if you ever need to call them!

  • I'm currently with Aussie Broadband and I've got 17 days left on my current month… does anyone know if they refund for the unused days if I transfer?

    • No they don't.

      • So on this…when is the best time to "sign up" to mate….how many days before your current month is up?

        • i signed up to mate and added a note to activate 4 days before my current paid month ends

    • I thought everyone did pro-rate costing… Spintel is shit but even they do it

  • Does Mate communicate block torrents? I just changed from Aussie broadband and the only thing I changed was my router username and password and my torrents have stopped working. I get DHT "connection closed by peer" and DHT:0 nodes errors.

    • That's strange, they work fine for me.

    • They don't block me, but I use a VPN when torrenting.

  • Can you have it activated on a specific date? I just paid my ABB bill and would like the connection activated in a months time to make it completely worthwhile.

    • +1

      If you call them, I think they can schedule an activation date.

  • +2

    Signed up, went to their live chat to see how long it would take to transfer as I currently have Aussie BB.

    "We can't place your HFC order until the service from your current/previous ISP is cancelled as we are unable to transfer existing HFC services."

    Hmm, I can't go without internet so I cancelled. They also make you waive your consumer speed guarantee which seems weird.

    • +1

      I was in the same boat as you, it's odd that it will be about a week without the internet when transferring across?

      • +2

        hmm….is this normal between hFC connections..?

        • Seems so backwards!

        • Yeah it is. It's a system limitation of HFC

          • @theg00s3: So I should I put the application through about 5 business days before the end of month…?

  • Any one set up a new HFC connection with this mob? I'm still on cable and I need HFC set up still (wish they'd let me doing it!), was going to wait for a good deal or until i'm forced on nbn (almost 18 months from now), this has me thinking, i'm getting great speeds now on cable

    • +1

      On the same boat here, still waiting for a decent deal to switch. Don't want to pay more for the same DL speed I have on Cable.

      • I'm teetering on the fence, just the message from telsta, about a month ago, about not asking to convert now due to long leadtime at nbn on conversions, gives me pause

  • just signed up and got connected.

    speeds so far not that great compared to superloop.
    As only get 65down and 32up. Ping is about 10-12. more than double what i use to get.
    will test again outside peak hours. tho on superloop i never had to much of an issue during peak hours.
    i have FTTP too.

    • wow now i am averaging 42down.
      i might start regretting doing with these "mates" soon.

      • +1

        seems to be all good now. getting 92 down, 36 up

  • +1

    Got connected today (switched from ab) and am getting pretty much same speeds as before… 90+/30+ 6ms ping

    • Let us know when you get the Xbox. Also, how much downtime did you have?

      • Only about 2-3 hours… but I am on FTTC so easy process to transfer.
        Xbox should arrive next week, but I don't even want it :P

    • Speeds tonight are all over the place for me… :/

      • That's the problem with all ISP selling Vocus/Optus connection :( . Similar case with Tangerine I have heard. I am still undecided as of yet on my ISP. I have already set a cancellation date with ABB next month. May be will go for either SuperLoop or Exetel…

  • Please message me if anyone would like to sell their xbox for a reasonable price. Thank you.

  • This deal is expired.

  • A real dog shit of a company, I'm glad I did not continue with the order hoping they would have Xbox ones left, They sold out in a very short period.

    • What issues did you have? Admittingly i have only spoken to them prior to my connection so far (waiting for my month with Aussie to finish) but they have been very good on the phone, and responding to emails.

  • Just a heads up, i switched from ABB. Less than a day downtime (im on HFC) and speeds are basically the same as ABB so far. Will see how i go over the next 6 months before deciding if i stick with them. Communication has been very good

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