How Do You Fit Exercise Time in Your Daily Activities?

Hey all,

Just wanting to hear some ideas & advices on how people are fitting exercise in their daily activities. I've been generally on and off exercising but sadly overall haven't been keeping an active lifestyle, which I hope to change. My aim is to just be active and if all goes well hope to drop 10 kgs by end of this year.

Some more of my background.. I work 9-10 hours a day, commuting 25kms each way, with 2 kids. I used to try gym before work, but apart from not able to keep the habit, these days I rather start work early so I can be home early. But after work, I tend to get tired and just couldn't be bothered exercising esp with 2 kids keeping me busy at home still. Plus I'm just not as motivated as others are.

Interested in the idea of nipping out during work hours to a gym nearby for a quick exercise. But would like to hear some advices from trusty people of OzB. TIA!


    • So do you expect me to say that I'm motivated, despite being a lazy potato? I'm just being honest. I know I'm lazy and I'm not denying that. But I want to change. And I do hope I would change for good.

  • Slight Edge - Read that book.

    I do 30 push up every day and don’t touch anything that has added sugar. In addition to that I try to eat between 12 noon and 8 pm. I am able to maintain a constant weight.

    The reason I am unable to shed weight is the high carb traditional food that is cooked at home daily.
    I tried ordering healthy dishes but, it costs me $1000+ a month. Need to figure a way.

    • +4

      Have you considered learning to cook for yourself?

    • Perhaps you should start cooking. It’s healthy, fresh and cheap. You learn a lot about food.

    • +2

      I can relate to this. My wife likes to eat rice. She doesn't like the idea of eating salad/vegs for dinner and lunch. So obviously, me being a good husband I would eat what she cooks. But I had to be honest with her that's its not helping my diet. So now I've been cooking most of my own food so I can control what I eat. I do try to remove carbs as much as I can.

      • just replace white rice with brown rice/quinoa/barley/couscous etc. an appropriate level of carbs aren't bad for you, don't know why they've been demonised so much lately. love me my grains. white carbs (white rice, white bread) devoid of nutrients on the other hand…

        • I guess its because you could lose weight faster by cutting out carbs. I've been eating brown rice at home these days. But I still can't stand wheat noodle or pasta!

          • @John: Try replacing carbs with chopped up cauliflower. Brown rice is great for you too.. keep eating it

            • @belongsinforums: Do you chop it really finely like grains size? And do you cook the cauliflower? I never really eat them raw

              • @John: Just chop then steam. No need to cut so small. Bite size. Maybe add some spice powder if the taste is too bland

            • @belongsinforums: Brown rice is not better for you - this is a complete misnomer.

              Essentially all of the nutrients that 'make it better' are packaged up with phytic acid (which we can't digest) and full of anti nutrients which soak up other nutrients when they are consumed together.

              I would recommend doing some research.

              Cauliflower on the other hand is undeniably good.

              • @DaneD: Sorry. My knowledge of it comes from a mate that studied nutrition at uni and is very limited. So is white rice just carbs or?

                • @belongsinforums: Confirmed white rice is just starchy carbs. Nothing necessarily bad, easy to prep, cook & Cheap! Especially good if you are seeking some easy carbs.

                  That being said the argument could be made that other carbs such as potato would be more beneficial as it has a better nutrient profile. But I think that comes down to personal choice.

                  So in essence brown rice is healthier at all. Stick to the easy to cook, delicious, cheap white rice :).

                  • @DaneD: Thanks for the correction! I enjoy eating the Thai rice from woolcoles. Cheap easy and delicious

              • @DaneD: I wouldn't say brown rice is bad because it has a higher phytic acid level, if anything that gives it multiple benefits over white rice. As long as your mineral levels are fine there's nothing to worry about, and even then you should be looking at other ways to balance your nutrients

  • +1

    I'm in a similar situation. I commute 35km each way to and from work, and i have to change trains plus walking 10 mins from both side. I work full time and I also have kids.

    I find cutting out time wasted on Youtube and my phone helps a lot. I stopped reading and watching stuff on the train, yes entertainment can help you pass time but if you have a big workout later in the day, doing some meditation or just sitting there with your eyes closed makes a huge difference come workout time - you arent gonna be as tired.

