This was posted 5 years 9 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Throne of Keys - One Free Game Every Hour @ Kinguin

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Attention Kinguiners! Still looking for a new game to add to your gaming library? Look no more! Kinguin officially announces its first episode of "Crazy Free Weekends"!
Yes, you heard that right, lots of games will be given for free, so stay tuned!
Here's the deal: every hour a different game will be promoted, which you can grab for free! Just add it to your cart and finish the order, no worries, you don't have to pay anything!
That's it, grab your free game, tell your friends about it and have one really amazing gaming weekend!


What is the promotion about?
Every hour a new free game will be promoted. Grab your free game now or wait for the next one.

How long does the promotion last?
The promotion lasts from Friday 24.05 14:00 CET to Monday 27.05 18:00 CET.

How often will the games change?
Each full hour there will be one different game selected that can be claimed for free.

Can I get more than one game?
Each customer can claim one game during each hour of promotion.

All games have already been claimed. When will next games be available?
Each hour there is a limited number of available keys that are for free. If all keys have been given away already, please check the promotion in an hour to make sure you do not miss you free code. New games should be added every hour on the hour.

How can I claim my free game?
Simply click “Claim For Free” next to the game and login to your Kinguin account. If you do not have any account yet, make sure to register first. The game will be automatically added to your Kinguin Inventory. To reveal your key just click “Show CD-Key” and you may enjoy your free game!

I got the game but I'm not sure how to activate it. What should I do?
If you are not certain how to redeem your product, please check the Activation Details that are available on the product page or visit our FAQ page.You can also just click on the Activation Guide on the game card in your Inventory. If you are still unable to activate the game, please contact us via LiveChat or Create a Ticket.

Edit: Available again 31/5 11pm

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Starts - 24.05.2019 / 11pm AEST time.

  • +1

    Watch the site break and all the keys disappear instantly

  • Got the first key at exactly 11PM, Tropico 4 is first.

  • +6

    First game: Tropico 4
    Turns out I already own it, so here's the key:

    ? = 8 0 7

    Enjoy, whoever needed it :)

    • Seems others don't post, someone has already redeemed this

  • Thanks op, got Tropico 4

  • +2

    Already own Tropico 4.



    • +6

      Someone's already redeemed it just to let everyone know. I wish people would at least comment if they use it.

    • +2

      Also own 40K.



      • +1

        Copped. Thanks mate!

        • Too easy! Send OP a + and we'll call it even. :)

    • +1

      Sigh, also own Max Payne 2…


      • +1

        claimed this! thanks mate <3

        • +1

          <3 Don't forget to give Dealbot his +

    • Also own F1…haha…





      • Got the 2 keys after that. Will just PM since no-one claimed it. :D

    • +1

      ZGE35 is 5 hours old and i got it….?
      thanks Mattapie xD

      • +1

        haha, really? Good times. :)

      • +1

        Give OP a + since you got a game if you can :D

  • I can't seem to get the link for the games

    • the [Go To Deal] link has been changed, it will now take you directly to the page where you sign in to claim the game.

  • games from the first hour all gone. this is going to be a popular post all weekend. upvote

  • Would love Mordhau

  • Waiting for Windows 10 key :)

  • +1

    How can I claim them every hour when I sleep, I could genuinely miss a good deal.

    • +7

      don’t sleep :)

      • I know this will get a lot of updates, but I’m serious, I guess I could give my account details out to someone on here

        • don’t do that :(

        • *upvotes, can’t edit since he replied quickly

  • +1

    already owned tropico 4:


    • +2

      Thank you! Just claimed it :)

  • warhammer space marine is next. Already own it. PM me and will swap for another key thats dropped over the wekeend

  • +1

    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Steam CD Key

    Live now.

  • +1

    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is available now.

  • +1

    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Steam CD Key

  • 12AM AET 25/05/2019 : Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

  • Already have Warhammer.
    It's a shame I missed out on tropico :/ if anyone has a spare key to PM I'd very much appreciate it

    • Someone already claimed this.

