This was posted 5 years 9 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ticket to Ride (Europe $40.47, Germany $42.97), Azul $35.47, Splendor $28.97 & More @ EB Games


glengood pointed out that a lot of these are also on the eBay store with the same prices, use code POCKET10 for 10% if spending over $120 (cred to urbancartel for the code)

Board games, all half priced.
Probably not the cheapest they've ever been but fairly cheap for local stock.
Most are showing stocks for in-store pickup and all are available for delivery.

Ticket to Ride: Europe $40.47
(also on Amazon $47.42 + delivery/free with Prime, cred: youfnc)
Ticket to Ride: Germany $42.97
Azul $35.47
Splendor $28.97
Small World $49.47
Catan - Game of Thrones $67.97
Doctor Who - The Dalek Invasion of Earth Risk Board Game $18.47
Pandemic: Legacy Season 2 Black Ed $59.47

For monopoly token collectors:
Monopoly - Game of Thrones $34.47
Monopoly - Disney 80th Anniversary $24.47
Monopoly - Solo: A Star Wars Story $18.47
Monopoly - Back to the Future $23.97
Monopoly - Star Trek - Klingon Collector's Edition $23.97
Monopoly - Doctor Who - Regeneration $18.47
Monopoly - FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 Ed $28.97
Monopoly - Thunderbirds 50th Anniversary LE $24.47
Monopoly - Rick & Morty $34.47
Monopoly - Fortnite (Ughhh) $25.47
Monopoly - Deadpool (Double ughhh) $28.97
Monopoly - Bob's Burgers $34.47
Unfortunately Monopoly - Sailor Moon is still full price @ $68

Fallout Boardgame $47.97
Dungeons & Dragons - The Legend of Drizzt Board Game $54.47
The Elder Scrolls Risk Board Game $34.47
Dark Souls Board Game $84.47
Dungeons & Dragons - Art and Arcana: Special Edition $100.47

Not a board game but pretty nifty:
Tomb Raider PS1 Coasters Set $12.97

And some more:
Barenpark $36.47 (cred: SavageCarrot)
Betrayal Legacy $40.47(cred: Onepage, RI4V4N & johnno1987)
The Resistance $19.47(cred: Precrastinator)
King of Tokyo 2nd Ed $35.47 (Muldura VIC & Albury NSW pickup only, cred: aeon)

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    Well put together OP :)

  • Awesome, thanks op! I'll grab a few of these

  • +1

    Woke up to a sale how awesome! Betrayal Legacy at Half Price is pretty nifty as well. I'd also recommend checking out the postage one by one. Had one that costed me an extra $22 for delivery which ended up pretty much similar price to it without sale. Normal postage for me was $7 on other games.

    • Shipping seems to get combined if you buy multiple items. I got about 8 things and the shipping was 27 all up.

      • I got Azul and Betrayal Legacy for $8 shipping.. which shot up to $27 when I added Queendomino. I saw Betrayal was available for C&C near me so looked to see what Azul and Queendomino would cost to ship and it was still $27.. so YMMV

        Ended up not getting Queendomino as the shipping killed the savings

        • Had a quick look on eBay. Azul is available for $41

    • Betrayal Legacy

      Added, thanks.
      What's the replayability like? Anyway easy way to get around perma-changing the game?
      Looks very interesting but I'm still reluctant because of the whole Legacy part.

      • I've read reviews that you can still play the game after you finish the 'campaign' of sorts. Of course they will be aspects of the game that you won't be able to re-live or re-do, but Betrayal is a strong enough game to enjoy after the fact. Well worth $47, considering the other versions retail $50+

        • exactly - when you finished legacy you're left with a slightly different (but still just as replayable) version of the non-legacy game.

      • Yeah. Once you've played it once it is replayable as the normal game. It is considerably more balanced and we'll thought out than the original as well.

      • The legacy version is awesome even if you just bin it at the end. I am halfway through a campaign now and everyone playing just loves it.

        However there is a rule set for when you are done with the legacy game. I just made a point not to throw things out when it told me to and kept it in a separate bag.

