This was posted 5 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Assassin's Creed: Unity - Free @ Ubisoft


In light of the devastating fire at the Notre Dame de Paris, Ubisoft wants to give all gamers the chance to experience the majesty and beauty of the cathedral through Assassins Creed Unity on PC.

From April 18th at 12:00 am to April 25th at 05:00 pm (your local time). you can download Assassins Creed Unity on PC for free here, and you’ll own it forever in your Uplay games library.

We encourage all of you who want to help with the restoration and reconstruction of the Cathedral to join Ubisoft in donating.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Really happy with Ubisoft's free giveaways.

    • +2

      Yea they gave for honor away on PS4 in Feb. So good still playing it now. Anyone else on for honor?

      • I never tried that because I assumed the playerbase would be small on PC. So far I have collected five AC games (if you include this), Watch_Dogs and For Honor on PC, so I'm very happy with Ubisoft's giveaways.

        • Nah still many players easy to find a game in the dominion and breach game modes.

          • @Bryanalves: I never tried multiplayer because I’m terrible at strategies and reaction times 🤗. I played a bit of the campaign and played a similar game, Absolver, but they just weren’t my type of games.

    • This my third Assassin's Creed freebie. I better try one of them considering I have only ever played the original game.

  • +14

    That is nice of Ubisoft, what a stand up company.

    The fire was a horrible tragedy that makes me sad.

    At the moment I am unemployed and down and out, but if I was not I would donate something substantial, it is the right thing to do.

      • +48

        how about you don't tell people how to donate their money?

          • +15

            @cille745: It is not just a 'building' it means something to people.

            If you think jokes about tragedy that hurt peoples' feelings are funny, then perhaps there is something wrong with you.

              • +8

                @cille745: @kille745 you need to grow up mate. Kicking someone whilst their down is a jerk move.

              • +2

                @cille745: i think you burnt the cathedral down oof

            • @Misha Bakunin: A tragedy that hurt people's feelings? Are you listening to yourself? Hurt feelings. You realize people lose loved ones every day right?

          • +7

            @cille745: How is that a joke? I'm all for black humour, but this wasn't even a joke. It just sounded like you were salty for some reason.

      • +9

        I agree. The rich church and their insurance pay out will have enough money build what they want.

        There is a better way to spend $1 billion to help humanity.

        • +1

          Yeah but guess what, that rich church will get out of having to pay anything, because…
          "Under the 1905 law on the separation of Church and State, Notre-Dame de Paris is one of 70 churches in Paris built before that year which are owned by the French state. While the building itself is owned by the state, the Catholic Church is the designated beneficiary, having the exclusive right to use it for religious purposes in perpetuity"

          So they get exclusive rights to use it, but no accountability on maintenance/rebuild. Convenient huh.

          • +2

            @juzdownunder: and who takes ownership of R'lyeh, the place had been flooded for how long and no one does a damn thing about it

    • -7

      not funny

      • +3


      • +1

        It was actually funny.

    • Too soon.

    • -1

      That's the Xbox version.

      I've been monitoring pricing on key re-sellers for old games that I like because I've recently decided to jump to PC after a life of console, so I'm re-buying lots of games; and this one hasn't been under $10 on PC since I've been looking, so to grab it for free is a bonus.

      Other than that, your joke isn't welcome.

        • It is a beautiful cultural icon for people, and part of our heritage. I would suggest that it is especially important for Catholics, which is over 1/4 of Australians according to the census.

          So have some empathy please, you might not fully get it but think of others.

          • +7

            @Misha Bakunin: Maybe catholics should start caring about more pressing problems…

          • +6

            @Misha Bakunin: Most Catholics have never heard of the place. I was Catholic, it wasn't up there in places taught about. Even fewer would have been there or know anything substantial about it.

            To say it's a cultural icon, yes to the French and perhaps Europe generally. To say it's part of "our heritage" is taking your view on it and is really only valid if you're French. You suggesting one should donate as the "right thing to do" is what only applies to you or people who think like you. But you must phrase your words better, because you sound like you're suggesting everyone or even every Catholic should donate.

