This was posted 5 years 11 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, PS4] Assassin's Creed Odyssey $29, Battlefield V $29, Far Cry New Dawn $39, Hitman 2 $39, Pixel Pals Light-up $5 @ Big W

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Starting Thursday 04/04.

Battlefield V - $29

Far Cry New Dawn - $39

Just Cause 4 - $39

Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $39

Grand Theft Auto 5 - $29

Hitman 2 - $39

Pixel Pals Assorted Light-Up Characters - $5

All XB1/PS4 games on sale

All Switch games on sale

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closed Comments

  • +1

    That might be the lowest physical game price I've seen on AC: Odyssey. Nice

  • +7

    Amazon…you know what you need to do!

    • +11

      Need to give more support to BigW, poor BigW employee are going nowhere soon……

      • +7

        It's a business. If it can't complete it gets out or goes under, just like the thousands of smaller businesses and employees that Woolworths and others targetted and annhialated.

        No one owes Woolies or their employees a damn thing.

        • Coming up next 'I can't find a decent job'

          (aka my mate/kid/parent can't find a decent job).

          • +2

            @MementoMori: No doubt you rushed out and bought a brand-new locally manufactured Ford or Holden before they packed up too, hoping to save their employees the ignomy of looking for employment elsewhere, right? Right….

        • @SporadicUser That you Bezos? Amazon aint price matching businesses that close. Either we support them or we pay the higher prices when their doors get chained shut.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah, nah. Games are cheaper than they're ever been. If the competition doesn't come from Woolies it will come from somewhere else.

            • @SporadicUser: silly :)

            • -1

              @SporadicUser: Until there is no competition and simply a monopoly.

              • -1

                @festivalmayhem: Nonsense. That was also the situation predicted when Coles and Woolies got bigger and bigger back in the day. Now there is Aldi, Lidl on it's way, people supporting their local IGA's, unlimited online options etc. Unless you're young you should have realised that these cycles (and their accompanying doomsayers) are exactly that.

                • -1

                  @SporadicUser: Yeah rightio mate. Can you be any more condescending? Time will tell.

                  • @festivalmayhem: lol didn't realise how sensitive you were, my bad….

                    • @SporadicUser: If I disengage my intellect I can kind of see the point you're trying to make but I've run out of sticks of glue so unfortunately I'm unable to completely strike the works of Adam Smith from my conscious awareness. Maybe I'll order a box of Clag from Amazon so I can come join you on your anti-consumer crusade :P

        • I’d rather Big W employ people then amazon though. Have you seen that article about how amazon employees are treated? It’s crazy.

  • +7

    Good price for AC although the deal for gold edition is better at EB games if you want the season pass and AC 3 remastered.

    • Gold Edition also comes with AC3?

      • Yes the gold edition comes with the season pass. The season pass includes AC3.

  • I presume these prices were taken from the latest catalogue?

    • +1


  • anyone know if any switch games on sale? thx

    • +1

      I've updated OP with this.

  • Wooow. Never seen hitman 2 for that low

  • +1
  • +7

    Far Cry New Dawn is $34 at Amazon, Just Cause 4 is $24.95 at Amazon, Grand Theft Auto is $24 at Amazon

    • so add shipping and wait time and it's better to buy from Big W yeah?

      • Free 2-day shipping at Amazon for Prime members, alternatively sign up for a new (free) trial membership. Simple.

        • Lol my order for Smash bros ultimate took over a month to come from Amazon. Amazon offered no assistance I had to chase it up with Fastway absolutely terrible experience. Would much prefer if they would just use Australia Post on standard post. Auspost are pretty good most things get here within 2-5 days from pretty much anywhere in the country.

          • @clint-008: My game purchases have all used AusPost.
            You might have just been unlucky, I have contacted support previously and rate them among the best I have ever dealt with.

  • Think JB will price match AC? Then use $10 voucher.

