Neighbour Dogs Tried to Smash Fence When I Was Watering Plants

I was watering plants in backyard this afternoon and noticed that the neighbour dogs tried to smash colorbond fence. It was quite scary as I could see a bend at one place so I stopped watering plants.

I have been living at this place for 3.5 years and the neighbours didn't have dogs previously but suddenly there are 2 dogs. I just returned from holidays so not sure if this place has been sold or the neighbour just got new dogs.

My kids play in a backyard quite often. The dogs appear quite aggressive so I am quite concerned of them as they might also dig under the fence and breach it. Also this side of house has fruit plants where we have made so much effort in last 3 years to grow them so can't stop watering this side altogether.

What can I potentially do in this situation to keep these dogs away?


  • +9

    What do you mean they tried to "smash the fence"

    • +13

      Super smash bros?

      • +20

        Super smash doggos

    • +1

      They pressed pause.

    • +8

      You know, how dogs just ram into things.

  • +45

    You could start by talking to your neighbor before going rouge

    • +35

      Not sure how you’d use rouge to scare them off anyway..

      • Fair call

      • +25

        Have you watched Eurovision?

    • +3

      This is the route.

      However, there are two downsides:

      1) The neighbour might not care and thus, relationship is ruined.
      2) Any further action you take, retaliation or council, will immediately be ascribed to you - whether it was or not.

      It just depends on how prepared you are to stand your ground. Given you

      stopped watering plants

      I think you should just complain to the council before talking to the neighbour - they'll check registration etc, perhaps do a welfare check (if you're lucky).

      Alternatively, go and talk to the owner!

        • "Don't be rude or aggressive"

          • @JTTheMan: Yes. For example don't complain to the council before you've even bothered to approach your neighbour about the issue.

            Seeing this attitude it's no wonder we can't have anything nice without someone spoiling it.

    • -2

      If the neighbours have 2 such aggressive dogs, that probably were not smashing the fence because of water, but merely for the presence of a person, I think it is futile to talk to the owners, as responsible owners wouldn't have such aggressive dogs and not let them out in a backyard where the neighbour has kids playing in the backyard.

      My rule is "Kids over dog, every day", don't talk, go straight legal action as suggested, full force. Worst case you might get a bite from one of the dog, but that just helps top prove the case.

      To deter them from the fence, put down some salt on the ground, and put empty water bottles upside down on some sticks.

      • +2

        Colorbond fence would normally mean a fence about 8 feet tall that you can't see through.
        The reason they attack the fence is the water from the hose makes a noise when it hits the fence. (think the noise a tin roof makes in the rain)

        salt on the ground? empty water bottles upside down on sticks?

        What is either of those supposed to do about a dog reacting to a noise from the other side of a fence it can't see through?

        • +4

          Maybe they are dog spirits lingering in this realm. In which case salt on the ground is supposed to be effective. Can also try brick dust or holy water.

        • water filled bottle is a famous deterrent to keep dogs from u know… peeing on to fences/gates. something about the reflection from it afaik..

          • @kaleidoscope: It does not work. Think about it, why would anyone who pees on the ground care about bottles laying around.

          • +2

            @kaleidoscope: yep. pee on the fence to show your dominance over the dogs

  • +4

    Is your neighbour American?

  • +3

    Depending on the state you live in, the following might apply.

    Requirement to be Registered, desexed, microchipped.if they arent, they can be fined and the dogs removed and not returned unless they comply.

    Some states have some breeds recognised as dangerous and must be registered as dangeous and signage as such, inc when on a walk. Some states dont have breeds specified, but specific dogs can be deemed dangerous.

  • +20

    squirt dog with hose.

    • +7

      I'm sure* they'll mellow out after and the dogs will be best buds.

      *not actually sure.

      • +1

        not if sure the objective is to breed more fence bashing dogs

        • Instructions not clear.

    • +3

      That's up there with chucking rocks, shining a torch at it and yelling that will do nothing to make your situation better but probably worse.

      • aversion therapy - it's a common method for training animals.

        • +1

          When your not the owner of the dog any 'hose training' method is not likely to be very effective.

          • +1

            @DarwinBoy: how about we agree to disagree?

            • +5

              @altomic: Yep. Fair enough.
              Are you sure we are not breaking some internet rule that says we are meant to post our views getting more extreme and off the original topic over a few hours wasting both our time?

              • +2

                @DarwinBoy: That typical of some one who votes liberal/labor.

                Next you'll be saying fracking causes autism!

  • +3

    "so I stopped watering plants."

    That's your problem right there.

  • +14

    Welcome to suburbia.

  • +6

    What did your neighbors say when you talked to them?

