Wife and I are going to Europe for a trip in July/August.
Sadly a busy time of year but we have a conference we are attending then.
We've allocated 3 weeks of our trip to see some of Italy.
The problem: It all looks so awesome and it's hard to know
where to go and how to plan it.
A little about us: Young couple, not into nightlife.
We love great natural spots but also are keen to see
some great architecture and try new things.
We aren't keen to rush things, we are happy to visit
less places and see more in them. We wouldn't
mind checking out a bit of countryside too.
Would love your advice fellow ozb'ers.
TLDR: Don't know where to go in Italy, tell me!
I just did Rome and Amalfi Coast……..both winners, Do that. Food in Rome is awesome, Sights in Amalfi Coast are awesome. Amalfi kind of sucks to get around, but still do it. Watch out for the freaking bees in the bins though! got stung twice!