    • Yeah should be fine

    • Price match the EB deal with AC3/liberation, and the season pass content.

  • +6

    All these prices are crazy cheap wish it was for pc

    • +2

      Far Cry New Dawn is $26 on GMG if you're interested. Hitman 2 can be had for $26 too. GTA V is $21 but you probably have it already. AC Odyssey went down to $33 recently which was it's lowest of all time but no one seemed that interested so I guess you just gotta wait. Just Cause 4 is shambles especially on PC so I wouldn't buy that and lastly Battlefield V has no sale right now unfortunately.
      TL;DR if you want FC: New Dawn, Hitman 2 or GTA V you can find them cheaper than here, however, JC4 and BFV are not available for these prices.

      • thanks for the pc update. will battlefield v pc be a similar price at some stage soon?

        • I've never seen it go below $30 so I honestly have no idea.

      • Thanks for the update. No interest in far cry will get hitman 2 once I complete all the scenarios in the first one. Was interested in battlefield and odyssey gold as I have finally finished origins and keen for the remaster cheapest Ive seen it on pc is 60ish.

    • Same here. There are some types of games that I would prefer to play on PC such as Metro Exodus and AC Odyssey. Happy to use the PS4 Pro for everything else though.

    • Most of these stores don’t sell many PC games. Console games just sell more copies…

  • Buy hitman 2 or wait?

    • Hitman 1 ended up on gamepass, and many of the episodes leaked out free over time. If you have patience, I'm sure similar things will happen!

  • -7

    New Dawn, Spyro, GTA & Just Cause are all cheaper from Amazon.

    • +1

      What's the shipping on Amazon? I mean, if you just wanted to buy New Dawn it's better to be able to walk in a get it straight away for the same price? (I assume shipping is $5 or so).

      • Free if you spend more than $49.

        But while we're here:

        Far Cry: New Dawn $34 from JBHiFi Also $39 from Target
        GTA V: $29 from JBHiFi and $29.59 (XBONE) from OzGameShop
        Just Cause 3: $29 from JBHiFi $24.95 from The GamesMen
        Spyro: Also $39 from JBHiFi
        Assassin's Creed Odyssey: $31.69 XBONE version only from OzGameShop
        Hitman 2: $35.99 from OzGameShop

        That's after just 5 minutes searching.

    • +4

      What about Assassins Creed, Battlefield, and Hitman 2? All cheaper at Big W. Not worth the neg, dude. Maybe one day you’ll actually post a deal on Ozbargain yourself.

      • +1

        Absolutely worth the neg. 5 minutes of searching made 75% of this deal completely invalid. I can continue searching if it really bothers you that much?

        • You’re wrong. Maybe with all of that research on prices you do, you could post your first bargain one day?

          • -1

            @aja12: Wrong according to you, but it’s my vote not yours.
            Why does it bother you so much?

    • +3

      Not sure why you're being downvoted - you're not wrong. I suppose this is still a good deal for those people not on Amazon or using Prime though.

      • +1

        Not sure why you're being downvoted - you're not wrong. I suppose this is still a good deal for those people not on Amazon or using Prime though.

        He’s not wrong in what he said, but he’s ignoring all of the games in this post that are cheaper than Amazon and everywhere else. Where else can you get Assassin’s Creed Odyssey for $29? Battlefield V for $29? Hitman 2 for $39? But because a couple of the games in this list are a bit cheaper at Amazon he negs this deal? That’s why his comment is getting down voted.

        • -2

          I checked OzBargains conditions for a negative vote, and it matched, so I negative voted it.
          It's not a great deal, and most of the contents can be found cheaper elsewhere. Sorry.

