• expired

Oreo Yourself: Free Cookie from Oreo


So there's something where you can "Oreo yourself"

They print your chosen face on a cookie and send it to you for free.
Maximum of 2000 cookies to give away - the counter is at 1400 right now.

5PM: 1049 remaining (It will say 0 due to site traffic)

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closed Comments

  • 1343 cookies left, going fast….

  • 1307

  • 1274 left

  • +1

    For a moment there mi mind put "Free" in a verb form and recorded a challenging thought.

  • +3

    Not sure that level of data mining is worth one single cookie tbh

    • a single cookie but its
      'An oversize open OREO cookie'


  • Thanks. That was a little bit of fun!

  • +3

    Getting errors at the final stage - site might've been OzBargained

  • Got an error every time, maybe three fun cookies will show up for my brothers, maybe not. Oh well.

  • +1

    They're not exactly the most attractive of face options.

  • +5

    $1 at Woolies for a pack. I’ll eat while looking in the mirror. How many more entities could we possibly provide our data to. Surely not a bloody biscuit company.

    • +6

      And now they even know what you look like… as a cookie.

  • +9

    It kept saying "You can only create 1 cookie per person" and refused to place the order.

    • I tried 4 different emails, and the gMail "+ trick", and kept getting the error

    • Same here, and it happened on my first cookie… ah well…

    • That happens when your email address has a + in it

      • It happened with any email address. I tried all kinds of email providers.

  • +1

    It now says "We have 0 cookies to print" on the homepage for me. Site getting OzBargain'd?

  • +2

    Stupid! Ozbargained

  • +1

    Gone! :(

  • our cookie has been sent to print!
    There has been an error
    The OREO Team

    • +1

      Yes, there is error!
      I haven't ordered. But it says one per person!

  • +1

    I guess the cookies have crumbled!

  • +1

    Everyone print your OzBargain profile picture ;)

  • +3

    'One per person' error… I take it that we have missed out, that's just how the cookie crumbles

    • +3

      did you try clearing your cookies?

    • +1

      I just used a different email

  • -7

    Still works it’s still asking for details, it only does this because your email is to long, just shorten it and it will woek

    • +1

      jUsT ShOrTeN yOuR EmAiL

    • +1

      Not sure why ur downvoted, used my short email and worked no problem.

      • +2

        Maybe because "just shorten your email" is the most stupid, idiotic, brainless suggestion that could have been put forward.

        1: Emails aren't URLs, you can't just shorten them.

        2: Email creation isn't that quick these days.

        3: No webform in the history of ever has put a character limit on the email field

      • If i was to guess i'd say that it's because you can't shorten your email.

  • +5

    I hope this doesn't contain toothpaste…

  • We have 0 cookies to print!

  • 0 cookies to print

  • 1049 remaining just now

  • +3

    email address ? how to solve keeps syaing cant create more than 1

    • +1

      Same bullshit for me. Impossible to get past that point.

    • -1

      shorten it

      • I have i put like [email protected] and nothing

      • +1

        jUsT ShOrTeN yOuR EmAiL

        • +1


        • put some fake email address [email protected] and it went to the address page. Submitted it but dunno what happened if I got it or not cause I used a fake email

      • I'd rather Morrison it than Shorten it

  • 2000 cookies to give away and over 2000 clicks from OzBargain alone. Safe to say this has probably been OzBargained.

  • Perfect opportunity to get a jv Oreo.

  • You can only create 1 cookie per person

    • +1

      You mean none.

  • +1

    500 Internal Server Error
    nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)

  • +2

    Made in China

  • I get can’t this too. Think this is gone.

    • What?

      • Probably Ozbargained!

      • It was meant to say;

        I get can't this too. Think is this gone.

        • Oh yeah I get it now.

  • after all these come with error at the end.

  • Ran out, "Send your face to the cookie printer" is greyed out

  • too many faces uploaded , web down

  • -4

    Why did idiots neg me when I was exposing how it works, gez

    • didnt give example I had to go as short as giving a fake email [email protected]. That short.

      • -1

        Looks like they sending one tiny cookie in your mail lol

    • +1

      jUsT ShOrTeN yOuR EmAiL

  • Do you get an confirmation email? I got to the downloadable your face thing but I forgot what it said

  • -5

    People just upset that they missed it, shouldn’t be negging me. Go neg OP and maybe harass him as you might think he has more stock, sarcasm.

    • +1

      No one is negging you because they were upset they missed out. People are negging you because your advice is shit and based on nothing but conjecture.

    • +3

      Harass me? Why? I don't work at Oreo.

      • -1

        Sorry bro was using ya as a reference just some people just don’t understand Shorten your email, there would be two things u would do either having less letters or numbers, doesn’t take a Genius to work that out.

        • +1

          jUsT ShOrTeN yOuR EmAiL

      • Still works too, just ordered one. Website just got ozbargained for a while.

        Even entered by normal email address.

  • 403 Forbidden?

    • +4

      Still 1000 left U need to copy and paste the link. If the track U click through from ozbargsin you will get a 404

      • Great tip! The tip did get me to the last page but when I clocked 'Send to Printer' it returned a red bar on the bottom with…. "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource."

      • Thanks this works!

        Is this the beginning of sites detecting clicks from Ozbargain?

      • Thanks! Got on just in time, 18 cookies remaining!

  • 866 cookies left. Mods, it hasn't expired yet.

  • Works, used long email as opposed to short email

  • Now we can see what ozbaragin looks like

  • 616 cookies remaining

  • Lol anything free discovered by ozb is doomed haha

  • Worked for me just now. Cheers :D

  • There has been an error

  • +1

    My neighbour is going to be so confused when he receives this in the mail haha

  • 126 now. I just got one through.

  • Got one, thanks OP.

  • 18 left

  • I got "error" and it said that there were six left first however..

  • Anyone receive a confirmation email or SMS?

  • 105 remaining 18:21

  • I got one!

  • I got both confirmation message and error message at the same time… so .. might have got one, there were over 100 at the time.

  • Do you have to send it to the printer to get the cookie?

  • Can't believe I missed out on this, last time I sleep!!

  • -2

    Chinese made cookie and everyone is climbing over each other to get one!

    • love Chinese food

      • Chinese food being locally made with local ingredients.

        This is made in a Chinese factory with Chinese standards. There have been numerous issues with other food products being contaminated due to poor hygiene etc in China.

        Given the prices that Nestle charge for the biscuits they should be made in the USA like they used to be. They didn't drop the prices when they moved manufacturing to China for Australia and like the suckers we are most people just accepted this instead of boycotting the product.

        • I agree that some of the chinese made food is of poor standards (see the number of contaminations and recalls), Oreos are made by Nabisco, which is owned by Mondelez not Nestle.

          Last time i bought some Oreo's they were made in Indonesia.

          • @Butterfly Gocha: Thanks I knew it was one of the ones starting with N. I'll have to take a look next time at the supermarket, I remember when they changed to Chinese manufacturing years ago nobody said a thing. Maybe some lines are now from Indonesia or they are grey imports.

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