    • +18

      Post on OzBargain then come talk later

  • +62

    Buy some scmakos or other dog treat. Explain the incident to the neighbour and ask if you can throw the dogs a treat if they start to become aggressive. The neighbour then knows there’s an issue but you are a nice neighbour by offering a solution. If the dogs behaviour continues after your attempt to make friends you have left a friendly door open for further dialogue and strategising.

    • +15

      Vote 1 mgh4me for Mayor of Ozbargainville

    • +7

      I've had the pleasure of being neighbours with some people who would take offense in me offering a solution for their dogs' behavouir.


    • +23

      You want to reward the dogs when they do the wrong thing? Interesting move.

      • +6

        Body-slam fence = free treats!

      • +6

        Apparently 45 others who have no idea how to train a pet also agreed…

      • It is just a conversation starter with the neighbour. Don't think it should be carried out.

      • +2

        My father did this with a couple of aggro bull-something dogs. Had tried hosing them (yeah, nah, that won’t make it better dad)!

        Actually worked a treat. They just get excited when he goes near the fence now. Before that, they wanted to take a piece of him!

    • +2

      "throw the dogs a treat if they start to become aggressive"

      I'm no Ceasar Millan, but I'm pretty sure the idea is to reward good behavior…

  • +8

    What breed of dog are they? Please confirm my prejudice.

  • +8

    Go meet dogs, let them get used to you and then occasionally give them a treat. Then they will protect you too.

    • +8

      Not all of them. Some dogs eat their owners.

      • +1

        Then they wernt dominant.

      • +7

        A forensic pathologist once told me that if an owner dies inside, the trapped, hungry pet dog will wait 3-4 days to eat the body. But the pet cat will only wait a day.

        • +2

          Cat realizes immediately the owner is dead, and mourns the owner for a day, then eats them.
          Dogs take a bit longer to realize the owner is not sleeping.
          Cats are smarter.

      • +1

        didn't eat her, however, a girl that went to the same high school as I did, was killed by her dog.…

    • I dont think they have a problem with op just with the hose and water hitting fence

    • This is a sensible comment. Dogs dont like anything foreign. Introduce yourself and you won't be bothered again.

  • -3

    Chicken wings are effective.

    • Raw*

      • Well… do we like these dogs?

  • +10

    This thread reminds me of the one about the palm frond from the other week that nearly sent the bloke to hospital.

  • +4

    As you are in NSW, invite Dean Anthony Sellenthin around to you place and show him your neighbour's dog…

  • -2

    throw some food over the fence

  • +3

    More likely is that the dogs have a fascination with water, and are going crazy because they want to play in it. My dog goes off her nut, bites the hose and will run around the yard attacking the water. The bark is the most aggressive she's got but she's actually having a fun time, to anyone else it probably sounds like shes attacking somebody.

    If its such a problem, install some drippers or micro sprays. They don't make the same sound and the dogs wont react.

  • +43

    Pee at the dogs when they get close. Exert dominance. Show them whos the alpha. Buy some dog treats and eat them in front of the dogs.

    • Best comment yet.
      'Buy some dog treats and eat them in front of the dog'

    • Well, as you are planning to pee at an aggressive dog, no need to spend on extra dog treats. that will be taken care of.

  • +2

    We have a similar issue. Recently moved house and the two large bull Arab looking dogs next door sometimes try to break down the colorbond fence when they hear us outside. We have a small fluffy dog and they try to dig under the fence so we’ve attached timber to the bottom of the fence. There is one spot they stick their nose under, so I’m going to buy some cheap black pepper and put it in the dirt at that spot. They regularly fight, which is delightful to listen to.

    • The joys of owning a dog.

    • +5

      Arab looking dogs

      They might be moderates. Do they wear full-length beards or just a little bit of stubble? Have they ever undertaken "training" at a camp?

        • +3

          Tracy Grimshaw: We've been told that dogs really do go "whack for Schmackos" but how far would your Rex or Fido go for his fix? In this Current Affair we examine the disturbing double-lives your canine companions lead when you're not at home. The next 30 minutes could shock you…

  • What council municipality are you in? Animal laws vary greatly across the country.
    Be worth checking those out first.

  • Just be friendly and say hello for to the dog.
    Walk up and down along the fence during the way to let the dog know you live next door and don't post any threat. (Let them get used to your smell).

    Can also go talk to your neighbor (bring a cake maybe?) and get to know the dogs too.

    Once the dog got used to it they will stop (they might still follow you on the other side of fence but no bark or smashing the fence).

    Just my personal experience :)

    • +4

      Sounds like a nice little free cake racket for your neighbours! I'm going to get some aggressive dogs now.