    Getting enough sleep is key. It doesnt matter whether you work out before or after work, just pick a time and stick to it. If you are eating well and resting well, even having heavy compound lifts like squats and deadlift after work is not gonna be a problem.

    I've been lifting for 5 years, so once i go sedentary for a while, i feel really uncomfortable and wanna go back. I just cant stand the feeling of having reduced energy level and getting more prone to illness. So this may help. Try using your will power to create a habit. Once fhe habit is formed, it's not easy to drop it. Will power can only take you so far, it's habit that carries you forward in the long term.

  • +6

    I can't be bothered setting a dedicated time for exercise. When I roll out of bed, I do fifty push ups. Another fifty before I walk the dog. Another fifty before I wake the wife. Another fifty before I tidy myself up. Bam, I'm out the door with two hundred push ups checked off.

    Every toilet break I go to the disabled toilet (cause it has more room) to do some kicking and punching. Get the heart rate up throughout the day.

    When I come home I walk the dog again, this time to the park. At the kid's playground there's enough space to do some chin ups.

    You don't need more time. You don't need more room. You just need to work it into your day :)

  • +1

    Is there a gym near work. For me personally I can't motivate myself long term if there isn't a group involved. Do the lunch time classes that's 30 minutes. Better yet if you have a friend at work that goes to the same gym so that they will drag you along even when you don't feel motivated. I suppose finding a way to be consistent is the key.

  • +1

    I'm quite lucky as my work is across the road from a gym. I go in my lunch break and eat at my desk after.
    Losing weight is largely diet, sort that out and you'll lose as much weight as you want.

    Exercise definitely compliments eating better and has a bunch of it's own benefits.

    My advice. Pick either exercise or diet, get that right for a few weeks and then work on the other. If you start off trying to do both you will burn out and not enjoy it at all.

  • I exercise at home with kettlebells and bodyweight 6 nights a week after kids go to bed

  • I go for a jog before my toddler wakes up.
    If he wakes up before me, then I'll go for a jog at lunch time.
    If I can stay awake after he goes to sleep, I ride the bike on a trainer.

  • I got into a pretty consistent gym routine by getting up very early (around 5:15am) and working out before work. But after some time I got a little burnt out. I didn't like going in the afternoon because of how busy it got so I ended up getting lazy and not going at all.
    Recently, I moved into a bigger house so I bought some gym equipment on gumtree for around the same cost as a yearly gym membership. No more super early starts and noisy gym music! A bit of an upfront investment but I will be saving money after a year and I can set up my area how I want. I understand this wouldn't suit everyone due to space etc but it's been really great for me. People have made comments above about taking stairs and making better dietary choices and I definitely agree. Just move more and consume less - your weight goals will happen naturally before you know it!

  • +1

    2:30 A.M.: Wake up.

    2:45 A.M.: Meditation

    3:15 A.M.: Breakfast.

    3:40-5:15 A.M.: Home gym work out for an hour and 35 minutes.

    5:30 A.M.: Post-workout meal.

    6:00 A.M.: Shower.

    7:30 A.M.: 'Golf'.

    8:00 A.M.: Snack.

    9:30 A.M.: Cryo chamber recovery.

    10:30 A.M.: Snack

    11:00 A.M.: Family time/meetings/work calls.

    1:00 P.M.: Lunch

    2:00 P.M.: Meetings/work calls.

    3:00 P.M.: Pick up kids from school.

    3:30 P.M.: SNACK

    4:00 P.M.: Workout #2.

    5:00 P.M.: Shower.

    5:30 P.M.: Dinner/family time.

    7:30 P.M.: Bedtime.


    • +3

      That's one long morning shower!

      • sorry , 'shower' ;)

    • Pretty strange & irrelevant schedule

      OP works 9-10 hrs a day

  • +1

    My schedule is simpler than Marky Mark's above. I only need 6 hours sleep. 90 mins workout in my home gym . Shower, make breaky and prepare lunches for the family. Check email. Drop off twins at school. Go to work.Work. Go for a run during my lunch break. Have a protein shake for Get home at 5p.m. Depending on weather, take all 3 kids and dog to park or beach. Dinner with the family at 6.30 pm. Bedtime routine for the toddler. . Help twins with homework. Shower.Spend time with the missus.Go to bed at around 10.00pm. Fall asleep around 11p.m

    Stand Up paddleboarding and Kayaking weekends.

