Can I Get out of This Unjust Speeding Ticket?

Turning on to Indian Ocean Drive (main highway north of Perth) from a side road and there was no posted speed signs either at the intersection or on the main road after the turn.

Being the main highway and in the absence of any posted limits otherwise I assume that the speed limit is now 100 kmph.

Unfortunately 500m down the road was a speed camera and I got ticketed for traveling 100 in a 90 zone.

Isn't this unjust? How are we supposed to know the speed limit unless it is properly sign posted. Doesn't seem fair…


  • How did you get to the side road and what was the speed limit on the side road?

  • +1

    Exact same thing happened to me. Pulled out onto a highway from side street where speed limit is 70kph but for the middle section that changed to 60kph. Not signposted within this section (doubled back and checked). Was camera flashed at 67, which at the time I thought I was doing under the speed limit.

    Got off by writing in accepting fault and asked for fine disavowed in favour of an official warning. Had considered stating my case but it’s easier to get off fines by accepting guilt and pleading for leniency than defending your actions.

    Went to court last week for a $806 no rego fine, pleaded guilty, and charge dismissed in under 60 seconds and said only 7 words.

    • Not having to display rego stickers… mean ppl don't know when they are due. I think its a dangerous situation.

    • Why dismissed?

      • +1

        Because unless you have extremely terrible history or doing something like speeding ridiculously over the speed limit basically anybody who shows up to court and pleads guilty gets their charge dismissed.

        Magistrate: "OneJay, you have a charge for operating a motor vehicle with no registration for which you are intending to plead guilty, is this correct?"
        Me: "Yes Your Honour"

        Magistrate looks towards the police prosecution: "No previous history?"
        Police prosecution: "No your honour"

        Magistrate: "OneJay, I dismiss all charges, you are free to go"
        Me: "Thank you Your Honour"

        Then I skiddaddled and pondered whether I should post this as a Deal…

  • It’s unjust because you got caught 😂

  • +1

    Oh damn!
    puts popcorn away
    This legitimately seems unjust to me. I'd try writing them a letter explaining the situation, they might waive the fine for you.

  • I agree with your reasoning, Unfortunately in efforts to reduce their fuel economy figures and for other reasons, on average, your in car speedo displays on average 8% slower than what you were travelling at. Even if you thought you were going 100, theres a good chance that your dash said 106+

  • For those not familiar with the road in question, this article from the West Australian, 4th February 2019 provides some background:
    "Police have bad drivers on Indian Ocean Drive in their sights. A WA Police operation is targeting dangerous drivers on one of State’s deadliest roads. Indian Ocean Drive has been dubbed “the highway of death”, and for good reason. According to the latest statistics there have been 190 crashes, four were fatal, in recent years…"…

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