  • +1

    Awesome price for splendor! Thanks OP, bought one.

  • Thx got fallout New California, Azul and queendominio.. passed on the Germany with freight.
    I notice that zing doesn't have the same pricing . Do you think they will change it later today or do it I'm store ?

    • I'm not an associate but I believe they are the same entity now, I reckon it's worth asking instore if prices don't update automatically.

      • just checked with in store. she said separate pricing :(

  • Great prices

  • Barenpark for $36 is a great price, I paid around $55 for my copy.

    • How would you compare it to New York 1901? Interested but unsure because I found 1901 mediocre

    • Added, thanks.

  • +1

    Well curated list. On ya, op.

    Splendour at that price is a no brainer.

  • I'm tempted for Buddy Legendary for half price, but I still have some Marvel Legendary expansions I haven't played.

  • Nice price for King of Tokyo too, though only available at the Mildura and Albury stores.

    • Added, thanks.

  • +2

    Also might want to add ‘The Resistance’. At under $20 I’d say it’s a worthy addition to the list.…

    • Interesting. Looks somewhat similar to Secret Hitler.

      Is The Resistance easy enough (and fun) for new players?

      • Yeah the resistance is easy to learn.

      • Most of the games difficulty is simply social skills and bluffing.

        Its arguably the best social deduction game.

        • Thanks. I ended up deciding to get it. It's always good to have some games that don't take long to learn if new people are coming to games nights.

    • Seconding this, The Resistance is a fantastic game. Great fun deceiving everyone! (Similar to Mafia or Secret Hitler)

    • Added and bought. Thanks

      • Did you all get the 3rd edition of the game? The product image is the 2nd ed

  • +3

    Betrayal legacy for 40 is extremely cheap for a new game. Also dungeon of the mad mage dnd book is half price at 30 (no other dnd RPG books are on sale)

    • Added, thanks.
      I asked someone else the same questions but:

      What's the replayability like? Anyway easy way to get around perma-changing the game?
      Looks very interesting but I'm still reluctant because of the whole Legacy part.

      • I've played the Pandemic legacy games and I found making permanent changes to the game is a lot of fun. I'd recommend giving it a try. How many times can you really play a game without it getting boring anyway?

        • Unlike pandemic legacy. Betrayal legacy is built to be played like the regular game when you finish. It's much better than the original.

          Pandemic legacy is great though as well.

  • +7

    The eBay store has a lot of these at the same price, and postage is much cheaper when you buy multiples. Plus you could stack with POCKET10 code if you splurge over $120…

    • +1

      I always wondered that but what are the odds of getting a counterfeit game?
      I’ve got friends who brought expansion cards from eBay that were tissue thin..

      • I bought a copy of 7 wonders from toyworld and turned out to be counterfeit. Hopefully it isn’t the case with eb games

    • Added to OP, thanks.

  • That's very cheap for Drizzt. Good game too

  • +1

    Thanks OP! I have to stop buying board games, it is becoming an addiction. Picked up Gloomhaven for $110 from Amazon thanks to that 10TB hard drive stuff up $30 gift voucher. Now just dropped another $130 on games.

    Betrayal Legacy at $40 is insanely cheap. Picked up that, Splendor, Azul and chucked in Duelosaur Island (different seller) to get over $120 on eBay for the 10% discount.

  • Any experience with the Dark Souls board game? I’m a huge Souls fan, but can’t see my friends playing it. How much of a one player game is it as it suggests?

    • +1

      If there's a Good Game or other tabletop store nearby, you might find they have dedicated board game nights which could be an opportunity to play it or meet new friends. I've been heading to Good Game near me and met a few people, even got into D&D as a result. Though, more things to spend money on isn't great haha.

      • Cheers! I’ve been to Good Game a few times, but never stayed for the board games.

    • I heard it was shit. I have a friend who has it and he refuses to play it as he hates it so much.

      Just rubbish mechanics apparently.

  • +1

    Finally picked up the Dark Souls Board Game!

