This was posted 5 years 10 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NordVPN 82% Cashback (Was 28%) @ ShopBack


Just saw that Shopback have increased their cashback for NordVPN.

Can stack with promo codes SHOPBACK and 3ynordvpn to get a 3 year plan for US $107.55 ($2.99/Month) - New NordVPN Customers Only.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3584)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU

closed Comments

  • +1

    Is that the price after discount and cash back?

    Ive got a lifetime subscription to VPN unlimited for that. I've had it for over 3 years, working well. I've not been arrested either…

    • +6

      Do you do things that are susceptible to make arrested?

      • ill eagles everywhere

      • +37

        Nice try Federal Police, come up with something better next time!

      • -1

        Your Government records on all content (bypassing AU law using Five Eyes intelligence sharing agreement) and all metadata (legally for two years) that you produce and then various agencies abuse it out in the open.

        Obviously you're OK with your human rights being abused (Article 12 UN Human Rights Charter) and the same level of surveillance as the Chinese Government carries out but I still give a shit about my country.

      • +9

        No, we all totally watch Game of Thrones on Foxtel 🤣

  • +1

    wow…they obviously saw the CR deal

  • +1

    Can anyone vouch for this VPN? Always seems to be so cheap and as far as I know they're the only company I see doing Cash Back deals. I'm with expressVPN currently but only because I thought Nord was too good to be true. This is a great deal..

    • +8

      NordVPN is very reputable..

    • The only way to be sure is try for yourself, refund if not happy.

    • -1

      I've heard it's fine but also limited. If you need it for a specific purpose you probably need a different vpn

    • +5

      From a privacy standpoint they recently had an external evaluation from an international consultancy firm that confirmed their no-logs policy. They are also based outside of five-eyes countries so government surveillance is less likely.

      I've been with them for 2 years and have been happy with the speed. I'm on a 50 Mbps plan and usually get about 40 when using nord, which imo is fine. Still plenty far enough for my use. From what I've heard other providers such as PIA tend to be a bit faster on average, but given I paid a lot less for Nord I'm happy.

      Only real annoyance I've had is with slow speeds on Linux (~5 Mbps) but that may not be their fault, I need to do some more troubleshooting. It's probably more likely to be something on my end. I use windows most of the time anyway so it doesn't bother me too much.

      I'm considering using this deal myself…

      • Awesome thanks for the reply! :)

        • No problem :)

      • May I know how you connect to Nord on your linux?

        I have a shell script that queries top 5 recommended server from NordVPN then run openvpn. Sometimes I had to choose the 2nd or 3rd recommended server to achieve 100mbps.

        I am keen to share it to you if you want to have a look at the script I've made.

        • Nord has a command-line linux application ( It's very basic but it works ('nordvpn c' connects to the recommended server, there are a few options to play around with). It probably uses openvpn too - I doubt it's that different from your script lol

          I've also tried using the openvpn client supplied with my distro (elementary) which works fine as well. The downside with that as I'm sure you're aware is you have to set up each server individually, rather than having it auto-select the best.

          I get the same speeds with both methods. If you're getting good speeds that means my issue is most likely due to my config somehow…

    • +1

      I would also vouch for NordVPN. Im on a 100mbps connection and easily get 70mbps+ when connected to US. Netflix streams in 4k (though you of have to hunt around for unblocked servers - I found one that worked for 3-4 months then got blocked then spent 15 minutes testing/searching for a new one that works).

      They have an android TV app also which works flawlessly on the Vodafone tv.

      • FYI, some Nord's AU server actually gives you US' Netflix

    • As someone who went from PIA to Nord I can say I regret buying a three year plan with Nord. It so slow. I can no longer stream video from USA. Never have an issue doing the same with PIA. I think the Nord servers are over saturated with all these low cost plans they are pumping out.

  • 82%… someone wants to one-up TA.

  • +9

    82% cashback off USD 107.55 that makes USD 19.359 for 3 years subscription?

    • YES

  • +1


    • get it refunded.

      • too much trouble, can make more money working

        • +31

          Do it when you’re not working.

          • +26

            @askbargain: Do it while you’re at work.