            • +4

              @Joxer: With all due respect, I think most people (even non-Catholics) who read news (and not just Australian ones), open their eyes and have travelled a bit know Notre Dame or at least should know it, especially since their own country Australia even has one of its universities named after it, based in Sydney, Fremantle and Broome ( there is a big brother/sister uni in the US that is quite famous too - ever heard of the Fighting Irish?!

              And yes, given that most of Australia's citizens (at least at this point, it soon will change) are of European descent, it is also part of Australia as one does not leave their origins, history, and culture behind.

            • @Joxer: That is not what I meant, but I can see how you might have thought that, perhaps I should have chosen my words a little better, it was like 2am when i wrote that, not that I was wrong per se.

              I do disagree though, it is not just a French thing. It is part of a greater european/western tradition and that is relevant for many here in Australia. Maybe not you, and certainly not everyone, but a lot of people.

              So if it isn't relevant to you, all good move along, not need to insult those who it is relevant to. (this paragraph is not directed at you Joxer but more generally).

    • Can't believe people are upset about you making a (solid) joke. It's not a person, and no one lived in the thing, it's just another building. It can have as much 'heritage' it wants, but imagine trying to censor peoples humor because of a building

      • +1

        don't think a (solid) joke is a joke at all if it's made at the expense of others. the building may just be a building that has been standing for over 800 years but it's still a building that holds meaning to many individuals.

        It's not a matter of censorship imo but rather the sensitivity and respect for what others hold dear, rather than turning an unfortunate event/the suffering of others into humor or (solid) joke.

        • +6

          Most jokes are made at the expense of others (all the good ones at least). I wouldn't consider this a building that most 'hold dear', that would be something like your own home burning down, which then isn't something to joke about (at least not for a good amount of time). While the event is unfortunate, if you're 'suffering' because a building which 95% of people have never seen, been into or even thought about until it burned down, then you're just being ridiculous.

          • @cille745: well should jokes be made at the expense of others? I don't think so but it's alright if you do.

            you wouldn't consider the building dear, fair enough mate, but there are many that do.

            not sure where you get you 95% from but hey who am I to know better eh?

            I'm not suffering but i do feel that it's unfortunate that such a beautiful architecture has been damaged.

            Thanks for the banter and please continue to make your good jokes mate (I ain't telling you to stop). cheers

      • +3

        making a (solid) joke

        I'm not the least bit offended, but that doesn't mean it's not just a weak joke…

        trying to censor peoples humor

        Want a little more straw for your man there?

        • -2

          Yeah, no problem in seeing it as a weak joke, I personally think it was 'solid' but definitely not a 10/10
          Perhaps censor is the wrong word, but I don't want people not saying them because people get offended for no good reason

    • +2

      Well, You gotta pray that the submarines the French are building for Australia have better fire suppression capability

      • +1

        Ask Pauline Hanson. She's an expert on Submarines.

      • That’s a solid joke.

  • +12

    This could set a dangerous but satisfying trend. Hmmmm, how to get The Division 2 for free..(looks up airfares)

    • What happence in division 2

      • +2

        He means if he burns down a landmark that's in the game, then they'll give the game for free

        • Probably cost more to burn them down than to buy the games, travel isn't cheap.

    • +1

      this is funny… looks like the outrage brigade are out today with the downvotes

      • -3

        Yeah 40 down votes new record for me

        • -1

          good cause of your comments

      • +1

        I would guess that everyone run out of their negative votes because they used them higher up on the thread because of the insensitive comments above. You only get 5 a day limit. Lol.

    • +2

      I'm off to burn down Raccoon City so we get the first 3 Resident Evil games for free.

      • +1

        Just remember take some hand sanitier, I hear there is a nasty flu going around there.

        • yeah I caught that one last year, ate the whole family, make sure you vaccinate

          • @cille745: Try and tell the anti-vaxers that. They are so worried about "autism" that they fail to consider zombieism.
            (Inverted commas are there to somehow convey that that idea is moronic, without interupting the flow of the joke)

            • @fenric: zombiesm? Do you believe in a zombie Apocalypse or something?