  • +2

    Ticket to ride is a great game. I've got the original, so picked up a Europe for me and another Europe for a birthday present coming up. Great Value.
    For anyone curious, it takes about 10 minutes to learn to play and about 2-3 games to learn how to be mean and ruthless to your opponents. ;)

    • Europe is more ruthless than America as there are a few bottlenecks around important cities. Have you tried any of the expansions?

      • I've tried about 6 expansions, and Europe is still the best for me, most balanced map and mechanics, easy for all levels of players to get into and enjoy xD

        • There is lots of sellers on eBay selling ticket to ride for under $40 in eBay with free postage, lots sold with good feedback too, are they fakes?

          • @[Deactivated]:

            There is lots of sellers on eBay selling ticket to ride for under $40 in eBay with free postage, lots sold with good feedback too, are they fakes?

            unless they have 100% positive reviews, I would read their negative reviews
            the fakes are usually outed there

            I have bought an obvious fake on fishpond
            wrote to fishpond, they asked to deal with the seller
            wrote to the seller, who refunded me, without any argument
            ( I purchased the game for $15, postage was $8)
            strangely I wrote a review on fishpond outing the game as a fake
            A buyer asked fishpond if the game was a fake
            And fishpond said no!

            I believe you can get games like ticket to ride/ 7 wonders on alibaba for cheap
            and they are the ones that end up on ebay/ fishpond

            Bought several game on Amazon, when they have a good deal, yet to get a fake
            just my 2c, YMMV

            • -2

              @docians: Why does it matter if it's fake?

              • @RI4V4N: Assuming you are not trolling, so

                By saving a few pennies

                You don't reward the creator of the game
                You encourage more fakes
                The quality of the board/ components will not be as good as the original
                Everyone is different, but I would find typos/ spells annoying

      • I've got the USA 1910 card expansion pack. Makes TTR USA heaps better.

  • Amazon have Ticket to Ride: Europe for $47.42 to match EB games.

    • swines, they have factored in postage to match :)

    • +1

      Added, thanks.
      EB will be cheaper if you can pick up or don't have Prime.

  • Damn, I really wanted the Sailor Moon Edition

  • Good effort OP. Have an upvote.

  • If you fall short of $120 on eBay, you can use the promo code PATCH to get something like 5% off (if you're buying at least two items). It's not much but it'll cover almost all of your delivery charge provided you spend close to $120. I bought Azul, Ticket To Ride Europe, and Splendour and fell short from the 10% off by $9 so I found that code to make up for it (saved $5.30).

  • I recommend AZUL, it's one of my favourites at the moment. A light game that you don't have to think too hard about.

  • Buying on eBay allows combined postage so seems a better option than the website based on the above comments. I picked up 4 games, and shipping was $6.95 total (also got the benefit of pocket10)
    Thanks OP

  • Cheers got Queendomino and Betrayal Legacy. Going to try and make the latter function as a two player. Might be a bit wonky, but for the price, can't pass it up.

  • $40 for Betrayal Legacy is an amazing price.
    My local EBGames didn't have it in stock, so just walked over to Zing and they price matched on the spot.

  • +1

    I ordered a Dark Souls Board Game last week. Absolute steal even if you include postage ($105).

    • I’m glad I waited, I was going to impulse buy for RRP a couple of weeks ago.

  • Awesome deal, managed to get:

    Star Wars - X-WING Second Edition Core Set
    Ticket to Ride: Europe
    Tyrants of the Underdark

    For $144.98 on eBay!!

  • Can't seem to find any splendor or betrayal legacy on the ebay store anymore!

    • Betrayal seems to have sold out but Splendor can still be found on the Ebgames website.

      • Ya but at $17 delivery! V 6.95

        • Splendor seems to be back in stock and at $6.95 delivery now.

          p.s. I sent you a message about Betrayal

  • A lot has sold out

  • +2

    Zing stores also price match even if it's not on their website. Just picked up Azul and spendor and betrayal legacy. Looks like they still have stock if ebgames doesn't

  • Most of the board games are back to original price, however there are a few still half price

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