• expired

½ Price Pacific Organic Virgin Coconut Oil 700ml $5.00 @ Woolworths


Appears to be the cheapest price ever. Up until 10th Dec 2018, the RRP was $13.50. Since then it has been on shelves for $10.00. The most recent recorded lowest price was 25th April 2018 at $6.50.

  • Made from fresh white coconut flesh - no coconut pairing used
  • Raw and cold pressed
  • No artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or chemicals
  • Contains lauric acid - antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • Ideal for cooking and baking. Use in desserts & smoothies
  • Can be used as a topical oil for skin and hair care

100% Organic Virgin Coconut Oil.
Produced in Sri Lanka

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closed Comments

  • +9

    1)substitute makeup remover
    2)if applied to skin and removed will give you good moisturising effect
    3)if you heat the oil(50ml) with uncrushed black pepper(10-20) and massage(oil @ room temp) into your hair, will result in less hair fall.
    4)Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis

    these are +ve things which i can think of now :)

    • +5

      Oh there's another "use" with a partner… Casual or vice versa ;)

      • :P lol,yep that too

      • +2

        Please explain in great detail

        • With generous use of advertised product skill and experience even BROOMSTICK can be used :P

      • +6

        Best waterproof lube IME. Highly recommended if you want to do it in water (pool, spa, sea, dirty puddle?, whatever).

    • +2

      It is very good for dermititis, dandruff, skin inflammation and other skin irritations in the hair and skin. Leave in for an hour on the scalp/skin, then double shampoo and condition.

  • Thanks.

  • +1

    I once bought these in bulk.

    They do get a mouldy taste if you don't use them quick enough, even when unopened

    • obviously use them before the due by date or they go mouldy.

  • +1

    I buy these all the time for my skin. I get some skin peeling around my nose/eyebrow area and moisturiser alone does not help at all but when I use this stuff for a couple of days the peeling/flaking stops completely and skin looks healthy again.

    I'm no doctor but this stuff works better than the expensive chemist stuff if you're looking for some use cases.

    • Do you use coconut oil in conjunction with the moisturiser or only coconut oil. How long do you leave it on for?

      • +2

        So I've got into a very specific routine to fix the flaking skin stuff because it sometimes is so bad that it actually hurts.

        I use a sensitive face wash, rinse with hot-ish water (should not burn) then I use any moisturiser and cover my whole face in it, then I use the coconut oil only in the specific spots where my skin is dry on top/after using the moisturiser. I normally do it before bed, and I really only dab a bit on the areas locally, so I basically sleep that way. If my skin is particularly dry, I'll do it in the morning as well but normally if I do this for 3-5 days it completely goes away and my skin is good again.

        1- face wash
        2- moisturise
        3- coconut oil, sort of locks it in.

        And that has solved my issue without any needs for the harsher chemical/medical stuff. I did try the medical grade stuff for my issue but I find it still didn't work as well as just the above.

        • Thanks!

    • Have you noticed any reduction in dark circles under eyes when applying this topically?

      • +1

        I don't apply it around my eyes and I don't get the dark circles so I couldn't tell you honestly.

      • +2

        Coconut oil won't help with dark circles. It will only help moisturise the skin. You will have to determine the cause of your dark circles to know how to minimise it. Could be lack of sleep, poor blood circulation (that's why they appear dark so maybe try massaging them every morning and before bed to help blood flow), or genetics. Lots of factors to consider.

        • +1

          To get rid of your dark circles just take banana skin and rub it gently around your eyes. Very easy home cure which is free and would not do any harm if nothing good. So no harm in trying.

  • +4

    Amazon has price matched this. Ordered from them as I can't get to Woolworths.

    Bought 3 and it said 3 left, but more to come.

    • +1

      Good choice.12% cash back + free delivery

      • Yes, ordered 3 more knowing it will ship may 17 at the latest.
        Good price! 12% still honoured if shipping is within 60 days of order.
        First order confirmed for next Wednesday.

  • Coconut Oil Vs. Coconut Cream. Coconut cream is the same as coconut butter. Both coconut oil and coconut cream are made from the meat of the coconut; however, coconut cream is made from the coconut meat being dried and ground up, while coconut oil is made by extracting it from the coconut meat.

  • Thanks OP, got it from Amazon.

  • +4

    All these comments about the uses of coconut oil might explain why I once found a jar of this left in the shower at work.

  • +1

    It's good stuff

  • Coconut oil is best for Indian style cooking. In USA doctors give a spoonful of virgin coconut oil to alzimer patients. Read this interesting blog


  • You can also add to the list:
    Good for re-oiling timber cooking utensils and chopping boards.

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