              • @RetroMetro: As much as I believe that vaccines cause autism, yes. :P

  • +1

    that's amazing for ubisoft to do such a thing :)

    • +4

      They're also donating half a mil for reconstruction too. This thing is gonna have a GOLD roof in a few years :)

  • +2

    Ah shucks, I bought it yesterday to explore the Notre Dame :(

  • +19

    I wonder what is more stable? The burned Notre-Dame or AC Unity?

    • …can't be that bad, I've played their previous installments and never had a crash……

  • +2

    UPlay getting hammered…

  • Time to see Notre Dame in game since I wouldn't be able to see it in real life until they rebuild it.

    • yeah but i don't think it will be the same after they rebuild it. A lot of relics got burnt and old painting centuries old. All priceless

  • My guess is this will finish up with at least 500 likes. Assassin's Creed games are very beautifully created. The last one I got free was the Black Flag, love the seawater, so realistic.

    • I got Black Flag as well, and finally completed it a few months ago. Excellent game.

      • Yeah the height of the franchise

  • +5

    Great game. Just wondering which will accomplish earlier, rebuild of Notre Dame or Sydney railway…

  • This is great from Ubisoft. Perhaps the best thing they have ever done.

  • +2

    Like all AC titles they’re pretty worlds but mediocre games. Lousy fighting, busted stories, awful stealth. But as far as they go, Unity was one of the better ones. Two thumbs up to Ubisoft.

    • Yep, I got to the outskirts of Damascus in the original game and went, wow. A couple of hours later the repetition ended the experience.

    • Unity was one of the better ones

      Unity was one of the worst for PC, but hey it's free :)

  • +4

    Building burns down = give away a game for publicity? And people are rabbiting on about hurt feelings and sensitivity? Really? You don't see the fact that a game company is cynically using the cathedral burning down to promote a game as offensive but oh no someone made a joke about the hunchback or the fire protection system and that hurts my precious widdle feelings? Are you serious, or has outrage just become a sport? The cathedral and the bizzare!!!

    • +15

      It's just a harmless giveaway to raise awareness of the disaster and to allow people to enjoy seeing the building, calm down.

      • +9

        I really don't care what they do and I'm happy to grab a free game. It's all the people acting as if making a joke was as bad as strangling babies on live TV that I find irritating. Especially when people can swallow such insincere self promotion from a corporation but then abuse someone for making a joke they don't like.

      • From the comments above you'd expect that a massacre occurred

    • What an absolutely ridiculous response. Stop being so cynical.

      • -5

        Oh my response is over the top. But it's okay for people on a FB group to report and threaten and harass admins via inbox for allowing the meme with the GOT dragon breathing fire on the cathedral to be posted? That's what's sensible and reasonable? GTFO.

      • DUPLICATE. Double submit on one click. Please remove admins.

        • +7

          What’s Facebook got to do with Ozbargains? And Ubisoft doing a fundraising promo? Pretty sure the “Stop being so cynical” comment was about Ubisoft giving away a free game and then redirecting people to donate money. Except for PR value I don’t see how Ubisoft is doing something offensive?

          Annnndd, pretty sure I replied to the wrong comment.

          • -1

            @SlappersOnly: Facebook and Ozbargain are both part of the same "outrage" about jokes about a historical building burning down. No one was killed in the blaze yet people are still crying about hurt feelings and rich people and companies are all falling over themselves to donate millions of dollars to fix the building as if that building matters more than the lives of people being killed, injured or starving to death every day.

            It's perverse. "Too soon" is something you say about an off colour joke about someone dying, not about a building burning down. People who've never given that building a second thought are all lining up to cry "my feelings are hurt". This is part of a wider hysteria that has built up over the last 5 years or so.