    • Do you shower after lunch run? If so that makes it 3 a day!

      When I was running 5kms at lunch, I always looked forward to the shower after and of course I didn't want to carry a big fluffy towel in my running backpack so I ended in meetings after like I'd just gone for a swim.

      What do you do for 90 mins in the home gym?

      • Yes I do. I have to wear a suit for the arvo meetings so I shower, brush my teeth and shave after my run.I'm slightly OCD :(

        60 mins warm up and weight-training. 30 mins yoga/ mindfulness meditation.

    • +1

      Good exercise, especially up stairs, when young Cheese Peez is throwing a tantrum.
      Good practise for Mauritian Guava Hike Expeditions, too! :)

      BTW, No light saber practise in your routine indicates that you are becoming complacent in your mastery of The Force. This displeases me.

      Pull your socks up and use The Force to do that. It's a start.


  • Drive to work? Park 15 minutes away. Then you get 30 minutes exercise just getting to and from work.

    Catch public transport? Get off a stop or two before or after (whichever works better) the one closest to home/work.

    Take stairs where possible.

    Do 10 push ups and/or sit ups before taking a shower. Up the number when 10 becomes too easy.

  • +2

    exercise has a whole range of health benefits, but really weight loss is probably on the bottom of that list.
    dieting easily surpasses exercise when it comes to weight loss, but it won't give you any of the benefits that an active lifestyle or exercise will.

  • At least you can incorporate your fitness needs (cardio/weight loss) passively. I plan to ask OZB a similar question whereby I work 11-13 hours a day in the city (with an approx 15 min lunch break), have a 2.5 hour commute each way (Metro works, usually 1.75 hours), and want to gain lots of muscle (I've always been underweight and am pretty fit from just power walking and jogging everywhere to save time). My traditional avenue of a 6-day PPL routine is now a no-go as I pretty much pass out after getting home.

    I don't really want to go the steroid route, as safe as they are nowadays, but with my lifestyle and the fact I feel absolutely exhausted on less than 7 hours sleep, I'm not sure I've much other choice.

    • Taking steroids just to put on mass/size when you don't have the time/energy to train is a pretty strange and risky choice imo. Sure, they may be 'safe' but both the immediate and long term after-effects are definitely not worth it. And with your current routine I doubt youll have the time to make the most of it - i.e. cooking/eating enough while also training enough.

      11-13 hours a day is very long, I don't know your situation financially but if I were you I'd be trying to cut that down as much as possible. Especially if you have other life goals like maintaining your health or gaining weight.

      • I'm on a salary of less than 50k pa (solicitor) and with family obligations, so I'm not really in a position to move closer, and I don't get paid for overtime; the work just needs to get done before the next morning. I could do the work at home at night and work out beforehand but I would end up actually working longer (and therefore not sleeping enough to recover) due to the inefficiencies of my work laptop.

  • +1

    Find a running buddy or join a sport club. When you have a commitment to something its funny how you'll always find the time and energy.

  • I was strong amounts of couch potato and for last three months I have riden my bike on the same circuit around my suburb for 15KM each night (used to take 45 minutes but now am down to 36 minutes), gone to the gym 3 times a week for an hour doing resistance training (squats, overhead press, bench and deadlifts) and droppped my calories to around 1600 on average a day.

    I have seen around 10% body weight reduction, which is 10.4KG over this time and want to get down to a healthy range for my body.

    What I did notice is my brother started same time as me and had no where near the levels of dedication. Just remain fixated on what you want - that is, lose by end of year - and remember it’s as simple as calories in and calories out.

  • Dropping weight is gonna be 90% diet so try cutting out junk foods and sugary drinks. If you want to ensure success, calorie count using for example myfitnessPal. Meaning calculate your TDEE and eat below it by 300-500 depending how aggressively you want to lose weight. For fitness you just have to find time and make it a habit for 2-3 days a week to do some activity.

    • You can do the math to get a rough idea of what it's going to take.

      10kg of fat is ~90,000 calories. 260 days left in the year. That's 346 calories per day.

      So TDEE - 350 would be a good starting point, check how it's going after the first month and fine tune.

      • Yep as long as you don't try to go from 0 to 100 when trying to cut back, more chance for it to be sustainable

  • All I managed was a 30 minutes walk at lunch time. I tried running, but like gym, I can't cool down fast enough to get back into work gear in a reasonable time.
    After work doesn't work for me, and before work would make my life a misery.