        • +5

          do it when in the toilet

  • +1

    Why can't they just give this as a list price instead of the cashback promo.

    Is the database for shopback / CR encrypted .. would be a nice honey pot for hackers to get access to it!

    • These cashback service give you the cash back from their affiliation money. So in theory they need people to pay before they can pay

  • Isn't PIA better?

    • PIA’s no logs claims have been verified in two separate court cases – one in 2016 and another in 2018

      But so have NordVPNs.
      In November 2018 NordVPN released an audit that successfully verified their “no logs” claims. The audit was carried out by a reputable “Big 4” accounting firm and confirmed NordVPN’s claims and practices.

      • -3

        Not sure why on earth will any Accounting firm to check on IT firm… sure they know the numbers but it makes NO sense on technology.

        • +3

          The Big 4 do a lot more than accounting.

    • +1

      Also "asking for a friend" how the speed of NordVPN compares to PIA for torrenting, I mean P2P?

  • +23

    Thanks to Shopback for celebrating Cashreward's birthday.

    • I was thinking the same, thanks for joining the party

  • +6

    Conversion Estimate (excludes bank conversion fees):

    Nord VPN: 107.55 USD ~ 152.51 AUD
    Cashback: 88.19 USD ~ 125.05 AUD
    Total: 19.36 USD ~ 27.45 AUD

    Per Month:

    $ 0.54 USD ~ $ 0.77 AUD

    • -1

      Add 10% GST of 10.76 USD ~ 15.25 AUD
      Bringing the total to 42.70 AUD
      Per Month:
      1.18 AUD

      • +16

        No need to select australia as country. Just select united states and checkout. You can avoid GST.

        • my 28Degree card error'd out. the payment section asked for Post Code, so will NordVPN reject mismatch between AU credit card and a US postcode (when I selected US as the country to avoid GST)?

          • @ezym0ney6: I put a random US postcode in and payed with a debit card. No issues for me.

          • @ezym0ney6: same here for ANZ

            • @FutureTech: imagine TA gets off the plane and announce 99% Cashback…. That'd be OZB GG

            • +4

              @FutureTech: Found a solution - use "Other" as payment method and use the card on a third-party payment gate way no problem. Come through as AU$153.02 for my ANZ travel adventure card, and transaction procssed somewhere in Swizerland

          • @ezym0ney6: just used my 28degrees card without any issues. It redirected me to MasterCard authentication page and they send me a SMS code which I inputted into the box and all was done.

            • @FiDad: used US post code 90210 and AMEX, worked

              ANZ visa failed

              • @Ninjabredman: How much ugot charged? $107.55 usd?

                • +1

                  @FiDad: I have just used my 28 degrees master card too. I have been charged AUD $152.54

    • Per Month:

      $ 0.54 USD ~ $ 0.77 AUD

      Is that correct? It appears the price is the discounted price? Also what are the coupons for. They can't be stacked as far as I can tell and they make no difference.

      • I think it might be easier to trace the cashback if shopback's coupon is used.

        • Oops.

    • Can't see any field to apply coupons!!

    • Got the NordVPN cashback transaction on my Shopback account today - it's $121.36 AUD (total cashback being 79.3%)

      I was charged $153.02 (pending - final amount will probably be a bit higher) on my ANZ Travel Rewards card.

      So it works out to be $31.66 for 3 years, 88c/month.

      It's an extra 11c/month (not that I'm complaining).

  • Can someone test NORD with foxtel go and let me know?

    • +30

      Just post login details 🕵️‍♂️

  • +1

    Any deals around for renewing customers?

    • don't suppose you could just use another email address?

  • +1

    I like the competition here :D

  • +1

    Real noob question, what do people generally use VPNs for? I've got no idea. Feel free to PM the answer if you prefer not to post it in public forum.

    Cheers :)

    • +3

      Uber eats

      • +3

        Why you need Uber eat with VPN? Buying PizzaHut from USA (if they deliver to Australia) ? Dont get the point LOL

      • +3

        Also curious to know about why using Ubereats on VPN?

        • Relax, it was likely just a joke (a pointless one though).