    • Owner and dog in one go? A bit extreme, don't you think?

  • +17

    OP you are very quiet, please confirm you have not been eaten by dogs.

    • +3

      No I am still alive :)

  • +3

    OP wait until one day they learn and evolve and find the weakness in the fence and finally get to confront you.

    "Clever girl…"

  • You can work it out with the dog, if the neighbour is unreasonable. Pissing the dogs off is going to create a huge problem. Be nicer to the dogs than the neighbour and they would return the favour and neighbour may get jealous and take them away from you. If the neighbour does not get jealous they would most likely be friendly. If the neighbour is negligent and does not care you get a free friendly guard dog.

  • Smash the fence yourself while the dog is taking a piss or eating

  • +1

    buy a more aggressive dog

  • Just talk to your neighbour. 'The dogs were going crazy yesterday attacking the fence, I was concerned they might be able to break through' …

  • +1

    You could try getting along with the dogs so they don't see you as such a big issue. There are a couple of dogs who bark at me when I go past, I just say "shhh" in a gentle tone and they immediately stop.

    My dog is perfectly happy to be friends with almost anyone, she'll bark at strangers in her space quite aggressively and if they come at her she gets worse. But if they're friendly and talk to her she calms down and wants pats. She's never aggressive towards children though, just wants the pats.

    It's not going to work with every dog, but it's the first thing I'd try (without getting within their reach). A confident, positive tone. Say hi, talk to them like they're people. If they respond well maybe even consider giving a dog-friendly treat (again from outside their reach). You could maybe even see if your neighbour is willing to assist with this. Dogs like people, that's why people have them as pets. They just need to see you as not a threat/not invading their space.

  • +2

    As an owner of a German Shepherd, I can say it all depends on your neighbor. If you have a neighbour who cares or not. We have 2 young kids under 10 and the reason we got the dog was because, we have a d***head of a neighbor who illegally breeds Dobermans and they are quite aggressive in fact I know exactly what you mean as we have colorbond fence as well. Long story short I initially tried talking to him first very politely and then sternly with the issues some of them being (there is a constant smell of rotten chicken carcasses coming from their side and the aggressive behavior the dogs showed everytime we walked into our own driveway) his tepid response was 'they are dogs'. We complained to council and RSPCA and nothing happened and he continues to breed them. In the end we went and got a German Shepherd in the hope that he might be protective in case ever his dogs jumped the fence, but in reality, I know my dog will just probably hide behind the kids if it happens…

    • +1

      Ah, the NRA approach.

      "The only way to stop a bad guy with a dog is a good guy with a dog."

    • are you doing schutzhund classes with your dog? GSDs, especially those from non-working breeding lines, aren't born guard dogs.

      • Not really, just relying on his basic instincts..

      • Actually considering a German shepherd would like to know more about this.

  • +4

    We have a loony & aggressive neighbour who came over to our place only a day or so after we moved in to tell me that if his dog barked to yell at him to shut up (Oh dear). He said if there's an issue let him know. Well, we tried his "suggestion/order" to keep the peace but it didn't work. They left the dog locked outside all day, every week day, and many hour on weekends. Poor little dog. We left a note in his postbox to avoid a confrontation and to let them know what was happening. No reply, dog still left alone.

    Finally had to go to the rangers and do a "bark log" for 7 days. They encouraged audio & video if possible. After they went to the guy, he showed up drunk, at night, at our front door with verbal threats. When we thought he'd left later, my duaghter went to take out the trash and this nutjob had been waiting in the shadow of our garage and jumped out to continue his tirade. I called the police, no one came out. I called the next day, they came out, then said they "could" go over but it "might make things worse"!!!!

    Eventually, he started a different loony-rant about the pine trees dropping needles and that he was going to cut off the branches on his side. I rent the place— but seriously. So many whack-jobs out there!

    My advice to you, or anyone confronting about ANYTHING: have a witness and a hidden audio/video recorder. Not for court, but to lend credibility to your claim.

    • Illegal in at least NSW to record audio without permission. Witness is much better.

      • In NSW you can only record conversations if you have the permission of everyone involved, or a principal party to the conversation wants the recording believing it is "reasonably necessary for the protection of [their] lawful interests.

        • -2

          …and you're not the one that gets to determine if it was reasonably necessary.

  • +5

    Install a high frequency dog sound near the fence ,😚😙

    • +1

      Interesting to know if anyone has found anything like this that actually works.

      • Got one for rats in the roof void. Our dog went nuts when I turned it on for a few seconds, she was all the way in the other end of the house when I tried it too. Pretty sure the dogs won't be impressed.

        • Do you remember which one in particular?

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