    I think they say 30 mins a day is min requirement, so good enough for me. Better than nothing, especially if I can maintain it till the day I die which is my aim.

  • For me I think a major aspect is motivation.

    Get an app (e.g. Strava) or device (e.g. fitness watch) that can track your exercise. If you're competitive, it can make you feel more motivated to reach goals and track your progress. It may eventually not even feel like a chore anymore.

    Even if you just start out as doing the main exercise on weekends and rest throughout the week, I think you should see progress.

    Good luck on your journey!

    • +1

      Don't rely on motivation to get you to your goals, it's fleeting and fickle and won't be there when you need it the most.

      Better to cultivate dedication and discipline, these won't let you down.

      • Doesn't it require motivation to cultivate dedication and discipline?

        • No you just have to 'do it' - even though you aren't motivated and don't feel like doing it.

          If you wait to be motivated it could be a very long wait, and even then it may only last a short while before you're stuck waiting for motivation again.

  • +1

    You make it non negiotable and use momentum. Set yourself an easy goal everyday and just begin.

  • I catch the train to work which includes a 1km walk at each end, plus i walk around 1km to the shops in my lunch break.

    About 6km a day of walking I wouldn’t normally do.

  • i started cycling to work. 25 mins each way i get total of 45-50 mins exercise daily. if i took train or tram it would take me more time than that. I bought a good bike thanks to some generous tips from ozbargain community and have recovered all of it through savings for public transport. (120-150 x 8 months)
    - true story

    As you live 25km away from work you can’t obviously cycle end to end. But may I suggest cycle to the station instead of driving or if station is too close, go to the next station.

    If you are too focussed on dropping weight, I’d say do longer time once per day than shorter time twice. as in 40 mins cycling one way vs 20x2 per day as cardio takes 10+ mins of activity to kick in. good luck

    i wasn’t that motivated either, i have a gym downstairs which is free but i never was interested. I was really annoyed at the delays when using public transport which ultimately motivated me to cycle and now that brings me joy to see that I no longer have to wait for a stupid bus which is always late or next train which is in 15 mins or next tram because the previous tram was too full.

  • +3

    I run late to everything.

  • +1

    Others have said this stuff already, but just to contribute:

    At the beginning of last year, I was in exactly the same situation (kids, commute, long work hours, wanting to lose 10kgs and get active, hard to stay committed to regular exercise).

    As of now I gym 5 days a week and lost around 15kgs since last year. Here's what I think worked:

    • Nutrition probably more important. I used to calorie count and hit a plateau; moving to macro counting was the trick I think. Look up the Aus dietary recommended intakes for protein, carb, fat, and fibre (!!) and stick to them for a few months as closely as possible. You eat a lot of food and lose weight, it's magical.

    • I found a gym that worked in with my commute. So I get up early and gym on my way to work. That or at lunchtime as you are thinking (I did that initially but morning easier for me to factor into work). A little adjustment at first but very doable.

    • For exercise, I tried a few gyms (ff, anytime, etc) but wasn't motivated. I ended up finding a small gym with small classes and that helped keep me motivated. More expensive but that also helps to keep you going regularly. Think f45 or those crossfit type places or anywhere that regularly changes the schedule and has a community feel.

    • Do this for you, not for other reasons. If you're trying to get active for the kids or your partner or anyone else you'll prioritise other things over it eventually. I eventually had to just acknowledge I was working too much and cut back on that to allow for exercise. Nothing fell apart and I found myself more productive and having a clearer head. Be selfish and make this something that you want to do, just for you.

    Hope that helps, and good luck! Pm if you want any details. Making these changes was the best thing I ever did for myself.

    • Oh! And get aia vitality!

      Pays you to exercise. Buy a $300/$400 aia policy from life insurance direct and then try and get $800 back through regular exercise.

      Excellent motivator and also gives you gym discounts if that's needed.

      There are threads on Ozbargain forums all about how to do it.

  • With my 8:30-5:30 weekday office job in the Sydney CBD, I go for walks during most lunch breaks, run 10-12km on Tuesday nights with a running group and another 5km on Saturday for Parkrun and I spend a lot of time just dedicated to playing Pokémon GO. Definitely not something most people can commit to. I average around 130km in distance on foot each week.

