I've bought a bunch (9 right now) of wildlife cameras for our block, part of an eco-survey of species there. Mostly settled on the Boblov CT007 cameras, which are pretty impressive for the price (beats building your own). Got the chance to try one of these CT009 recently, and it's even better - the images are 16:9 instead of 4:3, so you get a better view of the capture area, the resolution seems better (still not clear if it's an 8MP or 5MP sensor natively, everything above that is interpolated) and the lens is clearer. The software has some improvements over the CT007 too (and some losses). Great battery life (4 months on sensor-mode, 6+ months on timelapse) too. Pretty happy with it! Will post samples to our youtube channel soon too (being set up now!).
For this deal, you need to purchase 2, and get one 15% off.
Boblov CT009 16MP HD 1080P 30fps Trail Camera 2pcs $176 Local Shipping Delivered @ wheelwitness999 eBay
Have you compared these to the Aldi trail cams?
Seems like a good deal, shame my hobby money is non existent at the moment.