  • have these giveaways had decent keys in the past ?

    • don’t think they’ve had these before

  • Already have space marine


    ? = E A

    • Has been claimed by someone.

  • Already have Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. If anyone wants it, here's the key 824P3-KZX9M-QP93I

  • say if you have claimed it please


    • +1


  • War hammer 82MTX-KR25P-MJ4KE

    • This ones been claimed by someone else

  • Already have the game. ?9YT5-ZKJIH-E4NKT ? = 0 9 8

    Comment if you used the key to let others know. Cheers

    • +2

      I havn't taken this but it would be good if you named the game the key was for to avoid ppl taking something they might not want (Spacemarine in this case - have it already was after tropico).

    • This key is already activated. 😢

  • +2

    Damnit I was going to catch up on sleep this weekend. Arrrrggghhh.

  • Anyone got a Tropico 4 key they arent going to use? would much appreciate it

  • Anyone else getting errors when they try and view inventory?

    • +3

      Site doesnt seem to be working for me - claim for free button doesnt work

      • I had to mash the claim button for Warhammer several times until the confirmation popup appeared

      • Yeah I'm using chrome and firefox on android. Clicking the claim now and warhammer picture and $0 price both do nothing. But other games on the page will load if I click

      • mine didnt work but when I checked inventory it was in there.

        • yep same cheers it was in my inventory

  • +2

    warhammer 40000:


    • +2

      Thanks mate!

  • +2

    Wish they'd release the list of games. I need to sleep at some point.

  • This would be a great deal for people who can't sleep. Is this meant to be claimed on steam immediately? Or can we just get the code, stash it away and claim it some other time?

    • It gets stashed away into your inventory that you can claim later on.

      • Oh that's awesome! Ty.

  • Anyone got a code for Tropico?

    edit: thanks kind ozbargainer :D

  • Hmmm, not sure if I got Warhammer or not. Kept clicking the claim button and nothing was happening. Finally it said I had already claimed. I tried looking in Inventory but it always says Authentication Failed. I think the site is struggling.
    EDIT: Apparently not.

  • Any one have unused Tropico Code?

  • Hey does anyone have a tropico key? :)

  • +2

    Hi guys. Make sure you go into the account settings and disable all of the weird consents that's are activated by default.

  • -1

    Max Payne 2

  • -1

    Max Payne 2 Steam CD Key

    Did not let me claim?? Huh

  • Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne CD Key for 1:00 AM


      CD Key for Max Payne 2. Enjoy!

      • +2

        claimed BTW. by not me :( don't forget to thank the posters if your not a farming bot or maybe we can just send codes by private messaging?

  • +5

    Well that got claimed quick…

    • Less than 1 minute.

  • What the hell that was gone before my timer even hit the hour…

  • instaoutofstock!

  • Wut? did they have one copy? lol

    • I was able to claim a copy.

  • Err, I just went on to claim Max Payne. At 1am, 30 second before 1:01am- promotion has ended. How is anyone having any luck?

    • Nobody had luck unfortunately. Must’ve had literally 1 key :/

      • Yeah, just saw the comments above :(. Off to bed, shall try again during times The UK gamer peeps might be sleeping lol.

        • +1

          yup i’m off too.waste of time to try.

  • does anyone have the key for the first game? if they do can i please have

  • +1

    Didnt even show up on mine. Was wearing out the F5 as well.

  • bit of bs there

  • +2

    I already have max payne 2

    • bah claimed

    • +3

      used it, thank you

  • +3

    There we go, was waiting until peoples bots got aimed at the site. Have a good one all!

  • +7

    Waste of time. Good night everyone I’m out.

    • Agreed!

  • Max Payne 2 Immediately disappeared.

  • +1

    got a max payne, thanks OP! going to play it tomorrow!

  • Kept refreshing, saw nothing.

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