This was posted 5 years 10 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Shipping with $5 Starlight Donation @ EB Games


Hey guys, I found a neat trick to get free shipping on items from EB Games.
Does not seem to work on some of the super big items but will work on most.

Step 1: Add $5 Donation to cart
Step 2: Apply free shipping code for donations: STARLIGHT2019
Step 3: Add any items you want and checkout

Enjoy guys!

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closed Comments

  • +20

    Supports a good cause as well!

    • Tax deductible, too, as it’s over $2 and you get a receipt (assuming it says ‘donation’ on it).

  • +7

    There's another way, go in to store and ask for a "order in store". If the item is available online for home delivery, they will send the thing you want direct to your home and delivery is waived.

    • +7

      I tried to do this once but the staff gave me an annoyed look and said they don't do that. She even asked if I have a phone and she'll show me how to do an online order which made me feel like an ignorant. EB Games Penrith.

    • Yeah this is no longer true unfortunately. They had it before but I've asked about it in store in the past month and they told me that they had removed the service. A shame, it was very useful before.

  • +3

    Making a donation also lets you enter a competition they're running with a heap of prizes!

  • -6

    Free and $5 donation. Bit of an oxymoron isn't it?
    Better to physically go to EB Games and not pay the $5.

    • +40

      It's not better for the sick children

    • +11

      The donation is helping someone in need out rather than going into the coffers of a large company. Donation is also tax deductible.

        • +1

          What are you on about?
          I normally pay $6-9 on one item for shipping.
          Not only is this a bargain because its basically $5 shipping no matter what, it helps sick kids.

          Honestly makes me sick that people like you are more worried about saving as much money as possible that you'd rather not donate to help sick and possibly dying kids if it means saving a few bucks..

        • +1

          $5 shipping is still better than the $10+ they charge if you buy more than one item.

        • +1

          Actually I am not sure about this particular charity but recently i have been reading / seeing more and more information coming out that shows that a lot of charities out there are more like money making schemes for the management / top level staff than actual charities and that a very small % of total donations actually make it to the charity / person / animal in need. It actually shocked me but it seems to be true and even worse i saw some of the management even willingly admitted to all this but stated that still there is (enter amount which is actually only a small percentage of the total donations) going to this so and so charity so its all good. …

          Saying that i still do donate to 1 or 2 charities that i like but i am not even sure how they are run. But its far better if you have people / know people who live in the area / country to send them the items or money (as long as you trust them) and for them to distribute it to the needy.

          • +3

            @lonewolf: Charities are required by law to publish true financial statements. Starlight raised around 33 million AUD in 2016 and spent around 19 million of that on sick kids.

            They are doing good work, not benefiting some exec or investor. I'll happily support them.

            • +2

              @maybe a bot: 19/33 directly towards helping the kids out is AMAZING.
              The rest would go towards advertising, research, building, paying staff etc.
              But over half directly going to the core of the charity's goals is actually very rare in a large charity.

          • @lonewolf: Well I do know about this particular charity because my daughter was in hospital a few years ago with epilepsy issues and the Starlight people visited and were really nice and cheered her up a lot. There's a lot of sick kids in hospital and this particular group do a lot of good work.
            Try to be a little more positive, this one is genuine.

      • It used to be, donations where U get a benefit in return is not tax deductible.

      • I question if it is deductible. You are receiving a benefit in return, ergo, it is not deductible.

    • You can claim the donation back on tax if you really want to, so essentially free shipping while supporting a good cause.

  • +3

    For those unaware, today is Starlight Day - hence the deal to help raise awareness and funding for the Starlight Children's foundation.

  • Does anyone know if donations are tax deductible if it's given through a third party e.g. in this case?

    • +4

      If going by previous years, donation is tax deductible. They physically ship a receipt to you.

      • +1

        To add to that, If you’re donating in store, the receipt will read “Donation”. Helps if you’re worried about the process on the other end.

      • +1

        They may give you a receipt but that doesn't make it actually deductible, just potentially able to be. Given that you receive a benefit, I don't think it is.

        • True. If you receive something in exchange then it is not tax deductible. Of course, if you don't get audited…

  • +1

    Upvote for post supporting a good cause.

  • But are there bargains?

    • kinda, in my opinion yes

      • +3

        Such as? Free shipping is nice but only if there's something to buy in the first place.

        • Such as?

          Such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: I knew this was a reference to something, but had no idea what. Google found it promptly.

            • @FireRunner: Hehe couldn't resist :)

    • +3

      Code doesn't do anything without donation in cart

    • +3

      You couldn’t have like…I don’t know…tried it yourself?

    • Let us know when you find out

  • Tks

    • +1

      I think you should try to profaread your comment

    • +1

      You're obsessing about getting negged on a website, but other people need to get a life?

  • Did anyone buy one of those mystery boxes?

    • +1

      Got the Avengers and Pokemon boxes. Disappointed there wasn't $50 console boxes like last year.

      • I know mobbahobba. Very sad no $50 console mystery boxes. Very expensive this year, even if great cause. I got star wars one but was really wanting a $50 PS4 box. I would've even got a $100 PS4 box if was a option.

  • Step 3 can come first. That's how I purchased my mystery box.

  • -3 not registered . Look into it to look after you great folk .

    Fire away :)

  • -1

    They say 100% of that $5 goes to charity, what’s wrong with a small donation for the needed? I am sure you could skip a $5 coffee in your life for once, People have no empathy or remorse now days shame shame.

  • +1

    Like old deals, code is working on ZiNG pop culture as well.

  • Page not found, code doesn't work any more

    • thanks, expired the deal now

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