  • Join an expensive gym like F45 that is very nearby so no excuses. Wake up early every day and go. I set my alarm for 5:30am every day as a routine for the weekdays. I lost 18kgs in the last 12 months and love going.

  • I walk at 4am each morning. Weightloss is about what you eat, not really about exercise. Everyone's body is different and you need to learn what is best for your body and what makes you happy. No point doing something that makes your miserable either.

  • Being tired after work is standard because you've spent much of your effort there, that's a given. You may soon come to find that the act of actually going to the gym is the hardest part when motivation is low, but the workout will be just the same once you "get into it". Forget the idea of motivation when it comes to exercising and diet, discipline is key. Also if you're really feeling burned out but want to sneak in a workout after work, look into pre-workout supplements - basically extremely effective caffeine.

  • OP 3 options from a guy who is in a similar position to you:

    1. Run/Ride to work. It is a pain to organize, but once you make it part of your routine, it really helps with getting through your days. Knackered by the time you get home though.
    2. Exercise immediately after the kids have gone to bed. Get some dumbells and a sturdy chair with a yoga mat or the like and generally to the big chest/arm exercises with some tricep dips and some core floor work. You can usually get a good routine going that you should be able to get through in 30-40 minutes tops. This combined with good eating will make a difference. I do this most regularly but if you get started too late it can mess with getting to sleep early.
    3. Gym/Run during lunchtime. I really liked doing this, but depends on your workplace. If you have great change facilities available to you, then it is great. But you can take up to 90 minutes doing this during the day and depending your your workplace (and colleagues) this might not be compatible with you being able to leave early from work (how dare you both exerise AND have children commitements! ;) ).

    Good luck.

  • A few things that i do.

    1. I parked about 15 mins away from office and I walk to office. (I have to drive to office as I drop the kids off at school).
    2. I block out in my calendar 1.5 hours on TUes and Friday for exercise in gym. My work have some flexibility, as long as I keep my work up and my boss do not really picky what time I start or ends. I simply slot in the hours throghout the week for gym session.
    3. sometimes on Sat/Sun, after kids goto bed 8-9pm i go to gym for an hour or 2 session.

    I find these sessions are important, not only for health but mental as well. Overall I find myself less stress and happier, but also have alone time to think (or not think).

    Going to gym is important as you lose your muscle pretty quickly. for an average person, on a fasting diet, you lose approx 25% of muscle. But to gain that muscle back is a very long and painful process. Better to keep the protein up and do some weights at least.

  • As some have said above - mixture of things:

    1) most important thing to help weight loss is diet - personally, I try to make improvements around the margins, eg less meat more vegetables, one day with no meat, one day with no carbs.

    2) exercising - most important is figuring out what exercise you enjoy. You won't exercise unless you enjoy it!

    3) if you like the gym and there's a decent one near your work - block out two to three 1.5 hour slots in your calendar, go to the gym and treat it as any other important meeting, ie do not think it is something you can skip. I particularly like lunch time slots.

  • I work a 830-530 day and everything seems to fit very well, grant I don't have kids and live in a town where I can be extremely close to work

    745- Wakeup
    815- Out the door
    825- At work
    530- Leave work
    550- At home

    I sleep at around 12:30-1am so have plenty of time for activities in between home and sleep lol

    Motivation really is the key more than anything else. You start to magically find time that you thought was not there. In reality you were just spending it doing nothing

  • Exercise is one of the best bargains because it can save you on a lot of health costs.

    I play tennis twice a week minimum, that's my cardio and HIIT.

    I try and do some weight training 2-3 times a week.

    There are some weeks I'm too tired from work but I realised it's a mental thing. If I can spend 30 minutes watching TV or on my phone, I can spend that 30 minutes doing a quick workout.

  • Only have cold showers and only drink water. Cold showers stimulate weight loss, improve circulation, increase alertness better than any morning coffee will, improve immunity and reduce stress and depression. You have to do this with a breathing technique though, just google it. It takes a couple of weeks to get used to but you start craving the natural endorphins it provides. Been taking cold showers now for almost a year and have saved a heap on not drinking any coffee or sugary drinks. Also, get approximately 8 hours sleep each night. Lack of sleep can highly influence you to eat and drink crap.

