Looks like this is the lowest price ever for this 75" inch TV.
Use the coupon PYRO20
Looks like this is the lowest price ever for this 75" inch TV.
Use the coupon PYRO20
It is better in many terms but then it will cost you extra 1k.
$1,826 all up.
Thank you. What's the difference between this and Qled?
About 3 or 4 thousand dollars.
Thanks for the pricewise comparison
Bud, I might be wrong, but unless you sit close by and watch it really carefully, I could barely tell the difference between QLED and this one.
Quality wise LCD < QLED < OLED.
Thanks. So is this post the LCD?
Apologies, 4K Ultra HD LCD would be more appropriate to say. This URL should be helpful, if you want more product specs and compare it with other models.
@bizarredeal: Qled is just a fancy term for LED Tv that Samsung uses. They don't produce Oled Tv because they don't want to pay $$$ to LG for the panel.
Compare here: https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/samsung
@Lord Ra: Haha ok will do. Coming up to EOFYS so shouldnt be long.
Want to go to the store and compare the different types to get a feel.
@bizarredeal: Nope, it works differently to OLED. QLED is Quantum dot LED light colour shifting. Very efficient as it uses blue back lighting and the quantum dots to produce relatively pure red and green. It can produce a wider colour gamut than OLED though.
I bought the Sony X90F 75" the other day :(
Isn’t that a significantly better TV?
I hope so
And more expensive.
How much and where ?
$3099 from the Sony sale.
i'm looking for Samsung same model 50" and for the past few days, 55,65,75" all have discounted price (without code), except for 50". just thinking should i just wait for a bit, will Appliances online have new reduced items daily or should i just pull the trigger now. will they refund the difference if some days later, the price is cheaper on their website?
will they refund the difference if some days later, the price is cheaper on their website?
No they won't.
99% of businesses don't do this.
Bought a 65NU8000 couple months ago from Good Guys, 2 weeks later JB had same TV for less…and GG matched the price.
Store manager at GG offered me the difference ($260) when I brought it up. If I wanted the difference plus 10% I'd have to go thru head office he said. I took the $260.
Sh*t is real.
Anyone used this a boardroom TV or PC monitor?
Most people on OZB don't buy TVs for their Boardrooms.
Maybe bored rooms?
Most, yes but there could be that 1. Worth a shot
4k @ 75" is like 1080p @ 37.5". Wayyy too big of a screen for the resolution to be used as a 4k screen.
Fair call. But it's got to be better than a 1080p 75". This model from what I have seen has Chroma 4:4:4 and decent input lag.
Bought one. Hope it works out
Please share your feedback once you get yours.
Can I pick up the TV from their store?
Are Samsung going to release the new series 43" in Australia?
What's the difference between this and the NU model?
RU is 2019, NU is 2018
any specific feature differences?
Check Rtings.com, they have reviewed both years models.
thank you, fantastic price … is the 8000 series much better over the 7100 ?