Whenever I buy a second hand car I always apply the principle that the car must last a year for each $1000 spent. For example a $4000 car should last 4 years.
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Whenever I buy a second hand car I always apply the principle that the car must last a year for each $1000 spent. For example a $4000 car should last 4 years.
Mod: Edited title
Good for you. How's that been working out for you? In a previous post, you said you have a 14yo 4WD… Curious on how much you paid for that? How's your guideline working out there for you? Feedback would be great…
So, If I buy a $30,000 car, it should last me 30 years? What about an $80,000 investment car?? Damn Range Rover owners and their $180,000 vehicles… Envy the Ferrari/Rolls Royce guys (and girls) at $1,000,000+
Next car I'm considering, I'm only going to make an offer based on this "principle of timed ownership"…
*gets popcorn ready* Got a feeling this thread is going to be epic :D
OP hasn't commented on 2/3 of their posts so far, highly likely this will be the same
So you’re saying we’ve found our new DEvok?
Looks like devok negged you
"investment car"
What the hell is that?
Cool story bro.
Shame it’s fiction.
Sounds like sound money management.
Where can I find the whole book?
This isn't a bargain or a car accident question with an ms paint diagram.
It has nothing to do with parking OR speeding fines…
or uninsured drivers
When I buy a house, I always apply the principle that the price is going to double every 10 years.
When I buy my vegetables, I always apply the principle that it has to last at least a week in the fridge.
When I buy my fruits, I always apply the principle it has to be twice as sweet for every 25% premium from the cheapest fruit.
When I make my pina coladas, I always apply the pineapple it has be at least 1 part rum for 2 parts juice.
when i read your comments i always apply a filter.
Do you like getting caught in the rain?
Yes but not into yoga.
you have half a brain?
I'm getting flashbacks from that time I turned up to an Accounting exam massively hungover. There was this whole section on depreciation and amortisation and all I could think of was how close I was to puking🤢
vomit-value, intangible, until/unless feel better afterwards;
cost in circumstance, people present, projection/direction, sum/times.
you could also benefit from a filter, Jar Jar Binks. 🎇
The OP has raised an interesting idea, although 4 years for 4K seems a little bit dear? Some of these comments are getting a little bit silly, excuse me for a second I must go drain my willy.
I look at most purchases this way - TV, appliances, clothes, etc. always on a per year or per use cost. I def apply it to cars too, expecting around $3k/year for a new runabout (eg: $30k car for 5 years and $15k resale, or $15k car for 5+ years driven into the ground, anything longer a bonus). For a second hand runabout outside those parameters I've always figured around $2k/year max cost as the limit, including depreciation and repairs/contingencies. $1k depreciation leaves around $1k for repairs - seems pretty right to me, but I guess at the end of the day just as arbitrary as any other number.
I once bought a car for $3200, and after 2 years I sold it for $2800.
That's $200/year
So I expect your $4000 car will last 20 more years
Math checks out.
Yep, that sounds about right. My Bugatti Veyron will last about three thousand years.
due to lack of use? can't afford the fuel?
I bought a Falcon 38 years ago for about $10,000. That was brand new. I'm still driving it. A couple more payments and I'll own it outright :). That's only $260/year, about two tanks of fuel.
Do you ever reply to posts?
Only if they're worth it.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
I bought my missus a $7k ring after reading somewhere that most relationship don't make it past the 7 year mark. I used the same principle that you did : the relationship
must last a year for each $1000 spent.
She lost the ring around our 3rd anniversary :( What to do now, OP?
OP may be Click Frenzy Frightened.
Pretty sure that's a thing and understandable.
Ring may have made it into one of wiki's more shambolic sandwiches, someone may have eaten and pooped it out without realising.
You're welcome.
It's somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The insurance company did come to the party. I was more wondering what that meant in terms of OP's principle and my relationship? Do I buy her a new ring or do I spend all that money on myself and wish her farewell.
Neither op, nor i, nor fate of any ring stuck possibly in some seaweed, can decide that for you.
Other pairs slightly more involved, including, if it hasn't dawned, pair who will be teenagers at time of planned move across IO, to MU.
Just simply cannot account, right now, for draw of friends and those they may fall in love with, as factor in just how your currently dispassionate, plans to move, evolve.
As for other pair, I seem to recall them having an epiphany on the kitchen floor at one point? Assuming that to have been robot-vacced.
Xiaomi strikes again!
'Cuddle Party' as featured on The Weekly earlier tonight, might assist in your decisions moving forward. Don't post the results on OzBargain, Jar Jar Binks!
@brendanm: nori is a type of seaweed, also early-in-reply to somewhat out-of-place-question attempt at humour.
MU - Mauritius
saga: noun; a saga is a long story, account, or sequence of events (relevant to Star Wars, also some OzBargainers)
kitchen floor epiphany, was something along lines of can't live don't want to live without each other
kitchen floor epiphany of different sort, just to make up for an evil xiaomi vacuuming up one of those earlier instagram links :)
@[Deactivated]: In case brendanm is still wondering what a 'cuddle' is :
Cuddle (noun): to hold close for warmth , comfort or in affection.
Studies have shown that cuddling with someone you care about may :
I do hope that you have someone to cuddle to tonight, brendanm. If not, may I suggest that you join this cuddle party? :b
@[Deactivated]: Poopy-pines pretty thin on the ground. Did link Halsey at one point for the always difficult to discern benefit of System. :)
@[Deactivated]: I'm aware of what a cuddle is, as well as the rest of the words, just not when they are all put together in the manner that they were. I now see it's some weird in-talking that only you two understand, so carry on with your cuddles ;)
@[Deactivated]: I'm going to miss you when I move to MU. Who will I turn to for fatherly advice?😋
p.s: We're all good …and happy. Thank you for caring.
@[Deactivated]: That is an excellent postscript.
Advice tends better when from someone closer to home, better able to sense when the receiver of advice is properly going off the rails, or just being naughty.
I am only now not worried about Brendan.
Mate, I was pissed the other day when my $30 hairbrush's bristle pad disintegrated after 7 years of daily use. How long an item should last for does not correlate with what you paid for it. It's what is reasonable for that item. ACCC takes the same stance. (Or Consumer Affairs? One of them)