    • +3

      Most people use for netflix i believe?
      Or if you are somewhere where you need to connect to public wifi
      Passing through VPN might probably be safer (given that you trust the VPN provider)

    • +6

      can access things not available to australia, example: US netflix or european countries netflix, Hulu US etc.

      Can access australian stuff when outside of Aus, example top off my head: jbhifi only works within Aus, trying to access outside Aus doesn't work or sports betting. Obviously someone will say why is that needed, but its an example.

      Can use it in places where for example facebook is banned (China) and get around that ban - also applies to websites that are banned within Aus.

      Torrents as well

      to name a few

    • +2

      Visiting China.

      • +1

        In relates to using VPN in China
        "most" VPN services and their domains are now being blocked by the Firewall (GFW)
        so when you open the VPN app it will not be even able to get the VPN server list

        There maybe some exceptions where a few VPN companies still works, but most mainstreams one are being block
        Besides, the chinese government are monitoring any connections to overseas from china
        and there's auto detection and blockage of VPN tunnels as well
        I have previously setup my own VPN server and my VPN ip address was block by China after 2 days of use

        • Yeah I found on my last trip last month that ExpressVPN was way worse than it used to be and it would always disconnect.

          Purchased this NordVPN though so will see how it works when I'm in China next month.

        • +1

          I also travel to China for work. Have definitely noticed a clamping down on VPN's.

          Connecting to servers in Japan and Hong Kong is usually the most successful.

          • @Wallyt99: Anyone else tried NordVPN specifically in China? Would be main reason for me buying the deal :)

    • +2

      Cheap NBA league pass.

  • A typo by shopback? :D Good to see some great deals. Cheers

  • Is this gonna work on all Netflix regions?

    Already have US via a DNS.

    • also interested…and if so, the method used to switch between countries

  • +1

    Which VPN service would work for Amazon prime video guys?

  • +1

    Anyone find Nord saturated? It's advertised heavily and pretty much everywhere they can (large Youtube tech channels & American TV ads) so I'm a bit skeptical on how they manage loads.

    • it works fine. i watch hulu and the cw rewatches plus motortrend on demand.

      • Ah so hulu works? I have subscribed to hulu but cannot get it to work on those free VPNs.

    • These are my worries too. Must have a lot of users, because they're heavily advertised and always so cheap, but many people have said it does just fine.

    • Anyone find Nord saturated

      If it isn't, it will be because of this deal.

  • -6

    Why do people bother with VPN's? They still track your information and even if they say they don't. Authorities can then subpoena that information if need be.

      • -1

        If that's the case then how did they find out who the hacker was?

        • +2

          did you even read the article?

          But while PIA could not connect Colby’s IP addresses to any illegal activity, the same could not be said of other companies. Evidence presented to the Court showed that in addition to the PIA addresses that were used to access the Embarcadero Media email accounts, an IP address belonging to Comcast was also used on 20 occasions.

          Records provided by Comcast showed that John Colby, Ross Colby’s father and a retired Massachusetts state trooper, was assigned that particular IP address between June 2015 and October 2015, the date of the FBI’s subpoena to Comcast. John Colby further testified that his son stayed with him for about 10 days in July 2015, a period which coincided with the email breaches at Embarcadero Media.

    • the non US based VPNs don't and authorities cant do shit.

    • TorGuard is your frieeeeeeend. Enjoy your empty hard drives the subpoena earned lol.

    • In November 2018 NordVPN released an audit that successfully verified their “no logs” claims. The audit was carried out by a reputable “Big 4” accounting firm and confirmed NordVPN’s claims and practices.

  • I clicked on the link on shopback to get to the Nordvpn website and from there, I clicked on another link to get to the pricing page/options page. The shopback extension turned green on the Nordvpn homepage but turned red when I clicked on the pricing page to pay for it. Will shopback still track that purchase?

    • Just had a look, it should be okay - but I've raised it to the team to see if they can configure this to avoid confusion. Thanks for flagging this.

      • What if the purchase isn't tracked? I used the shopback code in the coupon field

  • -1

    anyone want to share an account?

    • share account how?

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