    • Rofl

      • Just google "benefits of cold showers". Can't refute the results there. I feel fantastic because of it.

  • Well done for taking positive steps in your life.

    5:2 intermittent fasting is excellent for weight loss and easy to achieve if you have a short attention span. It's easy to stick to a diet when you have to only hold it together for 2 non-consecutive days a week.

    Spend lunches walking and work up to running 3 lunchtimes a week. 30min run/5km should be an initial goal.

    Find a local parkrun and get the whole family involved on a Saturday morning. You don't have to do it all on your own.

  • +1

    Ex personal trainer here. Been training most of my life. You can't fit it in. You have to set aside the time and do it.

    I personally go to the gym Monday through to Wednesday straight after work. I treat it like a job and get it done. Then even if the rest of my week goes to crap, I know I got 3 good days in.

    But you have to set an appointment with yourself and keep it. Nothing important gets "fitted in". For important things you make the time.

  • I've taken to going at lunch, as there's a gym about 100m away from my work. I drive 50km each way to work, so going before or after work isn't really an option unfortunately. A 30-40 minute workout still gives me enough time to shower and eat in a 1 hour lunch break.

    I was "skinny fat" so I started doing 1km on the treadmill then weights, then moved up to 3km at 10km/h and then weights straight after. Ended up losing almost all of my unwanted weight and am now working on putting on good weight (muscle). Also yeh 50% of it is diet. I cut out all the crap, no soft drink, no chips, no lollies, etc and just started having steak/chicken and veggies for lunch/dinner and fruit for snacks. It's worked amazingly well.

  • +1

    Find a sport you are passionate about and you won't be trying to "fit it in when you can" but you'd be making time for it on purpose. Speaking from experience here.

  • You are not going to lose 10k by just 'being active'.

    You need to take your diet seriously and eat properly.

  • similar situation as yourself but with a longer commute

    exercise pretty much stopped with the two kids (except what I call "baby weights" which is surprisingly good for muscle tone)

    recently bought cheap but decent bike ($100 bmx off gumtree) and leave it at work, if I have time at lunch or if I finish a bit early I just hop on for a 20-30min ride.
    was going great until my old man knees got fed up of the low seat position :)

    also +1 for intermittent fasting, great lifehack

  • +2

    Thanks for all the replies. Can't reply to all of them but I do read each of them. Really helpful in guiding my decisions. Some of the things I definitely will do:

    1. Cut snacking, sugars etc. I've been having pretty good lunch/dinner portion with mostly home cooked meal of vegs and meat and 2-3 spoonful carb from brown rice. I am trying to do intermittent fasting as well. I've had experience losing weight just by dieting and I know what worked for me.. but my main goal is to live an active lifestyle as that is always my biggest challenge

    2. I'm still intrigued with the idea of going to gym during lunchtime, so I think this will be my first attempt. There's a gym nearby my work which I already have access card, so I just need to restart my membership there. I did consider exercise while travel to/from work.. but its not that practical for my circumstance.

    And I love some of your encouraging and strong advise. I don't mind them! And also the many more tips that I am still yet to explore. Appreciate all of them. If there's anymore I'll keep on reading it and hope to report a great outcome later this year! But this itself has been very encouraging. Thanks so much

  • I cycle to work. 40 mins oneway.
    Very tiring though. (We have showing facility and i have a hanger for work cloths)

  • Maybe not possible for everyone, but cut your hours from work to free up time for your health and your family. Working 9-10 hours a day seems excessive but I understand that might be an unpopular opinion. Is there anyway you can reduce your hours? Maybe negotiate to work 1 day a week from home and exercise during what would be your commute time.

  • +1

    Motivation is a bitch.
    Consistency is the key.
    Enjoyment is a must.

    Motivation requires good sleep. You may be pumped thinking about having a workout after work, but you get home tired and there goes motivation. My trick, spent a bit on a good gym set. This way I just have to motivate myself to walk 30 seconds to my garage. That's a task in itself. But when I do start lifting weights… Who is your daddy and what does he do!! To note, I'm single, so have more time.

    If you're sick, have the week off. Don't push it. Push pass the hurdles though.

    Consistency is the key. So don't be a hero like me and think "oh I need to get big" quick. I know this isn't what you're looking to do, but it's more the fact, don't go 0 to 100kg in 2 days. Simple routine, stick to it and watch the gains or in your case, loss. Don't put yourself down for having a bad, then stopping for months. Also don't expect change straight away. This is something that demotivates some people. Working out for a month with no big change and then giving up.

