This was posted 5 years 9 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kayo Sports 2 Month Basic Plan $5 for Telstra Customers (for New Kayo Customers)


One of the favourite deals back for the ICC WC 2019.
Spinoff of


2 months for $5 Kayo Basic
Stream over 50 sports live and on demand, including Aussie Rules, Rugby League, Motorsports, Basketball, Rugby and more. Exclusive to Telstra.

Monthly subscription, from $25/mth after the offer period.

Related Stores

Kayo Sports
Kayo Sports

closed Comments

  • +3

    Already used this for the IPL for the 1 telstra account I have. Damn!

    • for the 1 telstra account I have.

      Get another one… They're free

      • +3

        Hard to create a second account, you need another identity.

        • -4

          You just need another driver's licence…

          • +8

            @jv: Can I borrow yours?

      • +3

        cant use pre paid..
        from kayo telstra page

        If you’re an existing Telstra customer you can add Kayo to your monthly bill.

        Note: Pre-paid and small business customers are not eligible.

    • I am a returning customer and got the first month for $5.

      Welcome to Kayo Sports.

      You have purchased the Basic package which costs $25 per month.

      You are also receiving a $5 offer for the first month of Kayo Basic.

      Your subscription will be renewed monthly via your preferred payment method. Your first payment will be on 24/05/2019 and repeat monthly.

  • -4

    This was already posted about 2 weeks ago…

    • [OP] Really? I couldn't find any recent deals like this, that's why I posted. Do you have the link for that?

        • +5

          Mate, this is just a comment. You should have made a post on that so anyone could benefit.
          Anyway, mods will take this down if it's really a dup.

          • -6


            Mate, this is just a comment.

            It's the same deal that has been posted here.

            You should have made a post on that

            I only post bargains

            • @jv: Normal monthly $25
              Promo $2.50

              Considering this site will post a bargain to save $1, how is a saving of 90% ($22.50) not a bargain?

              • @2024:

                !Considering this site will post a bargain to save $1, how is a saving of 90% ($22.50) not a bargain?

                I only post what I consider bargains.

  • I got Kayo free for 2 months and it is shall expire June 6th. I have Telstra home bundle and used that to get Kayo. I have a Telstra work mobile hone number. How can I get another 2 months of Kayo please to extend what I already have? Can I use my work moble number and different email address? Or get a free Telstra SIM online and use that number? Thx in advance.

    • +2

      I've got two services on my account and it looks like I can redeem for each. I would imagine you would need to do the Kayo signup on a different email though.

      • +2

        I would imagine you would need to do the Kayo signup on a different email though.

        The Kayo signup needs to be using a Telstra ID. It says so when you sign up for the deal.

      • Need to use different Telstra ID and different mobile phone number for verification

        • The phone number is the catch, you can keep using multiple emails but you need to verify with a mobile one-time-password so despite having multiple eligible accounts you're restricted to how many mobile numbers you have access to.

    • Option to choose the service you want to use.
      Hope this helps

    • how you got 2 months free?

  • If this was data free like the free sports subscriptions it would be amazing - as it is, I will definitely taking it up as the streaming quality on the dodgy websites I was planning on using is much worse. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      If this was data free like the free sports subscriptions it would be amazing

      It's data free if you're on an unlimited data plan.

  • Anyone with telstra prepaid got this offer?

    • Just check under your Telstra Thanks offers.

      • Doesn't show up on the offers page. How did you sign up? On the Kayo sports website?

        • I just selected "view all streaming offers"

          it's not working now, it says "Oops We're having a technical issue. Please bear with us & try again"

  • +7

    stupid me last 2 months offer forgot to cancel it got charged $25 :( .. kayo 1 Me 0

    • +4

      Pro tip: when you sign up for a free trial of something, immediately put a calendar entry into your phone to cancel it a week or so before the end of the free trial.

      • +4

        you can cancel straight away save that entry and still use till end date.

        • yeah i know thought i did clearly didn't lol

        • +5

          Sometimes Only!, I foolishly cancelled Apple Music Trial without reading and lost 2 months of the trial :(
          And on this one is not a trial, you gotta pay $2.50 per month for two months, so will have to cancel it when you pay the second $2.50

  • Is it targeted? I am getting the following message when I login:

    Unfortunately, you have no offers associated with your Telstra ID.

    Try to log in with another Telstra ID or link your accounts & services.

    • +3

      are you pre paid ? its not available to business or pre pay services

  • +1

    got this last 2 month offer and can say it's worth it is you love your AFL or other sports. will keep subscription going. only problem is there is around a 2 min delay between real life and kayo. already had a friend message me saying Brisbane won by a point other week and I still had 2 mins to go

    • +1

      It’s nowhere near a 2 minute delay. It’s only about 40 seconds or so (as verified by messaging my brother when he was at the Anzac Day game and I was watching it on Kayo at home).

      • the afl app is 40 seconds, the Adelaide v Brisbane game i was messaged result and there was over 2 mins remaining while i was watching live, maybe because the game was in qld or maybe my connection was lagged but it was over 2 mins that game, not talking crap about the service as im going to keep it for afl and pay the 25 a month

        • +3

          Well I don’t know what to tell you, but it definitely isn’t anywhere near 2 mins. Either you’d built up a much bigger buffer for some reason or the device you were using was having issues, but it’s definitely not 2 mins delay from live.

    • Same here…

      Was watching a game last week and it was buffering every 5-10 mins or so, so the delay kept getting bigger… By the end of the game was a few minutes behind.

    • It's more like 30 secs difference.

    • +1

      The delay depends on your internet speed, some can get it as low as 5-10 seconds, others it can stretch to minutes

  • Thought this deal already existed. I used it to sign up to Kayo only 5 days ago.
    On a 24 month mobile phone plan with Telstra.