            • +2

              @syousef: The jokes don’t bother me as Notre Dame doesn’t have much significant to me a part from being a nice bit of heritage and a tourist attraction. However that’s how jokes work, if you plan on making a joke like that then you need to be prepared for potential backlash. You need to know your audience, I could make similar jokes or memes to my friends and would probably get a chuckle from someone but i’m not gonna do the same in a forum full of mix opinions.

              It makes it worse when the person then starts getting angry and abusing people because someone found their joke in poor taste

              • +1

                @SlappersOnly: The logical conclusion of what you said is that no one should ever make a joke on the Internet because you don't who your audience is so you'll never know who'll be offended. That's nutty. (Have you considered a job in HR?) Even moreso because people then get upset when others point out the cynical fundraising. I'd much prefer we weren't as uptight as we have become and people didn't feel so entitled to their outrage. Sanity has gone out the window at this point.

                • +1

                  @syousef: No? I just said that don’t be so offended when people take offence to your joke. It works both ways.

                  This post about AC unity is a pretty good example. AustriaBargains made a joke and some people were offended (though I think some of those downvotes were also because of comment about it being a cheap game) and AustriaBargains then made an offended reply which isn’t going to help. He’s got a mixture of downvotes and upvotes but the negs are winning so far.

                  Magpye made a joke about get other free games. It was positive, then negative then had become positive again. He didn’t make any upset replies and it’s eventually evened out.

                  MagicOZ made a joke. It’s been completely positive. No “entitled outrage”.

                  I didn’t say don’t make jokes. I just mean If people don’t find your joke funny then don’t start blaming them and saying that they are the ones in the wrong.

                  • @SlappersOnly: Did you read what I wrote? It wasn't my joke. It was an admin of a group I'm part of that had to post about people flooding him with PMs, abusing him and carrying on like muppets.

                    Don't get me started on the OzBargain voting system. Any negative voting system that is anonymous is very much open to abuse. I'm just waiting for the admins to step in and start pasting references to mental health sites as that seems to be their typical response.

                    My point is that the fake outrage and virtue signaling nonsense is out of hand. If you're not part of a majority opinion, you're stuffed, even if it makes no sense.

                    • @syousef: Yeah I read your part about the Facebook group. That sounds terrible and I completely get it, being an admin or moderator is a shit job. People suck and you wish you can just ban and silence everyone that’s an idiot. I’m just not sure why you keep using the Facebook topic here.

                    • +1

                      @syousef: I’m not really having a dig at you, but do you not see anything contradictory about you expressing your own outrage at what you call “outrage culture”?

                      In other words, why are you so outraged by the outrage?

                  • +1

                    @SlappersOnly: Lol I'm the most negged and I'm not even the one who made the joke

                    • +1

                      @cille745: yeah i see that. i agree there's more worthwhile things to donate to but it's probably because you started name calling and telling people what to do. Can't remember the last time i ever downvoted someone but i'm pretty sure it was a comment of someone just outright abusing everyone and calling them idiots for ever buying a seagate hard drive because its a known fact that they are garbage and WD is better.

                      • -2

                        @SlappersOnly: Well I asked why he would choose to donate, and told someone to grow up, if that constitutes name calling then the outrage brigade is in full force

                        • +2

                          @cille745: meh, it didn't exactly come across as a friendly "why would you choose to donate?" and just blaming it all on the outrage brigade probably doesn't help

  • Just checking out is enough I take it? Or do you actually need to download as well? Noticed this wording before with them when I redeemed far cry.

    • +3

      Checking it out should be good enough. When doing it via the website, it said that it's been added to my library, which is good enough.

  • Does anyone know how to check which games you own from ubisoft by chance?

    • maybe download Uplay and login to your Ubisoft account from there

    • You should be able to see the recent ("Club enabled") ones if you log in here:

      But it's not showing AC Unity for me yet, even though I just "bought" it two different ways.

  • Was this ever given out for free? Workplace has blocked uplay so cant check if i have it already

    • You have 7 days to check

    • I don't believe so. CDKeys used to/do sell this for $1-$3 and has been posted on OzBargain many times.

      • +3

        Those are for Xbox. Not PC :)

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