    Do not compare yourself to others!

    You've got to enjoy it. As much as I enjoy lifting weights, I love being able to finish up in the garage, go for a walk do push ups in the park, etc. Great for the mental health which keeps me motivated.

    Talk to people who workout. Helps you keep motivated.

    I repeat, motivation is a bitch. I could ramble on.

  • +1

    If you have room for a Concept 2 rowing machine at home, that's your exercise covered - resistance and aerobic. 22.5 minutes on the rower at a good pace is all you need, so you can be in your clothes, exercise and showered back to normal in half an hour.

    As for diet, go for alternate day fasting. Nothing on one day, except for a can of soup before bed to get you through and eat whatever you want (within reason) on the second day. Repeat and you will lose.

    In the end it's all about habit and keeping it up. You need to find something that works for you long-term.

  • Get a cheap skip rope from ebay that has swivel handles and adjustable length (I bought one for $9) and do about 4 sets coupled with burpees after each set. Once the burpees get too easy start tucking your legs towards your chest as you jump. I started less than 2 months ago and lost 5kg so far, coupled with severe cutdown on sugar and carbs. Eat more veg and go for a 15min walk after lunch at work if you can. On weekends wake up early and go for a 1hr walk. If you get hungry eat unsalted nuts of any variety.

    I'm actually quite lazy to jog so that's why I chose the skipping at home option, you don't have to step out of the house and my kids are within my sight. You probably just need a 6-7' x 4' area free of obstacles so the rope doesn't hit anything (including on the ceiling) and don't worry if your form is crap at first, you'll get pretty good within a few weeks. I still get my feet caught occasionally but my skips are much better.

    All the best.

  • A simple version of intermittent fasting is James Clear’s 16-hour fasted / 8-hour fed day. Done this for years, really simple to follow, no diet plan though eating healthy is always good.

    For inspiration, Michael Mosley’s Eat, Fast, and Live Longer is so entertaining to watch. His recent book is prolly worth a read also.

  • Find a gym that does functional fitness in group classes only. Stuff like F45 or similar.
    You're done in 40 minutes without having to think too much and since they are scheduled classes you will be less likely to bail out.

    I do this 5-6 times a week as I've never been a fan of normal gyms where it's easy to procrastinate or skip a day.

  • +1

    Wake up early at 4:30 to get to the gym before work.
    It's tough the first week or two, but once you break past that and get into the routine it's easy to wake up and I actually feel heaps better during the day having exercised. This is assuming I get to bed on time, otherwise waking up is hard!

    You can maintain weight by diet and minimal exercise, but I find weight training is a must to feel good overall. If you just want to maintain muscle tone and strength a basic barbell kit at home would probably be enough.

    • very True mate, I do the same and feel the same. even if you eat hunk or unhealthy on weekends, no regrets!!!

  • I wake up 1 hour early everyday. 25 min commute time up and down to the Gym. 30-35 min of workout. keeps me fit and Happy.
    I can go to gym in the evening as well, But I prefer to spend that time with family and kids.
    Just a cup of coffee will compensate for the 1 hour you will wake up early.

    but as someone said earlier, diet contributes 70% to your fitness.

    if you ever think you are too busy "Excuses are for those, who need them!!!"

  • +1

    make time

  • Go to the gym in the morning when everyone else is still in bed. That way you can get it out of the way and won't have to worry about it at the rest of the day.

    Not being able to keep that habit is your problem and a cop out, you're just lazy. Staying fit and keeping in shape requires work and dedication.

  • But after work, I tend to get tired and just couldn't be bothered

    This isn't about "finding time", this is about your motivation and habits.

    • Yes its about motivation and habit. But in my circumstances I think finding time is also part of it. I read the book Power of Habit and your motivation level decreases throughout the day. So if you're trying to start a new habit, its harder to do it later in the day. The problem I have is that I leave work at 5.30am and home by 5pm. After getting the kids sorted by 8pm I find it very hard to want to exercise, I just want to rest. So yeah, in my mind I'm looking to find the time to fit exercise earlier in the day while my motivation level is still high.

      • All reasonable. Gym during your lunchbreak then.

