Was looking for a good deal on a Dyson V7 and noticed this offer for the Dyson V10 Animal. This is shipped from Amazon US so presumably comes with US plug, but an Australian charging adapter can be bought from Dyson for $35 with free shipping oz wide (Part No. 969350-05). Dyson has an international warranty, so no issues there. This qualifies for free shipping if using Amazon Prime (free trial available, otherwise $6.99/m).
Likely valid for Cashback offers for a further 5%+ discount.
From the Q&A:
Question: How does the warranty work on this item if it breaks in the 2 years
Answer: Dyson’s warranty is globally valid. Shot them a call even in Australia helpline they will get them fixed
By Don on 17 December 2018
Question: Does this work in Australia?
Answer: Yes! But you have to get a new charger or converter to make it fit in Australia
By Amazon Customer on 15 December 2018
Yes, just need to buy AC plug adapter from any shop to convert 2 straight pin (USA) to angled (AUS).
By Kindle Customer on 16 December 2018
Yes it does but you will need an adapter for the charger.
By Jonathan on 15 December 2018