    • Thought this deal already existed.

      It did. It's been there for a while. I posted about it a couple of weeks back in the other Kayo deal.

  • +3

    Not quite a replacement for Kayo, but there is now a Foxtel Go Kodi add-on available for those with a Foxtel subscription (live sport is 720p; catchup still limited to 480p I believe):…

  • Does anyone know if you can watch the upcoming Europa and UEFA Championship soccer Finals on this platform?

    • Not sure this answers your question but

    • Don't think so… rights for these sports are with Optus Sports

      • rights for these sports are with Optus Sports

        Virgin mobile sent me a free 12 months Optus sports for some reason a couple of weeks back…

        • Optus owns Virgin :)

          • @mrtenacious: I know, but Virgin customers don't get the free Optus Sports offer…

            I'm guessing it was targeted because a short time ago, I ported one service out of Virgin.

  • Currently on a month free trial that finishes in 2 weeks, can't find what date this offer expires? anyone find it? TIA

    • +2

      Replying to myself but found it.
      Offer redeemable until 03.06.2019 for Kayo Basic service only.

  • I have had 2 months at $5 and 1 at $5 before that, and have paid 2 months at $25, so $60 for 5 months so far, will cancel after NRL finishes. It's pretty average streaming v netflix.

    • +1

      It's pretty average streaming v netflix.

      I find the Kayo app on the Telstra TV works great… Really good picture quality, but it's very ordinary on an iPad.

      • I use it on a laptop, find it works great. Looking forward to them rolling it out to Smart-Tvs.

      • +1

        I use it with my iPad 11" and 27" iMac ok, but sometimes on APTV4K it's hit and miss, picture drops quality, sound too, colour dims in and out, only happens with live NRL so its definitely a overload Kayo problem.
        Watching WSL live now and it's perfect. 100/40 NBN FTTH.

        • +1

          I'm on Telstra cable getting about 90Mbps, so the streaming issues are definitely at Kayo's end.

          • +1

            @jv: yes they are not coping with peak NRL live times, o'well hopefully improves.

    • I have a desktop with a HDMI out to a 1080P old Sony Bravia TV. it auto selects picture quality depending on how much of your data pipe is being used by other users in your house. If there is no other device using bandwidth I get a constant 720p resolution which is pretty good. I use Optus 4g internet as my connection

  • Already got hotstar for a whole year

    • How did you get that ? Did you pay or free ?


        20 dollars for the whole year with NordVPN

        • doesn't it need an Indian mobile number for sign up. I tried and failed/

          • @mnma: Sorry mate I was using an exsisting account

    • Does that show AFL ?

      • Unfortunately not but dpes show EPL amd a range of other sports

    • What even is that?

      • It looks like an Indian pr0n site.

  • +3

    Mate of mine gave me his kayo login as we're always helping eachother out like that. He pays $25 a month and both of us have no issues watching it at the same time. Something to think about for you ozbargainers, split a Kayo subscription between you and a mate and you get the lot for $12.50 a month as long as no more than two devices are using it concurrently

    • Or 3 mates on the higher plan.

      • +3

        Of course. Wasn't sure if ozbargainers would have more than one friend

  • +3

    Managed to get 4 months for $10 now, kayo has been nothing but awesome for me.

    • How did you get that deal?

  • +1

    With Game of Thrones finished and Kayo a pretty solid Service Foxtel will be slashing their prices soon as next to nobody will have a need for it

  • +1

    Voucher code TLSTFF still valid but don't know whether it will work. You won't know until they debit your card.

    IMPORTANT: If you have not signed up using your active Telstra ID you will be charged the full rate of $25 immediately.

  • +1

    I wasn't expecting this to work but oddly it did. I had previously used my post paid number for a free trial. Clicked though the my offers link went and entered in my pre paid number expecting to be charged $25. Got a text from my bank saying there was now a $1 and a $2.50 charge on my account.

  • i would, but i'm not a tesltra customer and i'm not the kind of person that spends more than $10 a month on phone credit, don't think telstra has anything cheap like that?

  • +1

    This has existed for a few months, careful they're pretty good at charging you the full rate for with no warning or refund hope. Google Kayo scam if unsure.

  • Keep an eye out if you are a Silver or Gold Tier Telstra Plus member. Looks like Kayo will soon be on the house…

    Edit: Looks like it's limited to either 1 or 3 months depending on your tier

  • +4

    Just got an email - first month for $5 using code CWC5OFFER.

  • Thanks OP, was looking for a reasonable offer for ICC WC19 and was almost ready to pay full price for Kayo…this one is just great timing!

  • I just received an email advising the following after I completing the $5 for two months the first time around:

    Get a month of Kayo for $5! All you need to do is choose Kayo Basic below and complete sign up by 11:59pm on Monday 27 May 2019 and you’ll only be charged $5 for your first month back on Kayo (usually $25/month). No lock-in contracts.

    I dare say it’s targeted by I’ll be taking them up on the offer. :)

  • Just signed up so I can watch the Giro d'Italia and there is no Eurosport? I thought all the Foxtel sport channels were on there. Am I missing something?

  • Do these guys show the F1 coverage by Sky?

  • Is still valid? I don't get this as an offer even though I have Telstra ADSL service.

    • should be still valid, i redeemed for my ADSL service on Friday. The offer still comes up for my mobile service.

  • Monumental stuff up. Telstra only take $2.50 at a time out so you receive a notice to change your billing to direct with Kayo as they haven't received their full $5. So I've now lost the deal. 6 emails later to Kayo and they are more concerned wiht catchy email signatures than fixing it.

  • Telstra advise it is expired.

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