        You're obviously limited by time, so stick with lifting heavy, and working multiple muscle groups at once.
        If you just do Squats, Chin-ups, Bench Press, Rows, Military press, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, that will make a huge difference and you'll get much stronger.

        Do this while you're dieting and you should be able to lose weight, retain muscle mass, and gain strength.

  • Losing weight is about food intake, not just exercise.

    Try intermittent fasting. The 5:2 diet is easy to follow.

    I've lost 4 kilos in the last 3 months (mid-thirties male, from 78 KG to 74KG).

    The simple rule is to eat less than 800 calories twice a week, and eat normal on the other days.

    I find it easier to follow than strict diets.

  • +1

    I've put on about 30kgs of muscle over 6-ish years of working out.
    Biggest impacts to me were;
    - Drinking around 2-3L of water a day
    - Good, wholefoods over supplements. Getting nutrient and vitamins from nutrient rich foods
    - 8 hours of sleep
    - Cut out dairy, sugar (where you can since basically everything has sugar nowadays)
    - Dont be lazy. Dont waste time. Block out 45mins for 4-5 days of the week for working out. Look into hypertrophy training. It is one of the most effective ways to burn fat whilst also building muscle.
    - Focus on building your mind. Read, learn etc. Healthy mind = healthy body.

    All the best mate.

    • You can also track all of your foods using a website called "Cronometer". It will tell you what vitamins/nutrients you are lacking if you input your food.

      Also basic maths. Burn more calories than you're consuming. Be an in caloric deficit.

    • I've put on about 30kgs of muscle over 6-ish years of working out.

      Great work! After 6 years, are you still making significant gains, or have they slowed down / stopped? And do you do bulking/cutting phases?

      Healthy mind = healthy body.

      I'm doing it from the opposite perspective. healthy body = healthy mind :)

      • +1

        It has definitely slowed down, but its still easy to make gains. I just need to keep increasing my food instake and change my workouts. I just got out of a strength training program and getting back into hypertrophy training. currenty sitting at around 92kgs. I have just also started to reduce meat and incorporate more beans/plant foods, and my lifts all went up which is really weird. Not a vegan or vego, jst having more plans

  • I work full time and have 2 small kids. I love cycling so I got an indoor smart trainer for my cycle and cycle either in the morning or at night. It’s been fab. I also go out running in the park

  • -1

    Follow the three word rule…Whatever it Takes!

  • Most aussies are probably in your boat. I know I am and our obesity statistics would agree with that. I used to duck out to the gym on lunch breaks and do low intensity exercises to avoid sweating so much. Felt great doing it. Doing that plus exercising whenever possible in short bursts kept me pretty healthy. Have a set of short term goals, track them,stick to them, and set rewards for yourself upon reaching the goals

  • e-bikes are awesome - lets you commute longer distances.. and allows you to as much or as little fitness as you want. On a day when you are really tired - put it on higher power and cruise home..and you are still doing excercise - more than if you caught public transport.

  • I am lucky in that I don't have much time commitment other than work and to myself. I have a terrible diet (ie I eat a shit tonne of food and whatever I want) and quite frankly I love food too much to go on any sort of diet (which for me is a waste of time because it won't be something that I'd do ongoing). I do however do HIIT which I can be done exercising in like 1/2 hour (pending on how I feel at the end I might add some dumbbell exercises etc after which makes it a full hour of workout) few days a week and I do intermittent fasting most days. Just by doing that I remain decently fit and toned (as matter of fact since I've started IF I've actually lost weight too). I find this to be easily sustainable as well.

    But yea exercise wise most days of the week I'd be either doing HIIT, boxing (I have a floor standing heavy bag at home) and pushups and dumbbell exercises mixing them up on different days and most of the time it won't take more than half an hour and don't have to travel anywhere to do them.

  • +1

    I gym on my lunch break at work.

    This may or may not be feasible for you but for me I take a little over an hour for lunch and Just stay a little longer during the day at work.

    It may sound like adding a lot extra, but if you only take an Hour, your only adding 30 minutes extra to your work day as you are required to take 30 minutes for lunch anyway. AND you are getting a workout during the day.

    For example, 30 minutes HIIT cardio is plenty of excercise, but I do weights so anywhere between 40mins-75 minutes is what I usually do.

    Shouldnt make too much difference to your home time if you are able.

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