          • -1

            @ldt: There 5 items in the title of the post, 4 of them are cheaper than anywhere else. And you think this is worth a neg vote? And for the items cheaper at Amazon, have you factored in shipping for non-Prime members making purchases under $49? The fact that we all have access to 5% discount Wish cards via Cash Rewards? As I said, you’ve made zero contributions to this site, not a single deal posted. Maybe if the day comes that you actually post a deal yourself and people are a bit critical, you’ll then understand that just because you can vote a certain way doesn’t mean you should. But until then, just continue to be lazy and rely on everyone else posting deals, and be overly critical in the comments section.

            Your comment is only one more down vote from making your neg vote for the deal invalid, so it’s going to right itself anyway.

            • @aja12: From my post above:

              Far Cry: New Dawn $34 from JBHiFi Also $39 from Target
              GTA V: $29 from JBHiFi and $29.59 (XBONE) from OzGameShop
              Just Cause: $29 from JBHiFi $24.95 from The GamesMen
              Spyro: Also $39 from JBHiFi
              Assassin's Creed Odyssey: $31.69 XBONE version only from OzGameShop
              Hitman 2: $35.99 from OzGameShop

        • Odyssey now 29 at Amazon

  • Note: no Pixel Pals for $5 - they're all $15.
    Unless some were before, but have now been pulled from site…

    • +1

      Sale starts tomorrow so prices haven't changed yet

  • I see Donkey king tropical freeze has a minor discount. Been waiting on a sale for this but hardly goes down in price ?

    Worth it? Keep hearing that it's the best platformer of all time ?

    • +2

      That's unfortunately common for first party Nintendo games.

    • It's not the best platformer of all time. It's old school tough though and very tight. It should have more content for a full price game.

  • -1

    Another one bites the dust.. this is what you get for not calling Christmas Trees Christmas Trees. All jokes aside, gotta feel for the staff.

  • Waiting for a $19 Amazon deal for BFV

    • I'd go a sub-$30 digital deal too!

  • No love for RDR2 :(

  • Love ya work dealbot, Dilbert is everywhere!

  • Any idea on when sale ends, I’d assume Thursday week?

    • Catalogue says 17th April (Wednesday week).

      • Lots more offers kick off in store and online from tomorrow.

        I know GTA V and Battlefield V promotions run until 1/5, Hitman 2 is on promotion until 13/5.

        Its a total gaming event.

        • Yea BF V is what I’m after. Can’t believe price runs until 1st May

  • What about PC BIGW? T_T still waiting for assasincreed PC goes below $30

  • +1

    Still waiting for Spiderman

    • +4

      Go to New York, that’s where he hangs out. He won’t come here.

      • Any deals for NY?

    • Currently on sale on the PSN store.…

      But not as good as the deal few months ago where it was $30 at big w

      • Yeah… missed out on that deal. Currently grinding AC odyssey. I guess I will wait for it go below $35 or will pick one up from Gumtree.

  • Is AC Odyssey substantially different to/better than Origins? Picked up Origins a while back and it didn't thrill me, especially the loose controls

    • +3

      You probably won’t like Odyssey if you didn’t like Origins.

  • Both Amazon and Gamesmen have Just Cause 4 for $25 (24.95 or whatever).

  • -2

    Dang, no Sekiro?

    • Definitely pay full price ($79) for Sekiro, its so worth it, fantastic game.

  • opinions on just cause 4? is it identical to the previous games (and therefore not worth buying) or have they put in some effort to make it new and fresh

    • I know this doesn’t directly answer your question but… It’s on game pass so if you have that you can try before you buy (assuming you have an Xbox)

      • I have an Xbox, however I also recently upgraded my gaming pc to a 1080ti which I really want to put to use

  • Tempted to grab the ren and stimpy pixal pals

    anyone else own any pixal pals and do they run on mains or batteries

    • Two AAA

    • Those 2 are still showing as $15 each for me, pity as I wouldn't mind getting them either.

  • imrichkid, i don't care about prices, i'm just here to support big w!

  • Picked up Battlefield V, had a $20 wish gift card so only cost me $12.50 including delivery, happy days.

  • Bought Battlefield V for $29. Thanks OP.

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